Hold His Hand

Chapter 149: 149


After Xie Chengze entered his room, someone brought him hot water to take a bath.

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He was busy working outside, so now he just wanted to take a bath.

While taking a bath, Xie Chengze reflected on his previous behavior.

Was he too fierce to that little scoundrel? Will this person be afraid of him? Is he going too far by saying that he fell in love with him?

Thinking of this, Xie Chengze’s face turned dark again.

Before he caught this scoundrel and came back, he had already thought about everything. At the beginning, he will teach this scoundrel some lessons — this kind of person that only bullied the weak and fears the strong can only be made obedient if he knows how to be afraid.

He should just follow the plan, why worry so much?

As for him saying he directly fell in love with this person, that shouldn’t be said going too far, right? In the entire capital, who doesn’t know that he, Xie Chengze, always does things as he pleases?

After tidying up briefly, Xie Chengze put on gorgeous clothes and entered the palace, paying his respects to the emperor.

The current emperor loves fine clothes, fine wine, and beautiful women…He likes everything that is beautiful and makes him happy.

Xie Chengze’s ability to get his favor has something to do with Xie Chengze’s own skills, and also has something to do with Xie Chengze’s good looks.

Most of the eunuchs in the palace are ugly, dry and thin, and they also have a smell on their bodies, but Xie Chengze is different from them.


Xie Chengze went out this time because of officials’ corruption, so he made a special trip to find evidence.

However, the emperor obviously wasn’t interested in these things. He instead asked Xie Chengze if he had tasted any delicacies or seen any wonderful things.

“Your Majesty, the place I went to this time is not far from the capital, and the good things there have already been dedicated to your majesty, but I have heard some interesting things.” Xie Chengze laughed.

“Tell me about it.” Said the emperor.

Xie Chengze started talking about some gossip.

For example, the young master of a family fell in love with a young lady, sneaked in and entered the old lady’s yard instead and was beaten by a group of maids.

Another example is that there is a bad person who, after killing someone, sets up a clever scheme to blame others, but in the end the officials find out the real culprit.

What Xie Chengze said was all interesting things that won’t make the emperor dissatisfied, so he described it vividly and interestingly, which made the emperor feel very happy.

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Xie Chengze is 26 this year. He entered the palace at the age of twelve and has been in the palace for fourteen years. He knows enough about this emperor.

This emperor ascended the throne at a young age. Everyone followed him and no one dared to accuse him. He could do whatever he wanted, and it was also the people around him who were unlucky if he did something wrong, so even if he was now in his forties, he was still a big kid.

Do as one pleases, no rules and regulations.

Xie Chengze even felt fortunate that when he came to the emperor, the emperor was already quite old.

One has to know that when he was young, he was very interested in eunuchs’ bodies. He had tortured several eunuchs to death, and he watched how ordinary people became eunuchs.

Finally coaxing the emperor well, Xie Chengze left the palace exhausted.

At first, he wanted to kill the emperor, but he soon discovered that the rest of the imperial family was no better than the emperor.

Some were even scarier and crueler.

The officials of DaYan are actually not much better, even the Wang family where he was born.

In Yuzhou, one-third of the land belongs to the Wang family. In the past, every time a natural disaster occurred, it was a carnival for the Wang family, because they could buy a lot of land at a low price.


When officials in the imperial court went to Yuzhou to work, they had to listen to the Wang family no matter where. They had to give the Wang family a share of the taxes.

And when the Wang family’s children commit crimes, they can easily find someone to take the blame!

What’s even more ridiculous is that compared to other big families, the Wang family is pretty good. At least the tenant farmers of the Wang family are less likely to starve to death. Last year, there was a drought in Yuzhou and the Wang family even exempted the tenant farmers from the land rent.

In addition, his uncle is not bad. He had come into contact with his grandfather and even his father in the imperial court, and these two people were the two people he didn’t want to know at all.

Back at his residence, just as Xie Chengze entered, a eunuch in his thirties came over to greet him: “Godfather.”

Xie Chengze is 26 years old this year, but his male-feminine appearance made him look very young. When he goes outside, even if he says that he is only seventeen or eighteen years old, others will definitely believe him.

However, when he was called ‘godfather’ by a eunuch in his thirties, his expression didn’t change for a moment. He led the man to his study.

Xie Chengze has been in power for eight years. During the eight years, he has taken in many godsons.

These godsons include eunuchs and healthy ones, many of whom are older than him.

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“Let’s talk.” Entering the study, Xie Chengze sat on the mahogany chair with a sharp voice.

The eunuch then spoke in a similar voice, talking about what happened in the capital and the palace these days.

The current emperor is not a nostalgic person, in fact he likes to try all kinds of new things and will just promote whoever makes him happy.

Xie Chengze wanted the favor to last, so he shouldn’t leave him for a long time. However, so as not to be taken advantage of by others, Xie Chengze couldn’t leave him for long, but he also couldn’t bear to be with him every day.

He will leave for a few days from time to time, and at such times, he needs someone to help him pay attention to the emperor’s situation.

This person talked a lot, and also mentioned many things from the imperial court: “Godfather, Jiangnan was hit by a snowstorm last winter, many people were frozen to death, and there’s also a plague in the spring…King Qi ordered the city to be massacred.”


“En.” Xie Chengze responded lightly.

As far as he knows, there are people who are dissatisfied in many places, but so far, there is no force that can shake this dynasty.

