Hold His Hand

Chapter 172: 172


The shredded chicken porridge the kitchen cook contains sea cucumbers specially sent to the capital by Lu Yanzhou. It is not only delicious but also nutritious.

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Lu Yanzhou fed it to Xie Chengze, and when Xie Chengze was full, he ate the rest.

He has a great appetite now!

After eating, Lu Yanzhou asked Xie Chengze: “Do you want to sleep for a while?”

Xie Chengze said: “I can’t sleep but I still want to lie down for a while.”

Lu Yanzhou said: “Then I will lie down with you for a while.”

The two lay down together on the bed, and Lu Yanzhou kissed Chengze from time to time.

He really liked Xie Chengze from the bottom of his heart, so after seeing him, he wanted to kiss him.

Xie Chengze: “…” Lu Yanzhou’s beard is really annoying!

But he really doesn’t hate beards.

People always yearn for things they cannot have. After being intimate for a while, Lu Yanzhou asked: “AZe, how is the capital now?”

Xie Chengze froze, then said: “I killed many people and ransacked many people’s homes. Now the remaining officials and influential families in the capital are all keeping to themselves and don’t dare make trouble, so now there is a lot of money in the treasury.”


“That’s good!” Lu Yanzhou was very happy.

This is indeed a good thing for Lu Yanzhou, but not for Xie Chengze. Xie Chengze said: “Those people also hate me to death…Lu Lang, they all want me to die.”

Lu Yanzhou said: “It’s alright. As long as the military power is in our hands, they won’t be able to cause any waves. Scholar’s rebellion lasted three years1Intellectuals people were dissatisfied with their status quo and had some resistance but they are weak and timid”

Xie Chengze could suppress those people alone in the capital, and now that he is here…those people will definitely be pinned to the ground.

Lu Yanzhou is confident in this.

Xie Chengze was in a good mood when he heard Lu Yanzhou words, so he said: “Lu Lang, you must protect me.”

“I won’t let anything happen to you,” Lu Yanzhou continued, “AZe, I will definitely ascend the throne in a few days, what do you want to do then? Be an official or should I make you a king?”

Xie Chengze was stunned, he didn’t think Lu Yanzhou would mention this.


He thought that even if Lu Yanzhou let him live, he would only use him as a plaything. He might even tell the outside world that he was dead and make him live under a different identity, and hide him in the harem.

As a result…Lu Yanzhou wanted to make him king?

Although he thought so, Xie Chengze said: “Why don’t you let me be the empress?”

Lu Yanzhou said: “You want to be the empress? Then we can be together.”

Lu Yanzhou didn’t mention this because he was afraid that Xie Chengze would not want to. After all, Xie Chengze is also a man.

However, if Xie Chengze wants to, that is the best!

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From now on, Xie Chengze can be king during the day and empress at night, ahem.

Xie Chengze stared at Lu Yanzhou and was stunned when he realized that Lu Yanzhou doesn’t seem like he’s joking.

Lu Yanzhou asked: “AZe, how many troops and horses do you have now?”

Xie Chengze suddenly came back to his senses after hearing this — so Lu Yanzhou made such a promise to him for the sake of the troops and horses in his hands?


He had long planned to give the troops and horses he had to Lu Yanzhou, in fact, Lu Yanzhou could take over them yesterday.

However, Lu Yanzhou obviously didn’t know that, and even came here to coax him…

The joy in Xie Chengze’s heart was wiped away, so he said: “There are fifty thousand.”

The fifty thousand soldiers and horses in his hands are all elites! Strong soldiers and strong horses!

After all, he had taken advantage of the imperial family and the influential families. He definitely had more soldiers than Lu Yanzhou, and his weapons were not bad either.

Lu Yanzhou said: “That’s enough. Let them garrison the capital when the time comes, I’ll give you a military position too.”

Lu Yanzhou knew that his men might not be content, let alone listen to Xie Chengze.

It would be bad if they were deceived into dealing with Xie Chengze.

Therefore, it is best to let Xie Chengze’s people guard the capital and protect Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze was stunned again.

This is different from what he thought!

Lu Yanzhou doesn’t ask him for military power, and he also plans to let him continue to control the army?

He had killed the emperor before, is Lu Yanzhou not afraid that he would kill the emperor again on a whim one day?

