Hold His Hand

Chapter 174: 174


Isn’t Xie Chengze dead? Why did he appear here?

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These ministers from the former dynasty looked at Xie Chengze standing next to the dragon throne, they all trembled.

The familiar fear returned to their bodies as large beads of sweat fell from their foreheads. These people’s faces were pale, as if they had seen a ghost.

The first person to fall couldn’t help crying.

At this moment, these officials were thankful for one thing, that is, in order not to lose their composure when going to court, they not only went to the toilet early, but also did not eat or drink.

At least they won’t be frightened into incontinence.

These former ministers’ appearance made Lu Yanzhou look at Xie Chengze helplessly.

Xie Chengze really scared them.

Xie Chengze must have been oppressed too hard by them, so he became a ‘tyrant’ and oppressed them in turn.

Xie Chengze was really miserable in the past. He was impeached all day long without doing anything and was scolded at every turn.

Thinking of this, Lu Yanzhou reached out and held Xie Chengze’s hand.

Xie Chengze smiled kindly at these officials, hoping to make them stop being so scared. However, contrary to expectations, these people were actually scared to the ground by him!


This is embarrassing. He wonders if Lu Yanzhou will think that he has gone too far before…

Xie Chengze was a little worried when Lu Yanzhou held his hand. He turned around and found that Lu Yanzhou was looking at him with a comforting expression, as if it was not the officials who were scared but him.

Xie Chengze reacted quickly and said in a voice that only Lu Yanzhou could hear: “They always scold me, so I scare them. I didn’t expect it to be like this…”

Lu Yanzhou said: “I know. Don’t worry, they will never dare to scold you again in the future!”


“Of course it’s true, I’ll ask them to write an article to praise you later.”

Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze whispered.

Their two subordinates looked at them, and then at the poor former ministers who had almost forgotten to breathe, with extremely complicated emotions.


Tian Qi took a deep breath and realized that he might not be able to achieve his previous goal of killing all the villains and then dying together with Xie Chengze in infamy.

Now he is just a little confused…What should he do in the future?

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Sheng Yuan was also a little confused. He had been worried about his godfather being liquidated before, but the current situation…His godfather’s methods were quite powerful. Could it be that Lu Yanzhou was completely controlled by his godfather?

As for the others…One of Lu Yanzhou’s subordinates couldn’t hold back his laughter and said, “Aren’t those scholars all very noble? They could still be like this?”

Another man couldn’t hold back his laughter either: “Hahaha, a big old man is even crying!”

Most of the generals who followed Lu Yanzhou to conquer the world and dared to kill and fight came from poor backgrounds. They had no good impressions of these wealthy families who had been exploiting them, so now they just watched the show happily. .

They also admire Xie Chengze a little, their madam is truly extraordinary!

Lu Yanzhou was comforting Xie Chengze, but when he saw this scene, he immediately said: “Stop laughing, stand still.”

Lu Yanzhou’s men quickly straighten up.

However, those ministers from the previous dynasty were still in chaos…


Just as Lu Yanzhou was thinking about how to deal with them, Xie Chengze spoke: “My lords, morning court is about to start, so take care of yourselves!”

As soon as Xie Chengze’s words came out, the effect was immediate. Those ministers all quickly tidy up their appearance, wiped away their tears, and stood neatly.

If one doesn’t behave well in court, their head will be chopped off! They have developed this habit from before. Therefore, when they go to court no matter how scared they are, they are all neat and tidy.

Lu Yanzhou: “…” Xie Chengze disciplines people so well! These people are so obedient!

Everyone arrived, so morning court started.

All major issues were dealt with one by one, and Lu Yanzhou also rewarded the heroes.

The first person he awarded was naturally ‘Wang Ze’.

Xie Chengze wanted to bow, but he stopped him.

Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze’s subordinates all knew about Xie Chengze’s change of name to Wang Ze, so their expressions were calm. However, when the former court ministers heard it, they almost collapsed.

Xie Chengze is actually Wang Ze?

He killed the entire imperial Yan family, killed so many of them, and now he turned into a founding hero and was named king?

Who is he? He is a eunuch!

These people were shouting in their hearts, but they didn’t dare to say a word as they all stood obediently.

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Xie Chengze was watching them from above. What could they say?

How dare they say it?


However, they had to admit that Xie Chengze did make a lot of contributions to Yan Hang.

They were wondering why did Yan Hang, who suddenly appeared, have so many good things in his hand? It turned out that Xie Chengze gave it to him!

Xie Chengze has been selling all kinds of rare things in the capital. He is extremely rich and could indeed fund Yan Hang.

Without Xie Chengze, Yan Hang may not be able to reach the top.

And this capital…Xie Chengze killed so many people and then welcomed Yan Hang into the city. How much trouble did that save Yan Hang?

It’s normal for Yan Hang to make him king.

However, Xie Chengze is just a eunuch, how can he be so capable!

