Hold His Hand

Chapter 153: 153


Lu Yanzhou has the original owner’s memory and knows that Xie Chengze is in a very dangerous situation and is always assassinated.

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However, he didn’t expect that he and Xie Chengze would meet them the first time they came out!

He carefully recalled the original owner’s memory and found that when the original owner first arrived in the capital, that is, after the Mid-Autumn Festival, Xie Chengze didn’t come to see the original owner for a very long time…Was it because he was injured by the assassin?

These people kept saying that it was Xie Chengze who made people’s lives difficult, but even without Xie Chengze, were people’s lives better too?

Xie Chengze has never harmed anyone by enclosing land. On the contrary, the officials and members of the imperial family have more and more land in their hands.

Besides, how do people know that Xie Chengze is such a person? These people are definitely guards raised by some great families.

Xie Chengze has been provoking conflicts among these great families and causing trouble for these people. They hate Xie Chengze so much that they want Xie Chengze’s life!

If he hadn’t reacted quickly, the arrow just now would have hit Xie Chengze!

Lu Yanzhou thought a lot, but in fact not long had passed. At this time, another wave of arrows struck!

“Protect lord Qiansui!” Xie Chengze’s guards shouted, but they were entangled by the assassins who scurried out with their swords. Now their mobility was limited, so they could not do much.

Lu Yanzhou had no weapons but he had to protect Xie Chengze. Although he dodged most of the arrows, he was still hit in the thigh by one of them.

However, Lu Yanzhou did not let go of Xie Chengze. He hugged Xie Chengze tightly and turned his back to the arrow’s direction.


Lu Yanzhou looked around, then took Xie Chengze to the roadside. He made Xie Chengze squat with his back against the wall on the roadside, then stood in front of Xie Chengze.

When Lu Yanzhou was going out today, Jia, Yi, Bing, and Ding all followed him. Led by Lu Yanzhou, they surrounded Xie Chengze and protected him tightly.

After making sure that Xie Chengze would not be hit by any arrows, Lu Yanzhou’s face darkened. He kicked an assassin who was rushing towards him, snatched the sword from their hand, then chopped down another assassin.

However, what made Lu Yanzhou most wary was the man who was hiding in the dark and shooting arrows — Another few arrows ‘whoosh’ toward them. Jia, Yi, Bing, and Ding were all injured. Even if Lu Yanzhou’s reaction was fast, he was still wounded.

The place turned chaotic for a moment. Fortunately, at this time, another group of people rushed out from nowhere and went directly towards the arrow shooters, hacking several people to death on the spot. Some people came to help Xie Chengze’s guards deal with the assassins who rushed out.

The large number of people swarmed forward, and although there were some casualties, the assassins were all captured.

Lu Yanzhou relaxed. He didn’t care about his injuries but asked Xie Chengze behind him: “Are you okay?”

Xie Chengze took a deep look at Lu Yanzhou: “I’m okay.”


Xie Chengze arranged for some people to ‘assassinate’ him. He planned to use this ‘assassination’ to eradicate dissidents.

Today when the assassins first attacked, he thought they were his people, but he was obviously wrong.

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These people came to kill him. Someone really wanted to kill him!

However, the one who came to help later was the ‘assassin’ he had originally arranged.

The ‘assassin’ he arranged saved him.

Xie Chengze felt regretful about his miscalculation, but some indescribable emotions welled up in his heart too — he did not expect Lu Yanzhou to protect him.

During this period, Xie Chengze has been teaching Lu Yanzhou. The more he teaches, the more he feels that Lu Yanzhou is not simple, and the more he appreciates Lu Yanzhou.

Today, Lu Yanzhou protected him and even got hurt for him…Xie Chengze saw that his wound was still bleeding, so he looked at Lu Yanzhou with concern and planned to give Lu Yanzhou the last chance.

A chance to leave him.

Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou: “You saved me, what do you want?”


Lu Yanzhou said: “I want to be with you.”

“Okay.” Xie Chengze stood up and smiled at Lu Yanzhou.

Xie Chengze often smiled at Lu Yanzhou during this period, but it was always a sneer, which seemed warm but also indifferent.