Xie Chengze was thinking about various things but Lu Yanzhou had already begun to ask Xie Chengze how to organize the next morning court.

Lu Yanzhou had too few people on hand, which was not enough, so he could only ask Xie Chengze if there were suitable people who could help him.


Xie Chengze was in a daze, but when Lu Yanzhou asked him a question, he still answered, however his reaction was a bit slow.

Seeing him like this, Lu Yanzhou just thought he was a little tired because he hadn’t slept well: “AZe, are you tired? Take a good rest.”

Xie Chengze said: “I’m not tired, let’s continue talking.”

Xie Chengze regained his senses and suddenly realized that Lu Yanzhou may be sincere towards him.

Even if he is not sincere…Lu Yanzhou now acts like he is sincere.

That being the case, should he fight for it?

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If Lu Yanzhou wants to use his people, let Lu Yanzhou use them!

If Lu Yanzhou wants to make him king, let Lu Yanzhou make him king!

If Lu Yanzhou wants to give him military power, let Lu Yanzhou do it!

There is no need for him to wait patiently for Lu Yanzhou to show mercy, he can definitely work hard for it!

He is not afraid of death, so what else is he afraid of?

He wants to be the empress, he wants to control the military, and he wants to grab all kinds of rights!

Lu Yanzhou might have just said it casually and had no intention of actually giving it to him, but what was he afraid of? The worst possible outcome is death!

If Lu Yanzhou really gave him so much power…

If he had enough power, it would be difficult for Lu Yanzhou to abandon him, right?

Thinking like this, Xie Chengze became more energetic and immediately started discussing with Lu Yanzhou.

They discussed it until late, and then went out to meet people together. On the way there, they also had a quick lunch.

They were so immersed in talking that they didn’t even eat lunch.

Tian Qi, Sheng Yuan, Xie Jia and other confidants of Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze came to Xie Chengze’s residence at noon to wait.

They were entertained by the steward Old Zhang again. After eating and drinking, Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze finally arrived.

Lu Yanzhou was still the same, but he looked more high-spirited.

As for Xie Chengze…Xie Chengze was already good-looking, but now that he was standing next to Lu Yanzhou, he was so beautiful that no one dared to look directly at him.

In fact, men should not be described as beautiful, but Xie Chengze gives them this feeling.

“Everyone is here. Come, let’s discuss what to do next. AZe and I have already discussed this. This is our plan…” Lu Yanzhou got straight to the point and started talking about it directly.

He was definitely going to ascend the throne, so he wasn’t going to waste time putting on a show and asking people to invite him several times. Thus, he asked Sheng Yuan to choose a time for him to ascend the throne as soon as possible.

Then there are things like how to rewards the heroes who followed him to conquer the world, how to deal with the remaining forces of Sun Chongshao and the remaining rebel bandits in various places!

Of course, Lu Yanzhou also talked about the arrangements for Xie Chengze.

Sheng Yuan and Tian Qi became more and more shocked as they listened.

Especially Tian Qi, he suspected that he was dreaming.

Is Yan Hang crazy? He actually wants to make a former eunuch a king and empress?

Normal people would never be able to do such a thing!

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Even Sheng Yuan thinks it’s not possible. Others don’t know, but he knows very well that his godfather’s reputation is already extremely bad.

The influential families have reached the point where they will fight his godfather to death. As for the ordinary people…

The influential families have been scolding his godfather for more than ten years and accusing him of various crimes. The ordinary people have long spread words that his godfather is a devil who does all kinds of evil and even eats children!

If Lu Yanzhou insists on naming his godfather king…Lu Yanzhou will probably be boycotted by everyone!

Even if Lu Yanzhou had military power, he would be able to stabilize the situation sooner or later, but this would not be conducive to his rule.

Sheng Yuan thought of this, and Xie Chengze certainly thought of it too.

He was determined to die before and didn’t care much about his reputation.

Of course, it’s useless even if he cares. When most scholar people are against him, even if he tries hard to refute the rumors, no one will believe him.

Thus, he simply ignored those rumors, so he became more reckless during the previous period.

But now…

With such a reputation, how can he fight for power? How to stand beside Lu Yanzhou?

