Hold His Hand

Chapter 138: 138

Xie Chengze is actually not bad looking among the directors.

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Although he is fat, he has good facial features. He is definitely handsome among fat people.

It’s just that his parents are both famous handsome men and beautiful women. They are both in their fifties and sixties now but their figure is not out of shape at all. On the contrary, he is so fat, people will inevitably talk about him.

The worst thing is, he was very fat because of taking medicine when he was a teenager. He also had acne on his face at that time, so he was ostracized. Not to mention, when his photo was put on the internet later on, a lot of people judged him, saying that he was the ugliest second-generation star.

This made Xie Chengze dislike appearing in front of the camera.

But this time he brought Lu Yanzhou to the TV station to record a program, so he had to hide his discomfort and took care of Lu Yanzhou: “Please read this script carefully. The questions that the host will ask when the time comes are basically all here, so you can think of a good answer in advance…Of course not all the questions are listed above. Some of them will depend on your adaptability on the spot.”

The two of them came to the TV station more than two hours in advance, so they got familiar with the shooting location by the way.

The two hosts they cooperated with this time are not the troublemaker kind, so they will not target the guests who came to the show. Xie Chengze felt that there should be no problems during the filming, but he still asked a few more questions.

“Director Xie, don’t worry, I will definitely perform well then.” Lu Yanzhou smiled.

Seeing his motivated appearance, Xie Chengze was very happy, and said: “This time the show is sponsored by Yuanchun Jewelry, a subsidiary of Lu’s consortium. When the time comes, they may ask some related questions. You should find some information on the internet first.”

Yuanchun Jewelry? Isn’t this the jewelry company under his mother’s name? Lu Yanzhou immediately said: “I know Yuanchun Jewelry very well, there won’t be any problem.”

“That’s good.” Said Xie Chengze.

While the two were talking, the father-daughter director duo came.

The director’s surname is Jiang, he is twenty years older than Xie Chengze. His daughter is young and beautiful. She has just been admitted to the Film and Television Academy, so she could be considered Xie Chengze’s junior.

Director Jiang brought his daughter to meet Xie Chengze, then told her to call Xie Chengze senior. His words are meant to let Xie Chengze help look after her a little. If there is a good opportunity, he could support his daughter.

Xie Chengze agreed.

Regardless of Xie Chengze’s young age, his reputation is far better than Director Jiang. He is also better than Director Yan, the other director, who also came.

Director Yan is a female director in her early forties. She is best at filming ancient TV dramas. The TV dramas she makes are of stable quality and popular, but unfortunately there are no big hits.

And the person she brought was the male lead of the TV series she had just finished filming.

Lu Yanzhou has been very busy recently. He has to help Xie Chengze make a movie, coax his parents, and do special effects in private, so he didn’t know about this variety show beforehand.

It wasn’t until this moment that he discovered that the leading actor brought by Director Yan was actually the little fresh meat who stepped on Xie Chengze after the original owner framed Xie Chengze in the original plot.

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This little fresh meat is called Luo Junzhuo. He looks handsome and has many fans.

The original owner didn’t like Xie Chengze, but after ruining Xie Chengze’s movie, he stopped and didn’t care about the follow-up.

Later, it was Luo Junzhuo who had been targeting Xie Chengze. Luo Junzhuo’s fans even chased Xie Chengze, causing Xie Chengze to die in a car accident.

Lu Yanzhou immediately became alert and looked at Luo Junzhuo.

Luo Junzhuo was shorter than him and also very thin. Lu Yanzhou felt that he could easily knock him down.

But he looks better on camera.

Now in the background, without a camera, Luo Junzhuo just sat in the corner with a gloomy face.

Director Yan brought him here, but after introducing him to Xie Chengze and Director Jiang, she didn’t say anything more but kept chatting with Director Jiang’s daughter, saying that as long as the little girl wanted to, she could go to her to film.

She also looked at Lu Yanzhou with a smile, and asked if Lu Yanzhou was interested in TV series.

Lu Yanzhou took advantage of the situation and exchanged contact information with the other party.

Seeing Director Yan like this, Lu Yanzhou knew that although she brought this Luo Junzhuo here, she only had a normal relationship with Luo Junzhuo. She might have brought him here purely to promote her new drama.

As for Luo Junzhuo not coming to make connections, it’s actually quite normal.

