Hold His Hand

Chapter 146: 146

When he was still a fat man before, Lu Yanzhou could still fall in love with him at first sight. Xie Chengze also thought about whether it is possible that Lu Yanzhou has abnormal aesthetics and likes fat people.

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After all, at that time, he wanted to try to lose weight, but Lu Yanzhou refused to let him, and even made good food and drink to feed him every day.

However, after he recovered from his illness, Lu Yanzhou was indeed helping him lose weight, so his doubts disappeared.

But now seeing father Lu and mother Lu’s reaction…

The gap between them is really big. Father Lu and mother Lu probably accepted him because he fits their aesthetics, right?

Xie Chengze looked at mother Lu with his dark eyes.

Xie Chengze weighed more than 200 catties before, but his obesity was caused by drugs. After stopping the drugs, even if Lu Yanzhou forbade him to eat less or exercise too much, he will lose weight faster.

Because of his recovery, his skin has also improved, and his whole body is white, plump, and delicate.

Mother Lu looked at him, she suddenly understood why her son liked fat people.

Hmm, maybe her son doesn’t like fat ones, but likes Xie Chengze to the extent he is now? That’s actually pretty good too.

Seeing that Xie Chengze didn’t eat less, father Lu and mother Lu were relieved.

However, after a few days, Xie Chengze lost weight again.

Lu Yanzhou was afraid of harming Xie Chengze’s body, so he didn’t let Xie Chengze to exercise too much and he also paid attention to his diet.

But when ‘Under the Ruins’ was released, Xie Chengze still lost some weight and became 170 catties. (About 225 pound)

Xie Chengze in this world is not tall because of his illness, but he is not short either. He looks about 1.75 meters, so 170 catties is still a bit fat for him, but his facial features are now more clear.

Fang Hua, who came to attend the premiere ceremony, saw Xie Chengze and said, “Director Xie, you have lost a lot of weight and are also a lot more handsome! I thought you had a face filter during the live stream, but you didn’t!”

Xie Chengze: “…”

Producer Wei was also shocked: “Old Xie, I asked you to lose weight before but you kept saying that you couldn’t lose weight because of your health…why did you lose weight now?”

Producer Wei is Xie Chengze’s college classmate but Xie Chengze had never told him about his illness.

For this reason, Producer Wei once advised Xie Chengze to lose weight, but Xie Chengze refused, saying that it was because of his health so he couldn’t lose weight.

Later, Producer Wei observed Xie Chengze for a period of time and found that Xie Chengze didn’t eat much. He felt that Xie Chengze probably had the ‘getting fat even if he drank water’ physique, so he didn’t persuade him anymore.

As directors and producers, they are very busy at work, and the work pressure is also high. If they eat too little and have insufficient nutrition, their bodies will collapse!

Xie Chengze said: “I went to see the doctor. I was so fat before because of my health. I lost weight now because I got better.”

Seeing that Xie Chengze looked well, even a little too good, Producer Wei felt relieved: “That’s good! You look handsome even if you’re thin!”

It’s good that Xie Chengze lost weight.

Of course not only the actors, who participated in the premiere ceremony, noticed that Xie Chengze lost weight, but also the live audience and the audience watching the live broadcast.

“Xie Chengze lost a lot of weight, right?”

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“He was still fat before? Did he go for liposuction?”

“Don’t talk nonsense. He and Lu Yanzhou will live stream from time to time, I watched him lose weight bit by bit.”

“Do you have a partner, love beauty?”

“Do you guys think that Director Xie is a bit more handsome now?”

“If one doesn’t look at his body and only looks at his face, he’s a bit handsome.”

“I’m an art student, and Director Xie’s facial features are really good!”

“I took a photo of Director Xie and input it on the software. After Director Xie loses weight, he will be a handsome guy!”

Of course, more people were discussing the movie: “I have always liked Director Xie’s movies, I hope this movie won’t disappoint me.”

“It shouldn’t be disappointing. After all, Lu Yanzhou even bought a special effects company in order to do good special effects.”

