Hold His Hand

Chapter 142: 142

Xie Chengze looked at the news on the Internet and felt chills.

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Because of Lu Yanzhou’s words, when they were on the set, he never got too close to Lu Yanzhou in front of others. In order to avoid showing anything, he would also deliberately keep a cold face when facing Lu Yanzhou.

However, after the film crew finished, they couldn’t meet every day. He was a little worried that Lu Yanzhou would leave him, and he was also jealous…Sometimes, he just couldn’t restrain himself and wanted to be intimate with Lu Yanzhou.

Among them is a kiss photo. When he sent Lu Yanzhou out of his house, he took the initiative to kiss Lu Yanzhou.

At that time, he told Lu Yanzhou that they would not be photographed, but they were photographed!

Xie Chengze knew long ago that since those people dared to say that he had an affair with Lu Yanzhou on the internet, they must be evidence. However, he did not expect the evidence to be so solid that he could not even deny it.

Now in this situation…as an actor doing unspoken rules with a director, his reputation will definitely deteriorate.

He is the director after all, so the capital will protect him for the movie’s investment.

He still has contacts, as long as he uses it well, he can say that he was seduced by Lu Yanzhou to do this kind of thing, and then apologize…This won’t be a big stain for him then.

He was single after all.

But what about Lu Yanzhou?

All of Lu Yanzhou’s past scandals were dug out, and even the matter of having two gold masters even appear…This is already difficult to deal with. Now, if Lu Yanzhou’s gold master sees the photo of him kissing Lu Yanzhou, maybe they will give up on Lu Yanzhou, or even block Lu Yanzhou in turn.

How will Lu Yanzhou proceed in the future? Can he still pursue his dream in the entertainment industry?

This incident cut off Lu Yanzhou’s future, will Lu Yanzhou hate him?

If Lu Yanzhou hated him, would he still be willing to be with him again?

“I’ll go talk to Yanzhou and comfort him.” Mother Xie said at this moment.

Father Xie looked at Xie Chengze: “AZe, in this situation, are you going to make your relationship public? Will this cause trouble for little Lu? You are too careless!”

Looking at the photo, it was clear that Xie Chengze went to kiss Lu Yanzhou. Father Xie felt that his son was too careless being so close to Lu Yanzhou outside.

Xie Chengze didn’t know what to say. He wanted to call Lu Yanzhou, but he was a little scared, so he simply sent a message to Lu Yanzhou: “If you need me to do anything, you can tell me, I will fully cooperate.”

He could tell people that he unilaterally liked Lu Yanzhou, and that time he was the one who took advantage of Lu Yanzhou’s defenselessness to kiss Lu Yanzhou.

If he takes the blame, Lu Yanzhou should have less troubles?

The more Xie Chengze thought about it, the more his headache became.

At this time, more and more people started attacking him online.

Luo Junzhuo had spent so much money, Lu Yanzhou wasn’t the only one he wanted to deal with.

From Luo Junzhuo’s point of view, Lu Yanzhou is a newcomer, so the previous scandals have already ruined him forever.

But Xie Chengze is different. Without adding more aggressive information, there is no way to pull Xie Chengze off the horse.

These years, inside and outside the circle, as long as Luo Junzhuo’s black fans mentioned Luo Junzhuo, they would say that he pushed himself to Xie Chengze but was rejected. If one were to ask who Luo Junzhuo hated the most…that person was definitely Xie Chengze.

“Xie Chengze is too disgusting, so greasy, but he is still harboring a little fresh meat.”

“I heard that Xie Chengze had a lot of fun in private. It seems to be true.”

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“I used to work in Xie Chengze’s crew. He wasn’t very picky, he slept with quite a few people.”

“I actually admired him before, I regret it!”

“I shouldn’t have paid to see his movies in the first place!”

Under the navy’s leadership, more and more people commented on Xie Chengze on the Internet. Many of them even began to attack Xie Chengze’s appearance: “Fatty!”

“Xie Chengze is really vulgar!”

“His parents are both handsome and beautiful, how did they give birth to such a child!”

When Lu Yanzhou received the message from Xie Chengze, father Xie, and mother Xie, he was coaxing his parents: “Dad, mom, if this goes on, I will lose face in the future! Please help me and settle the matter! Please!”

Father Lu was very upset: “You want us to help you? You lied to us, and you still want us to help you?”

Father Lu was furious when he saw the photo of Xie Chengze kissing his son.

Didn’t his son say that he and Xie Chengze are just in an ambiguous period? Since they are still in the ambiguous period, why did they kiss?!

Xie Chengze actually took advantage of his son…He doesn’t want to help these two people now!

They were at a deadlock on this matter.

When Lu Yanzhou received Xie Chengze’s message, he took a glance at the internet and found that more and more people started talking about Xie Chengze on the Internet, so he couldn’t help being anxious.

He didn’t expect Xie Chengze to be questioned even without the original owner causing trouble.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t want to hear any kind of insulting word about Xie Chengze, but his parents refused to help.

