Hold His Hand

Chapter 152: 152


After Xie Chengze woke up the next day, he and Lu Yanzhou had breakfast as usual.

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He doesn’t pay attention to food as long as he can eat his fill. Lu Yanzhou is different. He changes his meals every day, and brings out some fresh food to eat.

Just these days alone, Lu Yanzhou had made many foods made from wheat flour.

However, what they ate today was not food made from wheat flour, but rice in a small earthenware pot. The rice was covered with meat, egg, and some vegetables.

“What is this?” Xie Chengze asked.

“This is claypot rice, have a try.” Lu Yanzhou smiled and beckoned Xie Chengze to eat.

At this time, people would cook with pottery products, so this kind of pottery pot can be used to make claypot rice.

Xie Chengze took a bite, the taste was really good: “I like the food you’ve made, and so does his majesty.”

“That’s my honor.”

“What reward do you want?” Xie Chengze asked.

“When are you free, can lord take me out for a stroll?” Lu Yanzhou asked.

Xie Chengze said: “Yes.”


Lu Yanzhou smiled, moved to Xie Chengze’s side and kissed Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze’s heart trembled. He was a little uncomfortable, but he brought Lu Yanzhou back to make Lu Yanzhou his ‘male pet’.

What’s more, he actually likes it.

Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou and also kissed him.

When Xie Chengze left, it was already noon. He entered the palace as usual.

After recuperating for a few days, his majesty’s waist has healed, but yesterday he played around a little late, so he still hasn’t woken up today.

When Xie Chengze got the news, he waited by the door. After standing for a long time, he saw a forty or fifty-year-old eunuch walking towards him.

The eunuch looked kindly and honest, giving people a good feeling at first sight, but when Xie Chengze saw him, he became alert.


The old eunuch in front of him is called Zhang Quan. He has been with the emperor since he was a child, so he also has a lot of face from the emperor. He is Xie Chengze’s deadly enemy, and the other eunuch in DaYan who holds great power besides Xie Chengze.

It’s because almost all the eunuchs around the emperors belonged to Zhang Quan. Zhang Quan plundered money wantonly, eradicated dissidents in the court, and held great power.

When Xie Chengze first entered the palace, he wanted to follow Zhang Quan’s footsteps, but he was too good-looking. Zhang Quan’s subordinates were afraid that he would stand out, so they excluded him and bullied him…

Thus, he gave up on following Zhang Quan, so he later designed a plan for his face in front of the emperor. After showing his face in front of him, he simply gathered the group of people, who had a grudge against Zhang Quan, and started to fight against Zhang Quan. Up to now, he has gained the upper hand.

Zhang Quan has been with the emperor long enough, even if the emperor always treats eunuchs like dogs, he still has feelings for dogs that he has raised for a long time.

However, Xie Chengze also has something better than Zhang Quan.

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First of all, Xie Chengze is good-looking but the emperor is not interested in men. When he studied eunuchs’ bodies at the beginning, he made others do it, then carried out that kind of cruel and tormenting research. However, he likes beautiful women, so he is a little more tolerant towards Xie Chengze.

Second, he has gone to school and read books, so he can give the emperor various ideas and help the emperor with some jobs.

Zhang Quan can also read and handle memorials, but compared with Xie Chengze, he is far behind.

“Long time no see, lord Xie is still handsome.” Zhang Quan smiled.


Xie Chengze ignored this person.

Zhang Quan is a smiling tiger. Doesn’t matter who he faces, he always smiles, the complete opposite of Xie Chengze.

Besides smiling at the emperor, he always had a cold face towards other people, with a strange changing expression.

He doesn’t care how others feel, anyway, the emperor likes him very much.

Facing Xie Chengze’s cold face, Zhang Quan was not annoyed at all: “I heard that Xie Gonggong brought a man back from outside? It’s really interesting.”

Xie Chengze was not surprised that Zhang Quan knew about Lu Yanzhou’s existence.

He can bring Lu Yanzhou back, which also has something to do with Zhang Quan.

Zhang Quan has been staring at him, and several times he almost notices many of his small moves in private. With many people around him, it can also divert Zhang Quan’s attention.

Xie Chengze still didn’t speak but Zhang Quan didn’t care at all: “If his majesty knows that Xie Gonggong has raised a man at home, I don’t know what he would think.”

