Hold His Hand

Chapter 147: 147

Lu Yanzhou liked the peaceful modern world very much.

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He made movies with Xie Chengze and they lived happily ever after. When Xie Chengze passed away, he left this world with him.

Putting Xie Chengze’s soul fragment into his chest, Lu Yanzhou entered the next world.

As soon as he regained consciousness, Lu Yanzhou felt cold, and only then did he realize that he was staying in a small mountain temple.

This temple is really small and dilapidated, but judging from the situation in the temple, someone should still come to clean it.

Lu Yanzhou began to accept the original owner’s memory, and this acceptance made him a little helpless.

The last world was really easy for him. With such a pair of rich parents, it was easy for him to get merit.

So at that time, he hardly worried about merit.

But this world is different…This is an ancient world, and his status is also very low.

The original owner of Lu Yanzhou’s body was a descendant of a yamen servant in a small county near the capital in this country called DaYan.

The yamen gave them almost no money, and the amount they got every day was only some coins, which was not enough for a meal. However, these servants also have other ways to get money.

Accepting bribes, asking for protection fees from stall sellers, extorting money, asking for money from the person who reported the case in the process of handling the case…The life of a yamen servant is also very nourishing.

And they are essentially no different from local rogues.

The original owner’s father was a scoundrel who was proficient in eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, and even beat the original owner’s mother to death. The original owner turned against his father because of this incident. After his father was injured, he ignored him and watched his father die wailing at home.

However, the original owner is not a good person, except that he restrained himself from sleeping around and vowed to treat his wife well, as for other respects…he was no different from his father.

Then, he almost ruined a female.

Their small county is only a day’s journey away from the capital, so there are many manors belonging to the wealthy families from the capital nearby. Some wealthy families will come here to live for a few days or hunt after they are free.

When the original owner passed by a certain manor to play at a friend’s house, he accidentally met a 14-year-old wealthy lady who lived in the manor.

This wealthy lady was a bit playful. She used the excuse of taking a nap to go out from the window of her bedroom to play, and just happened to meet the original owner.

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Although the original owner was not close to women, he had been in contact with people of various places and streams since he was a child. Because of his low status, when he was in the yamen, he had to find ways to curry favor with those petty officials.

He is the best at coaxing people.

The wealthy lady was so beautiful that the original owner took a fancy to her at a glance. After he took a fancy to her, he began to court her.

The original owner would definitely not be able to coax a well-informed woman, but she was a fourteen or fifteen-year-old girl, and this is her nominal age!

In this era, even if girls of this age can get married, Lu Yanzhou still feels that the original owner has no sense of shame.

The most frightening thing was that the little girl was attracted by the outside world described by the original owner, and even planned to elope with the original owner.

The original owner and this young lady Wang agreed to meet at this dilapidated mountain temple, and then leave here by boat together.

The original owner was 24 this year. He lost his mother when he was 7 years old and became a yamen servant at the age of 12. Although he lived at the bottom, he knew the dark side of the world very well.

He knew that those big families valued the chastity of their daughters very much. If he really took young lady Wang away, young lady Wang’s family would most likely not seek them out with great fanfare for the sake of reputation, but would mourn young lady Wang instead.

The Wang family can’t afford to lose this person!

Of course, there is a small probability that the Wang family will be furious and want to kill him, but he is sincere to young lady Wang, so he feels that even if he has a bad life…He intends to fight. If he dies then he dies.

As for young lady Wang. The original owner is not so kind as to arrange a future for young lady Wang. He only swore that he would treat young lady Wang well for the rest of his life and that there would be no other women, and nothing else.

Fortunately, young lady Wang was probably discovered by her family members or she figured it out by herself, she didn’t come to the appointment. She shouldn’t have told her family about it.

In short, the original owner waited all night in the mountain temple, but he didn’t see young lady Wang, nor did he get revenge from the Wang family.

In the original trajectory, after waiting all night, the original owner who was too cold could only leave the mountain temple and go home, thinking about going to see young lady Wang to ask what happened.

However, he didn’t succeed.

When he was on the main road, he bumped into a team and was arrested and brought back to the capital.

Lu Yanzhou jumped up suddenly. He couldn’t delay any longer, he was going to wait on the road, waiting to hit that team!

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The original owner collided with Xie Chengze’s team.

Xie Chengze’s identity in this world is the famous Jiu Qiansui, the eunuch who has real power, in Da Yan.

He was loyal to the emperor, worked for the emperor, persecuted many officials, and the officials in the court hated him to the bone.

This time Xie Chengze came to run a secret errand. On the way back to the capital, he met the original owner, so he captured the original owner and brought the original owner back to the capital, then he found a house to raise him.

Lu Yanzhou probably knew the reason why he did this.

Xie Chengze was facing a lot of troubles at that time, even the emperor’s suspicion.

He took the original owner back, pretending to like the original owner. He always came to spend the night with the original owner…

Although this gave those officials more reason to attack him, it also made the emperor feel relieved about him.

The original owner existed as Xie Chengze’s weakness.

Of course, Xie Chengze didn’t really do anything with the original owner, at most he would just eat with the original owner.

What about the original owner? The original owner naturally hated Xie Chengze, but the original owner’s survival instinct prevented him from resisting. In fact…the original owner had been trying his best to please Xie Chengze, then pretended to be a tiger outside, using Xie Chengze’s power to bully people everywhere, causing Xie Chengze a lot of trouble.

