Hold His Hand

Chapter 140: 140

Xie Chengze is a director, and he is a director with a clean private life, a very low-key director with no black spots, so he has never received much attention from the media.

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What about Lu Yanzhou? Lu Yanzhou isn’t famous in the present, so no one will stare at him either.

What’s more…Xie Chengze knows that the place where he lives is under strict security, so not everyone can come in.

As far as Xie Chengze knows, there are popular celebrities who have hidden marriages living here too but they have never been photographed.

Of course, Xie Chengze didn’t think about this when he kissed Lu Yanzhou just now. He was just a little jealous.

If they were really photographed…For a moment, Xie Chengze felt that it was good to be photographed, but soon he realized that it was not good for him.

If they were to be photographed, Lu Yanzhou’s future would be ruined, and Lu Yanzhou would definitely hate him.

If Lu Yanzhou hated him, it would be impossible for them to be together again.

Thinking of this, Xie Chengze put away all his little thoughts and sent Lu Yanzhou out.

When Lu Yanzhou returned to the Lu family, he was in a good mood.

Father Lu couldn’t help but ask, “Why are you so happy?”

Lu Yanzhou smiled: “I confessed to Xie Chengze today. Xie Chengze didn’t agree, but he didn’t refuse either. I think I will succeed if I work harder.”

Father Lu: “…” He had sent people to observe Xie Chengze and his son, it could be seen that Xie Chengze valued his son very much. He not only taught his son a lot, but also brought his son on a show.

However, he dug a big pit for his son!

There is a high probability that Xie Chengze…wouldn’t like his son.

Father Lu suddenly felt a little guilty when he thought of this.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t know what his father was thinking. He went back to his room and looked online first.

There is very little news related to Xie Chengze on the Internet, and those that are there are all official. As for the news about him, there are even fewer.

Lu Yanzhou looked around, then started working on special effects again.

Father Lu and mother Lu have a lot of shares in their hands, so they never care about things much. The study in this house is now used by Lu Yanzhou alone.

Lu Yanzhou had people install all kinds of top-notch equipment for special effects here.

He used to do a short section by himself, but now that there are many tasks, he cooperates with others and is only responsible for some of them.

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Lu Yanzhou was busy for a long time as soon as he started working. When he was done, he showed off the part he just finished to his parents: “Dad, mom, look, the special effects I made are great, right?!”

Father Lu and mother Lu: “Great! My Zhouzhou is the best!”

That being said, father Lu and mother Lu didn’t actually think that it was done by their son.

After all, when their son was still in school, his grades were not very good, how could he have this ability!

Lu Yanzhou stayed at home for a day, finished his work, then went to find Xie Chengze the next day.

Xie Chengze was currently finishing the film, so he did chores for Xie Chengze, stayed at Xie Chengze’s house by the way, and even went to meet Xie Chengze’s parents.

Since Lu Yanzhou had Xie Chengze’s parents’ contact information, he would take the initiative to chat with father Xie and mother Xie without Xie Chengze saying anything, making father Xie and mother Xie very happy.

In the blink of an eye, more than twenty days passed, the program recorded by Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze on the TV station was broadcast.

They stayed at the TV station for a day. Excluding the break time, the actual recording time was five or six hours, but the edited program only lasted 90 minutes.

This show has a lot of fixed viewers. People wait in front of the TV early, waiting for the show to air, so they can watch it.

Many of those who still watch TV these days are not young. Because of this, most of them have watched Director Jiang’s anti-japanese dramas and Director Yan’s custome dramas.

As for Xie Chengze’s movies, there’s no need to talk about it. He has several popular movies, even if they haven’t seen them, they would have heard of them.

Now these three directors come to the show…the audience is very interested.

The program was made even more enjoyable by the hosts and the three directors’ golden words.

For example, in Director Jiang’s anti-japanese drama, there is a ‘miraculous’ segment, which was edited and spread on various platforms, and was listed as one of the top ten ‘divine’ plots of anti-japanese dramas.

Director Jiang then cried in grievances on the show, saying that it wasn’t even his intention to film like that…

Director Yan also talked about the blooper scenes of costume dramas, and said that when she first started filming, she didn’t have enough funds, so some of the actors’ jewelry was packed by her from a 2 yuan store.

Of course, Xie Chengze also said some things, and the host even asked some things about father Xie and mother Xie.

Besides the three of them, Director Jiang’s daughter, Lu Yanzhou, and Luo Junzhuo are also very interesting. After all, all three of them are young and good-looking.

However, it was Lu Yanzhou who attracted everyone’s attention the most.

In the show, Lu Yanzhou has a lot of scenes. He can do anything, whether it is singing or doing tasks, he is excellent.

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“This young man is pretty good, who is it?” The audience in front of the TV were all very interested in Lu Yanzhou.

But Luo Junzhuo…

Because Luo Junzhuo was going to be on the show, Luo Junzhuo’s fans had been waiting in front of the TV for a long time. As a result, in the show, there’s almost nothing to watch about Luo Junzhuo. He even seemed a little aggressive, as if he was targeting Lu Yanzhou all the time…

Luo Junzhuo’s fans are feeling a little uncomfortable. Luo Junzhuo’s anti-fans are already shouting: “Luo Junzhuo’s fans keep saying that he has a variety show’s sense. What kind of variety show’s sense is this?”

“Luo Junzhuo, who is a popular little fresh meat, is participating in the show and targeting a little star, tsk tsk.”

“Director Xie has such a good temper. Luo Junzhuo is on the verged of climbing on his head!”

When Luo Junzhuo’s fans saw this, after being stunned, some of the more knowledgeable ones began to attack the program: “there’s something wrong with this editing!”

