Hold His Hand

Chapter 151: 151


Xie Chengze lived in the countryside when he was young. When he first entered the palace, he was just a lowly eunuch who was bullied by others. Now, he is an eunuch with power in his hands.

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He has seen all kinds of people and knows people of all classes.

Most of the people living at the bottom lived life in a muddle-headed manner that they can hardly get enough to eat. They don’t even know how to use lard to make scrambled egg and noodles.

It’s even more strange that Lu Yanzhou learned to recognize characters so quickly.

At that moment, Xie Chengze thought a lot, such as someone might have deliberately arranged for Lu Yanzhou to come to him.

However, he soon found it impossible.

He went to investigate Lu Yanzhou personally. If Lu Yanzhou was arranged by someone…it would be impossible for him to run into him and expose him as soon as he appear.

Therefore, there is a high probability that Lu Yanzhou is really talented, and perhaps he also has some strange encounters.

Such a talented person, he may get a backlash from teaching him too much if he is a little careless.

Xie Chengze took a few glances at Lu Yanzhou, read a paragraph to Lu Yanzhou, then wrote that paragraph again and showed it to Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou smiled and then went to the side to practice again. He didn’t leave until Xie Chengze packed his things and left.

The Xie Chengze in this world is not the simple prince he met before. His identity in this world is still questionable. To get close to Xie Chengze, he needs to take his time.


He can also use this time to learn about the world.

One must know, although he has the original owner’s memory, the original owner actually doesn’t understand anything.

On the second day, Lu Yanzhou went to the kitchen as usual, planning to make two meals for Xie Chengze.

Then he learned from the kitchen that Xie Chengze ordered the kitchen staff to study the puff pastry he made yesterday, and today he brought the cook into the palace.

It seems pretty good…Did he help Xie Chengze get favor?

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The emperor was really interested in exotic foods.

There were very few ingredients, so Lu Yanzhou could only use the existing ingredients to make two simple meals. When he was free, he asked Xie Bing and Xie Ding, who was in charge of following him today: “Do you know how to read?”

Xie Bing and Xie Ding were a little proud: “We can read!”


“Then teach me how to read.” Said Lu Yanzhou.

Xie Chengze taught Lu Yanzhou how to read yesterday. Xie Bing and Xie Ding thought it was nothing big to teach him, so they did.

It was only after Lu Yanzhou started learning that they discovered that they knew very few characters, they only knew about two or three hundred characters. Not only that, they only memorized characters by rote, they didn’t quite understand the meaning of the characters.

This is also normal. The text in the current time is not only difficult to write but each word can represent many meanings, and there are few enlightenment reading materials.

Yesterday after Xie Chengze taught him to recognize some words, he randomly picked a sentence, such as ‘Du Qiju cross over Liangshan and stop at Qixia’, it’s quite difficult to read and understand.

Jia, Yi, Bing and Ding have learned hundreds of words probably for making taking orders more convenient.

Lu Yanzhou had lived in the ancient world before and learned a lot. He must surpass Xie Chengze in terms of knowledge, but since he has not accumulated enough merit in this world, he can’t let the small world find out that something is wrong, so he can only take his time.

As for the future, when his connection with this small world deepens and he accumulates more and more merits, the small world will no longer reject him but will regard him as a part of itself and even love him.

While Xie Chengze was away, Lu Yanzhou was either in the kitchen or learning how to read and write. In just a few days, he had learned all the characters that Jia, Yi, Bing and Ding know. He also learned some other characters from Xie Chengze, so he could teach Jia, Yi, Bing, and Ding too.

Jia, Yi, Bing, and Ding who were originally proud of their ability to read: “…”


Lu Yanzhou didn’t think Xie Chengze’s house was big because he had seen many big houses before. In fact, this place is already quite big with several dozens of servants.

Lu Yanzhou also took the time to invite a doctor to see these servants, and told them some ways to relieve pain.

Because of this, he has sporadic merits recorded, which is still very very little compared to the merits needed to cure Xie Chengze though.

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A few days passed in the blink of an eye, and Xie Chengze finally got Lu Yanzhou’s detailed investigation.

The results of the investigation were similar to what he had found before, but also different.

It is true that Lu Yanzhou hooked up with his cousin and almost ruin a lady, but Lu Yanzhou was very tight-lipped and never told other people about it, so no one knew about it.

As for things like oppressing the common people, Lu Yanzhou did a lot.

However, he is very loyal to his friends and has many good brothers.

In addition…Lu Yanzhou’s mother also has a little background. She was once the daughter of a small family. This woman was beaten to death by Lu Yanzhou’s father.

