Hold His Hand

Chapter 173: 173


Lu Yanzhou didn’t understand at first why these people’s expressions were so subtle when he mentioned going to morning court.

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But that night, when he went to look at the place where his men were settled in, after talking with his men, he understood the reason.

What Xie Chengze did some time ago was really…quite naughty.

Several of Lu Yanzhou’s subordinates talked to each other and told each other everything Xie Chengze had done. After finishing speaking, one of them who had followed Lu Yanzhou just two years ago said: “My lord, I heard that lord Qiansui is our madam?”

“Yes.” Lu Yanzhou nodded.

The man’s expression was very subtle: “Lord Qiansui seems to have a bad temper?”

That’s a man who killed others when he thought they were ugly! Can their lord really bear it?

“How could that be? He has a very good temper,” Lu Yanzhou started talking about Xie Chengze. “He killed all the people who deserved to be killed. He was just a little naughty to scare people.”

Lu Yanzhou’s men: “…” So that is called naughty?

“Those influential families are not good people. He did that for my own good, he was just helping me kill people in advance.” Said Lu Yanzhou.

On the original historical trajectory, Xie Chengze killed the emperor and some other people, but the total number of people who died at his hands was only one-fifth of those who died at his hands this time.

Xie Chengze killed so many people, what reason could it be for? It is definitely because he wants to make it easier for him to take over the capital!


Xie Chengze must have frightened the officials of the court in order to make it easier for him to use them.

Besides, these officials who were frightened by Xie Chengze will definitely peacefully work under him in the future!

Lu Yanzhou’s men also felt that it made sense when they heard what Lu Yanzhou said.

It seems like…that’s the thing?

But in this case, it would be difficult for their lord to be with Xie Chengze, right?

One of Lu Yanzhou’s men said: “My lord, those influential families have been smearing lord Qiansui’s reputation, how do we clear his name?”

Lu Yanzhou said: “This matter can slowly be taken care of. He plans to change his identity.”

Lu Yanzhou finally knew why Xie Chengze wanted to change his identity!


His status was hacked too miserably!

Well, Xie Chengze might have planned to change his identity in the first place, that’s why he used various reasons to kill people and let others hack him.

Xie Chengze actually came here with Lu Yanzhou. However, while Lu Yanzhou went to meet his men, Xie Chengze went to meet Wang Tingyun.

The house where Wang Tingyun and Wang Pinghou lived was nice and clean, but there was very little furniture and only a worthless bed.

The valuable things had been taken away by Xie Chengze long ago.

“Lord Qiansui.” When Wang Tingyun saw Xie Chengze, he stepped forward and saluted.

With his status, he didn’t actually need to salute Xie Chengze, but Xie Chengze’s methods during this period made him dare not neglect him.

“Sit down.” Xie Chengze waved his hand and took the lead in sitting down on the chair next to him.

Seeing this, Wang Tingyun sat on the other side and looked at Xie Chengze at the same time.

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Xie Chengze’s face was rosy and he seemed to be in a good mood.


If Xie Chengze hadn’t been physically flaw, he would have been a tycoon with a deep scheming mind.

In contrast, Yan Hang is a bit too kind. After the previous battle with Sun Chongshao, Yan Hang not only bandaged their wounded personally, but also gave his own food to the wounded.

And during the march…when some soldiers were unwell, Yan Hang also gave up his horse.

Xie Chengze and Yan Hang are together…Wang Tingyun feels that Yan Hang must be manipulated by Xie Chengze at this stage.

As for the future…When Yan Hang ascends the throne and becomes emperor, he’s afraid things will slowly change.

“Why are you looking for me, Lord Qiansui?” Wang Tingyun asked. It was getting dark now but Xie Chengze came to see him. What happened?

Xie Chengze said, “I just want to tell you that I plan to disclose my identity.”

“What?” Wang Tingyun was confused.

Xie Chengze smiled: “I am from the Wang family, aren’t I?”

Wang Tingyun clenched his fists: “What do you want to do?”

Xie Chengze said: “I don’t want to do anything, I just want to change my identity and live.”

Wang Tingyun clenched his fists tighter, but in the end he only asked: “What do you want me to do?”

Xie Chengze was very satisfied with Wang Tingyun’s flexibility: “You don’t need to do anything, just accept me as your nephew.”

Wang Tingyun smiled stiffly: “I will.”