“Why are there so few shots of our Junzhuo?”

“Give all the highlights to that little star and then evil edit our Junzhuo?”

These crusades, due to the secret efforts of Luo Junzhuo’s team, quickly overwhelmed the anti-fans and caused troubles to the program group.

The program assembly is dead.

At Luo Junzhuo’s house, Luo Junzhuo, who had been watching the trend on the Internet, was furious: “Damn Lu Yanzhou! Damn Xie Chengze!”

After the program was recorded that night, Luo Junzhuo coaxed his gold master to call the program team to highlight him and suppress Lu Yanzhou during the editing.

He felt that the program team would definitely not refuse. After all, he has millions of fans, while Lu Yanzhou is an 18th line actor that few people know. He has only filmed a few online series with very few broadcasts.

As a result, the program group agreed at first, but later refused. It’s said that Xie Chengze used his connection!

Xie Chengze, who has always disliked using connection, made an exception for Lu Yanzhou!

Luo Junzhuo was already angry in his heart. When the show was broadcast, he found that many of his scenes had been cut out, not to mention, they also cut out those scenes that he had specifically tell that it could not be cut…

Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou are too much!

In this case, don’t blame him for being cruel!

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Luo Junzhuo has a bad temper but the team under him is very powerful. Over the years, relying on his team, he has dealt with many people who took his resources. Some male stars who are similar to his style were even suppressed by him before they could show their heads.

Luo Junzhuo was on guard against Lu Yanzhou’s appearance, but now Xie Chengze is involved…

Luo Junzhuo contacted his team immediately, then also took out the photos related to Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou that he had someone take.

He had been on guard against Xie Chengze all along. After they went on the program together that day, he asked someone to follow Xie Chengze to take pictures. Taking pictures, he really got an intimate photo of Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou!

Xie Chengze does an unspoken rule with an actor, if such big news broke out…Haha, that movie that Xie Chengze just finished shooting might not be able to be released!

Xie Chengze will definitely be beaten by everyone in the entertainment circle in the future!

Xie house.

Lu Yanzhou said that he wanted to go back to watch the program with his parents, so Xie Chengze went home alone and watched the variety show he and Lu Yanzhou filmed with his parents.

He was actually a little nervous during filming. Some of his answers were less than satisfactory, but in the end, Lu Yanzhou helped him round it off…

“Yanzhou is really photogenic!”

“AZe, he is very kind to you. See, he has been peeping at you!”

“You are ten years older than him but you still need him to help you on the show, really.”

“This kid is very good. He is with you now, so you should treat him well!”

Father Xie and mother Xie talk to their son while watching the program.

Xie Chengze said: “I will treat him well.”

At the same time, in the Lu family, Lu Yanzhou was also watching the variety show with his parents, praising Xie Chengze while watching.

Father Lu and mother Lu: “…” Xie Chengze’s appearance on TV looked even fatter!

He weighs more than two hundred catties to say the least, and although his facial features are not bad, but those arms and legs…how is their son still so affectionate?

Father Lu couldn’t help but ask, “Don’t you think he’s too fat?”

Lu Yanzhou said: “No, I think he’s a bit thin.”

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Father Lu: “…”

After finishing the variety show, Lu Yanzhou checked the situation online, only to find that he was scolded by Luo Junzhuo’s fans.

He was too lazy to answer, so he ran to do special effects again.

The special effects of Xie Chengze’s movie normally took a long time to make, but after he joined the team as a shareholder, the production speed became faster. When he taught the other members of the team some methods…

The special effects production is even faster!

If nothing goes wrong, in another month, all the special effects of this movie will be ready!

After a busy night, when Lu Yanzhou woke up the next day, he found that the Internet had changed. There were rumors everywhere that he was having an affair with Xie Chengze.

They also said that because he hook up with Xie Chengze, he not only got to played an important supporting role in the large-scale movie directed by Xie Chengze with an investment of more than 300 million yuan, but he also got to participated in the show with Xie Chengze, and even suppressed Luo Junzhuo who participated in the show together.

Lu Yanzhou: “…” He had an affair with Xie Chengze, but it wasn’t because of this relationship that he was able to act in Xie Chengze’s movie.

This scene…was undoubtedly caused by Luo Junzhuo.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t expect that Luo Junzhuo would be so stupid. He could get the TV station to cut off Luo Junzhuo’s scenes, so he shouldn’t be messed with. Why did Luo Junzhuo come to provoke him instead?

Just as he was thinking about how to deal with it, Lu Yanzhou saw Fang Hua, the leading actor of the film that had just finished filming, post on Weibo: “I have not been wronged in the film crew. Lu Yanzhou is Director Xie’s apprentice, he is just learning directing from Director Xie. He and Director Xie have taught me a lot.”

Lu Yanzhou took a look, only to find that it was Fang Hua’s fans who kept asking Fang Hua if he was bullied by Lu Yanzhou in the film crew, and Fang Hua responded.

On the original trajectory, Fang Hua helped Xie Chengze speak up and was scolded for a long time.

This time…Fang Hua’s Weibo was actually speaking for Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou…So Luo Junzhuo’s fans immediately went up to attack him.

“What master and apprentice? It’s too amusing!”

“What can a little fresh meat learn from a director?”

“Learn bed techniques?”

“Anyway, I will never watch Xie Chengze’s movies again, he is disgusting.”

“Unfollow. I didn’t expect you to speak for someone like Xie Chengze.”

Fang Hua was also annoyed: “Director Xie would never do such a thing, don’t slander Director Xie!”

T/N: Shhh. Speak less, Fang Hua. (/ω\)

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