Lu Yanzhou said: “Dad, you still say that I lied to you…What about you? Why do those people think that I have a gold master? Is this related to you?”

In the original trajectory, no one has ever suspected the original owner of having a gold master behind him from beginning to the end!

Lu Yanzhou felt that things develop like this, probably because his father was annoyed by his love for Xie Chengze, so his father secretly played tricks.

Or, Father Lu allowed some rumors to spread.

Fortunately, Xie Chengze didn’t believe it, otherwise…he would definitely be taught a lesson by Xie Chengze!

Lu Yanzhou didn’t dare to underestimate Xie Chengze’s jealousy. Let’s just talk about the last world without talking about anything else…Who doesn’t know that Xie Chengze can’t wait to cling to him every day, and doesn’t want to be separated for a moment?

Xie Chengze could do it, after all, he could teleport.

Father Lu felt a little guilty when he heard Lu Yanzhou’s words — he had known about this rumor for a long time, but in the end he let it go…

Lu Yanzhou noticed his father’s expression and was very upset: “Dad, mom, am I your own son? You actually hurt me so much!”

Father Lu said: “What did I do to you? I didn’t do anything!” It implied that his wife did it for the crew!

“Then help me clarify!”

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“No, I said it before, you can’t tell anyone that you are from the Lu family!” Father Lu said.

Lu Yanzhou and his parents were stuck on this matter. Father Lu couldn’t stand that his good bokchoy son was being eaten by Xie Chengze. Therefore, he didn’t allow Lu Yanzhou to go out, and Lu Yanzhou was not allowed to go online to explain either.

“Forget it, if you don’t help, you won’t help. In the worst case, I’ll say that I’ve already broken up with my previous gold master, and now I’m in love with Xie Chengze. There is no messy relationship between us!” Said Lu Yanzhou.

“Don’t mess around!”

“How am I messing around? I like Xie Chengze, and I told you a long time ago that I have made progress with him recently. I didn’t hide it from you!” Lu Yanzhou said, “Instead, it’s you. You watched me being scolded on the internet!”

At this moment, mother Lu suddenly said: “Stop arguing! Zhouzhou, you can go online and look, that Xie Chengze used to force others, he is not a good person!”

Father Lu and mother Lu had almost accepted the fact that their son was in love with Xie Chengze, but today they suddenly disagreed and stopped their son mainly because they found out…their son and Xie Chengze had already established their relationship!

Xie Chengze knew that their son had a gold master, but he still hooked up with their son, maybe he had already slept with their son…What is this?

What did Xie Chengze think of their son?

“It’s impossible!” Lu Yanzhou went to his mother’s side to look at her phone.

Seeing that her son was still close to them, mother Lu breathed a sigh of relief. If her son rebelled and refused to communicate with them…then…then they would have nothing to do with him.

On the Internet, some information came out at this time.

Luo Junzhuo didn’t say anything in person, but he asked his team to hint to his fans, saying that what happened to him and Xie Chengze back then was not because he failed to flattered Xie Chengze, but because Xie Chengze wanted to do unspoken rules with him. He didn’t agree, so Xie Chengze didn’t let him join the movie crew.

Luo Junzhuo’s fans exploded and immediately talked about it everywhere.

“Xie Chengze! Apologize to Junzhuo!”

“No wonder Xie Chengze wanted to use Lu Yanzhou to overwhelm our Junzhuo!”

“It’s too much, why doesn’t Xie Chengze die.”

“These people are talking nonsense, Xie Chengze has absolutely nothing to do with that Luo Junzhuo!” Said Lu Yanzhou.

Father Lu said: “Why are you so sure? Xie Chengze is in his thirties and has been in the industry for more than ten years. For someone like you who just came out to society, he can easily bewitch you!”

Lu Yanzhou said: “This is impossible. That Luo Junzhuo is a shou, and so is Xie Chengze, how could Xie Chengze fall in love with him.”

Father Lu was stunned: “What did you say? Xie Chengze is the shou?”

“Otherwise?” Lu Yanzhou asked, “It wouldn’t be me, right?”

Father Lu: “…” He really thought his son was.

Lu Yanzhou said: “It took me so long to coax Xie Chengze. Mom, dad, if you don’t help, Xie Chengze will run away! My reputation is also rotten!”

Although they quarrel with their son before, for father Lu and mother Lu, they will surely give an explanation, at most it’s just a matter of time.

They can’t stand people on the internet constantly scolding their son.

Even if his aesthetics are a little weird, this is their son!

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“Okay, I’ll find someone to solve this matter!” Said Father Lu.

Father Lu, who is in his eighties, is a loving father in front of Lu Yanzhou, but when facing outsiders…he has always been ruthless.

At this moment, looking at all kinds of news on the internet, Father Lu called someone, then asked them to make a statement.

There are many people gathered on Lu Yanzhou’s Weibo. At this moment, those people are still talking about him being taken care of by Xie Chengze, and asking him whether Xie Chengze can satisfy him.

