Hold His Hand

Chapter 139: 139

After Lu Yanzhou complained to his mother, he turned around and saw Xie Chengze standing not far away, feeling a little embarrassed.

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He is quite old but he still acts like a baby to his parents…Ahem!

Lu Yanzhou felt that Xie Chengze should have heard something, so he said: “AZe, the matter between you and Luo Junzhuo was originally his fault, but in the end he was still relentless…This time, he should be taught a lesson!”

Xie Chengze asked, “Who were you calling just now?”

Lu Yanzhou said: “My mother, she knows people from the TV station.”

Yuanchun Jewelry under his mother is the sponsor of the show, so it couldn’t be any easier for the show crew to cut out some of Luo Junzhuo’s shots.

Xie Chengze continued asking: “When…can I meet your parents?”

Lu Yanzhou said: “Wait for the show to air! Don’t worry, my parents will definitely like you.”

It’s not useless for Lu Yanzhou to coax his parents so much these days.

His parents rejected him and Xie Chengze at first, but after listening to him talk about how much he loves Xie Chengze every day, they have begun to accept Xie Chengze!

It has only been two months since he came to this world, the progress is still quite fast.

Xie Chengze didn’t believe Lu Yanzhou’s words.

If Lu Yanzhou’s family is really that powerful that they can casually take out ten millions yuan to invest in Lu Yanzhou’s movies and TV shows, and the program crew can cut Luo Junzhuo’s part…

Will Lu Yanzhou’s parents even allow their young and handsome son to be with an old and fat director?

Not to mention the investor, who implied to them that Lu Yanzhou is theirs.

But he already knew that Lu Yanzhou was trying to please both sides, so he didn’t get angry. He came to Lu Yanzhou and asked, “What’s for lunch?”

Lu Yanzhou said: “Braised duck.” He asked his assistant to bring over some dishes. He cooked braised duck and fried two vegetables dishes. One meat and two vegetables dishes is enough for him and Xie Chengze.

“It’s delicious.” Xie Chengze leaned over to take a look at the duck in the pot, and then hugged Lu Yanzhou again.

Lu Yanzhou is not thin in the entertainment industry, but he is definitely not fat. On the contrary, his waist was twice as thick as Lu Yanzhou.

Holding Lu Yanzhou like this, he felt like he was molesting a little fresh meat, and he was indeed doing such a thing.

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He and Lu Yanzhou each got what they wanted from the other person, he shouldn’t think too much from the very beginning.

It’s hard for Lu Yanzhou. Since it’s obviously an exchange of benefits but he still has to coax him.

Lu Yanzhou said: “Are you hungry? Then let’s eat quickly.”

After finishing speaking, Lu Yanzhou put the dishes on the plate and served Xie Chengze with rice.

Xie Chengze asked: “Aren’t you going to give your parents a portion?”

Lu Yanzhou said: “I told them that you will cook today, so I won’t send them a portion!” Every day, he kept talking in the small group consisting of only him and his parents about his progress in pursuing Xie Chengze. This morning he lied that Xie Chengze was going to cook for him.

He also told his parents that he would stay with Xie Chengze and go back tomorrow.

His parents had no choice but to agree.

“Then what are you doing this afternoon?” Xie Chengze asked.

“Nothing, what’s the matter?” Lu Yanzhou asked.

Xie Chengze smiled: “Come take a nap with me.”

Lu Yanzhou swallowed. They got up quite late today, the nap Xie Chengze mentioned must not be a simple nap!

It was indeed not just a nap, Lu Yanzhou was exhausted.

He didn’t even want to cook dinner, so he asked his assistant to buy some food and send it over.

Xie Chengze got up from the bed and had dinner with Lu Yanzhou. After eating, the two of them got tired and slumped on the sofa again.

Looking at the time, Xie Chengze asked Lu Yanzhou: “Are you going to leave later?” Lu Yanzhou always went back the next day. He already slept with him yesterday, so today…

Lu Yanzhou said: “I told my parents that I won’t go back today, I will go back tomorrow.”

Xie Chengze was a little surprised, then Lu Yanzhou added: “But you can’t pester me anymore at night, you have to take care of your health.”

Xie Chengze: “…” He really didn’t want to do anything else…

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He was so enthusiastic in the afternoon because he wanted to squeeze Lu Yanzhou dry before Lu Yanzhou left. If he knew that Lu Yanzhou would not leave, he would not be like that in the afternoon…

Speaking of which, Lu Yanzhou’s ability is really good, no wonder he dared to find two gold masters.

Xie Chengze was so jealous in his heart that he bit Lu Yanzhou’s chin.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t feel any pain, he just thought that Xie Chengze was embarrassed by what he said, so he just hugged him and sucked a few red marks on Xie Chengze’s chubby arms.

Then together they heard the door open.

Father Xie and mother Xie came in together, then they saw his son hugging a young man in disheveled clothes on the sofa. There were some marks just added on their son’s chubby body.

Father Xie and mother Xie: “…” Should they close the door and go out?

Xie Chengze was stunned when he saw his parents. He told his parents about his love relationship, but he didn’t intend to let his parents know Lu Yanzhou…

His relationship with Lu Yanzhou is not normal at all!

However, Lu Yanzhou had already jumped up, very enthusiastically: “Dad, mom, you’re here? Come in!”

