Hold His Hand

Chapter 171: 171


Lu Yanzhou followed Xie Chengze back to the courtyard where Xie Chengze lived.

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He had lived here for a long time before, and now that he’s back again, he found that the place was exactly the same as before he left.

Lu Yanzhou couldn’t help but hug Xie Chengze again: “AZe, I really miss you.”

On the way back to the room, Xie Chengze kept thinking about what Lu Yanzhou wanted to do.

He couldn’t understand Lu Yanzhou’s behavior.

It was impossible for Lu Yanzhou to really be deeply in love with him and want to be with him for the rest of his life, right?

Therefore, for what purpose did Lu Yanzhou still act in front of him?

At most…Lu Yanzhou still has some feelings for him now and doesn’t want to let him go for the time being.

However, these few moments of affection still won’t give him the long-lasting companion he wanted.

Compared to some people, Lu Yanzhou, who was born in poverty, is indeed dedicated to benefiting the people, but this cannot hide the fact that he is an ambitious person.

Lu Yanzhou has conquered most of the country, so he should be able to ascend the throne as emperor in this short period of time. How could such a person be with a eunuch like him for the rest of his life?

If Lu Yanzhou was a useless little yamen servant, he would naturally keep Lu Yanzhou with him so that Lu Yanzhou could not escape from him.


But now Lu Yanzhou is someone he can’t control.

If Lu Yanzhou wanted to marry an empress or take in an imperial concubine in the future, he could do nothing about it.

He might even be disliked and thrown aside.

Lu Yanzhou had already let go of Xie Chengze: “Oh…I think I’m quite smelly.”

Xie Chengze lowered his eyelids, then quickly raised his gaze to look at Lu Yanzhou, and then met Lu Yanzhou’s focused gaze.

He didn’t know how sincere Lu Yanzhou was towards him at the moment, but he couldn’t deny that he wanted to be with Lu Yanzhou and liked Lu Yanzhou’s affectionate appearance.

Over the years, he had thought about Lu Yanzhou day and night, looking forward to seeing Lu Yanzhou again.

Now that Lu Yanzhou has met him, he even has plans to renew their old relationship…


Maybe he shouldn’t think too much about the future.

Back then, he only wanted to cherish what was in front of him, so it was naturally the same now.

Xie Chengze smiled and kissed Lu Yanzhou’s face: “I don’t mind. Lu Lang, I miss you too!”

Lu Yanzhou laughed, grabbed Xie Chengze’s hand and kissed it.

“Lu Lang, you look very heroic with the long beard.” Xie Chengze added. He once thought that he was simply attracted to Lu Yanzhou’s face, but it was obviously not the case.

He still likes Lu Yanzhou even now when he doesn’t show his whole face.

“Do you like me like this? Then I will keep this beard for a few more days,” Lu Yanzhou said, “But after a few days, I will definitely have to shave it off. This beard is too troublesome.”

In this era, many people thought having a beard is very nice, but Lu Yanzhou couldn’t appreciate it.

He felt more comfortable without a beard.

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He originally was going to cut off his beard when he took a bath, but if Xie Chengze liked it, he would leave it on for a few more days, then he would find a suitable time to shave it off.


“No matter what Lu Lang looks like, I like you.” Said Xie Chengze.

Lu Yanzhou immediately said: “Me too!”

The two of them were very affectionate, then a servant suddenly came over and said that the water was boiled and asked Lu Yanzhou to take a bath.

Lu Yanzhou immediately said: “I’ll go right away!”

Xie Chengze’s residence had a special washroom. Lu Yanzhou went in and saw a soap placed there.

He gave Xie Chengze a recipe for making soap two years ago. Xie Chengze should have found someone to make it.

As for his side…this thing requires the consumption of grease, which is very precious in this era. The cost is too high, so he has never done it in his own territory.

He has been very busy these years and has never even taken a proper bath.

Xie Chengze followed in and asked Lu Yanzhou: “Lu Lang, do you want me to bathe with you?”

Lu Yanzhou resisted the temptation: “It’s okay for now. You wait while I wash myself first.” Letting Xie Chengze soak in the dirty water from him, it’s too glaring for him to see!

After thinking about it, Lu Yanzhou asked: “AZe, do you have a loofah?”

Xie Chengze: “…” Is Lu Yanzhou’s skin so thick?

Xie Chengze finally brought a piece of linen cloth to Lu Yanzhou, and after a while, a large bucket of dirty water appeared from Lu Yanzhou scrubbing himself.

After scrubbing, Lu Yanzhou felt much more relaxed. He asked someone to change the bucket of water, and then looked at Xie Chengze: “AZe, let’s bathe together?”

