Hold His Hand

Chapter 164: 164


Lu Yanzhou actually has no interest in accepting the support of those influential families, except those whose whole family has been separated.

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For influential families, the most important thing is the family, not the country. If there are too many such families in the regime, they will all seek their own benefits, which will easily make the regime split.

However, the Wang family has a good reputation, and the original owner had abducted a Wang family’s young lady before…Lu Yanzhou decided to accept the Wang family.

Lu Yanzhou met Wang Tingyun, Wang Pinghou, his son, and several other Wang family members in the military camp.

Lu Yanzhou knew that some people in this world were very good at recognizing others. In modern times, some police officers can catch wanted criminals after seeing their photos.

He had met Wang Tingyun before. He was afraid of being recognized by Wang Tingyun, so he deliberately messed up his hair and beard when meeting them. As for other things…When he appears in front of people as Yan Hang, he uses a Jiangnan accent and temperament is also completely different from before, so Wang Tingyun probably wouldn’t recognize him.

Lu Yanzhou appeared in front of the Wang family with his head all full of messy hair, which made the Wang family, who have the word ‘exquisite’ written all over them, a little uncomfortable.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t say much to them, he went straight to the point and told them what they can do here.

He welcomed the arrival of the Wang family, but the vast land that the Wang family owns right now certainly would not continue to be owned by the Wang family. As for the gold, silver, and jewelry owned by the Wang family, they could have it.

He wouldn’t go that far.

In addition, if the Wang family wants to be an official here, they must not only pass the corresponding assessment, but also avoid each other and disperse to different places to avoid the situation where most of the officials in one of his systems are Wang family members.

The Wang family was a little reluctant, but they agreed in the end and even offered to donate a large amount of food and many belongings to Lu Yanzhou.


This is a very large amount of money! Food is extremely important to Lu Yanzhou.

This was something Lu Yanzhou didn’t expect. He immediately said that he would host a banquet for the Wang family to express his gratitude.

If someone gives him so much money, he certainly can’t just throw them away after meeting them.

“Thank you so much, General Yan!” Wang Tingyun bowed and thanked him, then said that he had brought a lot of fresh food and chefs from the capital, which he could also give to Lu Yanzhou and he could also ask them to help prepare the banquet.

Lu Yanzhou: “…” Which of the fresh food in the capital was not made by him?

Before he left the capital, he had come up with many fresh dishes. After leaving the capital, he went to sell sugar in the capital. Last year, he also produced MSG…

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But if the Wang family wants to give it away, just give it away!

The banquet that night was quite grand. As for the venue, it was a red brick house built by Lu Yanzhou.


Red bricks are not as durable as blue bricks, but they are easier to bake than green bricks. Lu Yanzhou developed them in order to help people build houses in a short time. In his opinion, unpainted red-brick houses are too crude.

In the past, in rural areas, people who had no money would also build a house without painting it!

However, he thinks so, but people in this era don’t think so. They all think the red brick house is beautiful, they even think it doesn’t need to be painted.

Alright…so be it.

At most, he would be a little uncomfortable seeing people writing poems praising the brick house he had people build.

For example, right now, the dozens of Wang family members who came to the banquet kept praising the red brick house with polite words, so Lu Yanzhou didn’t know how to answer the question.

The Wang family didn’t know what Lu Yanzhou was thinking. Seeing that Lu Yanzhou didn’t speak, they felt that although Yan Hang was capable, he probably hadn’t read many books.

It’s even possible that Yan Hang doesn’t understand what they say.

Wang Tingyun was considerate and said no more, but some of the Wang family members he brought with him also despised Lu Yanzhou, feeling that he was just a crude man and not worthy of the Wang family’s support.

They thought so in their hearts, so they naturally also showed it a little on their face, then one dish after another was served.


Lu Yanzhou took a look and found that almost all of the dishes were the dishes he had written for Xie Chengze.

The dishes he wrote down for Xie Chengze were all dishes that had been passed down for thousands of years. They tasted very good and were naturally popular.

When the Wang family saw the dishes being served, they were ready to watch Lu Yanzhou become astonished after eating these dishes.

As far as they knew, although there were some children from influential families on Lu Yanzhou’s side, none came from the capital. These dishes were only known to the big families in the capital, and the ingredients were even more difficult to buy. Lu Yanzhou must had never tasted them before.

As a result, Lu Yanzhou’s expression was calm while he was eating, and the cronies around him were not surprised and actually reacted indifferently. Only a few generals who accompanied Lu Yanzhou and had not been with Lu Yanzhou for a long time could not stop eating.

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Seeing this, Wang Tingyun felt more and more that Lu Yanzhou was a wealthy man, but some members of the Wang family felt that Lu Yanzhou was just pretending.

Halfway through the meal, an old man from the Wang family tentatively suggested: “I heard that General Yan only has one wife and she is also away? I have a granddaughter who is able and virtuous…”

“Young master, master has said that if you dare to mess around outside, he will definitely punish you with the family law!” Xie Jia said at the right time.

Lu Yanzhou laughed loudly when he heard this, then said to the man: “Sir Wang, you have also seen…Oh! I don’t want to be dealt with by the family law.”

Lu Yanzhou often rejects people like this, but unfortunately most people will not let it go.

