Hold His Hand

Chapter 150: 150


In the original trajectory, Xie Chengze didn’t talk much to the original owner at first, but what Lu Yanzhou wanted was not the original owner’s treatment.

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He smiled and brought food to Xie Chengze: “My lord, you are so thin, you should eat more.”

Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou coldly. When he wanted to please someone, he would make them feel extremely comfortable, but when he looked at people with a cold face, it would also make people fearful.

In the past, when he looked at people like this, the people around him were silent and did not dare to say a word.

However, Lu Yanzhou in front of him still had a playful smile: “My lord, I’m a good cook, can I use the kitchen? I can cook for you.”

Xie Chengze has seen countless people. When people around him flatter him, he can always see disdain or greed in their eyes, but the eyes of the person in front of him are very clean and full of love for him.

This man is too good at acting, too good at disguising.

What’s even more frightening is that he was even moved by this disguise.

Xie Chengze blinked and opened his eyes again, then said, “Yes.”

After eating, Xie Chengze left quickly. At the same time , he also summoned the four Nanshan guards that Sheng Yuan had found for him.

The looks are very ordinary, very good.

With this thought in his mind, Xie Chengze quickly suppressed it and somewhat despised himself.


He had only seen Lu Yanzhou a few times, so why did he get so confused by him? Even finding people to follow him, he wanted to choose ugly one.

However, Lu Yanzhou actually doesn’t like men at all, he likes women.

And he is not even a man.

Xie Chengze regained his composure and said, “The four of you take turns to keep an eye on Lu Yanzhou. Don’t let him get hurt and don’t let him leave the house for now. As for his actions in the house, there is no need to restrict him.”

He wants to observe to see if this person is suitable to be his ‘favored’ person.

“Yes, master.” The four Nanshan guards responded.

Xie Chengze then dismissed them. After they left, he called Sheng Yuan and asked him to arrange someone to investigate Lu Yanzhou in detail.

He had checked Lu Yanzhou before but he didn’t ask the people around Lu Yanzhou because he was afraid of alarming him.


He wants to investigate again.

Xie Chengze made some arrangements, then entered the palace.

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The sun was already high up at this time, but the time was just right — the emperor usually woke up at this time.

As soon as he entered the palace, Xie Chengze heard the emperor scolding people, so he didn’t go in hastily but first inquired about the situation.

His majesty the emperor has a backache, which is the reason why he was furious today.

Xie Chengze immediately asked someone to find someone who is good at massage, then asked for hot water, towels, then went in with a basin, looking down.

At the same time, Lu Yanzhou waited for Nanshan guards.

These four people were named Xie Jia, Xie Yi, Xie Bing, and Xie Ding respectively, following Xie Chengze’s surname.

They are his guards arranged by Xie Chengze, and they will follow him in turn in the future.

These four people have resolute faces, they are not very old, only about fifteen or sixteen years old.


Although in this era, people aged 15 or 16 work like adults, Lu Yanzhou still feels like he is using child labor.

Looking back on the original owner’s memory…Every time the original owner was in a bad mood, he would secretly beat and scold the four of them, so Lu Yanzhou was also a little embarrassed.

However, the fate of these four people was better than the original owner. Before Xie Chengze died with the original owner, he had already made arrangements for these four people and his confidantes, and even gave them a bright future.

“Hello, my name is Lu Yanzhou, can you take me to the kitchen?” Lu Yanzhou asked.

Xie Jia and Xie Yi took Lu Yanzhou to the kitchen.

Xie Chengze loves cleanliness. The kitchen in his house is quite clean, cleaner than any kitchen the original owner has seen before.

There are many cooking utensils, ceramics, bronze, and iron, but there is no iron pot that Lu Yanzhou is familiar with.

There’s also only a few seasonings, but fortunately there are several kinds of sauces, even soy sauce.

Adding these together, it’s barely usable.

Lu Yanzhou planned to cook something delicious, so he asked the chef in the kitchen to learn more about cooking…

Then he was told that they would also use oil for cooking, but lard is very precious. There was very little of it in the kitchens, so they couldn’t use it more than they had to.

Besides…the kitchen didn’t have all the vegetables that Lu Yanzhou wanted.

Lu Yanzhou: “…” The original owner has never seen stir-fry cooking, but obviously, the upper class people in this country already know how to use oil to cook.

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At this time, not many people use vegetable oil, and animal oil is scarce, so people don’t do it much.

It’s just…even the cleverest housewife can’t cook without rice1One won’t get anywhere without the right tools.


However, before Xie Chengze came back, Lu Yanzhou fumbled to make two dishes. One was scrambled eggs and the other was mutton meat pie.

It smells pretty good.

After putting the dishes in the kitchen to warm up, Lu Yanzhou went to wait at the door. Then, after waiting for a long time, he finally saw Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze, who came home later than usual, saw Lu Yanzhou waiting for him with a smile, he suddenly wanted to smile too.

But he quickly restrained the smile.

