Hold His Hand

Chapter 170: 170


When Lu Yanzhou headed towards Xie Chengze’s residence, his confidants and the most elite soldiers around him followed him.

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When they arrived, they saw that Xie Chengze’s residence door was closed but there were many people standing at the door.

These people are Xie Chengze’s confidants and servants, including Sheng Yuan.

Xie Chengze refused to let Sheng Yuan follow him and even kicked the servants out. Sheng Yuan and the others were very anxious, fearing that something might happen to Xie Chengze.

At this time, Lu Yanzhou came with a group of people, so Sheng Yuan and others were naturally very nervous.

Then they heard the big man leading them ask them: “Is Xie Chengze in there?”

Looking at this man’s clothing, and with Tian Qi and others following him, Sheng Yuan knew that he should be Yan Hang: “Lord Qiansui is inside.”

Sheng Yuan thought that Yan Hang would have someone call out to the door next, but Yan Hang directly jumped off his horse, pushed the door hard, and broke in.

What a big movement! What does Yan Hang want to do?

Sheng Yuan asked others not to let down Xie Chengze’s hard work and live well, but he actually planned to follow Xie Chengze.

He used to live because he wanted to take revenge, but now that the great revenge has been avenged, he doesn’t want to live anymore.

As a eunuch, what can he do even if he survives? Serving people in the palace?


Since eunuchs have done such earth-shattering things, it’s impossible for Yan Hang to still let them have power, right?

Sheng Yuan was very anxious and quickly went to see what was happening in the yard. Then, he saw Yan Hang hugging their Lord Qiansui and even kissed him.

Sheng Yuan was dumbfounded.

Tian Qi, who hurriedly followed, was also dumbfounded.

Others who saw this scene, such as Wang Tingyun who squeezed forward because he was worried about his nephew, were also dumbfounded.

Xie Jia was the only one who was very calm. It’s not like he had never seen this situation before. Back then, the two of them, one called out ’AZe’ and the other ‘Lu Lang’. They were really indescribably intimate.

The people in front were dumbfounded, so the people behind who didn’t understand the situation couldn’t help but ask: “What’s wrong?”

“Why don’t you move forward?”


“We are General Yan’s personal soldiers. We have to follow him

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Xie Jia scolded those people: “Don’t push forward! You’re going to disturb General!”

Lu Yanzhou looked at Xie Jia speechlessly — those people didn’t disturb him, it was Xie Jia’s loud shout that disturbed him.

Xie Chengze suddenly woke up and realized that he was not dreaming at this moment.

He is indeed being held by Lu Yanzhou now, and is off the ground!

Lu Yanzhou’s attitude towards him remained the same as before, as if they had never been separated.

But they have been separated for several years!

Lu Yanzhou has grown a beard!

However, the most important thing at this time is not these, but
Xie Chengze saw a group of people crowded at the door, and they all looked at him in shock.


Xie Chengze: “
” He has been making waves in the capital these days. Even the people around him are afraid of him.

Now that he’s like this
isn’t it a bit embarrassing?

Xie Chengze was so confused that he didn’t know how to react for a moment. In the end, he just said: “Put me down.”

Lu Yanzhou put him down and praised again: “AZe, you are so beautiful.”

Xie Chengze must have deliberately dressed up so beautifully. The fiery red clothes made his complexion even fairer.

Lu Yanzhou couldn’t hold back and kissed Xie Chengze regardless of the consequences again.

Well, there won’t actually be any consequences. His men should have known that their ‘madame’ was Xie Chengze!

As for Xie Chengze’s men
many of them have actually known him for a long time.

When he didn’t have his beard he was so brave. When he and Xie Chengze were together, what did they not do?

He even fed Xie Chengze in front of the emperor!

Xie Chengze really hoped that Lu Yanzhou would be amazed by his appearance, but now that Lu Yanzhou looks at him like a hungry wolf

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Xie Chengze felt a little uncomfortable. He then noticed Lu Yanzhou’s messy beard and dust all over his body: “How long have you not taken a bath?”

“Not long, just ten days
” Lu Yanzhou coughed lightly. How could he care to take a bath when marching? Even such a fastidious person like Wang Tingyun didn’t even take a bath. He smelled like salted fish! With this in mind, Lu Yanzhou kissed Xie Chengze’s face again, not forgetting to express his gratitude: “AZe, when I learned that you killed the emperor, I quickly come here without stopping or delaying

“Go take a bath first!” Said Xie Chengze. He needs to calm down now, after all, this is so unexpected!

Lu Yanzhou actually didn’t want to kill him, but even acted coquettishly with him with a big beard on his face!


” Lu Yanzhou sighed. He knew that Xie Chengze would definitely dislike his current appearance.

He needed to take a bath right away.

With this in mind, Lu Yanzhou said to Xie Jia and his cheap godson Sheng Yuan: “Little Jia, go and settle the brother who comes to the city! Sheng Yuan, go help him! If there is anything that needs attention, you can just say it!”

“Yes, General!” Xie Jia responded.

Lu Yanzhou then asked Xie Chengze’s steward who was also crowded at the door: “Uncle Zhang, is there hot water in the kitchen? I want to take a bath.”

The steward Old Zhang was stunned for a moment and then said: “There is hot water, but it’s probably not that hot.”

