Hold His Hand

Chapter 163: 163


Wang Tingyun was always decisive in doing things. He left behind a lot of belongings and secretly left the capital with the Wang clan members to join Yan Hang.

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This matter was soon discovered by the emperor. He immediately cursed the Wang family, thinking that those influential families were just useless people and no one was a good person.

Seeing many influential families fleeing, the emperor relied more and more on Xie Chengze…

Then, half a month later, the Wang family’s large army finally entered the area occupied by Yan Hang.

Wang Tingyun’s eldest son Wang Pinghou had just turned thirty with a beard. Along the way, he had been riding in a carriage with Wang Tingyun and accepted Wang Tingyun’s teachings.

They opened the curtains on the carriage windows and were looking around at this moment.

This place was occupied by Lu Yanzhou a few months ago. If it were anywhere else, a place that was still experiencing war a few months ago would be in dilapidated condition, but this place is different. The people here are already preparing for spring plowing.

They were all very thin and must have been born in poverty. Wang Pinghou had seen many such people. Their eyes were numb, but these people’s eyes were full of hope.

After Yan Hang occupied a place, the first thing he did every time was to divide the land.

Ordinary people are really easy to satisfy. No matter how much suffering they have experienced, as long as they have land, they will feel at ease.

“What did you see?” Wang Tingyun asked.

Wang Pinghou sighed: “That Yan Hang is not simple.”


Wang Tingyun said: “You know why I chose him now, right?”

Wang Pinghou sighed: “Father, you made the right choice.”

When they were in the capital, they heard many rumors related to Yan Hang, such as Yan Hang taking the lead, loving the people like his child, and the people living a happy life under his rule.

However, they didn’t pay much attention to it at the time, and even thought it was an exaggeration.

But now, they somewhat believe it.

It only took a few months for Yan Hang to conquer this place, but he had already conquered the people here. As long as Yan Hang works steadily, he will be able to run this place with iron-clad hands.

As for the possibility of fighting with Sun Chongshao… Yan Hang is very good at leading troops in battles, and his soldiers are very well equipped. If Sun Chongshao really confronts Yan Hang, he may not necessarily be able to defeat Yan Hang.

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“Master, not far ahead is the county seat.” Someone came to report to Wang Tingyun.


Wang Tingyun said: “Let’s enter the city quickly and find a place to rest.” They had not had a good rest for a long time and urgently needed to rest.

But after Wang Tingyun finished speaking, he quickly said: “Wait a minute, arrange for someone to go into the city first to see if there is a place for us to stay.”

Their group is only the vanguard of the Wang family, but including the servants, there are still 200 people. In this small county that has just experienced war, there may not necessarily be room for them to stay.

“Yes, patriarch!” The person who reported took the order.

Wang Tingyun walked forward while looking at the surrounding scene.

Ever since he came to Yan Hang’s territory, the road has been smoother, so he was wondering what the scene will be like in that county.

The county seat arrived quickly. When they entered the county seat after undergoing inspection, they were stunned when they saw the scene in the county seat.

The appearance of this county is far beyond their imagination.

This is a very beautiful town. The roads are wide and white with bright red brick houses built on the roadside.

The people here are in good spirits. They are jogging about and doing their own business with their faces full of hope.


The Wang family was stunned for a long while. After asking locals, they found out that the county town was originally occupied by several forces. Nine out of ten houses were empty, and all the houses in the city were destroyed. The current scene was all the result of Yan Hang’s construction team.

“They got a lot of cement, this road is also cement! As for the bricks used to build houses, they were made in brick factories outside the town. Aren’t they a beautiful red?” The locals talk about the city filled with pride.

At this time, the Wang family, who had entered the town first, had already found a place for them to live. There were very few people in the county, so there were many vacant houses.

The Wang family was looking for a place to settle down, and then they realized that Yan Hang’s army was stationed not far away, and Yan Hang himself was also in the army.

The county was quickly stabilized because of Yan Hang and his soldiers.

Yan Hang gave one-half of the land to the people to cultivate, then he took his soldiers to cultivate the vacant land.

The Wang family inquired about the news and got together to talk again that night.

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In front of them, there were two books spread out.

One of these two books is called ‘Literature and Language’ and the other is called ‘Mathematics’. The contents are easy to understand. In addition to the words, there are also pictures…They can understand them almost at a glance.