Xie Chengze’s thoughts changed quickly and he looked at Lu Yanzhou: “General, I have something to say.”

“What?” Lu Yanzhou asked.

Xie Chengze said: “I want to change my identity.”

Lu Yanzhou looked at Xie Chengze in confusion.

Xie Chengze said: “I want to change my name and surname, then be crowned king and empress in another identity. I don’t need the name Xie Chengze!”

“But everyone knows you…”

“So what? Those people don’t dare to recognize you!” Xie Chengze stood up confidently, “They are all afraid of me!”

After saying that, Xie Chengze suddenly became enlightened.

He can completely change his identity and start over!

As for everyone recognizing his face…it really didn’t matter. He believed that even if the officials in the capital recognized him, they would not dare to say anything and would only be frightened and trembled.

Xie Chengze even began to imagine how those people would be frightened by him!

Lu Yanzhou said: “This is really unnecessary. AZe, your reputation before was not good, but history books are written by the victors. When the time comes, we will write down your achievements. By then, everyone will know everything you have done is all people’s sake…”

Lu Yanzhou wants to clear Xie Chengze’s name. He wants everyone in the world to know that Xie Chengze is a good person!

He didn’t want anyone in future generations to think of Xie Gonggong as a treacherous minister when they mentioned him in the last years of the Yan Dynasty.

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He wanted Xie Chengze to stand upright in the sun.

Xie Chengze deserves it all.

As for him, Lu Yanzhou, he just liked Xie Chengze. They had known each other many years ago and had gone through ups and downs together until they grew old together before.

Isn’t this good? Why does Xie Chengze need to change his identity?

Xie Chengze said: “I don’t want to be an eunuch anymore, and I don’t want future generations to mention me as just a eunuch.”

Lu Yanzhou frowned in thought.

Speaking of which, Lu Yanzhou has been accumulating merit over the years.

However, starting war is never a good thing. From time to time, the merits and demerits cancel each other out, so he hasn’t accumulated enough merits to heal Xie Chengze’s body now..

There was no way to cure Xie Chengze for the time being. If he told Xie Chengze about such a fantasy thing, Xie Chengze would probably not believe it, so he never told Xie Chengze that he could cure Xie Chengze before.

For Xie Chengze, being physically disabled should be very painful. Xie Chengze must hate his past. In this case, it is actually good for Xie Chengze to change his identity and start over, right?

Lu Yanzhou also respected Xie Chengze’s choice, so he immediately said: “Alright…AZe, what identity do you want to change to?”

Xie Chengze said: “Just say that I am a member of the Wang family, I will discuss it with Wang Tingyun.”

Since he wanted to change his identity, he must choose someone more noble, so Xie Chengze decided to become a member of the Wang family.

Wang Tingyun was not considered Lu Yanzhou’s confidant, so he was not qualified to come to this meeting today.

Xie Chengze planned to discuss it with Wang Tingyun later.

Well, it was said to be a discussion, but in fact it was just him informing Wang Tingyun that there was no way he could stop what he wanted to do!

When everyone in the capital knows that Xie Chengze is a member of the Wang family…The Wang family, whose entire family was saved, will definitely split from the other influential families. Therefore, the two sides will probably fight, and those influential clans will never be able to revive.

The Wang family’s development momentum will also be curbed.

Lu Yanzhou thought about what happened between the original owner and young lady Wang, so he wasn’t very happy about Xie Chengze’s choice to become a member of the Wang family.

But Xie Chengze said so…

Lu Yanzhou agreed: “Okay, let’s do this…We will continue to discuss and try to handle all the things that need to be dealt with tomorrow, then the courtiers will be summoned to morning court the day after tomorrow.”

Lu Yanzhou didn’t think much when he said this, but when Tian Qi, Sheng Yuan, and the others heard the word ‘morning court’, they felt a little sympathy for those officials.

Those officials had been tortured so much that when they heard the word ‘Xie Chengze’, their legs started to tremble.

They all look forward to Xie Chengze’s death, and seem to think that Xie Chengze is already dead…When they go to court the day after tomorrow, they wonder how they will feel when they see Xie Chengze standing next to the emperor and being named king and empress.

1Intellectuals people were dissatisfied with their status quo and had some resistance but they are weak and timid

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