Hold His Hand

Chapter 175: 175


Lu Yanzhou’s enthronement ceremony and the empress crowning were all held in a low-key manner.

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When the empress was granted the title, they did not actually say that the empress was Xie Chengze. The decree only stated that the empress was ‘Wang’.

Officials in the capital all knew that the ‘Wang’ in the decree referred to Xie Chengze — the one wearing the phoenix crown that day was Xie Chengze.

It’s just that the world is not stable now, so they can’t go against the whole world. This is why Xie Chengze wants to change his name and identity.

Lu Yanzhou granting king to Wang Ze, a direct descendant of the Wang family, and granting king to a eunuch from the former dynasty who was ‘full of evil’ is a big difference!

One must know that Xie Chengze has been under attack for more than ten years. Some scholars even blamed him for the demise of the former dynasty. Many people also felt that their lives were so miserable because there was such a hateful eunuch around the emperor.

After the matters concerning his enthronement were completed, Sun Chongshao was escorted to the capital, and Sun Chongshao’s surrendered soldiers were also placed around the capital.

However, the sphere of influence that Sun Chongshao has managed for many years has not been taken back by Lu Yanzhou. Now, Sun Chongshao’s generals, leading hundreds of thousands of troops, are entrenched there.

In the north, there are still many areas controlled by DaYan’s generals and officials.

What Lu Yanzhou actually controls now is only two-fifths of DaYan’s territory.

Fortunately, Lu Yanzhou has trained a lot of people in the past few years, so those people can help him fight and conquer these places now.

Moreover, he has ascended the throne now and is an orthodox person. When he goes to fight, those people are more likely to surrender, so no merit will be deducted even if there are casualties.


The new dynasty had just been established, so there were a lot of things to do. Lu Yanzhou was very busy. Under such circumstances, Xie Chengze, who had many years of experience in handling government affairs, was captured by him.

Lu Yanzhou left most of the government affairs to Xie Chengze while he worked on agriculture and education all day long.

He really wanted to build a new society where everyone was equal.

But at this stage, this is impossible.

Most people in this era have never read books, so they simply cannot understand many things.

There are even people in some places who don’t even know who the emperor is. They have been controlled by powerful landowners for generations, so they have always listened to the words of powerful landowners.

If Lu Yanzhou wants to change them, he needs to feed them first, then let their children go to school and teach their children various knowledge.

All of this must be done slowly.


Facing Lu Yanzhou, who ran around in the fields all day long and pushed the matter of going to morning court to him, Xie Chengze was a little confused.

He had thought about fighting for power and wanted to firmly control that power so that Lu Yanzhou wouldn’t leave him easily.

However, Lu Yanzhou directly thrust all kinds of rights into his hands…This was definitely something he had never thought of.

Does Lu Yanzhou believe him so much?

One must know that the late Emperor Yan, who was killed by him, did not have as much power as what Lu Yanzhou gave him!

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Lu Yanzhou also sleeps next to him without any defense every day…Isn’t Lu Yanzhou afraid of being killed by him?

Today, Lu Yanzhou once again went to the experimental field outside the city in the morning, then went to the military camp outside the city in the afternoon to lay out the battle plan. Therefore, when he dragged his tired body back to the palace, it was already dark.

He briefly washed, hugged Xie Chengze, kissed him, lay on the bed, then fell asleep.

However, Xie Chengze couldn’t sleep and looked at Lu Yanzhou through the light.

When Lu Yanzhou first shaved off his beard, the skin color on his face was still a little different, but now his skin color is the same.


Lu Yanzhou has a resolute face and a short stubble on his chin. He looks very handsome. He is also very capable. He is very good at battling and handling government affairs.

Such a person has such trust in him mean…that Lu Yanzhou really likes him, right?

Or maybe sincerely treat him as a partner?

Xie Chengze gently touched Lu Yanzhou’s chin with his hand.

He had been so busy some time ago. He was so focused on fighting for power and profit that he had no time to think too much.

But today was different. Today he got news that his cousin was coming back to the capital.

He was twenty-six years old when he met Lu Yanzhou. Many years have passed since then.

He clearly felt that his body was not as healthy as when he was young, and his skin was not as good as when he was young.

Right now, it seems that Lu Yanzhou also likes him and his body, but will Lu Yanzhou always like him?

And there’s his cousin.

His cousin is twelve years younger than him, so she is at the right age. Will Lu Yanzhou rekindle his old love when he sees her?

Although his cousin was married and had a child, to an emperor, this was nothing.

Throughout the ages, how many emperors tried to seize the wives of their ministers?