This time it was different. When he smiled, it was like spring flowers blooming, which was very heart-warming.

Lu Yanzhou was almost dazed.

Besides that, after Xie Chengze smiled at Lu Yanzhou, he looked at the captured assassins with a cold face: “These guys dare to hurt my Lu Lang, arrest them and interrogate them severely!”

At that time, the people Xie Chengze had arranged to help him drive away the ‘assassins’ had also come.

This is his man in public now.

Xie Chengze said: “Quickly prepare the sedan, take Lu Lang home, and then go find the doctor to take a look at Lu Lang!”

After saying that, Xie Chengze held Lu Yanzhou’s injured arm distressedly, and then reached out to touch Lu Yanzhou’s leg: “Lu Lang, are you okay?”

Lu Yanzhou felt a little uncomfortable when he called him ‘Lu Lang’.

He was used to Xie Chengze calling him brother coquettishly, so hearing him call him ‘Lu Lang’ was strange.

The most important thing is that Xie Chengze in this world was originally indifferent and strong, but now his attitude has changed a bit quickly.

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But…this is normal, right?

Xie Chengze originally captured him to find a shield, but he believed that Xie Chengze had fallen in love with him during their previous interactions.


As for why Xie Chengze was cold to him at that time…If he were Xie Chengze and suddenly fell in love with a scoundrel, he wouldn’t be happy either.

Xie Chengze at that time should have been very wary of him.

But he saved Xie Chengze today!

Because of this, Xie Chengze changed his mind about him, put down his guard and intended to be with him, so his attitude changed drastically, which makes sense.

Thinking of this, Lu Yanzhou was in a good mood: “I’m fine, my health is good.”

“Lu Lang, I will go to the palace. You go home first.” After Xie Chengze finished speaking, he looked at the guards beside him, “You guys must protect him.”

After Lu Yanzhou was carried away, Xie Chengze turned cold and entered the palace.

The blood on Lu Yanzhou’s body was very glaring, he felt extremely uncomfortable after seeing it.

He didn’t want Lu Yanzhou to be harmed even a little bit!

It was this blood that made him decide to change his life.

He had been struggling with Lu Yanzhou’s past, but if he thought about it carefully, since he had snatched him back, he shouldn’t care too much about Lu Yanzhou’s past.

With his physical identity, it’s impossible for people to truly love him. So why does it matter if Lu Yanzhou is not sincere to him and is not even a good person?

What he was doing now was very dangerous. He had a lot of enemies and could die at any time. However, in the eyes of the people around him, Lu Yanzhou was already his, so why should he suppress it?

Might as well enjoy it before he dies.

He could feel that Lu Yanzhou is very ambitious, but it didn’t matter.

He knew that Lu Yanzhou didn’t like him, and from the beginning, he didn’t expect to be with Lu Yanzhou for a long time.

He might not live more than a few years.

In this case, he might as well do whatever he wants from now on and still get the play done too!

After he dies, Lu Yanzhou will be free again.

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Xie Chengze entered the palace and cried to the emperor.

As for Lu Yanzhou, after he was sent back to Xie Chengze’s home, a familiar doctor was called immediately.

However, when the doctor came, Lu Yanzhou had already cleaned the wound on his leg and sutured it with needle and thread.

The arrow wound on his thigh was more serious, but the wound on his arm was much easier to treat and didn’t require bandaging.

When the doctor came, he asked: “Who is young master Lu? I’m here to check his injury.”

Lu Yanzhou, who was treating other people’s wounds, answered: “It me.”

The doctor was stunned, then rushed over quickly: “Young master Lu, what are you doing? Arrow wounds shouldn’t be taken lightly. A little carelessness will easily make dirty thing to enter your body”

“I know some basic medical skills.” Lu Yanzhou said.

He was dealing with the wounds of people who were seriously injured. After helping to dig out the arrowheads, he washed the knife in his hand, put it on the candlelight to heat it.

This can prevent infection, which is what the doctor calls ‘dirty things entering the body.’

“Young master Lu, why are you heating this knife?” The doctor wanted to stop Lu Yanzhou, but Lu Yanzhou’s movements were too skillful!

