Hold His Hand

Chapter 168: 168


Lu Yanzhou’s soldiers were well fed, rested, and had sufficient supplies, so they moved faster than Sun Chongshao.

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Lu Yanzhou set up camp one day away from the capital and began to wait for Sun Chongshao’s arrival.

Suddenly, the smell of salted fish filled the air in the military camp.

Wang Tingyun and Wang Pinghou, the father and son whose clothes used to be scented with expensive incense, are now smelling of salted fish! A fishy smell.

“General Yan, it is said that Sun Chongshao has led an army of 300,000. Is General Yan confident about dealing with him?” Wang Tingyun asked Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou only brought 50,000 soldiers with him to the capital this time. As for the 50,000 soldiers, there were 20,000 people who were just for support and wouldn’t fight.

300,000 versus 30,000…Wang Tingyun was worried that Lu Yanzhou couldn’t defeat Sun Chongshao.

Lu Yanzhou scratched the beard on his face: “It’s okay, we can definitely win.”

In fact, the population of this era was very small. There had been years of famine, rampant plagues, frequent wars, so many people had died.

Therefore, now there are probably only more than 20 million people in the entire DaYan.

Materials such as food are even more scarce.

Sun Chongshao claims to have an army of 300,000, but in fact it would be good to have 150,000.


Otherwise…where did Sun Chongshao get so much food to feed them?

This time things happened too suddenly, so even he couldn’t pull up such a huge team in this short amount of time.

Moreover, Lu Yanzhou had dealt with Sun Chongshao before. His logistics personnel were more effective than Sun Chongshao’s people. As for his soldiers…he had recently upgraded their equipment.

Lu Yanzhou is very confident, this is what one needs in a war!

Seeing Lu Yanzhou like this, his men were filled with confidence and eager to fight!

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When Sun Chongshao arrived with his ‘300,000 soldiers’, they faced Lu Yanzhou’s strong warriors who had a good rest.

In fact, Sun Chongshao had already received the news and knew that Yan Hang was also going to the capital.

However, he still comes here. After all, he and Yan Hang will have to fight sooner or later!


Now that he has so many people, it’s not certain who will win in a fight between the two sides, but if Yan Hang goes to the capital first, obtains the capital’s resources and then ascends the throne as emperor…By then, he will never be able to turn things around.

The two sides fought together without saying a word.

Lu Yanzhou’s soldiers wore uniform armor and had sharp weapons, but Sun Chongshao’s soldiers did not have such things…

But this is not the key. The most important thing is that Lu Yanzhou used gunpowder.

A very primitive bomb, not very lethal, but it can be used to scare people.

The shouts of ‘surrender and you won’t be killed’ accompanied by the explosion destroyed the morale of Sun Chongshao’s soldiers. Lu Yanzhou specially sent a specially trained special force to enter the encirclement and captured Sun Chongshao.

Wang Tingyun: “…” The battle progressed so quickly that it was a bit beyond his expectation.

He was even more surprised when he saw that Lu Yanzhou’s logistics personnel went to rescue the injured prisoners together with the uninjured soldiers, and even cooked for the prisoners.

Usually when they go to war and capture enemy soldiers, they won’t give them food or treatment for a day or two. After all, food and medicinal materials are very precious.

Moreover, two days of starvation can leave the captives with no energy to resist.


As for whether the wounded will die…if the weak ones die, wouldn’t it be just right?

“General Yan, you treat prisoners very good!” Wang Tingyun admired Yan Hang more and more!

When he was young, he had a dream to change the world, but later, he gradually forgot about it.

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Now, he thinks he might be able to watch others change the world.

Lu Yanzhou said: “They have surrendered, so they are not prisoners, they are now my soldiers.”

Wang Tingyun asked: “General, do you have enough food?”

Lu Yanzhou said: “It’s not enough, but it can last for a few days.”

The entire population of DaYan was not as large as a large city in later generations, but agriculture at this time was not developed enough, plus there also wars occuring in the past few years. Even if Lu Yanzhou found another way to fish to feed his soldiers, food was still a little tight.

Wang Tingyun said: “If General can take down the capital quickly, you should be able to get a lot of food. Many influential families have countless grain reserves, and there are several granaries near the capital.”