There’s no need to hold back now!


Tonight many people in the capital did not sleep well.

After all, since Xie Chengze killed the emperor, the capital has now changed again.

Yan Hang’s army entered the capital, they didn’t know what would happen next.

The influential families in the capital are having a revelry right now – they won’t die now!

“Xie Chengze didn’t fight Yan Hang…”

“He probably knew he couldn’t beat him, so he didn’t fight!”

“I heard that Xie Chengze died? Is it true?”

“After Yan Hang entered the capital, he went to find Xie Chengze, and then Tian Qi left in despair…It should be true.”

“Xie Chengze is so crazy and kills so many people, he probably doesn’t want to live anymore!”

These people gathered together and secretly burst into tears after talking about the news they knew.

They can finally get rid of Xie Chengze!

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They finally don’t have to worry anymore!

So what if Yan Hang doesn’t like influential families? At least Yan Hang won’t kill people randomly!

The influential families were very happy, but the ordinary people were very scared. After the panic, everything returned to normal.

After all, they can’t do anything and can only passively accept everything.

As for the people on Xie Chengze’s side…

Only a few people saw Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou being intimate.

Sheng Yuan knew Lu Yanzhou’s identity, but he still felt uneasy – so what if Yan Hang was once Xie Chengze’s pillow man? If Yan Hang felt that his previous experience was humiliating, he might even hate Xie Chengze.

Even if Yan Hang accepts everything in the past and still has feelings for Xie Chengze…how long can this feeling last?

In history, there are countless cases where emperors loved someone very much, but later killed them without hesitation.

Because of this, Sheng Yuan never mentioned that Yan Hang was actually Lu Yanzhou, who had been doted on by Xie Chengze. He just calmed their people down, then cooperated with Xie Jia to settle Lu Yanzhou’s men.

As for Tian Qi, he was full of doubts but he had nowhere to ask anyone. Seeing that it was getting dark, he simply went home, covered himself with the quilt and went to sleep.

In contrast, Lu Yanzhou’s subordinates…A surprising news spread among some of them — it turned out that the madam that their lord had always been thinking about was Xie Chengze!

Their madam is a man and a eunuch!

“It’s not surprising if you think about it carefully. Both weapons and food were sent…Only Xie Chengze, who can cover the sky with one hand, can be so generous, right?”

“And when we come to the capital, they directly open the city gate!”

“He must really be devoted to the milord.”

“I heard that he is very beautiful!”

“You don’t know that when milord was in the capital, Xie Chengze was completely obedient to him!”

“There’s something like that? Tell me quickly.”

“I can’t say more about this, but you will understand it later!”

The people who know about this are the senior generals under Lu Yanzhou. Some of these people have been with Lu Yanzhou from the beginning and know about Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze. The thing is, as for the rest, most of them were born in poverty, and many of them have never gone to school or study.

Such people accept the matter between Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze very quickly.

Among everyone, only Wang Tingyun and Wang Pinghou, father and son, were still at a loss.

Yan Hang and Xie Chengze actually have such a relationship?

Yan Hang and Xie Chengze have such a relationship, and these people actually accept it well?

What happened to them?!

Also, what should the Wang family do in this situation?

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Wang Tingyun came to the capital with him because he wanted to help Yan Hang stabilize the capital to earn credit, but now that Yan Hang has Xie Chengze to help, they aren’t needed here…

The father and son were assigned to a room. By coincidence, this was the former Wang’s residence.

However, after the Wang family left the capital, the residence was occupied by Xie Chengze’s men, and now it is used to house Yan Hang’s men.

“Father, Yan Hang and Xie Chengze are like this…Are we really going to serve him?” Wang Pinghou was a little reluctant.

He had inquiries and found out about Xie Chengze’s killing spree in the capital, so he had a strong opinion of Xie Chengze.

“If you don’t serve him, who will you serve?” Wang Tingyun asked.

Wang Pinghou turned quiet.

Wang Tingyun thought for a moment and finally decided to tell the truth to his son: “Besides…I have one more thing to tell you.”

Wang Pinghou listened attentively.

Wang Tingyun said: “Xie Chengze is your cousin. Do you still remember that your second uncle had a child who died young, he died just after birth? In fact, the child was not dead. He was Xie Chengze.”

Wang Pinghou almost fainted.

When Wang Tingyun saw his son looking like the sky was about to fall, his mood suddenly improved, so he lay on the bed and went to sleep.

He used to be exhausted and worried about the future of the Wang family all day long, so his sleep is very bad.