Director Jiang also made TV series, mainly sino-japanese dramas, so it was impossible to cooperate with Luo Junzhuo. As for Xie Chengze…Many people knew that Luo Junzhuo had conflicts with Xie Chengze.

At that time when Xie Chengze’s new movie was about to start filming, Luo Junzhuo tried to seduce Xie Chengze in private because he wanted to join the crew. He also told everyone on the internet in advance. However, at the end, he was rejected by Xie Chengze…This made Luo Junzhuo lose face.

Luo Junzhuo’s fans will still go to Xie Chengze’s Weibo from time to time.

An hour before the filming started, two hosts came.

Luo Junzhuo didn’t talk to anyone before, but after the two hosts came, he smiled and chatted with the hosts, looking sunny and handsome.

He can act quite well!

Lu Yanzhou had a bad impression of Luo Junzhuo, but he didn’t know that Luo Junzhuo also had a bad impression of him either.

Luo Junzhuo has a gold master. He was able to participate in Director Yan’s movie, and Director Yan brought him to participate in the show because of his gold master behind him.

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He attaches great importance to this show and has been paying attention to other guests. Knowing that Xie Chengze is coming to participate, he is a little worried, lest Xie Chengze will make trouble for him on the show.

When he learned that Xie Chengze planned to bring a young actor to the show, he began investigating Lu Yanzhou.

This investigation made Luo Junzhuo a little angry.

Watching the TV dramas that Lu Yanzhou was in before, his acting skills are not as good as him. More importantly, according to what he heard, Lu Yanzhou is just like him, a person who relies on his body to get to the top!

Why did Xie Chengze look down on him, but favor Lu Yanzhou?

Feeling angry, Luo Junzhuo paid more attention to Xie Chengze after he came to the TV station. Then, he found that Xie Chengze had an unusually gentle expression when facing Lu Yanzhou.

In the beginning, it’s because he thought that Xie Chengze liked men, that’s why he tried to seduce Xie Chengze. Seeing that the atmosphere between Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou was so good, he felt that the two were having an affair at first glance.

Xie Chengze rejected him, but he cared about Lu Yanzhou…

In fact, Xie Chengze just rejected Luo Junzhuo and did nothing else, but Luo Junzhuo just hated Xie Chengze.

Although he has a gold master now, that gold master is old and ugly. If he really has to compare, he is much worse than Xie Chengze, and the resources he can provide were also mediocre…Why was Xie Chengze unwilling at the beginning?

When the filming of the variety show started, Luo Junzhuo’s whole state changed completely. He was smiling the whole time. He was very good at enlivening the atmosphere, it’s just…he always brought up bad topics to Lu Yanzhou intentionally or unintentionally.

Lu Yanzhou could feel that Luo Junzhuo had bad intentions, but these methods were harmless to him.

Lu Yanzhou blocked all the tricky words that Luo Junzhuo handed over, then also took the opportunity to show off.

When Luo Junzhuo asked him what his specialty was, he even took the initiative to say that he could sing, and then sang the song he sang in the movie, drawing compliments from everyone— even Luo Junzhuo, who had to pinch his nose, praise him for his singing ability.

Shooting variety shows is not that easy. They often have to shoot for a day for two hours of content for the audience.

Because of this, they rested several times in the middle. Every break time, Luo Junzhuo would look at Lu Yanzhou with a cold face.

Of course, Lu Yanzhou didn’t give him a good face either.

There was a lot of tension between the two. Suring another break, Xie Chengze said to Lu Yanzhou: “Sorry, I have a problem with him…”

Lu Yanzhou smiled: “It’s okay! I’m not afraid of him!”

All those things hadn’t happened yet, Lu Yanzhou didn’t plan to do anything to Luo Junzhuo. However, if Luo Junzhuo himself decided to run into him…he isn’t afraid of him either!

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After another break, the host mentioned the content related to Yuanchun Jewelry — they mentioned in passing that Yuanchun Jewelry held a grand charity auction recently and donated all the gain from the auction, then asked what everyone thought about it.

Director Jiang’s daughter immediately expressed her admiration for this situation, saying that she liked Yuanchun Jewelry very much and would like to buy more to support Yuanchun Jewelry.

Lu Yanzhou said: “Everyone should support charity. I hope that those who need help can really get help.”

After all, Yuanchun Jewelry is his family’s own company, so Lu Yanzhou didn’t say much.

