Hold His Hand

Chapter 156: 156


Lu Yanzhou planned to talk to Xie Chengze about soybean oil extraction and porcelain firing last night. However, Xie Chengze was in a bad mood yesterday, so he comforted and comforted him…In the end, he didn’t have time to say anything.

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While eating, Lu Yanzhou asked, “AZe, are you going out today?”

Xie Chengze said, “I plan to go to the palace.”

“Pay attention to your health, don’t be tired.” Said Lu Yanzhou.

Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou with a smile: “Lu Lang, I’m in good health. I will definitely make you happy in the future.”

Lu Yanzhou was a little helpless. Xie Chengze’s health in this world was indeed not bad, it was even quite good. Though he was not injured last night…there was really no need to say such bold words.

From now on, if Xie Chengze can’t bear it, he will be slapped in the face.

Xie Chengze was in a good mood when he entered the palace.

He had already thought about it. Lu Yanzhou was just an accident in his life.

He is not a good person. When he first entered the palace, he just wanted to kill the dog emperor to take revenge, but later he changed his mind after he came into contact with more and more things.

He wanted to subvert this DaYan.

He felt that there was no need for DaYan’s imperial family to exist at all.


Besides, when he helped the emperor, even though he sometimes helped those who were suffering too, he also sometimes hurt others too.

A powerful official like him will definitely not end well when the emperor is gone.

Therefore, he doesn’t actually need to think too much.

Since he likes Lu Yanzhou, he just needs to keep him by his side and pamper him well!

From now on, he will do whatever he wants with Lu Yanzhou.

Thinking of last night, the corners of Xie Chengze’s mouth curled up, corners of his eyes and eyebrows were tinged with charm.

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He was born neither male nor female, so he thought that the joy that others could feel would never be felt in his life, but last night…he felt pretty good, or it should be said it felt very good.

He likes to be intimate with Lu Yanzhou.


It doesn’t matter if Lu Yanzhou is not sincere to him, he is on a dead end anyway. If Lu Yanzhou was really sincere to him, he may not be able to live with Lu Yanzhou.

Xie Chengze was relaxed, but as soon as he entered the palace, he cried in front of the emperor and accused Zhang Quan of harming him.

Xie Chengze originally did not plan to attack Zhang Quan so quickly. With such a person here, other people’s eyes would not be on him.

However, this time Zhang Quan did get involved with his assassinated. There was no way he could still keep Zhang Quan!

As for the emperor’s side…Even without Zhang Quan, he can support a Wang Quan or Li Quan.

If Xie Chengze was injured this time and his movements were restricted, Zhang Quan might have the upper hand if he was careless. However, he was not injured. Recently, he had been delivering delicious food to the palace every day, so the emperor liked him very much.

The emperor was a little annoyed. This time Zhang Quan actually wanted to kill Xie Chengze, so he issued an order on the spot to punish Zhang Quan.

Zhang Quan was the emperor’s dog, and the emperor would not kill his people. However, after Xie Chengze cried and beat, the emperor deprived Zhang Quan of most of his rights.

Zhang Quan without power is like a toothless tiger.

Xie Chengze arranged his own men to take over Zhang Quan’s power, then he went home after doing all this.


As soon as he returned home and saw Lu Yanzhou, Xie Chengze smiled: “Lu Lang, I miss you so much. A day of separation is as long as three autumns.”

“Me too.” Lu Yanzhou coughed lightly, and then was kissed by Xie Chengze who came forward.

There are people around! Xie Chengze shows off his affection and doesn’t care about other people’s opinions at all!

However, Lu Yanzhou still cooperated fully. Firstly, he didn’t hate these things. Secondly, Xie Chengze in this world has a somewhat inferior self-esteem. If he wants to find a sense of security like this…that’s fine.

After dinner, Xie Chengze took Lu Yanzhou to his study room to study. Lu Yanzhou finally had the opportunity to tell him that he knew a method for firing porcelain.

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“You also know how to make porcelain?”

“I learned about the method accidentally. It still needs to be tested…If it works, it should be able to make colorful porcelain.” Said Lu Yanzhou.

The modern porcelain bowls are more beautiful than the last, with more patterns on them, but in this period, there were not so many beautiful porcelains.

If they could make it, it would definitely be popular.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t hide anything, and started explaining the firing methods he had memorized one by one.