“We’ll go to the capital tomorrow.” Said Lu Yanzhou.

Wang Tingyun then added: “General, although Xie Chengze is an eunuch, he is very talented. If General were to confront him, it would not be easy to take down the capital. In my opinion, General can recruit him to surrender.”

Wang Tingyun actually admired Xie Chengze very much.

Previously, he felt that Xie Chengze had gone too far and was afraid that he would not survive, but after getting to know Yan Hang in depth, he felt that Yan Hang might let Xie Chengze go.

“Oh?” Lu Yanzhou looked at Wang Tingyun in surprise.

“I have some friendship with Xie Chengze, I can help General talk with Xie Chengze.” Wang Tingyun added.


Lu Yanzhou laughed: “No, my friendship with Xie Chengze is much deeper than your friendship with Xie Chengze!”

Wang Tingyun: “…” No matter how good Xie Chengze is, he is still his nephew. How could the relationship between Yan Hang and Xie Chengze be deeper than him and Xie Chengze!

Lu Yanzhou felt a little guilty towards Wang Tingyun because of young lady Wang.

However, he was sure that Wang Tingyun did not know his existence.

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As for young lady Wang, he secretly inquired and found out that the girl was already married and had a child. She would definitely pretend not to recognize him when she saw him again.

He had previously concealed his appearance in front of Wang Tingyun, because he was afraid that Wang Tingyun would find out that he was Xie Chengze’s pillow person. After all, if this matter spread out, it would be a problem to Xie Chengze, it would make the emperor suspect Xie Chengze.

But now he no longer has to worry about this, after all, Xie Chengze has already killed the emperor.

Lu Yanzhou now treated Wang Tingyun with a normal attitude.

Early the next morning, Lu Yanzhou left most of the people behind and asked them to take care of the prisoners, then he headed straight for the capital with 10,000 soldiers.

After more than five years of separation, he missed Xie Chengze!

He can finally see Xie Chengze!

Xie Chengze naturally knew about the fight between Lu Yanzhou and Sun Chongshao near the capital.

He sealed off the capital, but his own people kept coming in and out, and he also sent people to find news.

He originally thought that Lu Yanzhou would let Sun Chongshao clear the way, then he would reap the benefits from the rear. Unexpectedly, Lu Yanzhou defeated Sun Chongshao’s army first.

But it’s not unusual for him to do so…Lu Yanzhou’s army is very strong, and Sun Chongshao doesn’t have the power to fight against him. Lu Yanzhou can completely deal with Sun Chongshao first, and then come to the capital.

In today’s morning court, Xie Chengze once again sat on the dragon throne and looked at the officials standing below with a smile.

These officials insisted on coming to court every day for half a month, and now the number of people was reduced by half already.

Each of them has lost at least ten catties(~13.2 lbs).

How pitiful!

Xie Chengze laughed out loud.

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The officials below were trembling and did not dare to raise their heads. They were afraid that the next second, Xie Chengze would suddenly feel that their heads were not good-looking and wanted to chop it off.

Xie Chengze suddenly said: “Everyone, Ihas just received good news. Sun Chongshao’s 300,000 soldiers have arrived near the capital.”

These officials almost stopped breathing. 300,000 soldiers! Xie Chengze absolutely can’t deal with it!

Are they saved?

No, not necessarily!

Seeing that Xie Chengze was about to die, he might drag the entire capital to be buried with him!

Xie Chengze added: “What a pity, he met Yan Hang and was captured by Yan Hang!”

The officials: “…” Their minds went blank, they no longer knew how they should react.

“Yan Hang will arrive here soon. Do you think…will he like the capital as it is now?” Xie Chengze asked.

Before the officials could speak, Xie Chengze said, “If none of you speak, it’s useless even if you have mouths…Let’s pull a few people out to chop it off!”

Tian Qi immediately pulled a few people down.

The officials trembled even more.

However, Xie Chengze stood up: “He came too quickly. I haven’t finished anything yet. I can only work harder today and finish things first…”

Not all the people to be killed were officials. Some of the wealthy families who fled to the capital were not officials.

Now…let’s kill them all together!

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