Hold His Hand

Chapter 155: 155


While Xie Chengze and Wang Tingyun met, Lu Yanzhou was checking Xie Chengze’s guards’ injuries.

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The weapons people used in this period were not so sharp, and with Xie Chengze’s guards all experienced, no one died in the assassination. However, everyone was more or less injured, and some were also seriously injured.

There were two or three of them who, according to people in this era’s experience, were bound to die.

However, Lu Yanzhou gave them first aid to stop the bleeding after Xie Chengze left. After carrying them home, he quickly treated their wounds, and now they were still alive.

Of course, if they are not well taken care of…with excessive blood loss or infection, they will still die.

These guards are all young and in good physical condition — in this era, ordinary people’s children with poor health barely have any chance to grow up.

However, they all survived.

Lu Yanzhou looked at their wounds and made sure they were not fatal, then asked the kitchen to cook them porridge with eggs and minced meat.

There are very few medicines nowadays, and there is not much he can do except try to ensure these people’ nutrition.

Fortunately, Xie Chengze was very generous. Not only did he give these people a lot of money yesterday, he also asked the doctors to cure them even if it cost a lot of money.

In addition to food, they should pay special attention to hygiene. Lu Yanzhou specifically instructed his servants to give boiled water to the wounded, and the bandages they used for dressing must be boiled and then exposed to the sun too.

After doing all this, Lu Yanzhou took out a brush and paper and started writing.


He wants to make something to make money. Only when he has money can he earn merit.

Lu Yanzhou once stayed in an ancient world. At that time, he made money by firing glass and making soap. However, in this era, even the technology of firing ceramics was not quite good, let alone firing glass. As for making soap…it’s not available with the current situation. Vegetable oils and animal oils are also scarce and expensive. It is better to sell the oil directly instead of using oils to make soap.

On earth, the emperor of the Song Dynasty sometimes even rewarded his courtiers with oil.

Lu Yanzhou once wrote down the method of firing porcelain, and asked someone to test it a few times, he should be able to produce exquisite porcelain soon.

There are also ways to extract oil from soybeans, sesame and the like, especially from soybeans, which is a good business.

Although soybeans do not contain high oil content, they are cheap. The most important thing is that soybeans that have been squeezed for oil using ancient methods can also be used to make tofu.

At this time, there was no such ingredient as tofu, so he could make a lot of money by selling tofu!

The biggest problem in the present may be that it is inconvenient to buy things these days. There are not many soybeans available, and the business is not big.


Of course, that’s not a big problem. It’s alright to make tofu a high-end ingredient and only make money from rich people.

Lu Yanzhou wrote down a general outline, but as for the details…he would definitely be there to guide them when the time comes.

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Wait, he shouldn’t know so many words…Lu Yanzhou burned the paper and planned to tell Xie Chengze directly.

Xie Chengze came back when it was getting dark. As soon as he came back, he came to Lu Yanzhou’s room and said, “Lu Lang.”

“AZe, you’re back?” Lu Yanzhou put down the brush he was practicing writing and looked at Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze said, “I came back a little late. Has Lu Lang eaten yet?”

“Not yet, I’m waiting for you.” Lu Yanzhou said.

Upon hearing this, Xie Chengze immediately had food delivered to him and ate with Lu Yanzhou. He also asked his servants if his room was ready.

Since he said he wanted Lu Yanzhou to move into his room last night, he would naturally do as he said.

Today, he specially found someone to decorate his room.


Xie Chengze has never cared much about where he lives. Although the house he lives in is large, there are very few things in it.

Today, he not only asked people to move in a lot of furniture, but also asked people to change the bedding.

The servant immediately said that the room had been decorated and could be moved in at any time.

Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou and said, “Lu Lang, would you like to move into my room.”

Lu Yanzhou didn’t refuse, “That’s a blessing for me.”

Xie Chengze cupped Lu Yanzhou’s face with both hands and kissed Lu Yanzhou’s face: “Lu Lang, you are so lovable.”

Lu Yanzhou: “…” He was teased again.

Well, just get used to it.

Lu Yanzhou had very few things, so he moved into Xie Chengze’s room with the original owner’s baggage.

Xie Chengze’s room was much larger than his. The floor was paved with polished stone slabs and there were a lot of brand-new furniture.

It’s because everything is new, there’s no scent.

Lu Yanzhou has already begun to think about how to decorate it, such as placing some green plants in the room.

“Lu Lang, it’s getting late, let’s rest early.” Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou and reached out to untie Lu Yanzhou’s clothes.

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His expressions and movements are unusually gentle, but his actions are very bold.

After a moment, Lu Yanzhou was left with only his inner trouser.


“AZe, my injury is not healed yet.” Lu Yanzhou couldn’t help but sigh as he grabbed Xie Chengze’s hand that wanted to continue.

In fact, the problem is not only because of his injury, but also the fact that Xie Chengze’s body is now incomplete.

Will Xie Chengze feel pleasure if they do something? If he doesn’t feel pleasure…then why bother?

And Lu Yanzhou could tell that Xie Chengze was actually a little nervous.

Every time he wanted to hug Xie Chengze before, Xie Chengze would avoid him or become stiff… Xie Chengze must have a mental barrier.

He thought they could take their time.