At this moment, Lu Yanzhou, who has no reputation at all, has become a recognized person who sells himself to reach the top!

At this moment, Lu Group’s official Weibo @ him, posted: “Xie Chengze has never done any unspoken rules to our young master! If you want to talk about unspoken rules, it should be our young master who does unspoken rules to Xie Chengze!”

This Weibo was not discovered at the beginning, but it was quickly reposted by many people, such as the official Weibo of Xingyu Entertainment, and the stars of Xingyu Entertainment all reposted it.

Those who were eating melons were stunned: “Lu’s Group? Is it the Lu’s Group that I know?”

“The young master of the Lu family? Lu Yanzhou is the youngest son of the richest father who has never shown up?”

“Is this real or fake?”

“Has the official page been hacked?”

“Even if the official page was hacked, it’s impossible for everyone to be hacked, right?”

Lu Yanzhou also saw the Weibo posted by the Lu Group at this time, and was speechless for a while.

Especially when he saw that his second brother, who was very active on the internet, also reposted: “Yes! How could anyone do any unspoken rules to my little brother?! Obviously it’s my little brother who did unspoken to Xie Chengze!”

Lu Yanzhou: “…” What the hell!

Lu Yanzhou immediately forwarded his second brother’s Weibo: “Don’t talk nonsense! I am sincere to Xie Chengze!”

As a result, his second brother commented: “I believe you are sincere, if you are not sincere, you will not choose Xie Chengze!”

Second brother Lu didn’t really like his younger brother very much before, for no other reason than that he thought his younger brother was too good at currying favor with his father and would rob him of his property.

But now…his younger brother is quite stupid. Not only did he enter the entertainment industry, but he also likes men…

He could understand why his dad cared so much about his younger brother.

Such a stupid brother needs love.

Lu Yanzhou’s identity was confirmed through the interaction with second brother Lu.

Fang Hua helped Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou talk at first, so when the matter between Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou was exposed, he was ridiculed by the crowd.

Without a team, he was still discussing with his agent what to do, then things turned around again.

Those who laughed at him before, some came back to apologize: “You are right, Xie Chengze can’t do unspoken rules to Lu Yanzhou.”

“I’m sorry, I scolded you before, but your eyes are not good, how are they innocent!”

“Confirmed, you are straight.”

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“Although you were slapped in the face, and although what you said was wrong, I’m here to apologize to you.”

“I feel a little sympathetic to you. It’s not uncommon for people with such poor eyesight to still be jumping around.”

Fang Hua: “…”

At the same time, Producer Wei, who has been paying attention to the online situation, also called Xie Chengze immediately: “Old Xie, you are so awesome! How did you hook up with the young master of the Lu family?! You said, my appearance should be similar to yours? Why did Lu Yanzhou fall in love with you and not me?”

Xie Chengze: “Get lost!”

Xie Chengze hung up the phone, but he still couldn’t recover.

After Luo Junzhuo said how he had treated Luo Junzhuo, he thought he was done.

Others won’t listen to his explanation. Besides, if something like this happened, Lu Yanzhou will definitely draw a line with him!

The result now, reversed?

Lu Yanzhou turned out to be the young master of the Lu family?!

Of course, it is impossible for the young master of the Lu family to have a gold master, so what Lu Yanzhou told him was true. He really went to spend time with his parents, and he really fell in love with him at first sight…

Xie Chengze was thinking about this when he heard mother Xie say: “AZe, no wonder you and Yanzhou didn’t tell us about Yanzhou’s family…This…so he is the young master of the Lu family.”

Father Xie and mother Xie were frightened!

Xie Chengze: “…” It’s not that he didn’t say it, he didn’t know it before!

Wait, Lu Yanzhou keeps saying that his parents don’t agree very much. With the situation like this, will Lu Yanzhou’s parents agree to him being with Lu Yanzhou?

Xie Chengze was tangled up again, and at this time, the netizens with great power began to pick up on Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze’s relationship.

“I went to inquire about the movie that Xie Chengze just finished. Xingyu Entertainment invested 50 million yuan, and young master Lu’s mother is the major shareholder of Xingyu Entertainment.”

“When young master Lu joined the crew, it’s said that he brought fifty million yuan with him.”

“You must not have imagined what I found…The Lu family bought most of the shares of the company that helped Xie Chengze do special effects!”

“Young master Lu’s unspoken rules are really generous.”

“If I were Xie Chengze, I would also follow…”

“Uh…I believe in love again.”

“Ahem, although I don’t quite understand it, young master Lu definitely loves him for real, right?”


Everyone was discussing Lu Yanzhou’s ‘unspoken rules’ to Xie Chengze.

As for Luo Junzhuo? Little young master Lu spent so much money to be treated differently by Director Xie. Luo Junzhuo is not as good as Lu Yanzhou in every way, so Director Xie won’t force him, right?

Thinking about it further, if Xie Chengze is someone who does unspoken rules with other people…Young master Lu is crazy to do ‘unspoken rules’ to Xie Chengze.

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