“Lu Yanzhou has always said that he has good acting skills, and Director Xie also said the same. Now I really want to know what he looks like in the movie.”

“Having watched the online dramas he acted in before, I doubt that Director Xie only said that just to coax him.”

Among the various discussions, ‘Under the Ruins’ started playing.

The apocalypse is coming, human beings are facing a catastrophe. In order to survive, everyone must unite.

There are good and evil in human nature, but in such an extreme environment, there is more goodness.

A certain underground city was unable to sustain itself due to lack of energy. Although some people robbed the chance of survival, most of them silently gave up the chance of survival to the children.

They could snatch the chance of life from the children, but they didn’t do it.

The protagonist leads his men to look for the hope of survival. They all have a firm belief that even if they don’t survive themselves, they want to give the thousands of people living under the ruins a chance to live!

At the beginning, everyone was still thinking about who to look for in the movie. Many people in this movie were dirty, with scars and plaques on their faces, so they couldn’t see their faces clearly.

However, everyone was slowly immersed in it, and even felt extremely real.

The movie is also really realistic.

Lu Yanzhou knows how serious the radiation after the use of weapons of mass destruction is, and has seen the ruins in the apocalypse. The special effects he supervised throughout the process are enough to confuse it for real ones.

Someone sobbed softly, then at this moment, halfway through the movie, Lu Yanzhou appeared.

This is a pretty good underground city. When the protagonists entered, they saw an angel singing.

It was actually a young man dressed in ordinary clothes. His hair was messed up like everyone else and his stage was also very small, but standing there, he seemed to brighten up everyone.

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When Xie Chengze filmed, he was full of love, and now the audience could also feel it too.

But no one spoke, everyone was immersed in it!

The character played by Lu Yanzhou made a stunning appearance followed by a shocking death, allowing the protagonist to find the hope of survival.

When the movie ended, many crying people rushed to the place where the tickets were bought, planning to buy another ticket for a second time.

At the same time, comments on the movie on the Internet also appeared blowing out.

Although the relationship between Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze was chaotic, only a few people paid attention to it. Most ordinary people didn’t pay much attention to celebrity gossip.

Especially after the Lu family deleted everything that should be deleted, ordinary people knew even less.

After watching the movie, these people just thought it was good: “This movie is really good! It’s the best science fiction movie I’ve ever seen!”

“It’s very realistic!”

“I’m crying!”

Some people are like this, but some people pay special attention to Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze: “Director Xie made this movie so well, he is really talented, no wonder Lu Yanzhou likes him.”

“Lu Yanzhou’s acting skills are really good! When he came out, I couldn’t believe that he was Lu Yanzhou.”

“Director Xie, you are not human, you still let Lu Yanzhou die in the movie!”

Of course, there are people who haven’t seen it and don’t believe that Lu Yanzhou can act well, and then they are besieged. Then after they watch the movie…

“Lu Yanzhou’s acting skills are so good, why did he act like that in the previous web drama?”

“He made the web drama for fun. Isn’t this movie different? This is a movie made by Xie Chengze!”

“After discovering that Lu Yanzhou is actually a top student, I seem to understand whatever he does.”

“No wonder Director Xie wants to add scenes to Lu Yanzhou!”

“When Director Xie filmed Lu Yanzhou, it was really full of love!”

“Thinking of Fang Hua again, the straight man of steel! When Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou were on the set, they definitely had an affair, but he didn’t notice it at all!”

The evaluation of ‘Under the Ruins’ is very good. Most people think that even if it’s just for the special effects, they will buy a ticket to watch it, not to mention that the plot itself is very good!

As a result, the box office has been rising all the way. It’s getting higher and higher…

As the box office got higher and higher, Xie Chengze became thinner and thinner.

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Father Lu and mother Lu finally felt that something was wrong.

Their son kept saying that he liked fat people, but now? Xie Chengze has lost weight, but he still treats Xie Chengze as his treasure!

So their sons lied to them back then, right?

Their son has no aesthetic abnormalities at all!