Xie Chengze tried his best to show his love for the original owner, so not only did he help the original owner solve all kinds of troubles, but also ‘obeyed everything’ from the original owner.

Xie Chengze did so well that the original owner thought Xie Chengze really liked him.

The original owner loathed Xie Chengze, but at the same time relied on Xie Chengze’s love to act. He wanted Xie Chengze to help him snatch young lady Wang back.

Then, Xie Chengze put the original owner under house arrest.

The original owner realized that Xie Chengze couldn’t really be regarded as a woman who was dazzled by love, so he began to lie low and play small again. However, at the same time, he also thought about bringing down Xie Chengze.

The original owner really got in touch with some people who had a grudge against Xie Chengze, but before he could make a move, the capital was destroyed.

The rebels…Or the new emperor rushed into the capital, Da Yan dynasty changed. Xie Chengze and the original owner were also hanged on the city wall.

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Before being hanged, the original owner stayed by Xie Chengze’s side and heard the conversation between Xie Chengze and the new emperor. Only then did he know that Xie Chengze had been sending information to the rebels all these years.

Da Yan’s late emperor was very bad. The late emperor was not only absurd, but also liked to go out of the palace to play. Once he went hunting, instead of going to a special hunting ground, he went to the field and shot Xie Chengze’s younger brother as prey. Xie Chengze’s parents didn’t know the identity of the late emperor, so they came out to ask for justice, then they were also killed.

Xie Chengze hated the imperial family very much, and it happened that he was a eunuch, so he entered the palace and became a eunuch, waiting for an opportunity to take revenge.

It has been hundreds of years since Da Yan was founded, so there are more and more people in the imperial family. Many of these people went out, and then they became domineering in their respective fiefs…

Xie Chengze only wanted to kill one person at first, but seeing so much, he chose to overthrow the entire dynasty.

However, his reputation was too bad, and he knew this, so after completing his goal, he accepted death calmly.

At that time, the original owner begged Xie Chengze to let him go — the new emperor had benefited a lot from Xie Chengze. Although he couldn’t let Xie Chengze go, he didn’t mind letting go of the irrelevant original owner, but it depends on whether Xie Chengze wants it or not.

Xie Chengze asked the new emperor to kill him and the original owner.

Both the new emperor and the original owner felt that Xie Chengze did this because he really liked the original owner, but Lu Yanzhou didn’t think so.

Xie Chengze did this because he probably didn’t want the original owner to harm others.

The original owner was not a good person in a small county town, he was able to extort money from poor people who couldn’t get enough to eat without any remorse.

When he gained power, he also did more evil things. It’s just that Xie Chengze kept sending people to watch, so no one was killed.

Isn’t it harmful to keep this kind of person alive?

Lu Yanzhou knew what it was like for Xie Chengze to really like someone, he was sure that Xie Chengze didn’t like the original owner.

However, Xie Chengze will definitely like him.

As for the young lady Wang family…The Wang family is a big family, and the young lady Wang that the original owner likes is also the daughter of the Wang family’s patriarch.

This young lady Wang did not go to the appointment to eloped with the original owner. Not long after, she got engaged and after more than a year, she got married.

The original owner stayed by Xie Chengze’s side for many years, and never had a chance to see young lady Wang again. He only knew that the Wang family was persecuted by the late emperor, and the whole family fled and joined the rebel army.

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Young lady Wang’s father joined the rebel army and was also very famous.

Only the two of them know about the relationship between young lady Wang and him, so they could pretend that there is no such thing in the future.

But, Xie Chengze…Xie Chengze needs a shield now, he could be it!

As for the future…

The world will be in chaos, heroes will rise together then. In order to ensure Xie Chengze’s safety, he must intervene in these chaotic times.

Lu Yanzhou walked forward.

In ancient times, even the main roads were dirt roads, not to mention the small roads, which were completely small trails that appeared after a lot of people walked on.

As Lu Yanzhou walked all the way, the dew on the weeds on the side of the road wet his trousers.

When he finally came to the side of the main road, not long after, he saw a few people on horseback running from not far away, and the person sitting on the horse at the head was Xie Chengze?

Lu Yanzhou looked up, met Xie Chengze’s gaze, and then saw Xie Chengze pull the rein to stop, his eyes narrowed slightly: “Tie him up and take him back!”

After finishing speaking, he thought of something, then Xie Chengze added: “Tie him up good for me.”

Xie Chengze’s voice in this world is a bit shrill and his appearance is similar to the previous world, but he looks softer and his skin is more delicate.

However, his eyes are very sharp. When looking at people, it seems to pierced people like needles.

“My lord…” Lu Yanzhou just called out, then he was tied up and sent to Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze put him on his horse’s back, sat behind him, pulled the reins, then headed for the capital.

Lu Yanzhou: “…” This is really a bit bumpy.

At the same time, Xie Chengze’s heart was also a little confused.

He felt very strange before. Although his cousin was young, she couldn’t be coaxed by a random scoundrel. How could she agree to such an absurd thing as elopement.

However, seeing this little scoundrel right now, he understands a little bit…This guy looks good, if his mouth is also sweet, it’s normal for his cousin to like him.

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