These remaining ministers from the former dynasty were truly indescribably aggrieved and uncomfortable.

However, this is not what makes them most uncomfortable.

After Yan Hang rewarded the heroes, he actually said to them: “You are all scholars, you will definitely be able to write splendid articles…Let’s do this, Wang Ze is the person I value most, so each of you will write an article to praise him. Show it to me in a few days, then I’ll select some to find someone to print them into a book.”

Xie Chengze didn’t expect that Lu Yanzhou would keep his word and actually plan to have these people write articles praising him.

Most people really can’t do this kind of thing…He likes it!

Tian Qi, Sheng Yuan and the others: “…” This is incredible! They didn’t expect Yan Hang to be such a person!

Most of Lu Yanzhou’s men breathed a sigh of relief — fortunately, they didn’t have to write!

Writing articles is really difficult and they don’t want to write!

As for the remaining ministers from the former dynasty, they no longer knew what to say.

They all scolded Xie Chengze before, but now, they actually have to write an article praising Xie Chengze?

If they do such a thing and go to the nine spring in the future, how will they face their former colleagues?

But it’s better to go to the nine spring tomorrow than to go to the nine spring today, so…let’s write.

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These people agreed one after another and were very sensible.

Lu Yanzhou suddenly added: “By the way, I have something else to tell you.”

Everyone listened attentively, and then Lu Yanzhou said: “Yan Hang is just my pseudonym, my real name is Lu Yanzhou.”

Yan Hang’s real name is Lu Yanzhou?

Who is Lu Yanzhou? Why did he use a pseudonym before?

Wait, Lu Yanzhou?

Those ministers from the former dynasty suddenly remembered a person, that is, the yamen servant who Xie Chengze once liked very much and who was known as ‘Lu Lang’.

Then, Lu Yanzhou had someone bring scissors and a knife. He first cut off a large section of his beard, and then used the knife to shave off the stubble, revealing a young and handsome face.

It’s just that the lower half of his face has been blocked by his beard, making it a bit paler than the upper half of his face, which is a bit disharmonious.

One of Lu Yanzhou’s men exclaimed: “General, I didn’t expect you to look like this!”

Their general looks like a pretty boy! Not majestic at all, no wonder he always had a big beard!

After Tian Qi worked with Xie Chengze, he learned about Xie Chengze’s past affairs and knew that Xie Chengze once had a pillow man named Lu.

So that person was Yan Hang?

No wonder Sheng Yuan and the others all know Yan Hang!

As for the remaining ministers from the former dynasty, their faces were expressionless.

Nothing can knock them now.

Lu Yanzhou was also someone they looked down before. Back then, they made fun of Lu Yanzhou in private.

But now? Lu Yanzhou sat on the dragon throne!

So when it was said that Lu Yanzhou was burned to death, was it a scene directed and acted by Xie Chengze? In fact, this person was arranged by Xie Chengze to go out to conquer the world?

Things are really coming down now?

At the end of morning court, these people walked out in despair.

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Xie Chengze suddenly said: “Ministers, after you leave here, you should know what you should say and what you should not say.”

The remaining ministers from the former dynasty were shocked and immediately covered their mouths.

They really wanted to tell people that Wang Ze was actually Xie Chengze, but Xie Chengze is too scary…they didn’t dare to say anything!

They must keep their mouths shut and not reveal a word!

The men soon returned home.

At the door of a small influential family, the waiting woman was very happy to see her husband come back. She immediately came forward to ask him what happened when he went to morning court today.

However, the husband was in a daze and only said: “Wang Ze’s methods are really extraordinary!”

On the other side, a petty official also returned home.

This junior official was once Xie Chengze’s, but he was not considered a confidant. Before going to court and whatnot, Xie Chengze only treated him the same as he treated other people, treating him equally.

Of course, this was his feeling. In fact, Xie Chengze had no intention of killing him from the beginning, so he had a good attitude towards him.

The son of this junior official admired Yan Hang very much, so he asked: “Father, did you see Yan Hang in court today? I heard that he looks very majestic…”

The junior official said: “Why are you asking about this? Why don’t you go read a book!”

What Yan Hang, that’s Lu Yanzhou, Xie Chengze’s pillow man who his son despised before!

Because of Xie Chengze, there were not many people from the former dynasty left, but they were very reliable and worked hard without complaint. They quickly helped Lu Yanzhou stabilize the capital.

They also quickly prepared for Lu Yanzhou’s enthronement ceremony.

They were also very obedient. No matter what strange things Lu Yanzhou wanted to do, they would not dissuade him and would only follow orders.

For example, when Lu Yanzhou wanted to make Wang Ze his empress when he ascended the throne, they had no objection at all.

These guys are so helpful!

Lu Yanzhou felt that everything had gone smoothly since he came to the capital, but at the moment, he still had a lot to do, such as collecting merit and helping Xie Chengze with his treatment.

Amnesty for the whole world, tax exemption…the merits come quite quickly!

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