Hold His Hand

Chapter 154: 154


Although Lu Yanzhou said that he had been given medicine and his injuries were fine, Xie Chengze was still worried and looked at the doctor: “How is Lu Lang’s injury?”

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The doctor immediately said: “Xie Gonggong, young master Lu has superb medical skills, so he will be fine.”

Xie Chengze didn’t know, so Lu Yanzhou said: “I know some medical skills, I took care of my injuries myself.”

“You also know some medical skills too?” Xie Chengze was surprised.

Lu Yanzhou said: “I used to fight and kill, so I learned some skills to save my life.”

Where did a Yamen servant learn medical skills? Medical skills are not that easy to learn…As soon as Xie Chengze had this thought, he thought of Lu Yanzhou’s great memory.

With Xie Chengze’s identity, he was actually unable to study. It was his uncle who secretly spent money to get a branch of a down-and-out family to accept him as a student and allow him to study with him.

He learns things very quickly and is called a genius.

Later, when he entered the palace and learned various knowledge from Sheng Yuan, Sheng Yuan also felt that he was talented.

He has always felt that although he is not a man, he is no worse than any other man.

Until he met Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou learns things much faster than him!


After he gained power, he specially asked someone to teach him how to read history books. It took him a lot of time to slowly understand the history books. He hasn’t even thoroughly finished reading the history books in his hand yet!

When Lu Yanzhou wanted to learn to read before, because he didn’t have any books for young children to read, he used the history books he was reading over and over again to teach him. As a result, Lu Yanzhou understood everything.

Now before he teaches Lu Yanzhou, he has to read it several times and think more about it, lest he doesn’t understand it as thoroughly as Lu Yanzhou and ends up being embarrassed.

It’s not that strange for Lu Yanzhou to have good medical skills either.

At first, Xie Chengze found it incredible that he actually liked a scoundrel, but now he had to admit that Lu Yanzhou was different and extremely smart.

He hasn’t met anyone who is smarter than Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou is not only smart, but also ruthless.

He asked the guards privately and learned that Lu Yanzhou could suture the wound on his thigh without changing his expression. Xie Chengze was surprised and inexplicably excited.


Even if there is no relationship, he still appreciates such people.

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Lu Yanzhou endured his injuries and helped the guards treat their wounds because he didn’t want them to die. However, after treating the wounds, he didn’t want to move anymore and had people carry him back to the house to lie down.

As a result, he didn’t lie down for a moment when Xie Chengze came and brought him a bowl of meat porridge: “Lu Lang, you haven’t eaten anything today. Eat something first.”

“I’m a little hungry.” Lu Yanzhou reached out to take it.

Xie Chengze said, “I’ll feed you.”

As he said that, Xie Chengze took a spoonful of porridge and brought it to Lu Yanzhou’s mouth.

Lu Yanzhou opened his mouth to eat. Although he was usually the one to take care of Xie Chengze, it wasn’t like Xie Chengze had never taken care of him before. He adapted well.

“Is there anything else Lu Lang wants to eat? I’ll tell the kitchen to do it.” Xie Chengze asked.

“No, just this,” Lu Yanzhou looked at Xie Chengze, then asked with a smile, “Why did you suddenly change your attitude toward me?”

Xie Chengze has changed a lot. In the past, Xie Chengze always looked like he disliked everyone, but now…Though Xie Chengze is still cold to others, his sharp voice and protracted tone make people think that he is warm but indifferent, but when facing him, he is as gentle as water.


It feels pretty good.

“Lu Lang, I only liked your face before, but now I want to be with you. Lu Lang, let’s grow old together.” Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou with hope on his face, “Lu Lang, are you willing?”

Lu Yanzhou didn’t expect Xie Chengze to confess his feelings right away. However, when he thought about it carefully, it didn’t seem strange.

The Xie Chengze in these small worlds and the Xie Chengze he had contact with before were two extremes.

Lu Yanzhou said: “Of course I am willing, I also want to grow old with you.”

Xie Chengze smiled, his eyebrows loosening, as if the spring sunshine filled the room.

Lu Yanzhou was stunned.

Xie Chengze leaned over and kissed Lu Yanzhou.

He knew that Lu Yanzhou would definitely agree to be with him.

He kissed Lu Yanzhou before, but Lu Yanzhou didn’t refuse him, so he wouldn’t refuse him now either.

It’s understandable that Lu Yanzhou would do this.

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Being with him is Lu Yanzhou’s only chance to climb up. Lu Yanzhou is so ambitious, how could he give up?

It’s just that growing old with Lu Yanzhou is nothing more than his delusion. Since Lu Yanzhou was still weak now, he could completely monopolize Lu Yanzhou for a few years.

Xie Chengze kissed him and sat up straight, then fed Lu Yanzhou another mouthful of porridge.

Lu Yanzhou asked: “Can I call you AZe from now on? Calling you lord doesn’t seem intimate enough.”


Xie Chengze said: “Okay.”

Lu Yanzhou immediately said: “AZe, you are so beautiful, the most beautiful person I have ever seen.”

Xie Chengze has been working in the palace for a long time, so sweet words were always at his fingertips: “Lu Lang, you are also the most handsome man I have ever seen. I have never forgotten you after I first saw you.”

Lu Yanzhou finished the bowl of congee sweetly, he was very satisfied with the current progress.

