Hold His Hand

Chapter 134: 134

Xie Chengze is not superstitious, but the whole opening ceremony has everything that should be there just for peace of mind.

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After the opening ceremony, the filming officially began.

The filming of this movie was almost all carried out in this studio. Xie Chengze has asked people to build an ‘underground city’ here since last year. As for the scenes on land…they have to use the green screen during filming, then use special effects after.

A special effects company has already contacted Xie Chengze. He is very stingy when it comes to the remuneration of the actors, so he hires actors who are not well-known, but he is really willing to spend money on special effects.

The filming task was quite hard. This movie was originally a script that Xie Chengze had thought of and then asked the screenwriter to perfect it. It was what he wanted to shoot, so he grasped it inside and out.

Therefore, the actors worked hard, but Xie Chengze worked even harder.

Seeing him so busy, Lu Yanzhou was very worried. Therefore, he could only try to stop him, for example, seeing that it was getting late, he urged Chengze to stop work early.

Xie Chengze needs to rest! He needs to take good care of his body!

“Director Xie, you’ve been filming for four hours straight, it’s past lunch time now. Let’s take a break and let everyone have something to eat!” Lu Yanzhou looked at Xie Chengze, who had been busy all morning, and hurried to stop him.

Xie Chengze frowned. In others’ eyes, he is a good-tempered director. He usually doesn’t get angry with others and always smiles. When actors make mistakes, he will explain to them their mistakes.

However, he himself knows that he was unhappy, very unhappy.

For example, this morning, he couldn’t get the result he wanted, so he was in a bad mood.

Lu Yanzhou came over, telling him to rest, so his mood was even worse.

However, he soon felt better — Lu Yanzhou followed closely, lowering his voice, saying, “Director Xie, the food I prepared for you is going to be cold. Let’s go to the lounge and have some.”

Lu Yanzhou prepares meals every day for him, but let’s not talk about that, the lounge…

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These days, every time he went to the lounge with Lu Yanzhou, he would be kissed by Lu Yanzhou!

The irritability in Xie Chengze’s heart disappeared. He tried his best to suppress the smile on his face, then went to the lounge with Lu Yanzhou with a straight face.

Then…not surprisingly, he was kissed by Lu Yanzhou. Lu Yanzhou also fed him.

He was a little uncomfortable about this, but he couldn’t bear to refuse, so he shamelessly asked Lu Yanzhou to feed him…

After he took a bite, Lu Yanzhou would kiss him again.

Lu Yanzhou is too good at flirting and caring!

When he was with Lu Yanzhou, he felt that he was well taken care of in every aspect, so he was always distracted.

Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze made out for a while, then he said: “AZe, you should sleep for a while, so that you would feel refreshed in the afternoon.”

“I can’t sleep.” Xie Chengze’s sleep quality has always been bad.

Lu Yanzhou said, “I’ll sing for you.”

Lu Yanzhou asked Xie Chengze to lie down, gently pressed and rubbed Xie Chengze’s acupuncture points, then at the same time, sang to Xie Chengze: “Sleep, sleep, my baby…”

A deep male voice rang in his ears. Xie Chengze thought he would not be able to fall asleep, but on the contrary, he fell asleep quickly.

After Xie Chengze fell asleep, Lu Yanzhou went outside and found the male protagonist who hadn’t captured the feeling Xie Chengze wanted throughout this morning: “Brother Fang, Director Xie asked me to tell you his thoughts.”

“What did Director Xie say?” the leading actor named Fang Hua immediately asked.

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As an actor who has never been popular, Fang Hua attaches great importance to this movie and is very dedicated when filming.

In the original trajectory, because the original owner made some trouble, the film’s investors withdrew their funds one after another, so Xie Chengze even had to lose money. At that time, Fang Hua didn’t want to lose such a good opportunity, so he helped speak up for Xie Chengze, saying that Xie Chengze didn’t do anything to Lu Yanzhou……Then he became a victim of cyberbullying, and then he never got a role again.