Father Lu didn’t expect that at his age, he boasted that he could see through the tricks of the people around him at a glance, but he was deceived by his son, and he was also deceived twice.

He said he wasn’t with Xie Chengze yet, but he had already been with him a long time ago.

He said he liked fat people, but ended up supporting Xie Chengze to lose weight.

Father Lu got angry and quarreled with Lu Yanzhou again, but that was all.

What else could he do, he was his own son after all?

What’s more, he could control Lu Yanzhou by stopping the card previously, but now he can’t!

Now Lu Yanzhou is not as fond of spending money as before…he also has money himself!

After ‘Under the Ruins’ became popular, the special effects company was completely controlled by his son. With such a company and technology, would his son be short of money in the future?

In addition…Xie Chengze directed ‘Under the Ruins’, so he also got a box office commission. The higher the box office, the higher the commission.

Now the box office of this movie should be over 5 billion, and Xie Chengze’s commission will not be less than 200 million.

If they were to really drive their son out, their son will definitely be happily taken away by Xie Chengze.

Father Lu could see that Xie Chengze really wanted to ‘raise’ his son!

Didn’t they see this man buying stuff for his son all day long?

His son will never eat soft rice! Father Lu gritted his teeth and gave Xie Chengze some shares in Xingyu Entertainment, wanting people to know that it was his son who was doing unspoken rule to Xie Chengze all along. As for Xie Chengze doing unspoken rule to his son, that doesn’t exist at all.

Xie Chengze: “…” Lu Yanzhou’s parents are really strange.

As for the netizens outside: “The Lu family seems very satisfied with Xie Chengze!”

“Yeah, so many shares were given to him!”

“Xie Chengze is too happy, right?”

“If one looks like that, they will be happy too!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was silent, but soon, they started discussing again: “I know Director Xie should look good if he loses weight, but I didn’t expect him to be so good-looking.”

“Wuuuuu, I used to be really blind.”

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“I knew that the child born from my god and goddess must be handsome!”

“I thought Lu Yanzhou was very handsome before, far surpassing those little fresh meats, but now I think Director Xie is even more handsome!”

“So Lu Yanzhou has a really good vision and chose such a potential stock.”

“The gap between me and the rich lies in my lack of long-term vision!”

After Xie Chengze lost weight, there’s still some marks left on his body but that was not a big deal. Lu Yanzhou researched some medicine to remove the marks and applied it on him, then it gradually healed.

Because he is a little bit thin with a good complexion, being led by Lu Yanzhou, he has also developed some muscles.

Of course, the most important thing is his face.

That appearance, that temperament, truly amazing!

Among the stars in the entertainment industry, who can compare to Xie Chengze handsomeness?!

“Xie Chengze’s appearance and family background are good. Thinking about it carefully, it’s normal for Lu Yanzhou to choose him.”

“Some wealthy families choose celebrities! Xie Chengze’s face is far superior to most celebrities and he is also a great director. He’s really not bad at all!”

“Yes! And watching ‘Under the Ruins’, you will know how much Director Xie loves Lu Yanzhou. Who doesn’t like a handsome man who loves them and is talented?”

“Xie Chengze is definitely the most handsome director.”

“Lu Yanzhou is too happy, right?”

Lu Yanzhou was indeed very happy.

He accompanied Director Xie Chengze to produce one work after another, and watched Xie Chengze win one award after another, full of satisfaction in his heart.

It’s just…can the people around stop staring at Xie Chengze’s face? Xie Chengze belongs to him alone!

When Lu Yanzhou took Xie Chengze to attend the event, they held hands to show off their love, then he glared at the people around them.

Xie Chengze followed beside him, smiling, and also stared at the people around him.

Ever since Lu Yanzhou’s identity was exposed, countless people rushed forward one after another, trying to hook up with Lu Yanzhou.

He would never let anyone come near him.

Lu Yanzhou…belongs to him alone!

T/N: Tis one dun!

Next…eunuch boss and rebel leader!(⋆‿⋆)

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