“That’s good, “Xie Chengze stood up and left, “General Yan is still waiting for me, so I’ll leave first.”


“Take care.” Wang Tingyun stood up to see the guests off.

When he was sent to the door, Xie Chengze suddenly stopped and whispered: “By the way, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you.”

Wang Tingyun’s heart once again rose up, fearing that Xie Chengze would tell him something fatal again.

Xie Chengze said: “Yan Hang…is Lu Yanzhou.”

Wang Tingyun didn’t remember who Lu Yanzhou was at first, but when he remembered…his expression froze.

Xie Chengze added: “Of course he’s not the one from before.”

Xie Chengze said something ambiguous, then turned around to leave.

Wang Tingyun had seen Lu Yanzhou, so he would recognize him sooner or later.

He didn’t know what Lu Yanzhou was thinking and whether he still had feelings for his cousin, but he wanted to put an end to the Wang family’s thoughts.

First, make Wang Tingyun feel that the Lu Yanzhou now is not the Lu Yanzhou before. As for the future…Since he is a member of the Wang family, he can naturally take good care of this group of people.

After Xie Chengze left, Wang Tingyun didn’t move for a long time.

Wang Pinghou did not follow Wang Tingyun to see him off, so he did not hear what Xie Chengze said later.

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When Xie Chengze walked away, Wang Ping said: “Father, we can’t let Xie Chengze disclose his identity!”

If others knew that Xie Chengze was actually from the Wang family…

There was an eunuch in the family and he was the eunuch that brought trouble to the country and caused DaYan to be destroyed. What face will they have left?

In addition, the Wang family has marriages with many influential families. These influential families were also harmed by Xie Chengze. Many people in his wife’s natal family were also killed by Xie Chengze.

If they knew that Xie Chengze was from the Wang family…how would he face them?

When the time comes, the Wang family will probably be attacked by other influential families!

Ignoring that, the relationship between Xie Chengze and Yan Hang…

Since ancient times, most people who have a relationship with the same sex have not ended well!

If Xie Chengze is a woman and can give birth to several children for Yan Hang, then the Wang family can accept Xie Chengze even if they risk the disapproval of the world. But Xie Chengze is not a woman, he is a eunuch!

In the future, if Yan Hang got rid of Xie Chengze, the Wang family will definitely not survive too.

Acknowledging Xie Chengze is definitely an arduous and thankless task.

Wang Tingyun looked at his anxious son and sneered: “Even if we don’t want to admit it, can we deny it?”

Wang Pinghou froze.

Wang Tingyun said: “The Zhou family is not much worse than us, but how many are left after Xie Chengze killed them? We, the Wang family, have enough people for him to kill for days?”

Wang Tingyun didn’t want to recognize Xie Chengze either. After all, if he did, they would definitely be in big trouble.

However, first, this is a fact, and second…they have no right to refuse it at all!

They are meat on the chopping board now. If they don’t obey, the knife will chop them off!

Wang Pinghou was silent.

Wang Tingyun said: “We can only take one step at a time now.”

They indeed can only do this now…

Xie Chengze knew that Wang Tingyun and his son must be very entangled.

But he doesn’t care.

He had already let the Wang family off the hook, so the Wang family should also give him something.

Xie Chengze went to find Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou was talking with his subordinates. When he saw him, he strode towards him: “AZe, have you talked with the Wang family?”

“We have already talked. Wang Tingyun already arranged an identity for me. I am his nephew, his biological younger brother’s eldest son.” Xie Chengze smiled.

“That’s good.” Lu Yanzhou was very satisfied with this identity, then he pulled Xie Chengze toward his subordinates, “AZe, let me introduce you to the people under my command…”

Lu Yanzhou introduced his generals to Xie Chengze, and then he said to the generals: “This is Xie Chengze, my family beautiful one. You can call him Lord Qiansui for now.”

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“Lord Qiansui.” Everyone called out obediently, and then looked at Xie Chengze curiously — this is the first time many of them saw this legendary powerful eunuch who could turn clouds and rain with his hands!

Xie Chengze smiled at them and let them look at him.

Lu Yanzhou, on the other hand, was anxious to go back: “AZe, let’s go back, it’s getting late!”

Xie Chengze naturally followed Lu Yanzhou: “Okay.”

The two got on the carriage, then Lu Yanzhou said: “AZe, I heard that you did scare those officials a lot?”

