Hold His Hand

Chapter 135: 135

After the film crew regarded Lu Yanzhou as Xie Chengze’s apprentice, Lu Yanzhou began to teach people in the film crew openly.

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He taught very well, which made the progress of filming much faster, and also made the crew believe that he and Xie Chengze are mentors and apprentices.

Some people even feel it’s a pity that Lu Yanzhou, who has such a handsome face, plans to become a director in the future.

Today, when Lu Yanzhou returned home, his parents were still waiting for him in the living room.

Recently, he left early and returned late, and ‘worked’ very seriously, but his relationship with his parents has become a little closer.

The original owner used to be impatient with his parents. Even when he was eating with his parents, he would play with his mobile phone, but he was different. He would talk seriously with his parents every morning and evening.

After cooking, he will send a portion to his parents.

Father Lu and mother Lu recently felt that their youngest son was very caring. Not mentioning other things, let’s just talk about the dishes that their youngest son cooked for them. It was all special meals that preserve health, and it was also specially cooked until tender to suit the taste of the elderly.

This is their son thinking about them!

If Lu Yanzhou knew what they were thinking, he would definitely be a little embarrassed. The dishes he cooks are indeed healthy, but in fact his main consideration is Xie Chengze. As for making the dishes softer or something…It must be because it was sent back in an insulated box.

In fact, he was still worried that this would affect the taste…It’s just that father Lu and mother Lu have filters for him, no matter what he does, they think he is very good.

“Zhouzhou, dad bought the special effects company that you wanted, and all the procedures have been completed.” Father Lu said to Lu Yanzhou.

“Dad, you are so good! You are the best dad in the world!” Lu Yanzhou immediately said.

Lu Yanzhou just wanted a company that could do special effects, but he didn’t expect his father to directly buy more than half of the shares of the best special effects company in the world today!

The special effects company was the one that had contacted Xie Chengze about doing special effects for his sci-fi movie.

“Stinky boy…” Father Lu was very happy when he heard his son’s praise.

He knew that his son wanted this company because of Xie Chengze. Although he helped his son accomplish this, he felt a little uncomfortable at first, but now that his son is acting like a spoiled child…The discomfort in father Lu’s heart has long since disappeared: “The company was given to you, you have to take good care of it! But don’t forget the promise you gave to dad. Don’t let Xie Chengze know that the company is yours.”

“Dad, I will definitely not let him know!” Lu Yanzhou said.

Only then did father Lu feel relieved.

Even if his son has special preferences, he is still his own son…Father Lu is not angry anymore, but he still doesn’t want his son to be with Xie Chengze.

Introducing Xie Chengze as his daughter-in-law would make him feel weird.

The three of them talked for a while, then Lu Yanzhou said: “Dad, I have an idea about my pocket money.”

Father Lu and mother Lu are very generous. They give the original owner two million as pocket money every month. The main reason is that it is not enough for the original owner to spend…As long as the consumption is reasonable, he will just swipe their secondary card.

Well, luxury cars and famous watches are all reasonable consumption in their eyes.

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“Didn’t we agreed that I won’t give you pocket money for the time being!” Father Lu said.

“Dad, I don’t want to spend this money. I have other ideas. Getting along with Xie Chengze these days, I found that he has been funding children who can’t afford education…I also want to do charity!” Said Lu Yanzhou.

Xie Chengze filmed a movie before in the mountains. At that time, Xie Chengze met some children who were not doing well, so he spent money to help them with education.

Lu Yanzhou knew about this by accident, so he now uses this as an example.

He needs to do charity to accumulate merit.

It’s just that although the original owner is a rich second generation, he has been supported by his parents and has no assets of his own.

Recently, he not only tried to get close to Xie Chengze, but he also tried to please his parents. He didn’t have enough time, so he didn’t bother about this matter.

“You want to use your pocket money for charity?” Father Lu was a little surprised.

Their Lu family has always done charity too. Lu Yanzhou’s older brothers and sisters often attend related activities, but Lu Yanzhou has never paid attention to this matter before.

“Yes. Dad, I want to do charity! I never thought about what I want to do in the future, but now I have a clear idea of what I want to do in the future. I want to start a company and make money to give back to society.” Lu Yanzhou stated seriously, his eyes seemed to glow.