On the contrary, Luo Junzhuo said a lot: “Yuanchun held the charity auction this time. I heard that it was the young master of the Lu family’s idea. I think young master Lu is a very kind person.”

While talking, Luo Junzhuo talked about what kind of charity he usually did, and then changed the subject and asked Lu Yanzhou: “Lu Yanzhou, hearing what you said before, it seems that you really care about charity, what have you done before?”

Luo Junzhuo himself happened to donate some money so he can talk about it, but Lu Yanzhou…As far as he knows, Lu Yanzhou has never participated in any activities.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t have much fame and he didn’t have much money, so he probably never donated anything.

Lu Yanzhou said: “I didn’t do anything, I just donated some things.”

“You donated something like young master Lu? Young master Lu donated all his limited-edition sports cars, what about you?” Luo Junzhuo asked with a smile, as if out of pure curiosity.

Lu Yanzhou smiled: “More or less.”

Luo Junzhuo wanted to say something, but the host had already changed the subject.

Then there are some tasks, such as cutting some clips from the dramas filmed by the three directors, and then let a few people draw lots to act.

Of course, it’s a variety show after all, it’s mostly entertainment in nature, so when acting, they will pursue comedy. For example, they deliberately arranged for Director Jiang’s daughter to get a monk, arranged for Lu Yanzhou to get an old lady, and arranged for Luo Junzhuo to get an ugly monster.

The three of them act this on stage, which naturally drew roars of laughter.

Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze came to the TV station early in the morning, then filmed one after another until the evening, so they were exhausted when they left.

They had a hard time filming. Even though they went to Xie Chengze’s residence together at night, they couldn’t do anything…

This made Xie Chengze a little unhappy when he woke up in the morning.

It all turned out like this, Xie Chengze got the news that Luo Junzhuo asked the program crew to cut out Lu Yanzhou’s good performance when editing.

Stars either perform well or badly in such variety shows, sometimes they only watch clips of it!

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If they cut out Lu Yanzhou’s content, Lu Yanzhou will have no sense of existence in the whole show!

Xie Chengze immediately started contacting people to deal with this matter.

The TV station gave Xie Chengze some face, saying that they would not edit it casually and everything was as usual…After getting this result, Xie Chengze breathed a sigh of relief and told Lu Yanzhou about it.

When talking, Xie Chengze was still a little worried, afraid that Lu Yanzhou would ask him about his relationship with Luo Junzhuo.

He has nothing to do with Luo Junzhuo, but…should he still tell Lu Yanzhou about it?

It was the first time Lu Yanzhou came to Xie Chengze’s residence. Having familiarized himself with the turf, he was cooking lunch for Xie Chengze now. When he heard about this, he was a little unhappy: “He actually wants them to cut my scenes?!”

“He has a little trouble with me. He couldn’t do anything to me, so he targets you.” Xie Chengze said.

Lu Yanzhou sneered: “Humph, if the tiger doesn’t show his power, they treat him like a sick cat?” Luo Junzhuo kept making trouble for him and Xie Chengze yesterday, Lu Yanzhou was already very unhappy, but now…

Xie Chengze said: “Don’t be angry, I’ve already asked someone to help. They won’t edit it randomly.”

“Mm.” Lu Yanzhou temporarily suppressed his unhappiness, but when Xie Chengze went to do other things…he immediately called his mother: “Mom, I was bullied!”

Father Lu and mother Lu are all first-class capable people, they also appreciate capable people, but toward their children…the kind who will act like a baby, cry, and ask them for help, they feel very distressed for them.

They’re very happy to help their children out of trouble.

This is especially reflected in Lu Yanzhou.

“Mom, there’s no need to do anything to him. Didn’t he want people to cut my scenes? Why don’t you just cut his wonderful scenes!”

“I think he’s just jealous of my good looks!”

“When the variety show is released, you must watch it! I performed really well in it, I even sang!”

“I love you the most, okay!”

Lu Yanzhou talked sweetly to his mother.

Xie Chengze came over after finishing his work, so he stood not far away, just in time to listen and get the general idea. He felt a ‘thump’ in his heart.

At the same time, Luo Junzhuo also contacted someone, intending to find some black material about Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze and release it.

The relationship between these two people is definitely not pure. Those people think that Xie Chengze rejected him because he is noble and virtuous. He wants to let others know that Xie Chengze was not like that at all!

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