Xie Chengze listened carefully and was also very sure that what Lu Yanzhou said was feasible.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t need to lie to him about this. After all, it didn’t cost much to build a kiln and try firing.

The kiln pit must be built outside the city. If Lu Yanzhou wants to go and look at it…he may not be able to come back every day.

“Lu Lang, I have a cave for firing porcelain in a manor near the capital. But the manor is far away, and it takes a lot of time to get there. I want to see you every day…” Xie Chengze sat on Lu Yanzhou’s lap and put his arms around Lu Yanzhou’s neck.

Lu Yanzhou asked: “How long does it take when riding a horse?”


“At least half an hour.” Xie Chengze said. His manor is not far, but it is also not close either.

Lu Yanzhou said, “It’s not that far. I’ll just go out in the morning and come back in the evening!”

“Lu Lang, if you do this, will you be too tired?”

“No.” Lu Yanzhou said. Isn’t it just riding horse back and forth an hour every day? This is nothing!

“Then Lu Lang, go ahead and give it a try. I’ll ask Jia, Yi, Bing, Ding and the people at the manor to help you.”

“Okay.” Lu Yanzhou smiled, “AZe, if we can make exquisite porcelain and sell it, we will definitely make a lot of money!”

That’s a given!

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Lu Yanzhou was not in a hurry to talk about oil extraction. He planned to wait until he got to the manor and find someone to try it before telling Xie Chengze.

The same goes for tofu.

If he said it together…it would easily arouse suspicion.

After settling the matter, the two began to read history books together.

Lu Yanzhou had been holding back before, but now he would inevitably reveal some of his thoughts.

Xie Chengze naturally felt what Lu Yanzhou deliberately revealed.

Do princes and generals like Xiang Ning have guts? He thought so, and so did Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou is even bolder, some of his ideas are even crazier than him.

However, it cannot be denied that Xie Chengze likes these.

“Lu Lang, you are really brave. If what you say is heard by others…”

“I only say it to you.” Lu Yanzhou said.

Xie Chengze smile and touched Lu Yanzhou again.

That night, it was naturally springtime again.

Lu Yanzhou recuperated from his injuries for five days, now the wounds were no longer so serious. The seriously injured guards were also out of danger.

He found a time and asked someone to take him to Xie Chengze’s manor.

Xie Chengze’s manor was very large, so there was indeed a place for firing porcelain and pottery on the manor. People at this time used pots and bowls on a daily basis. The demand for these items was very high, so the larger manor would basically bake them themselves.

However, the quality of the baked goods is generally not very good.

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After Lu Yanzhou saw it, he determined that the cave dwelling must be rebuilt. It was even better for them to start by firing bricks to build the cave dwelling!

Fortunately, he learns as much as possible in every world. He had made glass before and learned all the relevant knowledge.

On the first day, Lu Yanzhou went back after seeing it, but starting from the second day, he took the people in the manor to work.

There weren’t enough people at the manor, so he asked Xie Chengze to find some people from elsewhere to help make the foundation.

Porcelain cannot be fired in a short time. The suitable clay must be found first, so Lu Yanzhou took the time to try oil pressing.

It is relatively simple to extract oil from sesame seeds. Lu Yanzhou soon got a bottle of sesame oil. The experiment of extracting oil from soybeans was finally successful.

Before getting porcelain, vegetable oil was extracted first, and tofu was also made at the same time.

Xie Chengze is very busy these days, but he pays a lot of attention to Lu Yanzhou.

However, he was mainly concerned about Lu Yanzhou’s whereabouts, not what Lu Yanzhou was doing.

Ever since Lu Yanzhou went to the manor every day, he had placed many people in the manor, and people there were not allowed to come in and out at will. In addition to Lu Yanzhou, besides Jia, Yi, Bing, and Ding, he also arranged other people to ensure that Lu Yanzhou had no chance to escape.

If Lu Yanzhou comes into contact with outsiders, he will be able to know immediately what Lu Yanzhou said to others and what he did.

As a result, Lu Yanzhou worked inside the manor every day and had no intention of leaving the manor. He promised to come back every day, he kept his promise and would return home before dawn every day.

Xie Chengze was relieved that Lu Yanzhou was so well-behaved, and then…Lu Yanzhou told him that oil can be extracted out of soybeans and tofu can be made.

Lu Yanzhou also used that oil to deep fry chicken wings for him to eat, which was really delicious!

Even if Lu Yanzhou didn’t say anything, Xie Chengze realized the business opportunities.

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