Besides, there is little he can do. The most he can do now is to clean up those small officials that like to prey on people around the capital.

Further than this, he can’t control it.

After the report was over, Xie Chengze said: “Sheng Yuan, withdraw four people from Nanshan, I want them to help with an errand.”

Xie Chengze has many forces under his command, but the one he trusts the most is the guards in Nanshan, whom he kept in Nanshan.

These people were all bought by him eight years ago as children no older than 10 years old. They were raised little by little to be absolutely loyal to him.

“Yes, godfather.” Sheng Yuan agreed, and slowly retreated.

Sheng Yuan is Xie Chengze’s confidant. Coincidentally, he is the one who watches his castration with his own eyes.

The Sheng family is not as prominent as the Wang family, but it is not a small family either. At that time, the Sheng family objected to a certain decision made by the emperor. The emperor had the teenager Sheng Yuan captured and castrated.

The Sheng family abandoned Sheng Yuan, and Sheng Yuan stayed in the palace until Xie Chengze discovered him and took him for his own use.

After Sheng Yuan left, it was already late at night, so Xie Chengze went back to his bedroom to sleep.

He remembered a certain someone, then he deliberately forgot him.

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The cleaned up Lu Yanzhou: “…”

Xie Chengze tied him home but didn’t enjoy him?

Well, at this stage, it’s impossible for him to develop anything with Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze should have known that he was a ‘scoundrel’ before he was tied up, so he just wanted to use him as a shield…Of course it is impossible for him to fake a show for him.

Therefore, he cleaned himself up for Xie Chengze first.

He believes that after getting along for a period of time, Xie Chengze will know that he is not like the original owner!

The next morning, Lu Yanzhou got up early and proposed to go into the kitchen to make something to eat.

Then he was rejected.

The servants didn’t even let him go out, then they brought him some unpalatable food.

It’s not that Xie Chengze treated him badly, it’s mainly because in this era, people still don’t use oil to stir-fry, so the food is simply stewed or roasted with very few condiments, so it’s naturally not very tasty.

It’s actually not bad, there is a piece of mutton in this meal, which is already very rich.

Lu Yanzhou was locked up like this for two days. Then, the servants finally took him out, saying that Xie Chengze wanted to have a meal with him.

In the original owner’s memory, there is such a scene too.

The original owner was the same as him. He didn’t get any good treatment in the first two days, then he met Xie Chengze at dinner on the third day. Xie Chengze said that he liked the original owner’s face very much, and asked the original owner to take good care of him, and then arranged four guards for the original owner.

After that, the original owner was much freer. The original owner who was born at the bottom had no pride. He already knew Xie Chengze’s identity, so he tried to please Xie Chengze in every possible way.

Xie Chengze also treated the original owner better and better. He even allowed the original owner to go shopping and gave the original owner a lot of money. If someone offended the original owner, he helped the original owner and taught them a lesson…

Even if the original owner bullied others, Xie Chengze also helped the original owner to settle the matter.

The original owner gradually started to float…however, since he didn’t even know any character, he couldn’t make any waves.

Lu Yanzhou felt that everything about the original owner should be under Xie Chengze’s control.

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Lu Yanzhou was brought in front of Xie Chengze.

The table was already full of food, including a whole stewed chicken, a piece of roasted lamb, a plate of pickles, a plate of pickled cucumbers, and a plate of dough cakes.

The rich people in DaYan do not like to eat vegetables, except for pickled vegetables, which is not surprising. The taste of boiled vegetables is definitely not as good as meat.

“How have you been these few days?” Xie Chengze asked with a smile, but his narrowed eyes and his sharp voice always made people feel that he was threatening them.

Many people will definitely be afraid of such Xie Chengze, but Lu Yanzhou is not afraid, he smiled at Xie Chengze: “I am doing well, thank you lord Qiansui.” ”

Xie Chengze’s face turned dark instantly.

According to the original plan, he will lock up Lu Yanzhou for a few days, so that this person could reflect before seeing him again.

Judging by this person’s attitude, he should have thought it through and even began to please him.

But he…

He has always thought about this person these days. Now, at this moment, seeing this person smiling, he actually felt very happy too.

Xie Chengze felt that he was crazy!

After calming his state of mind, Xie Chengze said: “I like your face very much, are you willing to stay here with me?” ”

Xie Chengze said this gently, but his expression…It seemed that if Lu Yanzhou didn’t agree, he would kill him.

Without any hesitation and a smile on Lu Yanzhou’s face, he answered: “Of course I am willing, it’s my honor to accompany lord Qiansui.” ”

The original owner was hesitant at that time, but he was stared at by Xie Chengze’s cold gaze so he tremblingly agreed.

However, he is different. He wishes to be able to accompany Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou coldly when he heard this. This person is very smart. If he treated his cousin like this before, it’s no wonder that his cousin was willing to elope…

Seeing that Xie Chengze’s face was not good after he finished speaking, Lu Yanzhou asked: “Your face doesn’t look well, did you encounter something bad?”

As far as he knew, Xie Chengze’s life in the capital was not good. The emperor was difficult to serve, the officials of the dynasty all hated the eunuch in power.

Thinking of this, Lu Yanzhou was a little distressed, he took a spoon, scooped a bowl of chicken soup with a chicken drumstick: “Milord, eat something.”

Xie Chengze glanced at Lu Yanzhou, took it and ate it without saying anything.

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