Hold His Hand

Chapter 169: 169


Xie Chengze sealed off the capital, allowing only entry and no exit, but this had little impact on the ordinary people living in the capital.

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He raided the granary of the influential families, so he had enough food on hand, therefore the grain store in the capital opened as usual.

He hired people to build roads and city walls, so that people who had no money to eat could work and earn money.

He also built a relief hall to take in orphans and the elderly.

For some people who originally lived outside the city but accidentally entered the city, he also specially arranged a place for them to live. As for where the accommodation came from…He raided the homes of many officials, they always have vacant houses.

In the first few days, people panic, but after a few days, everything becomes normal.

For them, now that none of the influential families who always wear gold and silver, shouting and cheering can be seen, this seem pretty good?

Xie Chengze’s closure of the city had little impact on the common people, but it had a great impact on the influential families. Not only were they in fear all day long, but their living standards had also plummeted.

For example, their manor outside the city sent them all kinds of fresh meat every day previously, but now they have none of it.

Although the grain stores in the city are open and the prices of all kinds of coarse grains are still very cheap, the fine grains are very expensive! Even sold for a sky-high price!

What about the dishes? Pickled fish and pickled vegetables are sold cheaply, but the rest are also priced astronomically.

Ordinary people have no problem with this at all. They eat whole grains and don’t eat much vegetables.


In addition, the capital has always been under the control of those influential families, so private individuals cannot sell salt. In the past, the price of a catty of salt was as much as that of a hundred pounds of grain. Now salted fish and pickle vegetables are sold for a few copper coins per catty…they are ecstatic and hoarded a lot.

However, how could the influential families tolerate eating coarse grains and salted fish?

Even at the critical moment of life and death, the influential families still felt that they could not lose face. They bought the most expensive grains and live chickens and ducks, which allowed Xie Chengze to make a lot of money.

In addition to what he ransacked from houses and the things left behind by the emperor, Xie Chengze now had an unknown amount of treasure in his hands.

Xie Chengze has asked Sheng Yuan to register these things.

Tian Qi captured people and killed them again. Xie Chengze said to Sheng Yuan: “When Yan Hang comes, give him the things here.”

Sheng Yuan looked at the gold and silver jewelry and asked Xie Chengze: “Godfather, you should do this.”

Xie Chengze said, “I will be busy with things so I won’t have time.”


Is it true that he doesn’t have time? Or was his godfather actually prepared to die a long time ago? Sheng Yuan looked at Xie Chengze: “Godfather!”

“Sheng Yuan, Yan Hang will be a good emperor.” After Xie Chengze said this, he turned and left.

Sheng Yuan is a smart man. He knows that Sheng Yuan will not do anything stupid and go against Lu Yanzhou.

During this time, Xie Chengze had already told his confidants to listen to Lu Yanzhou in the future.

He has almost finished the rest of his arrangements.

When Lu Yanzhou comes, he will not only take over a clean capital, but also get a lot of manpower and a large amount of supplies.

As for him…he wants to see Lu Yanzhou again. What will happen next depends on what Lu Yanzhou wants him to do.

Xie Chengze walked for a while, then met the eunuch and palace maid who were cleaning.

After he launched the palace coup, these people were very scared and had been trembling with fear, but living under someone’s control, they still continued to live as before.

As for the person who controls them, their situation is similar to Sheng Yuan. They are all his confidants, so they have all received orders from him to obey Yan Hang’s orders.


As for the generals in his hands…

Some of them are in the same situation as Sheng Yuan and others. They have already received his orders and will obey Lu Yanzhou’s arrangements. Some of them were simply sent to Lu Yanzhou.

He didn’t know what Lu Yanzhou was like before, but based on his understanding of the Lu Yanzhou he came into contact with, Lu Yanzhou should let these people go.

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That is to say, he…has to give an explanation to the world.

Xie Chengze thought so, and Xie Chengze’s confidants also thought so too.

At this time, Sheng Yuan met with several other close eunuchs of Xie Chengze and started discussing.

“Yan Hang is coming soon. What will happen to Lord Qiansui then?”

“Yan Hang is a good person, but if he wants to appease the world, he can’t let Lord Qiansui go.”

“Didn’t Lord Qiansui say that Yan Hang won’t hurt him?”

“Do you believe that?”

“Lord Qiansui has killed so many people recently, how can Yan Hang let him go?”

As everyone talked, they gradually became silent. Then, someone said: “Then what should we do?”

What should they do if Xie Chengze dies?

In the end, it was Sheng Yuan who said, “Lord Qiansui has paved the way for you. Don’t let down his hard work and live well.”