Then, recently he was marching with the army…Now he can fall asleep in any messy place.

As for the matter between Xie Chengze and Yan Hang…let’s wait until tomorrow!

Early the next morning, both those who had not slept all night or those who had slept all night came to Xie Chengze’s residence early, waiting for orders from Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze.

The steward old Zhang opened the door early and invited those few people in, then served them tea. However, Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze were nowhere to be seen.

Tian Qi couldn’t help but ask: “Where are Lord Qiansui and General Yan?”

Old Zhang already knew Lu Yanzhou’s current identity. He had served Xie Chengze for so many years and knew that many things should not be said, so he never told anyone about Lu Yanzhou’s past at all. He only said, “Several lords, my master and General Yan are in the room…old slave dare not go in to call them ah!”

“They were in the room all along?” Tian Qi asked.

“Mm. After all, they haven’t seen each other for many years, so they want to catch up on old times.”

Tian Qi: “…” Looking at Old Zhang’s expression, it was obvious that this wasn’t just catching up with old times.

Tian Qi sat blankly for a moment and then asked Sheng Yuan: “Eunuch Sheng, do you know General Yan?”

Sheng Yuan said: “Yes.”

“What the hell is going on?”

Sheng Yuan yawned: “I also am not too clear about it so I won’t say more!”

Tian Qi: “…”

The steward Old Zhang then asked with a smile: “Everyone, would you want something to eat?”

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Of course Tian Qi and the others want it. Everyone in the capital knows that the food in Xie Chengze’s residence is delicious, so if one doesn’t eat it, they won’t get it!

Sure enough, the steward Old Zhang served up some sweet and savory egg sponge cakes, as well as various other delicacies.

While they were eating, they saw Xie Jia coming.

“Why did General Jia just come?” Tian Qi asked.

Xie Jia said: “Master and General are reunited after a long serration, there is no way they will get up early, so I simply came over late.”

So that’s it…wait, Xie Jia called Xie Chengze ‘master’?

The general next to Yan Hang calls Xie Chengze master?

While Tian Qi was still in shock, Lu Yanzhou finally arrived.

Seeing everyone sitting at the table eating, Lu Yanzhou sat down to eat without saying a word, then said to Old Zhang: “Uncle Zhang, please ask the kitchen to make some porridge.”

“It’s already cooked, and still warm! It’s Lord Qiansui’s favorite chicken shredded porridge, which also contains the dry goods you sent back.” Said Old Zhang.

“That’s good! Tell someone to bring it over. I’ll take it back to the room after I finish eating.” With that, Lu Yanzhou speeded up his eating speed and said to everyone: “AZe said that he has been under his control, so nothing should have happened in this short period of time, right? You guys can just follow his previous rules, then come see me later.”

The unspecific time is from 1 to 3 in the afternoon, Lu Yanzhou feels that he should be free by then.

He and Xie Chengze have so many troops altogether, the capital will definitely stabilize, so there is really no need to worry.

Tian Qi and others agreed, and then saw a servant bringing a bowl of porridge. Lu Yanzhou picked up the porridge and left in a hurry.

He really comes and goes like the wind!

Also, is this porridge for Xie Chengze? He actually brought porridge back to the room for Xie Chengze to eat?

Xie Jia was not surprised and said to Old Zhang: “Old Zhang, there is not enough food…”

“There are still some in the kitchen. I will ask someone to get them.” Old Zhang smiled.

Xie Jia added: “Uncle Zhang, ask them to bring me a plate of tofu! The tofu in the residence is different from those outside. I had long been thinking about it.”

Sheng Yuan said: “Bring me a plate of sauerkraut, it has to be made by Old Yu.”

Tian Qi suddenly felt like he was being left out.

Lu Yanzhou had just arrived at the bedroom with the porridge when he saw Xie Chengze leaning on the bed, already awake.

“AZe, I brought the porridge back, let’s eat something first.” Lu Yanzhou brought in the porridge, then came to the bedside, placed it on the bedside table, and then took a pillow to cushion Xie Chengze’s waist.

Xie Chengze smiled at Lu Yanzhou: “Lu Lang, you are so nice to me!”

Lu Yanzhou kissed him: “If I am not nice to you, who should I be nice to?”

Xie Chengze hugged Lu Yanzhou’s neck and returned the kiss.

He was a little regretful that he had killed people too happily before. Lu Yanzhou didn’t know about it yet. If Lu Yanzhou knew…he would definitely be angry, right?

This situation now is a bit bad.

He didn’t know how long the sweetness between him and Lu Yanzhou could last.

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