Uncle Zhang, ask someone to boil some water.” said Lu Yanzhou.

Old Zhang stared at Lu Yanzhou for a moment, then he finally recognized Lu Yanzhou: “Oh! It’s you kid! I’ll have someone boil the water right away.”

Lao Zhang quickly took the servant, who was kicked out by Xie Chengze, straight to the kitchen.

It takes time to boil water, so he can’t take a bath for the time being. It’s not good to leave a hero like Tian Qi behind too.

Lu Yanzhou looked at Tian Qi again: “General Tian, ​​I want to thank you for taking control of the capital today
You haven’t had a good rest these days, right? Go home and take a bath and rest for the night. We will talk in detail tomorrow.”

Among the generals who followed Xie Chengze around Tian Qi, Lu Yanzhou was familiar with some of them. He had even taught these people when he was at the manor!

Thus, Lu Yanzhou asked them to arrange for some people to come over and guard Xie Chengze’s house. He also asked his own soldiers to go into the house and rest in the courtyard for the guests: “The house may be a bit crowded.”

The steward, Old Zhang, came out of the kitchen at this moment: “No one lives in the yard next door now. The young generals can stay next door!”

“That’s great. Uncle Zhang, make arrangements and prepare some delicious food for them. They have a big appetite! And me! I’ll have the usual!” Said Lu Yanzhou.

“Okay!” The steward Lao Zhang immediately agreed. He liked Lu Yanzhou very much. Although he didn’t know why this man came back alive after he died, since lord Qiansui had a calm look on his face, he should have known it for a long time. Therefore, he only has to obey the orders. That’s it.

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Thus, Old Zhang frantically arranged accommodation for the people around Lu Yanzhou.

Xie Chengze, who was considered very calm by Lao Zhang: “
” He is not calm at all. He no longer knows how to react!

Faced with this situation, besides straightening his face, what else could he do?

Lu Yanzhou made various arrangements and then looked at Xie Chengze: “AZe, let’s go inside, there are too many people here!”

So many people were staring at him and Xie Chengze, it will affect their romance!

Xie Chengze turned around and left. Well, he can go back to his room now!

When Lu Yanzhou saw Xie Chengze leaving, he quickly followed him: “AZe, I prepared a lot of gifts for you, but it’s a pity I couldn’t bring most of them

The two of them just walked away, and Sheng Yuan finally realized something at this moment: “He 

He knows this guy!

Isn’t this the yamen servant that his godfather snatched back as a shield? He even investigated this person!

And the ‘Little Jia’ in front of him, the famous ‘General Jia’ next to Yan Hang, isn’t this Xie Jia? He even brought this person back from Nanshan to guard Lu Yanzhou!

Both of them had beards, and they hadn’t seen each other for so many years so he didn’t recognize them at first!

Xie Jia said: “Eunuch Sheng, it’s getting late. Let’s go get the brothers settled as soon as possible!”

It’s almost dark, so Xie Jia was anxious to get things done.

Sheng Yuan was taken away by Xie Jia.

When he was taken away, his expression was still confused and dazed. Is Yan Hang actually Lu Yanzhou?

Does lord Qiansui know about this?

Well, lord Qiansui obviously knows.

No wonder lord Qiansui always said that Yan Hang was a very nice person and said that Yan Hang would not do anything to them.

why does he feel something is wrong?

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Wang Tingyun had only seen Lu Yanzhou from a distance before, so he didn’t recognize Lu Yanzhou.

The main reason is that he has been getting along with Yan Hang during this time and feels that Yan Hang is talented and resourceful. He has long admired Yan Hang. Under such circumstances, he will naturally not associate Yan Hang with the good-for-nothing scoundrel Lu Yanzhou.

When he saw this scene, he suddenly realized that Yan Hang and his nephew Xie Chengze should have known each other for a long time and had a close relationship.

No, this cannot be summed up simply by saying ‘very close relationship’.

They kissed!

Yan Hang kept saying that he came to the capital to save his ‘madam’. Could the ‘madam’ in Yan Hang’s mouth be Xie Chengze?!

Wang Tingyun thought of this, and Lu Yanzhou’s other subordinates naturally thought of it too.

Everyone looked at each other, a little confused – the beautiful and wealthy madam who had always supported their lord’s great cause in their imagination turned out to be Xie Chengze?

But if one thinks about it carefully, it does make sense.

With so many supplies and treasures, besides Xie Chengze, only those big families could get them, right? But
their general has always disliked those influential families.

They were in a daze, and next to them, Tian Qi, who had planned to die with Xie Chengze, was confused.

This situation is not right!

Lord Qiansui, who waved his hand to make clouds and rain, was actually hugged and kissed!

Lord Qiansui and Yan Hang actually have such a relationship?

So when Lord Qiansui told him before that he would tell Yan Hang to let him go, was it not a lie?

It seems like Lord Qiansui
can really do it!

Everyone was still dumbfounded when the steward Ols Zhang came out: “What are you doing standing still? It’s dark, I’m closing the door!”

The door of Xie’s residence was closed just like that, so Tian Qi could only leave with a wooden expression on his face.

As he walked back, many people saw his expression.

Tian Qi looked so lost
Could it be that Xie Chengze was dead?

The surviving influential families in the capital burst into tears of joy.

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