Hold His Hand

Chapter 145: 145

Lu Yanzhou was able to accumulate enough merit because his father unblocked his card, not only that, but the dividends of some shares under his name have also arrived in the account!

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He finally has money again!

Xie Chengze had finished filming the movie and didn’t have a job recently, so Lu Yanzhou coaxed him to do charity together.

After working so hard for a while, Lu Yanzhou cured Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze originally thought that the reason Lu Yanzhou swore that he could be cured was because some research institutes had already developed a cure for his condition.

As a result…Lu Yanzhou didn’t take him to the hospital for treatment at all, but his illness is healed?

If it was before, he would have thought a lot, but now he trusts Lu Yanzhou.

No matter what, Lu Yanzhou was doing it for his own good.

He didn’t even care that Lu Yanzhou had a gold master before, so he won’t mind such trivial matters either.

Xie Chengze didn’t ask any more questions, then under Lu Yanzhou’s arrangement, he began to work on his body and lose weight little by little.

He desperately wanted to lose weight, but Lu Yanzhou watched him very closely. He was not allowed to eat less of the nutritious meals arranged for him and he was not allowed to do more exercise.

Oh, there is only one kind of exercise that can be done on the bed. Lu Yanzhou doesn’t mind if he does more of those.

However, he is not a body made of iron, so he can’t stand too much either!

During the time between weight loss, Lu Yanzhou would open a live stream every week, he would also be included in the scene.

Xie Chengze was very puzzled by this, so Lu Yanzhou said: “Nowadays some people can make up a big show with just a single picture. If we don’t go on live often, be careful of people saying you have plastic surgery.”

Xie Chengze was taken aback.

Lu Yanzhou added: “Of course, this is also to promote the movie. Producer Wei begs me to live stream every day to help promote the movie.”

“The movie has already been promoted, right?”

Lu Yanzhou laughed: “Is there too much publicity?”

All the money was used for special effects in Xie Chengze’s movie. If it wasn’t for him and Xie Chengze’s popularity publicized it, he reckon the final set wouldn’t be so good.

Having said that, Lu Yanzhou started the live stream again.

As for the live stream…of course it’s cooking live.

“Today’s live stream will still be promoting the movie my family AZe just finished,‘Under the Ruins’, is about to be released, everyone must watch it!” Lu Yanzhou said to the live stream camera: “As for the content of the live…it’s still cooking. Live streaming something else is too troublesome!”

People who watched the live stream said one after another: “It’s too perfunctory, let’s change to something else, such as live kissing!”

“Don’t just live stream making diet meals! If you have the ability, how about live streaming weightlifting!”

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“Begging for a live weight lifting, I want to see muscles!”

Lu Yanzhou completely ignored them.

His family AZe sweats and wears little clothes every time he exercises to lose weight, he doesn’t want these people to see!

Lu Yanzhou said: “I’m going to cook. What I’m going to make today is low-fat and low-carb egg fried rice. I’ll use cauliflower instead of rice. Spray some oil in the pot to make scrambled eggs. Although there’s less calories, it’s still delicious.”

While Lu Yanzhou was cooking, Xie Chengze was beside him helping Lu Yanzhou.

“Young master Lu is really different!”

“Other rich second-generation live streams to show off their wealth, but he cooks live!”

“A man that can cook is the most handsome!”

Lu Yanzhou has a lot of fans now.

His identity as the young master of the Lu family is already very popular, not to mention that he is so handsome!

In contrast, Xie Chengze has far fewer fans.

People only look at appearance. Xie Chengze’s current appearance is not that great now, other than that…Xie Chengze personality also wasn’t that lively and he doesn’t like to talk, so he usually stays silent.

In fact, there are many private posts now, all of which are talking about him, saying that he is not worthy of Lu Yanzhou. However, Lu Yanzhou asked someone to delete all the posts that could be deleted.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t want to see this.