His relationship with Xie Chengze has stabilized, so he can do more now!

At this stage, there are many people revolting in various places. The man who later overthrew the DaYan Dynasty and established the new dynasty was already active in the south at this time.

So he has a lot to do and is very urgent.

Of course, things like changing dynasties are not that easy to do. It is best to have some money and food first. As for how to get the money and food…

The capital is the most prosperous place in the entire DaYan. Although some big families do not take the imperial family seriously in private, they all serve as officials in the capital.

If one wants to make money, it is best to make it from them. In this world where the gap between rich and poor is extremely large, the people at the bottom have no money at all!

Lu Yanzhou looked at Xie Chengze: “AZe, can I be with you today?”

Xie Chengze kissed Lu Yanzhou again: “You are injured, it’s better to wait.”

Lu Yanzhou: “I mean simply staying together…” He really had no intention of going into battle with injuries!

Xie Chengze said: “Lu Lang wants to live with me, it’s something I have always wished for…Tomorrow, I will find someone to decorate my room.”

Xie Chengze had to admit that he wanted to get close to Lu Yanzhou.

He couldn’t sleep these days, always thinking of Lu Yanzhou.

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It’s just that his body is different, can Lu Yanzhou accept it?

Well, Lu Yanzhou should be able to bear it, he even asked for it.

As long as he gives Lu Yanzhou everything he wants, it will be fine.

Xie Chengze felt very good when he thought of this, so he kissed Lu Yanzhou again: “Lu Lang, you must have a good rest.”

He must have a good rest. Lu Yanzhou lay down and fell asleep quickly.

On the other side, Xie Chengze had already found out who was responsible.

He had just left the capital not long ago and harmed some people, this assassination was arranged by those people.

Of course, if it’s only them, it wouldn’t be possible. Therefore, Zhang Quan was also involved, and it was Zhang Quan who opened the door for those assassins.

Zhang Quan is anxious!

Xie Chengze arranged many things and asked Sheng Yuan to take over the military power just given by the emperor.

His Nanshan guards must also intensify their training.

Xie Chengze was busy for a long time. The next day he went to the Yamen office in charge of public security in the capital and had a violent fit, blaming them for failing to take care of the capital, causing him to encounter assassination, and even injuring his ‘Lu Lang’.

Xie Chengze made a big move, so Lu Yanzhou appeared on stage and became known.

All the officials in the court thought that this kind-faced Xie Gonggong belonged to the emperor. After all, the emperor had always been ridiculous and even summoned Xie Chengze when he was having fun.

Zhang Quan and other people who served the emperor also received such treatment. However, no one would suspect that the emperor was attracted to Zhang Quan, but Xie Chengze was different!

He looks really good.

There are many young masters from big families in the capital who are handsome, but no one can surpass Xie Chengze!

As a result…Xie Chengze actually openly raised another man?

His majesty and him don’t have that kind of relationship?

Who is it, who has fallen so hard that he actually became a eunuch’s bed partner?

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Everyone had various thoughts. At this moment, Xie Chengze met with his uncle.

Xie Chengze’s grandfather is still there, but he is no longer young. Now he has begun to hand over the Wang family to the next head of the family, and the next head of the Wang family is Xie Chengze’s uncle.

There are not a few bad-looking people in a big family, but the future head of the Wang family is handsome and dashing. He has a clean tended long beard, wears simple clothes, and speaks unhurriedly…This is Wang Tingyun who became famous at a young age and is still sought after even now.

“You were assassinated yesterday. I asked someone to investigate and found some things.” When Wang Tingyun saw Xie Chengze, he handed some of the evidence he had gathered to Xie Chengze.

“Thank you.” Xie Chengze thanked him. He took it and took a look, then found that there was something inside that he didn’t find before.

“I heard that you raised a man?” Wang Tingyun asked.

“Yes, it’s Lu Yanzhou.” Xie Chengze didn’t hide it. Wang Tingyun will know about it sooner or later.

When Wang Tingyun heard what Xie Chengze said, he immediately realized that Lu Yanzhou was the shield that Xie Chengze was looking for: “He is suitable, but you have to watch him carefully. You must not let him talk too much outside and ruin your little sister’s reputation.”

Xie Chengze said: “I have arranged people to be around him, he has no chance to talk nonsense.”

“That’s good!” Wang Tingyun breathed a sigh of relief.

Xie Chengze continued asking: “How is little sister?”

Wang Tingyun said: “I took her for a walk in the fields. She has already awakened and explained everything clearly. She has also handed over the many things Lu Yanzhou gave her before too.”

Xie Chengze asked a few more questions, and Wang Tingyun also didn’t hide anything and told everything about his daughter’s interactions with Lu Yanzhou.

Xie Chengze listened without changing his expression, feeling depressed.

Lu Yanzhou must be with him for the sake of power, but with his cousin…Lu Yanzhou should know that no matter what, the Wang family will never let him marry young lady Wang. If the Wang family finds out, Lu Yanzhou will only die.

His cousin was also unable to bring much belongings from home to Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou is probably sincere towards his cousin!

In order to survive, Lu Yanzhou was willing to submit to him, but for his cousin, Lu Yanzhou was willing to risk his life!

He must keep a close eye on Lu Yanzhou and never let Lu Yanzhou see his cousin.

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