Young master Lu is so valued by Xie Gonggong, maybe he has an extraordinary origin? He doesn’t dare to question now, he just wants to learn something from him.

But why does this knife need to be heated?

“This can prevent dirty things from entering the body. You should do the same when you treat other people’s wounds in the future.” After Lu Yanzhou finished speaking, he handed the knife to the doctor and asked him to treat other people’s wounds. As for him…he took out a needle and thread, then started suturing people.

The man, who had been able to hold his tongue while the arrowhead was dug out just now, started shouting uncontrollably, while the people around him looked at Lu Yanzhou in awe.

They were not just in awe of Lu Yanzhou for treating other people’s wounds and suturing, but what they were even more in awe of was that when Lu Yanzhou previously suture his leg wound, he didn’t say a word and his hands didn’t even shake!

They pretended that suturing the wound doesn’t hurt, but what was the result? The leader of the guard, who was the least afraid of pain among them, began to wail!

“You guys hold him down.” Lu Yanzhou asked someone to hold down the man and suture the stab wounds on his body.

There is a shortage of medicine in the present. If they’re not sutured, the wound will continue to bleed, and even an iron-clad man will not be able to hold on!

Lu Yanzhou moved very quickly. After dealing with one, he immediately went to deal with the second one.

In fact, Xie Chengze’s guards all felt that it was a bit strange to stitch the wound. When they were injured before, they would wrap the wound with cloth strips, they never need to suture it with needles and threads at all.

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However, Lu Yanzhou suture his own leg first, so they…just followed suit.

These people have a strong sense of superiority and inferiority complex. Although Lu Yanzhou was snatched back by Xie Chengze, he has a high status in the mansion, so they will also listen to Lu Yanzhou.

Even the doctor helped Lu Yanzhou calmly.

This doctor was very good at treating bruises and injuries, so Xie Chengze sought him out. However, since he was born a commoner and was an ordinary military doctor, he actually had no status.

When he came here before, he was told that he had to treat ‘young master Lu’.

The person who can be called a ‘young master’ is probably from an extraordinary family, so it’s normal for the person who knows many big families to know medical skills. If he encounters such a person, he can also learn from them.

The doctor followed Lu Yanzhou’s instructions. When he saw that the wounds on those people’s bodies were sutured and no longer bled, he couldn’t help but admire them. He also admired Lu Yanzhou very much and asked some questions.

Lu Yanzhou’s medical skills were time-tested. He immediately said something and the doctor wrote it down one by one.

Some of Xie Chengze’s guards knew Lu Yanzhou’s origins, and some did not, but they all knew nothing about Lu Yanzhou and young lady Wang’s affair.

This matter was related to young lady Wang’s reputation. Xie Chengze’s uncle only told Xie Chengze, so Xie Chengze never told his subordinates.

Now that these guards see that Lu Yanzhou seems to have such good medical skills and think about how quickly Lu Yanzhou learns things during this period…they all feel that Lu Yanzhou is a bit extraordinary, so they listen to Lu Yanzhou more and more.

Thus, after Xie Chengze filed a complaint with the emperor to mobilize some of the guards in the capital, he finally returned home and saw Lu Yanzhou, who he thought would be resting in the room, instructing the doctor he invited to prepare medicine for his injured patients. The guards were sitting or lying aside, looking at Lu Yanzhou with respect.

What did Lu Yanzhou do again?

Xie Chengze was a little curious, but did not pursue the matter.

Not mentioning anything else, one thing is certain, Lu Yanzhou was not sent by others to harm him.

Thinking about Lu Yanzhou’s injuries, Xie Chengze was a little worried and stepped forward: “Lu Lang, have you received medicine for your injury? Do you feel any discomfort?”

“I have already been given medicine and there is no discomfort.” Lu Yanzhou looked at Xie Chengze and met Xie Chengze’s concerned gaze.

In fact, the title ‘Lu Lang’ is quite good. People at this time are also called so.

Since Xie Chengze already calls him that, is it okay to call Xie Chengze ‘AZe’ when talking to him from now on?

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