Father Lu was stunned. Although he loved his son, he also knew that his son was just an ordinary person who couldn’t be more ordinary, even a little lazy.

But now, his son has a dream?

Can he really persist?

His son’s love affair, except for the bad partner…everything else is fine?

Lu Yanzhou added: “Dad, those cars in my garage, and my luxury items…I plan to donate them all for a charity auction!”

“Are you serious?”

“Yes!” Lu Yanzhou was serious. Then, he briefly talked about the things he planned to give to charity auctions.

Father Lu became more and more surprised: “There are many limited editions. You have spent a lot of effort to get them, do you really want to give them away?”

Lu Yanzhou said: “Yes. I don’t like these things much. Now that I have a goal in life, I feel that they are all meaningless external things.”

Father Lu has always been indifferent to luxury goods, so he has never understood why his son spends so much money on these so-called ‘limited edition’ things.

Now that his son doesn’t bother with these things…it seems pretty good?

Father Lu thought for a moment, then said, “Do you want to do this yourself, or do you want dad to help you?”

Lu Yanzhou said: “Dad, please help me, I’m too busy!”

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Father Lu was a little speechless: “What are you busy with! Aren’t you just helping Xie Chengze on the set?”

Lu Yanzhou said: “Tomorrow I will be filming my part, and I also have to manage the company!”

Father Lu: “…” Father Lu was embarrassed to scold Lu Yanzhou since they had just talked about the special effects company…Although they bought his shares, Lu Yanzhou has no management right for the time being, the most he can do is to give them some advice or something.

“By the way, dad, it takes too much time to come and go. I’ll be busy in a few days, can I stay in the crew?” Lu Yanzhou looked at his father pitifully: “Dad, please!”

Father Lu said: “Do you think we are annoying and don’t want to live with us?”

“How is this possible! Dad, I actually want to go to Xie Chengze at night to try…In the set now, he only treats me as an apprentice, teaching me about directing all day long. If this continues, after the movie is finished, there will still be no progress!” Lu Yanzhou looked depressed, “on the contrary, directing knowledge…I think if I learn a little much. I will be able to become a teacher myself.”

A movie is only about two hours, so the shooting time is generally not very long.

Xie Chengze’s sci-fi film was all shot in a studio, so they didn’t need to go everywhere to film, therefore, it could be finished in more than a month.

On the contrary, it’s the special effects after that…No one knows how long it will take.

Seeing that father Lu was still a little unhappy, Lu Yanzhou said, “Dad, don’t you support me?”

Father Lu also knew that it was not appropriate to let his son go home early every day, so he thought about it and said, “Well, then you have to come back every other day.”

“Thank you, dad!” Lu Yanzhou said.

Seeing his son happy, father Lu laughed in his heart.

His son hadn’t done anything excessive now, so Xie Chengze could bear it. If his son did something…He had inquired, Xie Chengze was a straight man!

There was a little fresh meat who threw himself into Xie Chengze’s arms previously, but he was scolded by Xie Chengze.

Lu Yanzhou was in a very good mood after getting his parents approval.

Tomorrow night, he can go to Xie Chengze to discuss the script!

As for the special effects company…That night, Lu Yanzhou contacted them through the person arranged by his father, and then sent them the things he made some time ago.

If he wants to make the best special effects, he needs to upgrade the current equipment. The current equipment is barely enough.

Lu Yanzhou fell asleep after sending the things. When he woke up the next day…he found that the other party had left him no less than a hundred messages.

There is a time difference, so when he falls asleep, it happens to be their working hours.

He immediately chatted with the other party, and at the same time said that he wanted to participate in the special effects production, well, it was only Xie Chengze’s project.

He has no interest in other projects.

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The special effects company hadn’t been listed yet but the employees inside were quite worried about the major shareholder change this time, lest the new shareholders would come up with some messy ideas.

Turns out…the new shareholder is a technical talent? After buying the company, he only want to participate in one project in the company?

Is this a rich person chasing his dreams? They like it!

Lu Yanzhou formed a group and chatted with the other party in English. He didn’t stop talking until he came to the set.

Then, when he came to the crew, he first saw Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze is setting up the scene.

The underground city they built had already been used to shoot the underground city where the male protagonist was born. Now they will start filming the underground city where the character he played was born, so the layout inside had to be completely changed.