“My lord, I made two dishes for you, would you like to try them?” Lu Yanzhou asked with a smile.

Xie Chengze knew that the person in front of him wanted to please him, so he didn’t refuse: “Okay.”

The mutton meat pie made by Lu Yanzhou is crispy. He used a lot of lard under the chef’s distressed eyes, so it was fragrant and crispy.

Not to mention the scrambled eggs, this is definitely a simple and delicious dish.

Xie Chengze obviously didn’t find the scrambled eggs novel, but the flatbread, after he took two bites, he asked, “How is this made?”

Lu Yanzhou didn’t hide anything and said it straightforwardly.

Xie Chengze said: “It’s the first time I has eaten such bread, it’s delicious.”

“I’ll make it for you next time. I can also make other things for you,” said Lu Yanzhou.

Xie Chengze suddenly asked: “What do you want?”

“It’s good to stay by your side, my lord.” Said Lu Yanzhou.

Xie Chengze took another bite of the flatbread in his hand: “You are very good at coaxing people.”

“I’m telling the truth.”

Of course, Xie Chengze would not believe that Lu Yanzhou was telling the truth. He had seen many people like Lu Yanzhou. Besides, many eunuchs in the palace were like this.

They can greet people they dislike with a smile, but if they turn their back to them, they will definitely retaliate.

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Xie Chengze chuckled: “Then you will always stay by my side.”

This person had a great influence on him, he actually had the idea of sending this person away just now.

However, since he wants to stay, let him stay.

After speaking, Xie Chengze turned around and left.

Lu Yanzhou: “…” Truly heartless.

However, he is living a good life in Xie Chengze’s house. The original owner can’t even afford to eat meat every day!

Xie Chengze went to the study to deal with some affairs.

As a result, not long after he entered, he heard a knock on the door. The person next to him opened the door, he saw Lu Yanzhou holding a teapot.

“What are you doing here?” Xie Chengze asked with a frown.

“Bringing tea to you, my lord,” Lu Yanzhou smiled, “My lord, can I stay here and read?”

Xie Chengze obviously avoided him, so he had to take the initiative.

He believed that Xie Chengze would not reject him.

Thinking about it carefully…When he was with Xie Chengze before, Xie Chengze never refused him.

Xie Chengze asked, “Do you know how to read?”

Lu Yanzhou smiled again: “My lord, I can learn.”

Xie Chengze turned his head away from Lu Yanzhou’s smile: “You think learning to read is so easy?”

“Even if I learn one character a day, if I take my time, I can always learn a lot of words.” Lu Yanzhou said.

Xie Chengze took out a piece of paper, wanted to write something but then suddenly asked, “What’s your name?”

He knew the name of the person in front of him, but…he didn’t ask him before, right?

“My name is Lu Yanzhou.” Said Lu Yanzhou. The name of the original owner was given by the original owner’s mother, which is different from the people around him.

Speaking of which, the original owner’s mother was actually literate and the daughter of a small family. Later, the whole family was sold, so she was bought back by the original owner’s father.

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It’s a pity that she died early, she didn’t have time to teach the original owner.

Xie Chengze wrote ‘陆彦舟(Lu Yanzhou)’ on the paper and handed it to Lu Yanzhou: “This is your name.”

Lu Yanzhou took the paper and asked again: “My lord, can I use the brush and ink?”

“Yes.” Answered Xie Chengze.

Lu Yanzhou took a brush and dipped it in ink, then next to his name written by Xie Chengze, he wrote ‘陆彦舟(Lu Yanzhou)’.

He controlled himself so he didn’t write the characters too well, however, the strokes were still right.

Xie Chengze kept looking at Lu Yanzhou, he couldn’t help being stunned when he saw this scene.

He thought for a moment, took back the paper on which he had written, then handed Lu Yanzhou another blank paper: “You try writing again.”

Lu Yanzhou only had a blank piece of paper without reference, but he still wrote his name stroke by stroke, there was nothing wrong with it.

Xie Chengze suddenly stood up. He stared at Lu Yanzhou for a moment, took a deep breath, then said, “If you want to study in the future, come here, I will teach you.”

“Thank you. You’re so nice.” Lu Yanzhou smiled at Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze’s heartbeat accelerated again. He thought about it, took out a book, read a sentence to Lu Yanzhou, then wrote down the line on the white paper. While writing, he also read it to him again.

After writing, he asked Lu Yanzhou: “Can you read this sentence?”

“Yes.” Lu Yanzhou said.

“Keep studying.” Xie Chengze asked Lu Yanzhou to study.

Lu Yanzhou took the book and honestly went to write next to it.

He deliberately showed off in front of Xie Chengze. If he didn’t…Xie Chengze may really think that he was a scoundrel.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t take long to copy the line twice. Xie Chengze once again gave him a blank paper for him to write, then after finding that he could write word for word, he looked at him in shock.

Lu Yanzhou…he really has the ability to never forget!

1One won’t get anywhere without the right tools

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