Hearing what Sheng Yuan said, these people felt very sad.

Xie Chengze walked around the palace, and Tian Qi, who had been ordered to kill people, now came back.

Xie Chengze and Tian Qi had already discussed who to kill, and today Tian Qi took those people and killed them all.

“Lord Qiansui, fortunately I didn’t disappoint you!” When Tian Qi saw Xie Chengze, he bent down and saluted.

Xie Chengze asked: “General Tian, you were rushed to kill people these days, aren’t you afraid that you will die without a burial place in the future?”

Xie Chengze needs someone to help him kill. He can be easily get rid of after the incident, and the same is true for the person who helped him kill.

Thus, he originally planned to let his generals take turns killing people, so it would be difficult for Lu Yanzhou to pursue them.

As a result, Tian Qi rushed to do the job.

Tian Qi was someone who he instigated to rebel, he’s not one of his confidants. At first, Tian Qi only helped him block the capital and arrest officials who didn’t come to court. That was fine, but then Tian Qi later killed so many officials…

Tian Qi laughed: “Lord Qiansui, you are not afraid, what should I be afraid of?”

Xie Chengze raised his eyebrows: “General Tian also has a story?”

Tian Qi said: “There is a story, it’s not a big thing. My sister took my wife, who I have yet to marry then, for an outing, but then they were killed by the Zhou family’s beasts.”

Tian Qi actually came from a good family and was a branch of the Tian family, a small influential family.

Unfortunately, the hierarchy among influential families is also very strict.

The Zhou family had harmed his family, but there was nothing he could do.

He originally thought that he would never be able to get revenge in this life, but he never expected that Xie Chengze would start to promote him and win over him…Later, Xie Chengze went on a killing spree against the royal family and influential families.

He has seen the evidence that Xie Chengze collected about the people he wanted to kill. Those people deserve to die!

His parents had passed away not long ago, so he simply followed Xie Chengze and became the sword in Xie Chengze’s hand.

As for the future…it doesn’t matter if he dies.

All his enemies were killed by him now!

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Xie Chengze said: “Don’t worry, I will let Yan Hang spare you.”

Tian Qi is a talented person, Lu Yanzhou should not kill Tian Qi.

He will just make an excuse that Tian Qi was forced by him, then send Tian Qi to the border to stay for a few years…When Tian Qi came back a few years later, no one would pursue what happened back then.

Tian Qi said: “Lord Qiansui, we have already bloodbathed the capital, how could Yan Hang let us go?”

Xie Chengze laughed: “Don’t worry, he will let us go.”

Tian Qi felt that Xie Chengze was deceiving him.

Yan Hang couldn’t let them go.

People from the big families in the capital also felt that it was impossible for Yan Hang to let Xie Chengze go.

The influential families are all related to each other, and those left in the capital are all people who have not committed any serious crimes. However, since Xie Chengze killed many of their relatives and friends and they were frightened for so many days, they naturally want Xie Chengze to die immediately.

“Is Yan Hang really coming?”

“It should be true!”

“Xie Chengze doesn’t need to lie to us.”

“I didn’t expect Sun Chongshao to be so useless and lose so quickly!”

“Wang Tingyun deserves to be Wang Tingyun…”

“We should have followed Wang Tingyun to join Yan Hang.”

“So what if we lose our dignity? At least we don’t have to die!”

After everyone talked about this, they mentioned Xie Chengze’s killing spree today: “That Tian Qi is a mad dog. He broke into many people’s homes today and killed them after catching them!”

“Brother Li finally escaped to the capital. He had only lived a calm life for a few days then he suffered this misfortune.”

“Xie Chengze is really lawless!”

“You just noticed that today?”

“Half of the influential family members in our capital have been killed by him…”

The rabbit died and the fox was sad. Everyone was extremely uncomfortable and extremely frightened, fearing that someone would suddenly break in and kill them.

At this time, there is only one thing that can make them feel better: “Yan Hang is coming, Xie Chengze will definitely not end well by then!”

“We are going to be saved!”

“A person like Xie Chengze will definitely be torn by five horses and cut into pieces with a thousand knives!”

After these people imagined what Xie Chengze was about to encounter, they finally felt much better.

However, when another group of cavalry passed by outside… these people subconsciously looked for a place to hide, all trembling.

However, those people are not here to catch them!

While they were hiding, a servant came in: “Master, I have heard the news, the rebels are here!”

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After the servant finished speaking, he saw that those masters, who had crawled under the table and had peed his pants, were speechless for a moment.