Then Xie Chengze said: “Zhang Gongong don’t have to worry about it!”

When the emperor woke up , Xie Chengze and Zhang Quan looked at each other, then went in together to serve the emperor.

While serving, both of them talk about some amusing things.

Xie Chengze also said: “Your majesty, this servant has asked someone to make a new dish, does your majesty want to try it?”

“Yes, you have someone make it and deliver it later!” The emperor was very interested.

Zhang Quan said: “Your majesty, Xie Gonggong truly knows a lot, it’s a pity this old slave doesn’t know anything.”


The emperor said, “You don’t know as much as he does.”

Zhang Quan’s words got stuck by the emperor, but his face remained unchanged: “I heard that Xie Gonggong brought a person back when he returned to the capital…Xie Gonggong, was that the person who made these delicacies? Why don’t you dedicate that person to his majesty?”

The emperor became interested: “Is there such a thing?”

“Zhang Gonggong misunderstood. That person is not a cook or a good-looking person, it’s just that I fell in love with him so I brought him back.” Xie Chengze generously admitted.

His behavior surprised Zhang Gonggong.

Xie Chengze has been very favored these years. All the civil and military officials in the imperial court all felt that he should have won the emperor’s favor and became the emperor’s man.

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Even Zhang Quan thought the same.

Xie Chengze is with another man now…Zhang Quan thought he didn’t dare to let the emperor know.

The emperor was a little curious at this moment: “Your vision is not low, what kind of man could take your fancy? The eunuch’s body is so disgusting, why is he still willing to be with you?”

Xie Chengze smiled and said: “Your majesty, it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t want to. If I snatch him back, he is mine.”

“Yes!” The emperor laughed.

Xie Chengze felt uncomfortable. Fortunately, the emperor had already studied the eunuch’s body and even how a man became a eunuch, so he was not interested in eunuchs anymore and didn’t ask much.

After Xie Chengze dealt with the emperor, he then cast a cold glance at Zhang Quan, just in time to see the unconcealed resentment under Zhang Quan’s smiling face.

No matter how old he is, his shrewdness is not as good as Lu Yanzhou.

After working in the palace for a long time, Xie Chengze was finally able to leave the palace.

As soon as he got home, he saw Lu Yanzhou smiling like before, waiting for him at the door.

Xie Chengze’s mood was very complicated.

He had long known that Lu Yanzhou was not sincere to him, he was just forced to deal with him due to the situation.

However, he fell in love with such a liar.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t know what Xie Chengze was thinking. He went up to him and asked if Xie Chengze had been wronged in the palace.

Serving people is not an easy job.

Xie Chengze glanced at Lu Yanzhou, and said, “The Mid-Autumn Festival will be in a few days, I will take you out for a stroll.”

Lu Yanzhou knew that he didn’t want to talk, so he didn’t ask: “Okay! My lord, are you free to teach me how to read today?”

“I have some things to do, I will come to see you when I finish.” Said Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze has a lot of things to do. He has always liked to handle various affairs, which is much more interesting to him than serving the emperor.

But at this moment, he was actually a little anxious. He wanted to get these things done quickly so he could see Lu Yanzhou quickly.

With a sneer, Xie Chengze put down the brush in his hand, found his confidants, and gave them a few orders: “On the Mid-Autumn Festival day, arranged for someone to assassinate me and cause some small disturbance…Many people have made troubled for me recently, we should strike first. It’s better to cause trouble with them!”


“Be careful when the time comes. I will arrange for people to rescue nearby, but you should still retreat in time to avoid causing casualties.”


While Xie Chengze was giving orders, Lu Yanzhou was reading a book.

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He has learned a lot of knowledge before, but the knowledge of each dynasty is different. He has been learning about this world and perfecting his plan recently.

The dynasty in this world will come to an end, but Xie Chengze is standing in a very dangerous position.

Even if he leaves with Xie Chengze, there are still many people who know Xie Chengze, so it will be difficult for Xie Chengze to live a stable life in the future.

Most importantly, he needs merit.

If he wants merit, he cannot be unknown. In this era, he has no position to make money and do good deeds, if he does so, he will only become a lamb to be slaughtered.

Putting everything together, Lu Yanzhou had long decided to be a rebel. As for Xie Chengze…

He planned to leave the capital with Xie Chengze when Xie Chengze trusted him enough, then go conquer the world together.

