Hold His Hand

Chapter 131: 131

The original owner of Lu Yanzhou’s body has indeed never been in love.

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Father Lu and mother Lu loved the original owner very much. They were afraid that the original owner would learn to do something crook and get infected, so when the original owner was in his adolescence, they showed the original owner a lot of videos about various terrible infectious diseases, and told the original owner that if he is not clean, he may get infected.

The original owner was disgusted at the time, so he immediately turned his back on the whole relationship thing.

However, father Lu and mother Lu had long forgotten about that matter. In the past few years, they have started to worry about the original owner’s love relationship, so they have been looking forward to the original owner’s bringing a daughter-in-law home.

Now Lu Yanzhou said that he has someone he likes, which is a good thing, but knowing that the person Lu Yanzhou likes is Xie Chengze, father Lu and mother Lu both felt a little unbearable.

Mother Lu took a moment to remember something: “Zhouzhou, you always tell me that I look better if I’m fatter…Were you telling the truth?”

Mother Lu was a slender beauty when she was young, but after giving birth to Lu Yanzhou, she began to gain weight. Now she is in her 60s and weighs about 130 catties. She is a rich old lady.

Mother Lu usually clamored to lose weight, but because she is not short and her weight is not over the standard, the nutritionist has not advised her to lose weight.

As for the family members, they told her all day long that she looks better if she is fatter.

The original owner said this, firstly because mother Lu is really not ugly, and secondly because he wanted to coax his own mother.

However, now Lu Yanzhou said: “Mom, I always thought you were too thin, so you would look better if you were fatter.”

Mother Lu: “…”

Father Lu: “…”

Father Lu and mother Lu looked at each other. In the end, father Lu couldn’t help but ask: “You…do you like fat people?”

“Mm,” Lu Yanzhou lowered his head, looking a little disappointed, “I’ve always liked fat people, but everyone else likes thin ones, so I dare not tell people…”

Father Lu took a deep breath and remembered one more thing: “That, Xie Chengze is a man…”

Lu Yanzhou trembled when he heard the words, then showed a sad expression: “Dad, I like men…Am I abnormal like this? I have never dared to tell you, I dare not tell others too.”

After finishing speaking, Lu Yanzhou sat on the sofa and covered his face with his hands: “Dad, Mom, I’m sorry, I’ve embarrassed you, I’m abnormal…”

If Lu Yanzhou confronts father Lu and mother Lu, father Lu and mother Lu will definitely get angry, but now that he is blaming himself, he first said that he is abnormal…

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Father Lu and mother Lu are accustomed to loving their son, so now father Lu comforts his son instead: “You are not abnormal, it can only say that you have different preferences.”

With father Lu’s age, he has seen too many things. He knows that some people just like fat people, so they will deliberately feed their partners to make them fat. As for those who like men, there are even more of those people.

Although his son takes up both, if he were to think about it carefully, this is still better than those who are thinking about changing gender, or like plants and trees?

Hearing this, Lu Yanzhou immediately hugged father Lu: “Dad, you’re so nice, you understand me!”

After finishing speaking, Lu Yanzhou kissed father Lu’s cheek: “Dad, you are the best dad in the world!”

After finishing speaking, Lu Yanzhou hugged mother Lu: “Mom, you are also the best mother, you are willing to support me.”

Father Lu and mother Lu: “…” Wait, they didn’t say they understand and support it?

In fact, they haven’t recovered yet.

But…still, if his son is going against them, father Lu would have found a crutch, but…his son kissed him!

Oh heaven, this brat was so close to them when he was a child.

Father Lu and mother Lu were speechless. Lu Yanzhou still continued: “Dad, Mom, I found out that my sexuality is not right, so I am very depressed. I don’t want to do anything, and I have no interest in anything. I am afraid that the people around me will hate me, especially you. You are my most important people…”

Lu Yanzhou attributed the fact that the original owner stayed at home all day without learning anything to the fact that he was depressed after learning about his sexual orientation, so he had no face to see anyone. He now confessed to his parents.

This made father Lu and mother Lu unable to say anything against him.

Besides that, Lu Yanzhou closely followed by letting his parents taste the dishes he cooked, promising to prepare delicious food for them every day in the future, then sending them back to their room, massaging their shoulders and legs. After working for a few hours, he returned to his room.

Today’s tough battle is over.

Lu Yanzhou knew that father Lu and mother Lu won’t easily accept the matter between him and Xie Chengze, but they shouldn’t object strongly either.

Lu Yanzhou guessed right.

Father Lu and mother Lu are human beings, they can see that what Lu Yanzhou said is true. Their son really likes Xie Chengze.

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If he didn’t really like it, their son wouldn’t make such a fuss.

After confirming this…they intend to wait and see what happens first, and also impose economic sanctions on their son.

Regarding emotional matters, the more the parents obstruct, the more the children will feel that it is true love. They may deliberately confront the parents to accept it with death.

However, if the parents let it develop, maybe the child will break up instead.

How many people only fall in love once these days?\

What’s more, they already investigated Xie Chengze. Xie Chengze once said in an interview that he is a celibate, so he won’t fall in love and get married…

Not to mention that he may not like men at all, but even if he likes men, he may not necessarily like their son after seeing a lot of fresh meat.

So when Lu Yanzhou went downstairs the next day, father Lu said earnestly that he was very open-minded and would not stop his son, but he had a few conditions.

“Dad, you are really kind! You can ask for anything!” Lu Yanzhou leaned close to father Lu and began to massage father Lu’s leg.