Father Xie and mother Xie: “…” Why did this person call mom and dad directly?!

Lu Yanzhou called them mom and dad directly in order to preemptively seize the opportunity to avoid quarrels.

In the previous worlds Xie Chengze was in before, he has no good relationship with his parents, but in this life, he has a pair of parents who really love him.

Lu Yanzhou wanted to establish a good relationship with them.

So, he showed an embarrassed expression, blinked, then looked at father Xie and mother Xie: “I…I…I should have called uncle and aunt, I shouldn’t have called you like that before?”

Well, Lu Yanzhou intends to play a simple kid who really loves Xie Chengze in front of father Xie and mother Xie.

Generally speaking, such people are most liked by elders.

At least…father Xie and mother Xie, who ran into such a thing, would feel embarrassed to lose their temper.

As Lu Yanzhou thought about it, he heard father Xie and mother Xie said: “You…you are the boyfriend AZe mentioned, right?”

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Lu Yanzhou thought that father Xie and mother Xie didn’t know about his existence, so he felt that this situation was definitely impossible to avoid, therefore, he came up with calling out mom and dad directly. As a result…Xie Chengze told his parents?

He reacted quickly and immediately said: “Yes, I am AZe’s boyfriend. Uncle, aunt, sit down first. I’ll make tea!”

As long as Lu Yanzhou is willing, he can quickly gain others’ favor.

Therefore, while Xie Chengze was still wondering what to do now that his parents knew Lu Yanzhou, he then saw that Lu Yanzhou had already started a good conversation with his parents as his boyfriend.

Xie Chengze found it a little incredible.

For Lu Yanzhou, this should be just a deal with him, so there is no need to deal with his parents. Why did Lu Yanzhou happily coax his parents?

“AZe is so dedicated to his work that he doesn’t even care about his health.”

“Uncle and aunt, don’t worry, I will definitely keep an eye on him in the future and make him take care of his health!”

“We’ve been together for over a month!”

“There’s a little problem with my parents, but they’ve pretty much agreed.”

Now that father Xie and mother Xie saw their son’s boyfriend, they began asking questions while Lu Yanzhou answered them one by one.

What Lu Yanzhou said was exactly the same as what Xie Chengze told them before, which made father Xie and mother Xie, who were a little worried about their son feeling being deceived, a little relieved.

This boy named Lu Yanzhou is very sincere at first glance, he obviously really likes their son!

The more they talked, the more speculative they became. They even exchanged contact information, and then dragged Lu Yanzhou into the Xie’s family group chat.

Lu Yanzhou suddenly felt very complacent.

He has almost succeeded in getting father Xie and mother Xie’s approval!

Thinking of this, Lu Yanzhou took a selfie with father Xie and mother Xie, then send it to his family group chat: “Mom, dad, I met Xie Chengze’s parents, they like me very much!”

Father Lu and mother Lu: “!!!” What is their son doing so close to others? Don’t get snatched away!

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Lu Yanzhou added: “Mom, dad, I think Xie Chengze already likes me a little bit. As long as I keep working hard, I will definitely succeed!”

Father Lu and mother Lu: “…” father Lu and mother Lu felt embarrassed for their son. They dug a big pit for their son, how could Xie Chengze like their son…

Thinking of this, both of them felt guilty.

Actually…Xie Chengze isn’t bad either?

After their son fell in love with Xie Chengze, he has been very motivated, which is really good.

Besides, with their son’s aesthetic…They recently looked at a lot of photos of fat people. After looking around, they found that Xie Chengze was really a flower among fat people.

No wonder their son likes him…

Lu Yanzhou chatted with his parents, then went to chat with father Xie and mother Xie, he even asked father Xie and mother Xie to stay.

Father Xie and mother Xie have a room in their son’s house, but they usually don’t live here. They came here this time because they knew that their son had finished filming and wanted to ask about their son’s boyfriend, so they came here suddenly.

But now…After thinking about it, they agreed to stay and planned to spend more time with their son’s boyfriend.

The next morning, watching Lu Yanzhou bring out breakfast from the kitchen…father Xie and mother Xie were very satisfied, and secretly said to Xie Chengze: “AZe, you have a good boyfriend.”

Xie Chengze: “…” Now even if he tells his parents that this is not his boyfriend, his parents won’t believe it, right?

When his parents left, Xie Chengze couldn’t help asking Lu Yanzhou: “Why are you so enthusiastic toward my parents?”

Lu Yanzhou was taken aback: “You don’t have a good relationship with them? Should I be more indifferent?”

Judging from the memory of the original owner, after Xie Chengze’s accident, his parents have been helping him to speak up, so they should attach great importance to Xie Chengze. Could it be that he made a mistake?

Xie Chengze said: “No, I’m just a little surprised…you are very good at coaxing people.”

Lu Yanzhou said: “I have gained experience from coaxing my parents. My parents are not as easy to coax as yours…AZe, my parents told me to go back, so I will come see you tomorrow.”

“Okay,” Xie Chengze’s heart sank but he still said, “I’ll take you down.”

Xie Chengze sent Lu Yanzhou downstairs, thinking that Lu Yanzhou was about to leave…he kissed Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou quickly looked around: “AZe, are you not afraid of being photographed?”

“No one would take pictures of me.” Xie Chengze laughed. He actually looks forward to being photographed and made public…

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