Recently, more people started to notice Xie Chengze: “Have you noticed that Xie Chengze has lost weight?”

“I noticed it, I noticed it, he lost a lot of weight!”

“Although Lu Yanzhou didn’t say it clearly, the meals he cooks are all low-calorie. They are obviously diet meals. Xie Chengze is trying to lose weight, right?”

“It is said that fat people are potential stocks, I wonder what Xie Chengze will look like after losing weight…”

Just as everyone was curious, Lu Yanzhou had already cooked and ate with Xie Chengze.

Lu Yanzhou not only cooks ‘egg fried rice’, but also grilled sweet potato, grilled salmon, and vegetable salad with low-calorie salad dressing.

He ate with Xie Chengze, but he ate a little more than Xie Chengze — he was working out to gain muscle recently, so it was good to eat this kind meal too.

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While eating, Lu Yanzhou also chatted with the people who watched the live stream, um, it was mainly to promote the movie.

While eating, Lu Yanzhou’s cell phone rang. Someone made a video call to him.

The person who called Lu Yanzhou was the person from the company that did the special effects for Xie Chengze’s movie. The special effects of that movie were almost done, there’s only some little parts to revise. The two parties had a lot of contact in the past few days.

They usually contact Lu Yanzhou. After all, Lu Yanzhou not only understands the movie, but also understands the technology.

When Lu Yanzhou answered the phone, the people on the opposite side talked about the problems they encountered, and Lu Yanzhou immediately answered them. While talking, someone from the opposite side joined in and asked other questions.

The latter one is Lu Yanzhou’s team’s technician.

This person’s native language is not English, and his English is also not very good. At the beginning, he used English to communicate with Lu Yanzhou. Later, when he talked a lot while working together, he found that Lu Yanzhou could speak his native language, so he switched to his native language to communicate with Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou had finished eating, so he took out his laptop and talked with them.

Xie Chengze’s eyes were shining when seeing Lu Yanzhou like this.

The way Lu Yanzhou works seriously is really handsome!

Xie Chengze thought so, and so did the people watching the live stream.

“What is Lu Yanzhou talking about? He spoke English at the beginning, right? I obviously went to college, why can’t I understand?”

“There are too many technical words. Even if he speaks Chinese, you may not understand, let alone he speaks in English!”

“What language is he speaking later? It’s not english?”

“It’s not English, and I don’t know what he said either.”

After listening to it for a while, everyone was dumbfounded. When Lu Yanzhou took out his laptop, he began to solve the technical problems encountered by the person opposite…

Those who watched the live broadcast were dumbfounded.

“What the hell is he doing?”

“I always thought that young master Lu, who went to film online dramas to become a small star, was an underachiever…I’m so stupid, for real.”

“He’s only in his early twenties, right? Why does he know so much?”

“I can’t understand what he’s saying at all, I can’t understand what he’s doing…”

Lu Yanzhou is very famous recently, but in everyone’ eyes…he should be an underachiever.

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One must know that he was less than twenty years old when he filmed his first web drama!

For this reason, some people on the Internet laughed at Lu Yanzhou, saying that he definitely didn’t go to college.

But now…

“I asked the seniors to see it, and seniors said they were discussing the production of special effects.”

“So Lu Yanzhou bought the special effects company not just because he is stupid and has a lot of money?”

“Isn’t he too awesome?!”

Netizens were shocked.

Even father Lu and mother Lu, who also watched the live stream, were shocked.

Isn’t their son an underachiever? When did he become so powerful?

Father Lu and mother Lu thought so too. Therefore, when Lu Yanzhou closed the live stream, they immediately called Lu Yanzhou and asked Lu Yanzhou to meet them.

The original owner of Lu Yanzhou’s body was indeed an underachiever.

He is not stupid, it’s just that he has what he wants since he was a child, so that makes him have no motivation to spend time studying.

Learning is hard work after all.