“Director Xie!” Lu Yanzhou called out, then immediately went over to help.

Xie Chengze couldn’t help smiling when he saw him.

As long as he saw Lu Yanzhou, he was happy.

Although Lu Yanzhou was with him purely for resources, and even if Lu Yanzhou was still involved with someone else, he still didn’t want to let go of Lu Yanzhou.

He was at most just a passer-by in Lu Yanzhou’s life, so he had to seize the opportunity.

Thinking of this, Xie Chengze said: “Lu Yanzhou, you’re just in time. I have something to tell you. A variety show had looked for me and asked me to participate in their show, you will go with me.”

Lu Yanzhou didn’t have much reputation, so Xie Chengze couldn’t find any good resources for him.

It just so happened that a popular variety show asked him to be a guest…He originally didn’t plan to participate in this kind of variety show, but since he can bring Lu Yanzhou with him, he’ll go.

“Okay!” Lu Yanzhou was very happy. Since Xie Chengze was going to participate in the show, he would definitely follow!

Xie Chengze didn’t forget to bring him with him when he was going to go to a show, so Lu Yanzhou also wanted to tell Xie Chengze the good news from his side: “Director Xie, are you going to shoot my scenes today? I’m afraid I won’t be able to go back in time, so I’ll be staying here tonight!”

Xie Chengze was overjoyed and coughed lightly: “I’ll ask old Wei to arrange a room for you.”

Lu Yanzhou said: “No need, I won’t stay here every day. Director Xie, don’t you live in a standard room? I’ll go to your place to make do for one night.”

Xie Chengze was dumbfounded. Lu Yanzhou was too bold, he even said in public that he wanted to share a room with him!

Isn’t he afraid that others will notice?

Xie Chengze subconsciously looked at the people around him, but everyone was calm. No one thought there was any problem at all.

The main reason is…If there is a problem, it will definitely be covered up. Now that Lu Yanzhou say it publicly like this, it means there is no problem!

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At most, the apprentice just wants to study hard in the same room as his mentor, so that’s fine.

Xie Chengze was well-known in the industry for his reputation, so no one doubted him at all.

Xie Chengze looked around, then finally replied, “Okay.”

After speaking, Xie Chengze was a little nervous.

Is Lu Yanzhou planning to throw him into his arms? When the time comes…what will he do?

He was not interested in love before, so he had no experience. He didn’t know if he could satisfy Lu Yanzhou.

Although Xie Chengze struggled with this, he was completely focused after filming started.

For this movie, he can get a box office commission. According to the agreement, the higher the box office, the more commission he will get.

He wants to make more money, so…he can make Lu Yanzhou stay by his side for a while longer!

He can also invest in Lu Yanzhou’s next movie!

During this period of time, Lu Yanzhou has been teaching people how to act on the set, but his own role has never started filming.

But today, they’re going to start filming his scene.

The overall tone of the film is a bit gray, so the clothes of the actors are also dark.

Only the role played by Lu Yanzhou is different.

He was originally a little annoying young master who caused trouble for the protagonist, but now Xie Chengze has changed him into a little sun that everyone loves in the underground city.

So among the crowd of ashen and disfigured people, Lu Yanzhou not only put on photogenic makeup, but also wore bright yellow clothes.

The protagonist and his party were rescued by people in this safe zone. After entering the safe zone, they immediately saw Lu Yanzhou singing on a small stage surrounded by a crowd.

This is a very dazzling young man with no darkness in his eyes. He sings a soothing song, which instantly heals the traumatized heart of a tired traveler.

The young master played by Lu Yanzhou has innocent eyes and brows, which fit perfectly with his personality.

‘Chengcheng’ in the last world was like this, that’s why in the apocalypse, he was very different.

Lu Yanzhou acted very well. When Xie Chengze filmed Lu Yanzhou, he was full of emotion. Lu Yanzhou in his camera was more dazzling than usual.

Besides that, Lu Yanzhou’s song is very great!

Xie Chengze planned to find someone to write a song, but now that Lu Yanzhou sang this song, this song fits perfectly…

What Lu Yanzhou sang was the most popular song in the last apocalyptic world. It was full of hope, so it fully met Xie Chengze’s requirements.

This song has a soothing effect. After he sang it, the whole crew fell silent.

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