Hold His Hand

Chapter 148: 148


Xie Chengze’s surname should have been Wang.

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The Wang family was one of the great families of Yan, very prominent, and his grandfather was the current head of the Wang family.

He should have been in the limelight from birth, if only his body wasn’t flawed.

When he was born, the midwife found him to be neither male nor female, so he was sent to his grandfather.

His grandfather thought that the Wang family shouldn’t have a monster like him, so he asked his uncle to kill him and bury him.

However, instead of killing him, his uncle sent him to the outskirts of the capital to be raised by a childless couple.

This couple was very kind. They knew that he was physically flawed, but still raised him well and named him Xie Chengze.

Their family was not particularly rich, but they were well off with lots of land, so he could even go to school.

His life was very happy, even when the couple gave birth to their own flesh and blood, they still treated him very well, however……After the emperor’s trip, the couple and his brother are gone.

He watched as his brother was born, so he loved that little guy very much. He fed him every day, gave him a bath, and listened to him call out gege……

That day when he left home to go to school, this still child hugged his legs, telling him to come back early, but by the time he came home……the child had been killed by a drunken emperor with an arrow.

He did his parents’ funeral, sold the fields left by his parents, and enter the palace.


At that time, he did not know his relationship with the Wang family yet, then his eldest uncle suddenly approached him. He realized that he should have the Wang surname.

Over the years, he had very little interaction with the Wang family.

His eldest uncle had secretly given him some money, but didn’t ask him to help with anything until this time when he came out on an errand and inadvertently ran into his eldest uncle, who begged him for help.

His eldest uncle’s youngest daughter had offended a favored princess in the capital, so she was sent over here by his eldest uncle to suffer a bit.

As a result, this little cousin of his has quite some ‘ability’. She scolds away all those people around her and secretly goes out to play, then she also meets a small scoundrel.

When his uncle found out about this matter, he didn’t dare to alarm the two, lest the scoundrel do something to damage his daughter’s reputation.

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After thinking about it, his uncle approached him and asked him to check the origin of the scoundrel.

He checks this scoundrel from bottom to top. Although he never did such things as murder and arson, he was still a local ruffian.


This guy is also ruthless. It was said that when his father is seriously ill, he doesn’t even feed his father.

His cousin even liked such a person? He was a bit surprised at that time, and what was even more surprising was later — last night, his cousin even wanted to elope.

His eldest uncle had already interrogated his cousin and knew where the scoundrel was, so he approached him again, wanting him to kill the scoundrel.

He agreed to do so, and arranged for a man to go to the dilapidated temple to keep an eye on him, so that when the scoundrel left the dilapidated temple, his man would come to find him, and then he would bring his men there to kidnap the scoundrel.

His eldest uncle hated this scoundrel to the bone and wanted to kill this scoundrel, he understood that but he also had other plans.

The current emperor is immoral and tyrannical. Thinking that eunuchs are also men, so when he plays with women, he makes them join him.

He was disgusted with these, so in order to escape, he can only lie that he dislikes women.

After hearing this, the emperor didn’t force him, but since he said this, he couldn’t let it go like this. He has long planned to find a man to raise around.

Most men can’t stand this humiliation getting raised by the eunuchs to play with in the mansion.He also does not want to harm innocent people, so he planned to find a bad person to take care to train.

There are a lot of evil people in this world, but less good-looking ones. He has not been able to find a suitable one until now. This time, he decided to help his eldest uncle, then found that this scoundrel is very suitable.


Xie Chengze looked down at the man lying in front of him.

A few days ago when he investigated this person, he saw this person’s side profile.At that time, although he felt that this person’s appearance was to his liking, it only stops here.

However, today when he saw him ……his heart unexpectedly somewhat moved.

He didn’t expect him to be a face-judger.

He thinks back to when he first saw this person. This person is forcing an old man, who was selling vegetables, in the county to give him. Doesn’t matter how miserable the old man cried, he still take all the old man’s money……

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Xie Chengze laughed coldly in his heart. That quick heartbeat of his should just be an illusion, it’s impossible for him to like such a person.

Lu Yanzhou was lying on the back of the horse and was turned upside down.

The original owner, in order to elope, brought all his belongings. His bag also contained a lot of food. However, last night he was waiting anxiously for a person, his heart was anxious, so he did not eat anything……Fortunately, he did not eat, otherwise he would have vomited it all out.

Fortunately, at noon, Xie Chengze put him down. However, Xie Chengze did not untie the rope binding his arms, nor did he remove the piece of cloth in his mouth.

Lu Yanzhou: “……” He already saw Xie Chengze for half a day, but he didn’t even say a word.

Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou next to him, his face turned ugly.

This little scoundrel looked at him pitifully, it actually made him want to release this person and give him some water and food.