Xie Chengze’s hand was grabbed by Lu Yanzhou. He raised his gaze and looked at Lu Yanzhou, a little aggrieved: “Lu Lang, do you dislike me?”

He didn’t want Lu Yanzhou to see his body, he didn’t intend to do anything with Lu Yanzhou. He acts like this because he just wants to test Lu Yanzhou.

If Lu Yanzhou didn’t stop him, he would let Lu Yanzhou go.

As a result, Lu Yanzhou stopped him.

The suppressed anger in Xie Chengze’s heart emerged again.

Lu Yanzhou was indeed injured, but it was not serious and not to the point where he couldn’t do anything. As far as he knew, Lu Yanzhou was walking around on one foot today.

Lu Yanzhou refused because he couldn’t bear to be with a eunuch like him, right?

Wanting to climb up from him without giving anything, that’s impossible!

Xie Chengze’s aggrieved look was heartbreaking, so Lu Yanzhou did not hesitate: “How could I dislike you! There isn’t enough time for me to love you!”


“It’s absolutely true. ” Said Lu Yanzhou.

“Then tonight, Lu Lang and I will become husband and wife.” Xie Chengze bit Lu Yanzhou’s earlobe.

Lu Yanzhou is very smart and capable. He still needs to rely on him now, but he never knows when he will get rid of him.

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He could imprison this person so that this person could not leave him, but it was impossible for a sycophant like him to live to the end of his life. He could not afford to let Lu Yanzhou die with him, so sooner or later he would have to release Lu Yanzhou.

In this case, it is better to enjoy it earlier and avoid regret later.

As for Lu Yanzhou’s disgust with his body, it doesn’t matter. If Lu Yanzhou really behaves like that, maybe it will make him more sober.

“AZe…” Lu Yanzhou sighed.

“Lu Lang is unwilling?” Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou.

If Lu Yanzhou refused again, he would definitely tie Lu Yanzhou up in this room and won’t allow Lu Yanzhou to go out.

He gave Lu Yanzhou several chances, but it was Lu Yanzhou who stayed and confessed to him…Lu Yanzhou should bear the consequences.

Lu Yanzhou pulled Xie Chengze into his arms: “AZe, I will never dislike you…”

After Lu Yanzhou finished speaking, he kissed Xie Chengze and held him in his arms.

Xie Chengze’s body froze, then relaxed quickly.

Lu Yanzhou knew that he had a knot in his heart. After thinking about it, he decided that he had to do something to untie Xie Chengze’s knot.

Xie Chengze went to bed late, so he didn’t wake up until the sun was 3 poles high. When he woke up, he was still a little bit dazed.

He met Wang Tingyun yesterday and felt unstable when he returned home. Later, Lu Yanzhou refused, which made him even more dissatisfied.

He forced Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou truly could adapt to the circumstances, he could even put down his body. He also kept kissing his mutilated parts last night.

If he didn’t know about his cousin’s affair with Lu Yanzhou, he would definitely feel that Lu Yanzhou really fell in love with him.

He is very good looking and many people have taken a liking to him over the years.

It’s just…those people may not be able to do what Lu Yanzhou did, but this also makes Lu Yanzhou quite fake.

The emperor always forced all kinds of women, and although those women flattered the emperor, they actually didn’t want to.

He had always hated how the emperor’s treated those women, but he ended up doing the same thing as the emperor.

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Lu Yanzhou coaxed him for a long time last night and said many sweet words, but he didn’t take any further action. In the end, he took the initiative.

He might not be able to get Lu Yanzhou’s heart, but he could still get Lu Yanzhou’s body.

Xie Chengze got up from the bed, and then heard Lu Yanzhou’s voice: “AZe, how do you feel?”

What happened last night was both unexpected and expected by Lu Yanzhou.

Anyway…he’s used to it.

“Lu Lang cares about me?”

“Of course.”

“I’m just a eunuch…”

“AZe, that’s nothing. What I like is you as a person, it has nothing to do with your body.” Lu Yanzhou kissed Xie Chengze.

“Lu Lang, you are so kind to me.” Xie Chengze hugged Lu Yanzhou.

He was willing to play such a scene with Lu Yanzhou.

When the time comes, he will send Lu Yanzhou away and give Lu Yanzhou a bright future. It will not be a loss even if he dies.

“Who would I be nice to if I wasn’t nice to you?” Lu Yanzhou kissed Xie Chengze again, and then asked Xie Chengze what he wanted to eat.

“Anything is fine. I want to eat what you made, Lu Lang.” Said Xie Chengze.

Lu Yanzhou acted as a love at first sight groom, and he cooperated quite well.

Lu Yanzhou said: “I’ll make porridge and fry two eggs for you. Wait for me.”

Lu Yanzhou’s leg injury was not serious. Besides, last night, not only was Xie Chengze active, he was also very careful not to touch his wounds…his wounds are now scabbed.

Lu Yanzhou found a stick to lean on, then went to the kitchen. He added vegetables and chicken to the millet porridge, then fried eggs with chopped green onions.

When he was halfway through, Xie Chengze came and looked at him affectionately: “Lu Lang, thank you for your hard work.”

“It’s not hard work.” Lu Yanzhou immediately said. He really didn’t do anything. Xie Chengze is the one working hard last night.

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