After Xie Chengze finished his work, Lu Yanzhou got up and went to the study room.

Xie Chengze sat behind the desk, the flickering candlelight made him even more beautiful.

Lu Yanzhou walked over and kissed Xie Chengze: “My lord, what are you going to teach me today?”

Xie Chengze said: “Continue reading history books.”

Lu Yanzhou had no objection, so he read history books with Xie Chengze.

At first Xie Chengze only taught him to read and write, but recently he started explaining history to him, and even told him many things behind history.

A few simple words in the history books, when carefully considered, are full of blood.

“It’s said here that Zhou Ye fought for power with his cousin Yang, then after killing all the Yang family, the new emperor ushered in the throne…The new emperor’s original wife and two sons all died of illness, and he later married Zhou Ye’s daughter as the empress…What did you see from this?” Xie Chengze pointed to a section and asked Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou said: “The new emperor’s original wife was surnamed Yang.”

“That’s right.” Xie Chengze took a deep look at Lu Yanzhou.

There are very few records in the history books about the women in the courtyard. The emperor’s wife, who died early, did not have a surname in the history books. It only mentions that she died of illness.

If one doesn’t read carefully, they won’t be able to notice anything at all, but if one reads carefully…the Yang family used to have power in the court, and the new emperor was just a prince originally. It wasn’t anything big to marry the Yang family’s daughter. Afterwards, Zhou Ye destroyed the Yang family and found a suitable person to ascend the throne. He naturally can’t accept that this person’s wife’s surname is Yang, and it’s even more unacceptable that this person’s child has Yang family blood.

Therefore, if the new emperor wants to ascend the throne, he must kill his wife and children.

He did so, so his wife and children ‘died of illness’ together.

It’s really not easy for Lu Yanzhou, who lived in the bottom since he was a child, to be able to see through it at a glance.

Xie Chengze pointed out some subtleties, and after explaining the literal meaning, he asked Lu Yanzhou what he thought. Lu Yanzhou hit the nail on the head and said the most important thing.

He is very smart!

Xie Chengze taught him, and even made it interesting.

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In history, many successful people did everything they could to achieve success. Xie Chengze suddenly felt that Lu Yanzhou was such a person.

Others are just trying their best, but Lu Yanzhou can even greet him, a eunuch, with a smile and flattery.

As Xie Chengze thought so, he lowered his head and kissed Lu Yanzhou.

However, after he aroused the flame in Lu Yanzhou, he left immediately.

Lu Yanzhou: “…” He is really in pain and happy recently!

In the blink of an eye, it’s the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

DaYan likes to worship ancestors, so every festival, it’s necessary to worship ancestors, and the Mid-Autumn Festival is no exception.

However, eunuchs are considered to be insulting to their ancestors, so they would not worship their ancestors. At least Xie Chengze never asked anyone to prepare for the worship.

Early in the morning, he took Lu Yanzhou out to visit the capital.

When Lu Yanzhou came to the capital, he was lying on his horse’s back, so he didn’t take a closer look at the capital. This time he followed Xie Chengze to see the bustling streets of the capital, only to find that the capital was really run-down.

But although the capital is run-down, there are still some places that look luxurious.

Auspicious clouds are engraved on the tiles used by the high-ranking households on the side of the road. Those who come and go are carried by people, with pearls and precious stones dangling on their clean shoes.

It’s just that many of these men are actually not very good-looking, so they look a bit ugly dressing like that.

“Do you want anything?” Xie Chengze looked at the jewelry shop next to him.

“I want to eat something delicious.” Lu Yanzhou said. This world’s technology is limited, no matter how well the gems here are carved, they are not as beautiful as the jewelry from later generations.

Lu Yanzhou himself also doesn’t like these things either, so he wasn’t interested in these jewelry fancy clothes at all.

Compared to that, he was more interested in eating.

Xie Chengze took Lu Yanzhou and was about to find a place to eat when suddenly dozens of people rushed out from the side of the road: “You bitch, I will kill you to avenge my father!

“Eunuch held power, people had no way to make a living. Received your death!”

“Thief Xie, go to hell!”

These people are all here for Xie Chengze!

Xie Chengze’s face remained unchanged, but Lu Yanzhou suddenly hugged him at this moment, rolled over, and avoided an incoming arrow.

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