When Lu Yanzhou first transmigrated, in order to avoid being found anything wrong, he didn’t dare to reveal too much, even if there was a change, he used the reason that he fell in love with Xie Chengze for it.

But he can’t stay a failure all the time.

That night, Lu Yanzhou took Xie Chengze home.

This is not the first time he brought Xie Chengze back.

Although father Lu and mother Lu didn’t like Xie Chengze, they still accepted him. The day after the relationship between Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze was exposed, they met with Xie Chengze.

They weren’t very enthusiastic, but they also didn’t embarrass Xie Chengze either. Both parties were polite.

However, after meeting him a few times, father Lu and mother Lu’s attitude towards Xie Chengze became much better.

At the beginning, they were always worried that Xie Chengze had deceived their son, but after getting along, they found that Xie Chengze was sincere to their son, so they gradually accepted him.

This time when Lu Yanzhou came back, father Lu immediately asked why Lu Yanzhou knew so many technologies during the live broadcast.

As for Lu Yanzhou’s ability to communicate with people fluently in English, he didn’t find it strange — the original owner lived abroad when he was a child, so he did know several languages.

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Lu Yanzhou said: “I was interested in these before, so I learned computer technology in private.”

“Then why didn’t you tell us?”

“There’s nothing to tell you. After telling you, do I have to learn this specifically and become a programmer? Besides, at that time, I learned technology mainly to play games, then I lost interest after learning it for a while.” Said Lu Yanzhou.

My son is really heated for 3 minutes[footnoted]A brief period of enthusiasm[/footnote]. As for why he has learned so much after only a brief period…”You, no matter what you do, you don’t have any perseverance at all. You are wasting your talent.”

“In the past, your teacher also said you had the talent to be a pianist, but you refused to learn after a month.”

“You were good at drawing when you were a child, but you refused to learn after a year of study.”

“This computer technology too, if you study hard, how many people can compare with you? Why don’t you study hard?”

Father Lu and mother Lu kept talking.

Lu Yanzhou: “…” Very good, his parents have full confidence in him, so he doesn’t need to explain further!

Soon it was time to eat. Father Lu and Lu’s mother kept adding food to Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou’s recent live streams are actually diet meals, but father Lu and mother Lu don’t know much about these. They only think that their son and Xie Chengze eat quite well, every meal has fish and meat.

It’s just that they didn’t know what’s going on with Xie Chengze. He didn’t eat less but he still lost a lot of weight.

They don’t like fat people, but their son likes fat people. If Xie Chengze loses weight, will their son not like him anymore?

Besides, their son looks thinner, so he must eat more!

Xie Chengze: “…” Previously when Lu Yanzhou told him that father Lu and mother Lu liked fat people, he still didn’t believe it, but now he does.

Are they trying to fatten him and Lu Yanzhou?

Father Lu and mother Lu give Xie Chengze a lot of food. Fortunately, the food they ate was specially prepared by dietitians that specialize in preparing food for the elderly. It was healthy and nourishing with less oil, less salt and less sugar, so there’s no problem if Xie Chengze eats more.

Lu Yanzhou transferred half of the rice from Xie Chengze’s rice bowl to his own bowl, then asked Xie Chengze to eat more vegetables.

Eat less carbs, eat more protein vegetables, so he can lose weight!

Xie Chengze ate silently, and then heard mother Lu worryingly said: “Little Xie, you have lost a lot of weight recently, don’t lose any more weight!”

Although Xie Chengze is fat, his facial features are still good. He has lost some weight recently and looks a little cute, which fits mother Lu’s aesthetics very well.

However, mother Lu was worried that if he was too thin, her son would leave him and bring back a fat man weighing 500 or 600 catties.

She also saw that some people in foreign countries also forcefully feed their partners to 500 or 600 catties because they liked fat people…

Xie Chengze: “…” Lu Yanzhou’s parents’ aesthetics are too strange, right?

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