Xie Chengze had already thought of a reason to explain to Lu Yanzhou, and just as he was about to say it, Lu Yanzhou added: “When they come to morning court in two days, their expressions will be very interesting when they see you! It’s amusing just thinking about it!”

Xie Chengze: “…”

Lu Yanzhou laughed: “Did you do this because you want to see their silly appearance?”

Xie Chengze really didn’t have such an idea, but what else could he say now? He can only admit it.

The next day, Xie Chengze called all his close men and told them that from now on he would be Wang Ze, a direct descendant of the Wang family. As for his Xie Chengze identity…it was said that Xie Chengze had hanged himself.

Xie Chengze’s men have been worried these days, fearing that when Yan Hang comes, Xie Chengze will be dealt with and die as a result.

They are also afraid that they will be implicated.

As a result…Xie Chengze suddenly became a member of the Wang family?

None of them thought about the fact that Xie Chengze was really a member of the Wang family, they only thought that this should be the identity assigned to Xie Chengze by Yan Hang.

Yan Hang should have some sincerity towards their lord Qiansui, but they just don’t know what will happen in the future.

While Xie Chengze was arranging his men, Lu Yanzhou also got angry with his men, and then released the news that Xie Chengze had hanged himself.

In addition, Lu Yanzhou also released news that Wang Ze, a direct descendant of the Wang family, had given him a lot of help, including food, weapons, and all sorts of possessions. He planned to crown Wang Ze king.

Lu Yanzhou gives Xie Chengze a lot of credit. The things Xie Chengze did was not concealed and the thing that he did was also credited to Xie Chengze.

Considering these achievements, it is really unjustifiable not to grant Xie Chengze the title of king.

Therefore, when the news was known to those officials…

They were first glad that Xie Chengze was dead.

“Xie Chengze is indeed dead!”

“Xie Chengze is finally dead!”

“Brother Zhou, your great revenge was avenged!”


Then, they felt that the Wang family was too treacherous: “I didn’t expect that the Wang family would have done so much in private!”

“They are so cunning!”

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“The Wang family’s vision is really good!”

“This is no longer a question of the Wang family’s good vision, but that the Wang family actually owns so many things…Then where did Wang Ze come from? And that Yan Hang…could he actually be a member of the Wang family?”

If Yan Hang is not a member of the Wang family, then this doesn’t make sense! How could the Wang family give away so many things to outsiders for nothing?

They are so capable, they can even rebel against DaYan! One must know that many people who rebelled against DaYan were those wealthy families.

There was a lot of discussion, but no results came out of the discussion, but they got news that they have to go to court tomorrow.

When they went to the court every day previously, their mood was the same as going to the grave. No, it was worse than going to the grave.

After all, if one is not careful, they will end up in the grave.

But now Xie Chengze is dead!

They are free!

All the officials who received the news were in a good mood. They put on cleanly washed court clothes then went to the entrance of the palace early in the morning.

When they see acquaintances, they smile and greet one another.

As the remnants of the former dynasty, they should be afraid, but Xie Chengze is dead!

As long as the person sitting on the dragon throne is not Xie Chengze, they aren’t afraid!

Of course, the most important thing is that they are quite decent. Since they became officials, they did not dare to say that they never did a single evil thing but they definitely never did anything heinous.

Yan Hang is kind so he shouldn’t do anything to them.

Everyone came to the morning court in a happy mood, but when they looked up, they immediately saw a familiar face.

Xie Chengze stood next to the dragon throne, looking at them with a smile.

Although Xie Chengze changed his clothes and hairstyle, his smile was different from before and he looked very kind.

However, even if Xie Chengze turned into ashes, they would still recognize him!

This is Xie Chengze!

One official staggered and fell to the ground, followed closely by other officials who also lost their composure.


Singledog Theater:

Lu Yanzhou: AZe was just a little naughty(* ^◇^)_旦

All the ministers from the previous dynasty: ┻━┻︵ \(°□°)/ ︵ ┻━┻ our life is always hanging on a thread this whole time and it’s only Xie Chengze being ‘naughty’ (´ཀ`」∠)

Xie Chengze: Hi ଘ(˵•́ ᴗ •̀˵)

Ministers: ∑(; °Д°) εミ(ο_ _)ο

Singledog: Ah, tea…(*´∀`)_旦

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