Hold His Hand

Chapter 141: 141

Fang Hua really believed that Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou have a clean relationship.

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Which of the actors in their crew did not join the crew based on their skills?

Lu Yanzhou’s acting skills are so good. If his appearance fit the script, he would have taken the leading role!

As for Xie Chengze taking Lu Yanzhou to participate in the variety shows, that’s quite normal. Lu Yanzhou helped Director Xie a lot during filming! Director Xie’s meals are cooked by Lu Yanzhou himself. If he were Director Xie, he would definitely bring Lu Yanzhou to the variety show instead of them.

People like them, who don’t know how to follow the conversation, couldn’t do it like Lu Yanzhou on the variety show!

Fang Hua likes this movie very much. He isn’t well-known and doesn’t have a reliable team, so he doesn’t know how to deal with this situation…Seeing that Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou being framed, and some people also talk about him, he couldn’t help explaining in the comments.

He said that Lu Yanzhou’s acting skills are very good. Xie Chengze is not a person who will do unspoken rules with others, and that their crew is very harmonious… As a result, the more he talked, the more people laughed at him.

Feeling helpless, Lu Yanzhou quickly called Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze went to bed very late yesterday and was woken up by Lu Yanzhou’s phone call, and then he heard about things on the Internet.

After Lu Yanzhou finished talking about what happened, he added: “AZe, you remind Fang Hua to stop talking…he will get slapped in the face.”

This kind of unsubstantiated rumors can be ignored. It’s easy for Fang Hua to be attacked if he argues with others like this.

Most importantly, he and Xie Chengze really had a love relationship!

Xie Chengze remained silent until Lu Yanzhou finished speaking, then he said, “You’re saying, someone is spreading the news about the two of us on the internet?”

Lu Yanzhou answered: “Yes, but don’t worry, I will find someone to deal with it.”

Lu Yanzhou himself is not afraid of rumors. What he is most afraid of is that these rumors will affect Xie Chengze.

He is already planning to find his parents…He hasn’t been in this world for long, so there is no way for him to solve this kind of thing himself for the time being.

Xie Chengze opened his mouth, his heart sank.

Xie Chengze has been in the circle for so many years, so he knows one thing very well, that is, if the people behind it have no real evidence, they would never release such news.

He is not a little celebrity who has no roots, ordinary framing wouldn’t do anything to him!

Those who dare to say this must have evidence.

They would surely release a lot of material little by little.

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Sure enough, after a while, a little actor came forward and spoke with her real name that Lu Yanzhou had a gold master, and that Lu Yanzhou always bullied other crew members when he was filming.

Lu Yanzhou: “…”

This little star is the female lead in a web drama that the original owner acted in before.

The original owner had a bad temper and looked down on people. When filming before, the people who formed the crew for him would find unknown people to act with him. They were willing to give money, just to make people bear with the original owner’s temper.

However, there are still people who can’t stand it, and this leading actress is one of them.

This leading actress is good-looking, from childhood to adulthood. Whether she is at home or at school, all were like stars cupping the sales around the moon1others surrounding someone/a group around a core figure. After joining the film crew, her treatment is not as good as the original owner, and she has to listen to the original owner during filming. She is not happy and always gives the original owner a bad look.

How could the original owner let himself be wronged? He immediately clamored for a replacement.

Of course she was replaced at the end, but the people around the original owner went to talk with the female lead. In order to finish filming the drama, and for the sake of money, the female lead succumbed and finally swallowed her anger and finished filming.

This female lead is not the only one who has had such an experience.

Those bad rumors about Lu Yanzhou before were all spread by these people.

Lu Yanzhou knew that the original owner had conflicts with these people, but he was still a little speechless when he saw these people swearing that he had a gold master and he came late and left early, oppressing them.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t like the original owner, and he knew that the original owner had problems, but the original owner really didn’t wronged these people.

What the original owner did at the beginning, that is, during the crew filming, he just used all the best things and he didn’t want to shoot some scenes.

But…the crew was formed by him! He took all the money out!

And because the original owner had a lot of problems, his crew were filming slowly. They never had to work overtime and had a good salary. After some young actors in the crew added the original owner’s assistant’s contact information, they would also come to ask if there was any movie from time to time.

However, no matter what Lu Yanzhou thought, this actress really hated the original owner and said a lot of things on the Internet.

Then, after she said that, Luo Junzhuo’s fans, who had been picking up on Lu Yanzhou’s previous experience, edited some of the previous scenes of the original owner and spread them everywhere.

The original owner’s acting skills are not good. In the past, no one scolded him because other people in the drama were worse, but now that his part is edited separately…

The whole site crashed.

“Fuck, this Lu Yanzhou’s acting skills are too bad, right?”

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“He only acted in online series before, why did he participate in such a big-budget movie?”

“There is definitely something inside here.”

“What kind of acting is this!”

Lu Yanzhou was not only ridiculed for his acting skills, many people who claimed to have worked with him also sent out a lot of dirty information about him.

For example, the original owner has a bad face on the set. For example, the original owner always came in a luxury car. For example, other people eat lunch boxes and the original owner always eats seafood…

“I have worked with Lu Yanzhou in the same crew. He has a very bad temper and always gives others a hard time.”

“Everyone has to coax him, whoever offends him will be kicked out of the crew!”

