Hold His Hand

Chapter 137: 137

The next day, Xie Chengze woke up in Lu Yanzhou’s arms.

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Lu Yanzhou, who was hugging him, kissed him without opening his eyes after he moved.

Xie Chengze was a little dazed. The relationship between him and Lu Yanzhou felt exactly like an ordinary couple.

“Are you feeling uncomfortable?” Lu Yanzhou finally woke up after kissing Xie Chengze several times.

Xie Chengze suddenly regained his senses, so he said: “It’s not a big deal.” Probably because he is fatter and more fleshy, he didn’t feel uncomfortable.

“If you feel any discomfort, you must tell me. If there is anything else to do later, I’ll do it. You should rest more…” Lu Yanzhou muttered, then got out of bed to go to the toilet.

Hearing what Lu Yanzhou said, Xie Chengze couldn’t help but raise the corner of his mouth slightly. He picked up the mobile phone next to him.

As a result, after looking for a while, Xie Chengze suddenly sat up.

He had high hopes for this movie, so when he was looking for someone to do special effects, he found the best company.

That company was so busy that they didn’t pay much attention to his project, and he may have asked a bit too much…they hadn’t given him any clips he asked the other party to do before.

Xie Chengze planned to go abroad after the filming was finished, then ask them in person. However, last night, they sent a video, saying that it was a trial for his film.

Seeing that video, Xie Chengze’s heart beat faster!

This video was really made according to his thoughts completely!

He thought that the communication between the two parties was not smooth but he was completely wrong!

“Lu Yanzhou!” Xie Chengze called out.

“What’s wrong?” Lu Yanzhou came out of the room and asked curiously.

Xie Chengze got up from the bed: “I’ll show you the special effects I have someone to do. It’s great! It’s really great! I’ll turn on the computer. It will be more interesting to watch it on the computer.”

Xie Chengze hastily turned on the computer and started playing the video. After playing it, he looked at Lu Yanzhou with sparkling eyes: “How is it? Isn’t it great?”

This video was made by Lu Yanzhou himself after he asked his assistant to buy all the equipment for him, so he knew every detail like the back of his hand.

Because of this, he was not surprised when he saw this video, but the current Xie Chengze…

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Cough, Xie Chengze has no clothes on!

Lu Yanzhou’s eyes were all on Xie Chengze: “It’s great, this special effect is very well done.”

Then, Xie Chengze found that the other special effects are just as good!

He wanted to surprise Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze didn’t realize that Lu Yanzhou’s line of sight was wrong because he was full of excitement: “I was always worried that the special effects would not produce the effect I wanted but now I can finally rest assured! If the special effects of this movie can guarantee this quality, the box office won’t be low.”

The plot and quality of his movie are not bad, but he can’t guarantee that everyone will like it.

However, if the special effects are good enough…There will surely be many audiences who will go to the movie just for the special effects.

The box office of his movie won’t be too low.

“The box office of your movie will definitely not be low.” Lu Yanzhou said.

“Mm.” Xie Chengze laughed, then hugged and kissed Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou: “…” he really wants to execute him on the spot, but if he were to really do that, Xie Chengze will definitely not be able to go to the set today!

The two went to the set together.

Xie Chengze was in a good mood, so he was so energetic when he was working that Lu Yanzhou had to keep reminding him to rest.

However, his good mood only lasted until the evening — after dinner, Lu Yanzhou was leaving.

“My parents asked me to go back every other day,” Lu Yanzhou said, “AZe, take a good rest tonight. See you tomorrow.”

Xie Chengze smiled: “Okay.”

Lu Yanzhou hugged Xie Chengze again: “AZe, we will be together forever after your movie is finished!”

Lu Yanzhou felt that in a few days, he would be able to win over his parents and make them accept that he and Xie Chengze were together!

In addition, he has been accumulating merits. When the movie is finished and he gets money, the merit will definitely be enough to heal Xie Chengze then.

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Xie Chengze was stunned. Lu Yanzhou…wanted to break up with his previous gold master?

Xie Chengze didn’t know what Lu Yanzhou wanted to do or what he wanted, but no matter what…it’s impossible for Lu Yanzhou to fall in love with him, a fat man who wasn’t any young, at first sight.

They finished filming early today, so it’s not yet eight o’clock…Xie Chengze thought about it and drove home.

His home is also in this city, it was located in the city center. It usually takes him more than an hour to drive there from the suburbs, so he doesn’t often go home.

Since that happened last night, Xie Chengze suddenly wanted to go home and have a look.

It was after nine o’clock in the evening when Xie Chengze arrived home. His parents were still awake and were shooting a short video.

Recently, short videos are very popular. Many celebrities started posting short videos on the platform, and his parents followed suit. They have millions of fans, so they also occasionally take some advertising.

However, his parents were embarrassed to sell goods live, so their income is not much.

