Hold His Hand

Chapter 136: 136

Songs that are widely sung in the apocalypse are naturally not very difficult to sing.

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The most important thing is that Lu Yanzhou has sung this song many times in his previous life, so he could sing it very proficiently.

At that time, they were rebuilding their homes in the ruins. At night, everyone would sing together, looking forward to a better future…

Recalling the scene at that time, when Lu Yanzhou sang, his expression became more gentle.

Xie Chengze looked at the camera, his hands trembling slightly.

So perfect!

His heart was beating fast, his whole body trembled.

During this period of time, he has been thinking about the soundtrack and theme song of this movie. He has found some suitable ones, but he always feels that there is still something missing.

Hearing this song, he knew what he was missing, hope.

This song is full of hope, making people unable to hold back their tears.

After he changed the script, he also thought that Lu Yanzhou’s attire should be dazzling. Only if he’s dazzling enough can people see him in the crowd at a glance, making the audience think that he should be loved by the people in the underground city, but now……now……

Xie Chengze suddenly called to stop.

All the people who were serious about filming still couldn’t get rid of their emotions from the scenes. Everyone froze for a moment before looking at Xie Chengze.

In their hearts, they also had the same feeling as Xie Chengze — it was so perfect!

During the recent period, Lu Yanzhou has been teaching others how to act as Xie Chengze’s apprentice. Most people have no objection, but a small number of people think that he has no work at all, so he is not worthy of teaching others.

Some people are not satisfied with the fact that Xie Chengze added scenes to him…Lu Yanzhou originally only played a small role in the movie, but now Xie Chengze added more scenes to it…Lu Yanzhou’s role became very brilliant!

It’s also very impressive too!

One must know that in the movie, the second male lead, third female lead, first female lead, second female lead and the others who have been following the protagonist not only have to put on disfigured makeup, but also wear radiation protection suits when they go outside the city…People who watch the movie may not necessarily remember their face!

In fact, the actors Xie Chengze found were all in their 30s and 40s, so they didn’t really rely on their looks for a living.

This led to Lu Yanzhou being responsible for the beauty of this movie.

Seeing such a good opportunity given to someone who is not famous at all, who can accept it?

However, now seeing Lu Yanzhou’s performance…

Director Xie really knows how to pick someone, ah!

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Right now, they are all convinced by Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou!

After Xie Chengze called to stop, because this scene was very important, Producer Wei, who had been watching from the side, said excitedly: “Old Xie, this shot is really good! Should we shoot some more close-ups? Old Xie, you have a good eye. You found such a good seedling like little Lu, and this song is also so good!”

Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou, but said, “No, this scene needs to be re-shot.”

“Reshoot?” Producer Wei was puzzled.

Xie Chengze said: “Yes, reshoots are required. No bright yellow clothes, no makeup, no hairstyle. He is already perfect!”

Lu Yanzhou is already great. He doesn’t need to be highlighted by external objects, nor use external objects to highlight him.

He is a child who grew up in the underground city. Even if he was lucky and didn’t mutate due to radiation, he would not pay too much attention to his appearance.

All he needs is a white T-shirt and plain jeans.

Because standing there, he is hope.

Lu Yanzhou’s styling that took a long time to do was now all removed, and his hairstyle was also deliberately messed up.

Then he changed into a wide white T-shirt and an ordinary jean, looking much younger.

Standing on the stage again, Lu Yanzhou once again sang that hope song from the apocalypse.

He knew that Xie Chengze was looking at him intently now. Reminiscing the past, his mental force subconsciously merged into it…

The singing is more contagious!

This time it was really finished. Because Xie Chengze arranged a lot of camera positions to shoot together, there was no need to reshoot or anything.

When the filming was over, everyone felt a sense of loss.

Fang Hua said: “Lu Yanzhou, your performance is amazing! When you taught me how to act, I thought that you were so fierce that you might not be able to act as a simple boy…but just now…I think you are more innocent and cute than my son!”

Lu Yanzhou: “…” Brother, what do you mean by that? You treat me like a son?

Producer Wei rushed forward at this time: “Lu Yanzhou, what is the name of the song you just sung? Who wrote it? Can you buy the copyright?”

Lu Yanzhou said: “The person who wrote the song has passed away, and the copyright is completely open. The crew can directly use this song, others can also directly use it in the future.”

The lyrics and composition of this song were completed by several people. However, they all died in the zombie tide.

Lu Yanzhou said so but Producer Wei was still not at ease, so he took Lu Yanzhou to discuss the copyright of this song, then also asked Lu Yanzhou to sing this sing as the theme song.

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During the conversation, Producer Wei also asked Xie Chengze: “Old Xie, do you have any objections?”

Xie Chengze: “…” What can he say? Lu Yanzhou has already fascinated him completely!

He even…wanted to add another scene to Lu Yanzhou.

But it’s impossible to add too much. At most, he’ll just have to perfect Lu Yanzhou’s role. What’s more, he can make Lu Yanzhou die a little more heroically.

At that time, he and screenwriter Zhang will definitely be scolded to death, but it will be good for Lu Yanzhou.

They are filming a new scene today. It’s more difficult to shoot this scene due to the large number of people, so Producer Wei didn’t arrange that many scenes to film today.

Even though it took some time to change Lu Yanzhou’s appearance, they still finished filming early. If it was in the past, Xie Chengze would definitely bring up the later scenes, but today…

It was only four o’clock in the afternoon when Xie Chengze said: “Today’s filming went well, let’s call it a day. I’m inviting everyone to a meal!”

He originally only wanted to invite Lu Yanzhou, but he was afraid of being talked about, so he decided to invite everyone together.

“Thank you for your generosity!” Everyone said one after another, clamoring to slaughter Xie Chengze.