He had never been a kind-hearted person, so there shouldn’t be any reason for such thoughts to arise. It was simply because he liked this person’s appearance in his heart so much that he couldn’t bear to see this person suffer.

He, unexpectedly and strangely, like such a scoundrel!

Although he had been physically flawed since childhood, Xie Chengze had always felt that he was a man!


Besides making an heir, he was better than ordinary men in every aspect!

But now, he actually likes another man?

Lu Yanzhou: “……” Why was Xie Chengze always glaring at him?

Well, he was a scoundrel who had done a lot of bad things, so it was normal for Xie Chengze to glare at him.

Lu Yanzhou, who has the original owner’s memories, knows that Xie Chengze had come to their country and should have been living there for a few days. The original owner has even fought with Xie Chengze.

The original owner had even met Xie Chengze’s men a few times.

In the original historical trajectory, the original owner recognized Xie Chengze and Xie Chengze’s people, so he became very obedient to Xie Chengze. The original owner felt that Xie Chengze should have taken a fancy to him in that small country town, fell in love with him at first sight, that’s why he kidnapped him.

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Lu Yanzhou knows that the truth is absolutely not so. Xie Chengze probably capture the original owner because he saw the original owner doing evil and wanted to find someone to pretend to be his lover.

Taking the original owner as a lover is really quite appropriate, after all, the original owner is someone who knows current affairs and looks good.

In this short period of time, it wasn’t easy for Xie Chengze to find someone who looked like him.

After Xie Chengze had eaten, he once again carried Lu Yanzhou on his horse and led him towards the capital.

Lu Yanzhou: “……”

This dynasty that Lu Yanzhou traveled through had a similar level of development as the Tang Dynasty.

A lot of things that were already common on Earth’s Ming and Qing Dynasties were not available here. Because of the low productivity, the lives of the people here were very difficult.

Especially since this dynasty had existed for hundreds of years!

DaYan’s emperor’s power was not that great, and the control over place was not strong, plus many places were sealed to the imperial family members and became the fiefdom of the imperial family members……The management of the whole country was a bit chaotic.

The princes in the fief have to pay taxes to the capital every year, but they also need the taxes for eating, drinking, and having fun, so they all exploit people in the fief.

In addition, the yamen servants at this time are basically people like the original owner. They will go to make money for themselves after going to collect taxes…

Under layers of exploitation, people’s lives were miserable, so they could only sell their land……

For hundreds of years, the land has been annexed. Many people do not have their own land to become tenant farmers. They work hard and are busy for a year to only have 90% of the grain in the field handed over. Usually, they can only eat the few wild vegetables grown to fill their belly.

Besides that, when the harvest is not good, they also have to sell their children to pay the land rent.

In recent years, natural disasters are frequent, so starving people are also everywhere.

According to what Lu Yanzhou knows, people couldn’t survive in many places in DaYan, so they became bandits to fight against the government. In another year, many rebels will arise in various places in DaYan.

Only DaYan’s capital city remains peaceful.

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Well, because of the low productivity, DaYan’s capital city at this time was also in a state of disrepair, with low-rise houses everywhere, and the ordinary people of the capital were all skinny.

He had been to the ancient world before. The difference between the capital of the other world and this world’s capital city was really very big!

There were of course prosperous locations, but then that was all places where the nobles lived!

Speaking of which, the palace at this time was also very small. Besides, the current emperor is a licentious person too. He not only married a lot of women, but also robbed a lot of women back…The palace couldn’t contain so many people, so many of the current emperor’s consorts were arranged to live outside the palace.

Some unfavored consorts even have to weave their own clothes to feed themselves.

And Xie Chengze’s residence is quite close to where those consorts live.

This city is not big, and the house that Xie Chengze lives in is not big either, but compared to other people’s homes……here should be considered luxurious.

It was already afternoon when they arrived here, and just as Xie Chengze arrived, several eunuchs greeted him with a not so pleasant smell.

Xie Chengze carried Lu Yanzhou down from his horse and said to these people, “This is the person I have my eyes on, you take him to wash up then place him next door to my room.”

“Yes, lord jui qiansui.” These little eunuchs answered.

With a tug, Xie Chengze untied the rope on Lu Yanzhou’s body, and pinched Lu Yanzhou’s chin, sneering, “Kid, I have my eyes on you…What to do next, you should be clear.”

Lu Yanzhou hastily nodded.

Only then was Xie Chengze satisfied and waved his hand, “Go!”

Lu Yanzhou obediently followed those little eunuchs.

He also wanted to wash up.

Ordinary people these days don’t bathe much because they don’t have enough firewood to boil water.

The original owner was already considered clean, but he only wiped his neck and armpits every time he went to see young lady Wang.

And lying on the horse’s back all the way, that horse’s scent…Lu Yanzhou really wants to take a bath!

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