He is married and has children, so he needs to support a family. He has no education, so he has no choice but to become a military substitute.

Lu Yanzhou had a good impression of this leading actor.

He followed Xie Chengze all the time, so he knew enough about Xie Chengze. He explained Xie Chengze’s thoughts to Fang Hua, he even acted it himself.

He was originally not good at acting, but he has experienced a lot of worlds, seen more people and things, so acting is no longer difficult for him.

Especially since Fang Hua couldn’t give out that kind of emotion, so he had to see it in person.

Lu Yanzhou acted it out on the spot.

Fang Hua was shocked when he saw it: “Little Lu, I didn’t expect your acting skills to be so good!”

Lu Yanzhou said: “I have been following Director Xie and also think a lot about the script. After pondering a lot, I came up with some ideas.”

“This is not something that can be figured out just by thinking about the script! Little Lu, you are very talented. Given time, you will definitely become popular!” Said Fang Hua.

“I will work hard!” Lu Yanzhou laughed.

Fang Hua asked: “Little Lu, Director Xie doesn’t seem to like you very much, is there some misunderstanding between you?”

“Is there such a thing?” Lu Yanzhou was taken aback. How was Xie Chengze doesn’t like him, he obviously likes him very much. These days he always asks him when can he stay over.

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He also wanted to move here and be inseparable from Xie Chengze, but his parents always disagreed…

“I see that Director Xie always frowns when he sees you,” Fang Hua said.

This is a misunderstanding! Lu Yanzhou answered: “Director Xie took a fancy to me, so he has high demands on me, ahem, actually, I have been following Director Xie, learning to be a director. Director Xie regards me as an apprentice.”

Lu Yanzhou said this in order to make it easier to openly be with Xie Chengze anytime.

For Xie Chengze’s movie, he will definitely do his best to perfect it!

Fang Hua suddenly realized: “So that’s it!”

No wonder Director Xie seemed to dislike Lu Yanzhou very much, but he always took Lu Yanzhou to the lounge!

It turned out that the two had a teacher-student relationship!

When Lu Yanzhou and Fang Hua were talking, other actors were also present.

Hearing what Lu Yanzhou said, everyone said, “So that’s the case. No wonder you followed Director Xie all day!”

“Lu Yanzhou, you know Director Xie’s movie very well, right? If we have any questions, can we ask you?”

“Lu Yanzhou, this is the first time for me to cooperate with Director Xie. Does Director Xie have any taboos?”

Lu Yanzhou answered them one by one, and said that if they had any questions about the script, they could come to him!

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Xie Chengze seemed to have a good temper, but he wasn’t the type to get along with others. In fact, everyone was a little afraid of him for no reason, so they didn’t dare to get too close to him.

Now that they can ask Lu Yanzhou, it’s quite good.

So, when Xie Chengze, who took a nap, was ready to continue working in high spirits, he discovered that the relationship between the actors of the crew and Lu Yanzhou got better…

Did something he didn’t know happen?

Xie Chengze went to ask Producer Wei.

Producer Wei said: “Old Xie, why didn’t you tell me that you accepted Lu Yanzhou as your apprentice? But he is indeed very good, completely different from the rumors!”

Producer Wei knew a lot of people. At that time, others told him that Lu Yanzhou will always film for three days, fishing for two days, then post on the internet for two days.

The Lu Yanzhou he knew now was completely different from what he had heard about!

Xie Chengze: “…” When did he accept Lu Yanzhou as his apprentice?

Lu Yanzhou is obviously his boyfriend!

However, he can’t tell people this, their relationship is a secret!

Besides, what Lu Yanzhou promised him before about discussing the script with him at night, is still so far in the future…Could it be that what he gave was not enough?

Fortunately, he recently got a good resource that can be given to Lu Yanzhou. By then…Lu Yanzhou and him should do more than just kissing, right?

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