Father Lu said: “First of all, you can’t tell Xie Chengze your identity. Don’t you young people all talk about true love? If you are not the young master of the Lu family and he still loves you, this will be true love, right?”

Lu Yanzhou nodded immediately: “Dad, you are right! If what he likes is not me but my money, then he is not worthy of my love!”

Lu Yanzhou knew what father Lu wanted to do, so he simply listen to father Lu and acted like his mind was full of ‘love’.

Anyway, he was sure that no matter whether he had money or not, Xie Chengze would like him.

Father Lu continued: “That’s right! So Zhouzhou, dad will first stop your card for you! If you want anything, just tell the assistant, and dad will prepare it for you. It’s definitely not a loss to you. It’s just, you can’t spend money on Xie Chengze…so, like this, you can also see if he is sincere to you.”

“Okay!” Lu Yanzhou agreed straight away.

When Father Lu saw his son like this, he just thought it was amusing. His son was used to having everything smoothly since he was a child, so he didn’t know how important money was.

Father Lu was still thinking about this when he heard Lu Yanzhou said: “Dad, I can agree to all of these, I don’t think love should be mixed with money! But I have something I want to ask you to help…Can you put some money into Xie Chengze’s movie? I promised his producer yesterday, and there…I want a company that can do special effects, I want to start a business! I am a person who wants to get married, so I need to have my own business!”

Father Lu thought for a moment, then said, “Okay. Your mother owns Xingyu’s shares, your mother will invest in Xie Chengze’s film as a director of Xingyu. As for the special effects company, dad will buy one for you. All the shares are given to you, but you cannot use the money in the company for the time being.”

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“Thank you, dad. Dad, you are the best dad in the world!” Lu Yanzhou said.

Lu Yanzhou said many sweet words to his parents before going out.

Seeing her son leaving, Mother Lu asked Father Lu: “Are you really not going to stop him from chasing that Xie Chengze?”

Father Lu said: “Don’t worry, they won’t get together.”

“Are you sure?” Mother Lu was a little suspicious.

Father Lu said: “I’m sure! Didn’t I invest in several TV series for him and hide his identity? Because of this matter, there have been rumors in the circle recently that he has a gold master…I originally planned to deal with it, and also thinking of letting you transfer Xingyu’s shares to him. When he becomes a director of Xingyu, naturally no one will dare to talk about him. But now that this happened…We should let this rumor ‘settle’.”

“You mean…”

“Yes. Let’s make people think that he is being taken care of by someone,” Father Lu said, “If Xie Chengze and the others know about it…Xie Chengze, as a well-known director, will he fall in love with him?”

“Good idea!” Mother Lu said immediately.

This method may make people talk about their son, but they feel nothing about this matter, after all, it’s super easy to clarify.

So what if someone whispered a few words about their son? The day their son’s identity was exposed, these people would immediately changed their faces.

Father Lu and mother Lu did what they said. Mother Lu immediately asked an assistant to contact Xie Chengze’s production crew, gave him an investment in her own name, then asked the crew to take good care of her little baby Lu Yanzhou.

As for father Lu, he froze all of Lu Yanzhou’s cards, and contacted someone to buy a special effects company.

Although his son wanted a special effects company probably because of Xie Chengze’s movie…if his son wants to make progress, he will never stop him!

It’s also good to give his son a company to test his hands.

While father Lu and mother Lu were busy, Lu Yanzhou was on the set, clinging to Xie Chengze.

Seeing him like this, Xie Chengze felt more and more that his professional ability was excellent.

Speaking of which…Although Producer Wei said that Lu Yanzhou was being taken care of at the beginning, Xie Chengze didn’t pay attention at that time and only believed half of it.

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Maybe his family is rich, right?

There are many fake rich second generations in the circle these days, but there are also some real rich second generations.

However, Lu Yanzhou’s action made Xie Chengze believe 100% of what Producer Wei said at that time.

If Lu Yanzhou is really a rich second generation, why would he please a fat director like him for such a small role?

Lu Yanzhou even touched him and cooked for him…

Which rich second generation would do such a thing.

Lu Yanzhou’s various behaviors are clearly begging him to do unspoken rules!

As for him, he admitted, he was tempted.

But he also has concerns. He is afraid that Lu Yanzhou is not sincere and will only please him only for the sake of getting popular. He is also afraid that something will happen to Lu Yanzhou because of getting close to him.

Besides, if Lu Yanzhou treats him like this, the gold master behind Lu Yanzhou will definitely be unhappy, right?

He wonders if Lu Yanzhou is willing to separate from that gold master and be with him.

If Lu Yanzhou is willing…he may not have that much money, but he will definitely try his best to find more film for Lu Yanzhou to make Lu Yanzhou famous!

When Xie Chengze thought of Lu Yanzhou’s gold master, his heart became bitter again. That’s all, he was bitter. Producer Wei approached him and said that a director of Xingyu Entertainment wanted to invest 50 million yuan into their crew in their own name.

Just like what Lu Yanzhou said yesterday, they really came to invest!

Producer Wei couldn’t help but say, “Lu Yanzhou is really generous.”

Xie Chengze felt a little uncomfortable — he couldn’t even come up with 50 million!

How is he going to rob Lu Yanzhou from Lu Yanzhou’s current gold master?

T/N: I mean, father Lu has a valid point. It’s just that the one he facing is Boi Lu and Master Xie, so he bound to lose this time round (¬з¬)

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