“AXe, why did you suddenly come back?” Father Xie and mother Xie were a little surprised.

Xie Chengze said: “The crew finished work early today, so I thought I’ll come back and have a look.”

Father Xie said: “You just came back now, how was that finishing early? Don’t get too busy in the future, rest more, exercise more…”

Mother Xie also asked Xie Chengze to take his medicine on time and go to the hospital for check-up on time.

Xie Chengze agreed one by one, then suddenly said: “Dad, mom, I’m in a relationship.”

Father Xie and mother Xie were a little surprised, then mother Xie also quickly said: “I was thinking you look good recently, so you are in a relationship!”

Father Xie was a little confused: “Didn’t you say that you are an only child and don’t plan to get married, why did you suddenly have a relationship?”

Xie Chengze said very early on that he didn’t want to get married. Father Xie and mother Xie also understand him.

Firstly, they are in the entertainment industry and have seen everything that could be seen, secondly…Xie Chengze’s condition is easily inherited.

They can also accept it if he don’t want to get married and don’t want to have any children.

Xie Chengze said: “I have someone I like, so we are in a relationship. He is a man.”

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Father Xie and mother Xie were stunned for a moment, then quickly accepted. Mother Xie then said: “Who is it? Could it be Little Wei?”

Xie Chengze was speechless: “Mom, what are you thinking. Old Wei likes women.”

“Then why hasn’t he gotten married at such an old age?”

“He didn’t find the right one.” Xie Chengze said. Producer Wei was busy with his career when he was young and didn’t care about love, so now even if he wants to find one, when the girls see his bald head, they all stay away from him.

He was also very busy and didn’t want to find someone in the circle, so he also wasted away.

“Then let’s not talk about him, who is your lover?”

“Mom, dad, I won’t tell you who he is because his family still doesn’t agree with our relationship now, so we can’t make it public yet,” Xie Chengze smiled. “But he looks handsome and cooks delicious food. You will surely like him.”

Xie Chengze has had an ‘affair’ with Lu Yanzhou for a long time but he has never told anyone about it.

He didn’t know how to tell people.

Now in front of his parents, he can finally speak.

However, he can’t tell them about Lu Yanzhou’s real situation…

Xie Chengze only told his parents what Lu Yanzhou had told him: “His family is quite rich, so his parents are quite strict with him, but he still comes to see me every day…”

The Lu Yanzhou that Xie Chengze was talking about was very good. When he mentioned Lu Yanzhou, his eyes were also full of tenderness.

This situation made father Xie and mother Xie a little worried.

Is there really such a good guy who likes their son?

However, their son is in his thirties and is a great director who has seen countless people, he won’t be deceived, right?

Mother Xie finally said: “Then when he is free, you should bring him back to see us.”

Xie Chengze answered: “Okay.”

Xie Chengze doesn’t know if there will be such a day, but he really hopes that all this is true.

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At the same time, after coaxing his parents, Lu Yanzhou started working on the special effects with great interest.

What kind of things Xie Chengze wants, he knows best. The last world he lived in happened to be the apocalypse, so he is very good at making ruins!

He can finish so many special effects in advance!

Lu Yanzhou was staying up late without paying attention, so when he went to the set the next day, he kept yawning.

Fortunately, he doesn’t have many scenes, so he can go to the RV to catch up on sleep.

Xie Chengze: “…” What did Lu Yanzhou do last night?

Although Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou have a secret relationship, they are still very serious while working.

They were serious, so the rest of the crew were just as serious. With that, in just over a month, the filming of this movie was finished!

Xie Chengze was editing while filming, so the editing was almost done too.

After the filming was completed, everyone went their separate ways, but Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze did not separate.

The two are going to the variety show that asks Xie Chengze to be a guest together.

This variety show has become popular in the past two years. Every time, some stars will be invited to ask some questions and do some tasks.

This variety show has a script, so the tasks are all just for the celebrities to show themselves, so many people are willing to participate.

This time, the variety show invited three directors including Xie Chengze, and each of the three brought one person.

One of the directors brought his daughter, who planned to enter the entertainment industry, and the other director and Xie Chengze brought an actor from his recent works.

The directors all have a clear purpose, they just want to take the opportunity to praise someone or promote their latest works.

Xie Chengze didn’t do this kind of thing before, but now…for Lu Yanzhou, he came.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t think much about it. He just thought that Xie Chengze wanted to promote his new movie.

Xie Chengze’s investment in this movie was high, but most of the investment was used by Xie Chengze for special effects, so there was very little money for publicity.

Xie Chengze’s parents also made some short videos to help him promote the new drama recently…It’s normal for Xie Chengze to personally promote it himself.

Unfortunately, he doesn’t own the special effects company alone, so he can’t give Xie Chengze a discount. At most, he can only help Xie Chengze make the special effects better.

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