“As long as one studies this ‘Mathematics’ book seriously, they can be an accountant! The numbers and accounting methods taught in it are very useful!”

“The lessons in this ‘Literature and Language’ book are catchy, simple and vivid, with added sentence readings, so it was more suitable for children than our Wang family’s ‘Wang Clan’s Early Studies’!”

“I thought Yan Hang was a rough guy, but I was wrong!”

“Yan Hang used to live in Jiangnan before, so we didn’t know much about him. We are really careless!”

“This Yan Hang is not only a good leader, but also good at handling internal affairs!”


At this time, the Wang family started admiring Yan Hang.

Wang Tingyun said: “Yan Hang is a man of great talent and strategy, so it will be difficult for us to gain his respect.”

The influential families are all proud, after all, they have mastered things that ordinary people cannot learn.

When they came to join Yan Hang, they felt that they would be able to help Yan Hang.

However, now it seems that Yan Hang doesn’t need them.

No wonder, Sun Chongshao is very polite to the influential family, but Yan Hang has always been very cold towards the influential family.

The Wang family members all thought the same as Wang Tingyun, so they couldn’t help but frown. Suddenly, one of them said: “Our Wang family women are able and virtuous, many people seek to marry them…”

For influential families, marriage is a common method to use.

Sun Chongshao had already married several daughters from other influential families, all of whom were daughters of those families who had taken refuge with him.

And their Wang family also has no shortage of daughters.

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However, Wang Tingyun refused: “I’m afraid it won’t work.”

“Why?” Everyone was puzzled.

Wang Tingyun said: “I’ve inquired about it and it was said that Yan Hang already has a partner. He loved that person so much that he never looked at other women! Many people have given him women over the years but he has never accepted any one of them.”

“How can those people compare to our Wang family’s daughter?” Someone said proudly. The daughters of the Wang family are well-educated in poetry and books, they are also proficient in all kinds of music, chess, calligraphy and painting!

Wang Tingyun became thoughtful.

In the past, the Wang family was not enthusiastic about sending their daughter to the palace.

However, a founding emperor like Yan Hang is different from the emperor who is currently on the throne.

They have already sent invitations to see Yan Hang, they can test it out then.

Lu Yanzhou just received the greeting card from the Wang family at this moment.

His beard is very long now, and he deliberately doesn’t trim it, so it has covered most of his face.

He felt that he was already not very good-looking, so those who approached him did not look at his appearance but his strength!

Therefore, people kept gifting one after another!

Now that the Wang family is here, it might happen again…

Lu Yanzhou looked at Xie Jia beside him: “I will summon the Wang family tomorrow. You should know what to do.”

Jia, Yi, Bing, and Ding are now able to take charge on their own, so beside him are only Xie Jia now. He has sent the other three somewhere else.

Xie Jia is now also a general who can lead troops in battle, but he usually serves as his deputy.

Xie Jia said: “Don’t worry, young master, I will definitely get things done.”

Lu Yanzhou said: “I believe you! By the way, after tomorrow, you must write a letter and send it to the capital.”

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“I accept the order!” Said Xie Jia.

Lu Yanzhou allowed him to leave with satisfaction.

When Xie Jia came outside, someone immediately asked Xie Jia: “General Jia, why did the lord come to see you so late at night?”

“Young master has something important for me to do,” Xie Jia said.

“What is it?” The man was curious.

Xie Jia said: “This is not what you should know!” He needed to help Lu Yanzhou block all those peach blossoms, and he also had to write a letter and send it to the capital to help Lu Yanzhou show his loyalty!

These things are not something that just anyone can know.

Hearing this, the man did not dare to ask more questions and said something else: “General Jia, many people have come to seek refuge with the Lord recently, and they have also brought many beauties. Do you think the Lord will accept them?”

Xie Jia said: “No!”

“General Jia, what exactly does the lord’s wife look like? How could she make the lord never look at anyone else?”

Lu Yanzhou’s men all know that Lu Yanzhou has a partner, but they don’t know who that person is. They only knew that the old people around Lu Yanzhou called the lady ‘master’, but Lu Yanzhou was not angry at all.

Xie Jia said: “My master is a heavenly beauty who descends from the heavens.”

“No wonder!” The man looked fascinated.

Xie Jia glanced at this man guiltily, then hurried back to his quarter.

His master’s appearance is not bad, but…he is actually a man, and his status is not ordinary either.

He only hopes that these people will be a little calm when they see real person in the future.

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