“He was picked up by a luxury car every day, and he always came very late the next day…Because of this reason, many night scenes in the script were taken off because they don’t work overtime!”

Lu Yanzhou suddenly became well-known, attracting many netizens to eat melons, and everyone became even more dissatisfied — how did Lu Yanzhou, who has no acting skills and a bad temper, join Xie Chengze’s crew?

“Didn’t Xie Chengze look down on Luo Junzhuo before? I was saying that he is pretty good, he always pays attention to the quality of the script…But he let such an actor into his crew?”

“Fang Hua really opened his eyes and said nonsense, saying that Lu Yanzhou’s acting skills are good, haha.”

“Wait, didn’t you say that Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze were having an affair? This Lu Yanzhou’s gold master doesn’t look like Xie Chengze. Xie Chengze isn’t that rich, right?”

“So many luxury cars…Lu Yanzhou’s gold master shouldn’t be Xie Chengze.”

“So Director Xie gave in to capital? You can’t blame Director Xie for this, right? I went to see it. In Director Xie’s new movie, Lu Yanzhou is just a supporting role!”

Fang Hua, who had been helping Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze talk, suddenly received a call from Xie Chengze, who told him not to talk too much on the Internet.

This is Lu Yanzhou?

This person had Lu Yanzhou’s face, but he was completely different from the Lu Yanzhou he knew!

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As for Lu Yanzhou having a gold master, Fang Hua accepted it well.

He already knew that Lu Yanzhou had brought 50 million into the crew. As for finding a gold master…He hated it when an incompetent person turned to their gold master to take someone else’s opportunity, but Lu Yanzhou himself was talented, so he doesn’t see any problem here.

But facing this situation, he really didn’t dare to speak anymore.

Xie Chengze also saw this. After looking at it, his face became a little ugly.

After he fell in love with Lu Yanzhou, he was afraid that he would feel uncomfortable, so he deliberately did not investigate Lu Yanzhou’s past.

So Lu Yanzhou was like this previously?

Xie Chengze knew that not all of these things were true, and many of them were probably made up, but he could clearly see how extravagant and arrogant Lu Yanzhou’s previous self was.

Lu Yanzhou kept his head low in front of him, did he have a little sincerity towards him?

Suddenly thought of something, Xie Chengze hurried downstairs to see his parents.

He slept in his parents’ house last night. With such a big commotion on the internet, his parents probably already know…

If his parents knew about Lu Yanzhou’s past and knew that Lu Yanzhou had a gold master, what would they think? Will they be disappointed?

As a result, as soon as Xie Chengze came to the living room, he heard his mother on call with someone: “People on the internet are talking nonsense, Lu Yanzhou have a rich family!”

“I’ve seen him, the lad is very nice.”

“It’s normal for him to have a bad temper, the rich second generation is squeamish…”

Seeing Xie Chengze come out, mother Xie hung up the phone and said: “AZe, do you know about the internet? You go and call Lu Yanzhou to comfort him. Ai! Those people are talking nonsense!”

Father Xie also said: “That’s right, those people must be jealous of little Lu and deliberately slander him! Tell him to broadcast live and clarify it!”

Xie Chengze: “…” Xie Chengze didn’t expect his parents to trust Lu Yanzhou so much, so he didn’t know what to say for a moment.

If this matter continues…Will his parents be able to bear it?

At this time, Producer Wei also called Xie Chengze: “Old Xie, I just know about what happened on the internet. Truly, Lu Yanzhou is not well-known, so why did someone target him and drag you…You have nothing to do with Lu Yanzhou…”

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While Producer Wei was talking, mother Xie said, “Gosh. AZe, the photos of you and Lu Yanzhou were posted on the Internet!”

Xie Chengze’s hand trembled. He quickly ended the call and went to check his mother’s phone. He saw some intimate photos of him and Lu Yanzhou being posted.

Some of the photos, he held hands with Lu Yanzhou, and…he kissed Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou was very handsome, but he was different. He is very fat due to medicine effects, so he was quite plump, making his body look quite big.

Standing among ordinary people, some people would just look at him a few more times and dislike his figure. Now that he was standing with Lu Yanzhou…that was just a handsome guy and the beast.

Mother Xie said: “You are too careless. How did you get photographed? Will this affect your career?”

In mother Xie’s eyes, her son is very good, so being with Lu Yanzhou…Although their appearance doesn’t match, there is no problem since Lu Yanzhou accepts him.

But others think otherwise.

At least the comments under these photos are very unfriendly.

“I didn’t expect Xie Chengze to really have an affair with Lu Yanzhou!”

“The house collapsed, the house collapsed, I always regarded Xie Chengze as an idol, I didn’t expect him to be such a person.”

“Unspoken rules are solid!”

“Lu Yanzhou is awesome! In this case, does this mean that he steps on two boats, hooks his gold master on one hand and takes Xie Chengze down at the same time?”


At this moment, Fang Hua was even more confused — he was still speaking for Director Xie not long ago, now he was slapped in the face so soon?

Director Xie actually have a relationship with Lu Yanzhou? !

Producer Wei, who heard mother Xie’s words on the phone, was also dumbfounded when he searched online — when did Xie Chengze hook up with Lu Yanzhou? !

Lu Yanzhou has a gold master, why did Xie Chengze even get involved?

Only mother Xie was still angry: “Really, these people are talking nonsense!”

1others surrounding someone/a group around a core figure

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