Hold His Hand

Chapter 132: 132

Xie Chengze has directed many films over the years, many of which have an investment of over 100 million. The investment in this film he made is even higher. More than a dozen investors, large and small, have invested 300 million in total, and now someone has added 50 million. Adding it all up, it is 350 million.

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However, Xie Chengze is a director, not an investor, so his own assets are not much.

His parents were both very famous stars back then, but they didn’t make much money from filming back then, so his parents didn’t earn much either. Later, they quit the entertainment industry and went to the Film and Television Academy to become teachers…Their life is still very good now but they don’t have much money.

As for him, he didn’t get much money from making movies in the beginning, and later he started to earn a lot of money from the box office, but after buying a house, he only had 10 million funds at hand.

To take out 50 million casually…This is a bit difficult for him.

Xie Chengze was counting his assets when Producer Wei said: “The director of Xingyu didn’t show up but asked a special company to invest in us. I still don’t know who is behind Lu Yanzhou…but they especially told us to take good care of Lu Yanzhou. It seems that they really cares about Lu Yanzhou.”

“En.” Xie Chengze responded.

“Old Xie, I know you don’t like these things very much, but for the sake of 50 million yuan, you must not make it hard for Lu Yanzhou.” Said Producer Wei.

Xie Chengze was speechless: “When did I make it hard for Lu Yanzhou?”

Producer Wei didn’t hesitate: “You don’t look good right now!”

While the two were still talking, Lu Yanzhou’s assistant came in: “Director Xie, my family Yanzhou invited you to the car for a meal.”

“I see.” Xie Chengze responded and followed the assistant.

Producer Wei: “…” He couldn’t figure it out. He had always been very warm to Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze was quite indifferent to Lu Yanzhou, the two were together whenever Lu Yanzhou was looking for something to talk about…Why did Lu Yanzhou only invite Xie Chengze to dinner?

Because he can’t add scenes to Lu Yanzhou?

Producer Wei was a little aggrieved and went to screenwriter Zhang.

As a producer, he has a lot to worry about. He has to take care of all aspects, and he also needs to communicate with those sent by investors.

He has no hair at a young age because he is exhuasted!

In the end, after talking with screenwriter Zhang for a while, producer Wei was stunned: “You said, Xie Chengze planned to add scenes to Lu Yanzhou?”

“Director Xie has this idea. After changing according to his thought, the role played by Lu Yanzhou will be very brilliant.” Screenwriter Zhang said.

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This sci-fi movie is set in an alternate future.

At that time, because of the war and the powerful radiation brought by the indiscriminate use of weapons, the planet where the protagonist lived was devastated, and human beings also fell ill and died one after another.

In order to survive, human beings built one radiation-proof city underground to live in.

Decades later, the surface of the earth is still scorched black. The animals and plants that survive on it are all mutated. Some underground cities inhabited by humans are difficult to operate due to lack of energy. The protagonist takes a group of people out of the underground city in order to find energy for the underground city he lives in.

While searching for energy, he encountered many dangers and also met people sent by other underground cities. They went through untold hardships to seek information from decades ago and used the things that destroyed the world back then to create energy to save the underground cities.

Some things can destroy the world, but also can save the world.

The story is considered a great success, but overall it is a bit dark and not so relaxed. If Lu Yanzhou’s role is handled well, he can adjust the atmosphere and make people cry, it will be very brilliant.

In the original script, Lu Yanzhou played a person who was born after the disaster.

At that time, among human beings, many newborns were born with defects, but he wasn’t. His parents were also very rich, which made him feel superior to others and always looked down on others.

The underground city where he lives has taken in the injured protagonist and the others. This young master dislikes the protagonist and the others for being dirty, and wants to drive the protagonist out, which causes some ludicrous things to happen. But soon, the underground city where the young master lives is destroyed by mutated beasts, and this young master died in the radiation like many people in the underground city.

This is the original setting, now Xie Chengze plans to change the young master to be more cute.

For example, because the young master is a rare person who was born with no defects, he is loved by everyone in the underground city where he is, and is held in everyone’s palm. He also loves his city deeply.

When the protagonist and the others came to his city, the young master was also much friendlier. Xie Chengze planned to add some comedy plots.

Later, the young master’s city was still destroyed.

The young master has no abilities, but he was protected and survived, and then he joined the protagonist’s team with a few survivors from his city…in the end, he died on the road in order to protect the protagonist.

The young master role was not that important originally, it was used to provoke the protagonist group’ emotions, but now it has been changed like this…he has become a very brilliant supporting role.

He still doesn’t have many scenes, but he’s definitely impressive.

Producer Wei was stunned after hearing this, so he said, “Xie Chengze finally succumbed to capital?”

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“Capital?” Screenwriter Zhang was puzzled.

Producer Wei said: “50 million, it’s almost the same!”

The previous 300 million yuan was not invested by one person. Xingyu Entertainment, which invested the most, only invested 60 million yuan.

Now Lu Yanzhou’s gold master is already the second largest investor in their crew!

Producer Wei is actually very grateful to Lu Yanzhou. After all, the original money used to make this movie is not enough, so the extra 50 million is quite generous!

While Producer Wei was chatting with Screenwriter Zhang, Lu Yanzhou had just finished the meal.