The old man surnamed Wang said: “General Yan, my granddaughter, the Wang family, has read poetry and books since she was a child…”

“I don’t like poetry and books.” Lu Yanzhou said seriously.

“When general ascends to the supreme position in the future, he should have a virtuous wife…” the old man surnamed Wang said again.

When Wang Tingyun heard this, he frowned. His uncle not only wanted to marry his granddaughter to Yan Hang, but…he was also thinking about the future throne?

Avaricious and insatiable like the snake trying to swallow the elephant! Wang Tingyun immediately stopped the man: “Second uncle, be careful of what you say.”


Lu Yanzhou was also a little unhappy. If the original owner hadn’t wronged the Wang family and Wang Tingyun had reacted quickly enough, he would have attacked.

However, at this time, a young man from the Wang family said: “What you meant to say is you don’t like poetry and books, or you just don’t know about it?”

This young man’s name is Wang Pingxian, the son of Wang Tingyun’s younger brother.

After Wang Tingyun’s younger brother had his eldest son, he found that the eldest son had physical defects and threw him away. It took several years before his second son, Wang Pingxian, was born.

The couple loved Wang Pingxian very much, which made Wang Pingxian a little lawless.

Wang Tingyun was extremely angry when he heard what his nephew said.

They came to seek refuge, but as a result, the elders in the clan were always held in high esteem and could not let go of their arrogance. Even though they knew that he loved his partner, he still insisted on giving him his granddaughter.

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What about the young people in the clan? He couldn’t clearly see the situation, he actually satirized him directly!

No matter how arrogant and rough Yan Hang looks, he is not someone the Wang family can offend!

Wang Tingyun immediately apologized: “My nephew is reckless, please forgive me, General Yan.”

“No problem.” Lu Yanzhou smiled, “Although I don’t like poetry and books, I still took the time to learn some…This young master Wang, would you like to compete?”

Lu Yanzhou finally figured out that the Wang family was used to being aloof and arrogant, so even though they came to seek refuge with him, they still ‘can’t lower themselves and act humbly’.

He originally didn’t want to argue because Wang Tingyun was sincere and gave him a lot of things, but now…these people don’t find him convincing. If he were to use these people in the future, it may be troublesome.

They might even cause trouble!

Wang Pingxian immediately said: “Let’s compete!”

Wang Pingxian was one of the four young masters in the capital that everyone respected. He was very confident in his knowledge, so he was not happy having to work for a crude man like Lu Yanzhou in the future.

He wanted Lu Yanzhou to know how powerful the Wang family was!

Lu Yanzhou should have taken them seriously, he should have treated them with more courtesy!

Then…Wang Pingxian was crushed by Lu Yanzhou.

Not only Wang Pingxian, but also other members of the Wang family who jumped out to compete with Lu Yanzhou were all crushed.

Lu Yanzhou once passed the imperial examination hundreds of years later, combined with his ability to never forget things, and he had also lived for so many years. How could these people compare?

After writing another poem, Lu Yanzhou looked at Wang Pingxian who was already wilting and said, “I only know a little bit about poetry and calligraphy, but young master Wang seems to be inferior to me?”

Don’t say that Wang Pingxian is inferior to him. Well, Wang Tingyun and the rest of the Wang family are not even as good as him.

The Wang family was stunned. The Yan Hang in front of them was completely different from the Yan Hang they imagined!

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He is actually extremely talented and knowledgeable!

Lu Yanzhou added at this time: “In these dishes, the sweet and sour fish is too deep-fried and there is a little less sugar; the ingredients in the salt and pepper pork ribs are not authentic; the chicken should be drizzled with sesame oil…”

After commenting on the dishes on the table, Lu Yanzhou turned around and left.

Wang family: “…”

They thought these dishes would shock Yan Hang and the others, but in the end…Yan Hang seemed to know better than them?

Everyone looked at Xie Jia, who had not yet left. On Lu Yanzhou’s side, a general who had joined Lu Yanzhou not long ago couldn’t help but ask, “General Jia, have you eaten these before?”

Xie Jia was taking his time to eat.

Hearing this, Xie Jia had an enigmatic look on his face: “I’ve tried it before.” After Lu Yanzhou came up with a dish, he always tried it several times, so he tasted it often!

Well, Lu Yanzhou’s cooking skills are much better than those Wang family’ chefs!

Everyone increasingly felt that Yan Hang was unfathomable, and the Wang family even had a terrifying guess – Was Yan Hang born in a wealthy family?

No matter what, the Wang family has completely calmed down this time. They will do whatever they were told, then Lu Yanzhou wrote another letter of confession and had it sent to the capital.

It won’t be long before he and Xie Chengze can meet each other.

Just as Lu Yanzhou thought of this, news came from the capital that shocked the world – Xie Chengze had committed regicide!

Not only did he kill the emperor, he even killed all the adult men in the imperial family!

Keeping these people would be a problem for Lu Yanzhou, so Xie Chengze decided to get rid of them first.

Of course, what he wants to deal with is not only the imperial family, but also the powerful people in the capital who have done nothing good!

Xie Chengze sealed off the capital and went on a killing spree. For a period of time, everyone in the capital felt danger.

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