“The rebels are coming!”

“They are finally here!”

“Yan Hang is so powerful, he will surely take control of the capital soon!”

“Should we help him?”

Everyone started talking about it, and then another servant came to report: “Master, the general guarding the city gate opened the gate and allowed the rebels to enter the city!”

These influential families were stunned for a moment, and then they were overjoyed: “The people under Xie Chengze can’t stand Xie Chengze anymore!”

“They must have surrendered so quickly for life!”

“Xie Chengze is finished!”


These survivors cried with joy.

Xie Chengze’s people indeed opened the city gate as soon as they saw Lu Yanzhou and let Lu Yanzhou’s people in.

This is what Xie Chengze had ordered long ago.

However, their moods were all complicated — will they…see their Lord Qiansui again in the future?

Lu Yanzhou didn’t know what these people were thinking.

He had been traveling so hard recently that he didn’t have time to take a shower, so now he was completely dirty.

At first, he was worried that Xie Chengze would dislike him when he saw him like this, but…when he came, he didn’t even see Xie Chengze!

Didn’t Xie Chengze come to greet him?

Lu Yanzhou immediately asked, “Where is Xie Chengze?”

Tian Qi stepped forward and said, “General Yan, Lord Qiansui is at home. He said he wanted to see you…Let me show you the way!”

Xie Chengze is at home? Lu Yanzhou said: “You don’t need to lead the way, I know the way!”

Lu Yanzhou wanted to take care of his appearance before going, but he couldn’t wait to see Xie Chengze.

Forget it, just go on like this. Then he also can complain to Xie Chengze and make Xie Chengze feel sorry for him.

Lu Yanzhou rode his horse and headed directly towards Xie Chengze’s residence.

Xie Jia also wanted to see Xie Chengze and followed him immediately.

Seeing this, Lu Yanzhou’s other men followed him subconsciously. Even Wang Tingyun, who had been running all the way, also followed.

Seeing this scene, Tian Qi and Xie Chengze’s confidants naturally would not be left behind.

Tian Qi was actually a little confused at this moment.

They opened the city gate, but Lu Yanzhou didn’t even send anyone to check, and came in without saying a word!

Even if he comes in, he is not in a hurry to let his people take over the management of the capital but go to Xie Chengze first?

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Is he…anxious to take Xie Chengze’s life?

Xie Chengze’s residence.

After Xie Chengze arranged everything, he returned home.

He changed into red clothes and waited for Lu Yanzhou’s arrival.

They haven’t seen each other for many years. Lu Yanzhou has always said that he wants to see him. He should be happy to see him?

After telling the servants to leave, Xie Chengze waited alone in the yard for Lu Yanzhou’s arrival.

Lu Yanzhou came to the capital very quickly, but he probably wouldn’t come to see him so quickly.

Lu Yanzhou, who had just entered the capital, should have wanted to understand the situation first.

But he was willing to wait, even if it took a few days, it didn’t matter.

In fact, he was most afraid that Lu Yanzhou didn’t want to see him, that he would rather send someone to arrest him and send him to prison instead.

If that were to happen, he would have no choice but to kill himself quickly.

As soon as Xie Chengze thought of this, he heard the sound of horse hooves approaching from far away.

A group of people on horseback came over, and these people rode very fast!

Xie Chengze frowned.

The team stopped at the door of his residence, and then the door of his house was smashed open…Xie Chengze’s heart sank.

Are Lu Yanzhou’s men here to arrest him?

Xie Chengze was a little disappointed.

The red clothes he was wearing were the most gorgeous clothes he had ever worn in his life. It was similar to a woman’s wedding dress.

He wanted Lu Yanzhou to take a look.

Like this…maybe Lu Yanzhou will remember him for the rest of his life?

But now, Lu Yanzhou is not here?

Just as Xie Chengze thought this, he saw a strong man with a beard rushing in. He opened his mouth and shouted: “AZe, I miss you so much!”

Xie Chengze: “…” Is this Lu Yanzhou?!

Well, this is indeed Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou…came to see him just after entering the city?

Xie Chengze was pleasantly surprised, but also a little scared. Then he saw the slovenly man rushed forward, hugged him, then kissed him on the mouth: “AZe, long time no see.”

Xie Chengze was stunned.

The people originally standing at the door, as well as those who followed Lu Yanzhou, were also stunned.

Everyone was stunned, except for Lu Yanzhou who not only picked up Xie Chengze and weighed him, but also said: “AZe, you have lost weight! And you look good in this red dress!”

Xie Chengze: “…” This situation is not quite right.

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