After talking with his parents in the morning, he came to Xie Chengze’s side.

He cooked the meal himself at noon and ate it with Xie Chengze, then it was the same at night.

He divided the prepared dinner into two portions, one of which was packed by the assistant and sent back to father Lu and mother Lu…Lu Yanzhou sat opposite Xie Chengze, ready to eat.

Seeing that Xie Chengze was very concerned about the assistant carrying away the food, Lu Yanzhou said: “My parents arranged them. My parents found out that I cooked for you yesterday, so they are not very happy. Today I made them a portion too, coaxing them.”

“Mm.” Xie Chengze smiled, but didn’t believe it.

If Lu Yanzhou was really a rich second generation, he wouldn’t be so proficient in cooking, and his parents would not make such a request to their son.

Which big boss would miss the food cooked by their son and would be unhappy if they couldn’t eat it?

He felt that it was more likely that Lu Yanzhou needed to please his gold master.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t know that Xie Chengze was thinking too much, after all, in the original owner’s memory, everyone knew that he was a rich second generation.

By the way, according to the original historical trajectory, the original owner’s parents should give the original owner Xingyu shares at this point…But now his parents probably won’t give him.

“Come on, try my cooking.” Lu Yanzhou picked up food for Xie Chengze.

“It’s delicious.” Xie Chengze began to eat slowly.

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The atmosphere between the two was very good. After eating, Lu Yanzhou kept looking for topics to talk about, then asked Xie Chengze a lot about acting.

However, at eight o’clock in the evening, Lu Yanzhou had to go back — his parents asked him to go home before ten o’clock to go to bed early and get up early.

Xie Chengze was a little depressed.

Lu Yanzhou said that his parents asked him to go home before ten o’clock, but Lu Yanzhou is an adult, he is also in the entertainment industry, how could his parents be so strict?

Time flew by, it was the day before filming started.

In the past few days, Lu Yanzhou came to report early in the morning every day and left on time at 8 o’clock in the evening. He also cooked two meals for Xie Chengze every day and urged Xie Chengze to go back to rest when he left.

After following him for a few days, Xie Chengze felt that his life was much healthier.

He also had to sigh. Lu Yanzhou is really too caring, too good at taking care of others!

In his life, he has never met someone who is more caring than Lu Yanzhou!

That night, Lu Yanzhou still cooked as usual and invited Xie Chengze to eat.

When Xie Chengze came, he was holding the script.

Changing the script can’t be done in a short while. After Xie Chengze had the idea, it took several days to successfully change the script.

Then…he couldn’t wait to show it to Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou has been very concerned about him recently, so he always wants to reciprocate.

Therefore, as soon as Lu Yanzhou put the food on the table, closed the car door and prepared to eat with Xie Chengze, Xie Chengze said, “I changed the script these few days and added some scenes for you.”

Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou with some expectation.

He didn’t have much money, so he could only do this. He hoped that Lu Yanzhou would like it.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t care about adding scenes or not, but seeing Xie Chengze’s gaze…

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The starry sky roof installed in the RV gave people a romantic sense, Lu Yanzhou smile: “Why did you think of adding scenes to me?”

“When I see you, I have countless inspirations in my heart.” Xie Chengze said. He couldn’t say that Lu Yanzhou had flattered him for so long, so he wanted to pay back.

Of course, he also said this sincerely. As long as he saw Lu Yanzhou, he would feel joy in his heart, so he also really loved the role Lu Yanzhou was going to play.

Xie Chengze’s eyes were shining, full of him.

Lu Yanzhou has been by Xie Chengze’s side for the past few days, and he has already confirmed that Xie Chengze likes him very much. Now that the atmosphere is so good…He lowered his head and kissed Xie Chengze’s lips.

Xie Chengze was taken aback. He didn’t expect that after he added scenes to Lu Yanzhou, Lu Yanzhou would kiss him without hesitation!

He doesn’t look good and he doesn’t have much to offer Lu Yanzhou, so Lu Yanzhou may not get close to him much…

Xie Chengze decided to seize the opportunity and responded without hesitation.

The person he likes responds to him…Lu Yanzhou kisses him more happily.

The two kissed for a long time before Lu Yanzhou decided to stop: “Eat first…If you don’t eat, the food will be cold.”

Xie Chengze still wanted to continue, ah…They kissed for twenty minutes.

He doesn’t mind kissing longer, but he’s hungry!

Xie Chengze was a little disappointed, but he didn’t show it. He looked at Lu Yanzhou seriously.

He was very afraid of seeing Lu Yanzhou showing a displeased expression, so he couldn’t help but observe Lu Yanzhou.

However, Lu Yanzhou didn’t show any strangeness at all, instead he gave him food. That’s alright, but Lu Yanzhou then said: “Xie Chengze, I actually liked you very early, that’s why I came to audition for this drama and come to see you every day…How is my behavior during this period of time? Would you like to be my boyfriend?”

They have been together for several days and they even kissed today…Lu Yanzhou thinks it’s time to confess his love and confirm his relationship with Xie Chengze!

Xie Chengze was a little stunned when he heard this confession — what does Lu Yanzhou mean by this?

Doesn’t matter what Lu Yanzhou plans…Xie Chengze didn’t hesitate at all: “I am willing.”

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