However, they think too much.

This studio is in the suburbs, there aren’t even any shit nearby, so there’s no big restaurants at all!

In the end, everyone went to a small restaurant and ate some hard whole chicken and duck dishes.

Most of the actors in their crew have to use strength, and the few actresses are also the kind who have to fight with the male protagonist, so no one was on diet, therefore, everyone eats to their heart’s content. At most, they are worried about Lu Yanzhou — is it okay for Lu Yanzhou to eat like this and become fat?

Lu Yanzhou didn’t take it seriously: “I don’t rely on my looks!”

That’s right, he is actually a capable person. He also seems like he is going to change his career to become a director…What a waste of his face.

After everyone had eaten, they returned to the hotel.

During the meal, Lu Yanzhou took a picture and sent it to his parents, saying that it was a dinner party for the film crew and he would not go back today.

That’s…the other production crews ate until nine or ten o’clock for dinner, but their production team finished eating at seven o’clock.

Lu Yanzhou’s luggage was in his RV, so he happily took his luggage and entered Xie Chengze’s room.

This hotel is very ordinary. There are no suites in it, it is all standard rooms and double rooms.

Xie Chengze came early and asked for the largest room on the top floor of the hotel, which was a standard room.

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Lu Yanzhou suddenly said that he wanted to stay and live with him, so Xie Chengze didn’t have time to tidy up the room. He was a little embarrassed when he entered the door: “My room is a bit messy…”

That’s what he said, but in fact his room is not messy at all. It’s quite clean, it’s just that he has a lot of things, so not only was the table full of things, the vacant bed also had cameras and other things on it.

“What’s wrong with this room? It’s much cleaner than mine.” Lu Yanzhou smile.

Xie Chengze breathed a sigh of relief when he heard what Lu Yanzhou said, then he said, “The hotel is average, the accommodation conditions are not so good but bear with it.”

Xie Chengze has come into contact with many big-name celebrities, and Lu Yanzhou’s usual food and clothing expenses are not worse than them at all.

The price of Lu Yanzhou’s RV was even higher than the prices of many first-line stars’ RVs.

He was afraid that it would be bad if Lu Yanzhou disliked the hotel.

In fact, Lu Yanzhou thinks this hotel is very good. After all, he has been living in the apocalypse in his previous life: “The hotel is very good. Director Xie, a single night is worth a thousand gold, don’t keep talking about this.”

When Xie Chengze heard Lu Yanzhou’s words, he felt a little uncomfortable and tangled up — Lu Yanzhou couldn’t wait to do it?

Lu Yanzhou really…doesn’t reject doing unspoken rules at all?

But…but…he’s not very good at it. He doesn’t know how to do it.

Xie Chengze was at a loss.

Lu Yanzhou had already discovered that the Xie Chengze in this world was a little shy.

He simply leaned forward and kissed his boyfriend: “Do you want to take a shower together?”

In fact, Lu Yanzhou was not in a hurry to do something with Xie Chengze. After experiencing so many worlds, he was not so eager for these things.

He asked his parents to let him stay on the set mainly because Xie Chengze asked several times.

But since he is here, it’s a must to tease his boyfriend!

Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou: “Okay!”

Lu Yanzhou: “Then let’s go together.” Well, Xie Chengze is still Xie Chengze, very active.

Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze went into the bathroom together, then he kissed Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze found that Lu Yanzhou was very proficient, no matter before or after, he was very good at it!

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What’s more, he always thought that Lu Yanzhou was the one below. After all, Lu Yanzhou was very virtuous before, and in their circle, there were always more bottoms.

As a result, Lu Yanzhou took the initiative the whole time.

Of course he doesn’t mind it either.

It’s just that he has been trying to hide all the time, not wanting Lu Yanzhou to see the fat on his stomach. However, Lu Yanzhou seems to like it very much. He is not allowed to block it with his hands.

Xie Chengze was lying on the bed, being served comfortably by Lu Yanzhou. Lu Yanzhou was also looking at him with a tender gaze…

Xie Chengze suddenly asked: “How many men have you slept with before?”

Lu Yanzhou didn’t hesitate: “You are the only one I ever had! Don’t wrong me!”

Xie Chengze was stunned: “Really?”

Lu Yanzhou said: “Of course, I only liked you.” After speaking, Lu Yanzhou leaned forward and kissed him again.

Xie Chengze was very comfortable being kissed, then he suddenly realized that Lu Yanzhou’s gold master might be a rich woman!

He had wondered before why Lu Yanzhou dared to share a room with him — Lu Yanzhou wasn’t afraid that his gold master would be angry?

Now he knew the reason. If Lu Yanzhou’s gold master was a rich woman and she firmly believed that Lu Yanzhou doesn’t like men, then she would not doubt anything.

It turned out that Lu Yanzhou was bisexual!

Xie Chengze has always looked down on such cheaters, but for some reason, when it came to Lu Yanzhou…he forgave him.

He is even willing to have an affair with the other party in secret.

He is simply crazy!

Xie Chengze, who felt that he was crazy, lay down on the bed, feeling a little disappointed: “I’m going to sleep. You can sleep in the other bed.”

“Why! I want to share a bed with you.” Lu Yanzhou squeezed onto Xie Chengze’s bed.

The bed was 1.3 meters, a bit small, but it wasn’t like the two of them couldn’t lie down.

Xie Chengze said: “I’m so fat…”

“You’re not fat, I like to hug you.” Lu Yanzhou laughed and pulled him into his arms.

Xie Chengze was in a daze when he was hugged tightly.

Lu Yanzhou’s acting is really too perfect!

The discomfort in his heart disappeared instantly because of Lu Yanzhou’s behavior.

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