In this case, it’s understandable for Lu Yanzhou to just watch his father die.

And Lu Yanzhou was innately smart. If his mother had taught him when he was young, that would explain how he knew some food that he didn’t know.

As for Lu Yanzhou’s actions during this time…Xie Chengze now feels more and more that this person is not simple.

Such a person is not easy to control, in fact, he should be replaced…But Xie Chengze quickly vetoed it.

It’s difficult to find a suitable person like Lu Yanzhou.

Not long after the subordinates in Xie Chengze’s study left, Lu Yanzhou came in.


Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou, raised the corners of his lips, and said in a cold and clear voice, “I have someone to investigate you.”

Lu Yanzhou was not surprised, and smiled embarrassedly: “I used to be a little scoundrel. My lord, as one knows, sometimes people have to do something to fit in.”

The original protagonist lived with a group of idlers and scoundrels when he was young, then he also became the yamen’s minion when he grew up. It’s really impossible for him to grow into a good person.

Xie Chengze stared at Lu Yanzhou for a moment, then he chuckled and stretched out a finger to pick up Lu Yanzhou’s chin: “I’m not a good person. I don’t care what you did before, I just like your face.”

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He was telling the truth.

Xie Chengze didn’t want to admit this at first, but after these few days, he had to admit it.

He fell in love with the man he snatched back.

He thought his cousin was too stupid to like such a man before, but now, he also likes him too.

In these years, he has never liked anyone, so he thinks that he is not interested in these romantic things, but he never thought that he would suddenly fall into the pit!

Like, he likes the person that like his cousin.

Xie Chengze despised himself a little, and then he saw Lu Yanzhou smile: “It’s my honor that lord qiansui like it.”

There was no trace of reluctance in Lu Yanzhou’s eyes at all. This acting was really good.

Xie Chengze wanted to see his flustered appearance, so he squeezed his chin and approached him, making a gesture like he’s going to kiss him.

He thought that Lu Yanzhou would hide, but he didn’t.

Since Xie Chengze couldn’t get off the tiger, Xie Chengze could only kiss him without changing his expression, and then Lu Yanzhou hugged his neck, deepening the kiss.

He has never kissed anyone before, but Lu Yanzhou is very skilled.

According to the situation he investigated, Lu Yanzhou was a little scoundrel but he was very cautious about relationships. Except for his cousin, he had never been intimate with other women.

Could it be that he practiced these skills with his cousin?

Anger rose in Xie Chengze’s heart. He wanted to teach Lu Yanzhou a lesson but he was reluctant to do so, thus he could only bit Lu Yanzhou’s lips.

Lu Yanzhou felt the pain and let go of Xie Chengze.

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As if nothing had happened, Xie Chengze squinted his eyes and looked at Lu Yanzhou: “Good performance, continue doing it next time.”

Lu Yanzhou laughed: “I will definitely perform better next time.” He knew that Xie Chengze probably didn’t fully accept him now, but since they both kissed, they will definitely become closer and closer in the future.

Xie Chengze’s pale face became more red, his lips were even redder. He looked at Lu Yanzhou, and suddenly said, “If you stay with me obediently, I’ll treat you well.”

Xie Chengze was upset, but he also knew that Lu Yanzhou couldn’t be blamed for it.

Lu Yanzhou likes women, and he snatched him back. He shouldn’t demand too much from Lu Yanzhou.

But he really likes this person, even if this person is a scoundrel, even if this person actually likes his cousin.

If Lu Yanzhou is willing to accompany him, he will naturally treat Lu Yanzhou well before his matter is completed. After his matter is completed, he will release Lu Yanzhou and give him a future.

“Then please have mercy, lord qiansui.” Lu Yanzhou laughed and kissed Xie Chengze again.

Xie Chengze snorted lightly, but he didn’t push Lu Yanzhou away.

However, when Lu Yanzhou was about to hug him, he suddenly stood up: “I still have something to do.”

Xie Chengze strode back to his room, then saw the bronze mirror next to him.

In the mirror, his appearance is a feminine boy, he has a pink face and red lips.

With a wave of his hand, he smashed the mirror on the ground. Xie Chengze’s face became even more ugly.

His adoptive parents treated him well, but he was physically flawed and was ridiculed and bullied since he was a child.

He doesn’t have the things that a man should have, he’s neither male nor female! Lu Yanzhou may not be able to act after seeing his body. He’s afraid he won’t be able to continue acting after too.

He also didn’t want Lu Yanzhou to see his body.

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