Lu Yanzhou even decided to make a eunuch the empress! It can be seen that he is not the kind of person who goes by the rules at all.

For Xie Chengze, the matter between his cousin and Lu Yanzhou was always a thorn in his heart.


The nicer and more devoted Lu Yanzhou was to him, the deeper the thorn in his heart pierced.

He had already investigated Lu Yanzhou thoroughly, so he naturally knew that Lu Yanzhou had a deep relationship with his mother. That’s the reason why he even watched his father die.

At that time, although Lu Yanzhou was just a yamen servant, he was good-looking. Many people he came into contact with from various places expressed their good impression of him.

However, Lu Yanzhou didn’t choose to be with anyone. He even tells them that he would only have one woman, and he will only be good to that woman.

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Back then, Lu Yanzhou also said the same thing to his cousin.

It’s just that his cousin didn’t elope with Lu Yanzhou as promised, and later, Lu Yanzhou was captured by him.

If Lu Yanzhou only had fake feelings for him, he might not care so much about his cousin.

But these days, he has made insinuations and asked Xie Jia and other people around Lu Yanzhou. He has confirmed that Lu Yanzhou has never touched anyone else in the years since they were separated!

Lu Yanzhou has been surrounded by no one else these years!

Lu Yanzhou always said love words to him. He always thought that it was because Lu Yanzhou was just trying to coax him, but it turned out that it was all true?

He suddenly felt that the letters Lu Yanzhou wrote to him were extremely precious.

However, he doesn’t think he will have this forever.

First of all, he stole all of this, and secondly…he is a man and a eunuch.

No one objects to him becoming the empress now because his power is still there and the world is still uncertain.

When the world is stable, will Lu Yanzhou’s men still tolerate Lu Yanzhou not having any heirs in the harem?

Nowadays, more and more of Lu Yanzhou’s subordinates are coming to the capital. Most of them are very kind to Lu Yanzhou because of his clear attitude, but there are also a few who are actually dissatisfied with him or look down on him.

Others suggested that he should choose a concubine for Lu Yanzhou.

But he didn’t want to give Lu Yanzhou to others.

Xie Chengze had the urge to eat the person in front of him now, so he lowered his head, wanting to bite Lu Yanzhou.

However, before he met Lu Yanzhou, Lu Yanzhou opened his eyes.

Seeing Xie Chengze leaning towards him, Lu Yanzhou suddenly realized something.

“AZe, I’m sorry for neglecting you during this time.” Lu Yanzhou said, hugging Xie Chengze and turning over.

He has been too busy during this period and has not been intimate with Xie Chengze for a few days!

Xie Chengze must have missed him!

After taking a nap just now, Lu Yanzhou had regained his energy, so now he kissed him without any hesitation.

Xie Chengze: “…”

Xie Chengze got up late the next day while Lu Yanzhou, who was beside him, had already left.

It’s a good thing that morning court is late now.

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Xie Chengze got dressed and went to court. In the court, the old men from the former dynasty were all very respectful to him. They did whatever he said, but his subordinates were a little eager to get more rights.

The most troublesome thing is Lu Yanzhou’s subordinates. There are a few people who don’t want to listen to him, a eunuch, at all.

However, Xie Chengze was not a good-tempered person either. He gave the hardest and most tiring work directly to these people and arranged for people to keep an eye on them.

He even killed the emperor, how could he still can’t deal with these thorns?

Not to mention that Lu Yanzhou is still on his side!

After a busy morning, Xie Chengze called a few more people to discuss other matters.

Other courtiers already go home at this time.

Those former ministers feel miserable every day, and they are so repulsed by the idea of going to morning court that the mention of the word ‘morning court’ by others may make them stiffen up.

But they still have to come to morning court.

Fortunately, they still have hope.

“So what if Xie Chengze is favored? He is just a eunuch, he is also a very young eunuch. Lu Yanzhou will abandon him sooner or later!”

“Lu Yanzhou will definitely not be able to stand him taking power like this now. Sooner or later he will be killed!”

“Lu Yanzhou treats him like this just to kill him! When Lu Yanzhou has everything in his hands, he will die!”

“If it weren’t for Xie Chengze’s ability that he could always come up with weird things, including extracting oil, making sugar, and weapons, Lu Yanzhou must have cast him aside a long time ago!”

“He actually wants to be the empress!”

These people dare not tell their families about Xie Chengze, but they can’t help but say a few words to their colleagues around them. Then, they felt very comfortable after saying that.

They want to live until they see Xie Chengze’s misfortune happen!

As for Lu Yanzhou’s men…most of them have a good impression of Xie Chengze.

After all, their ability to conquer this world has a lot to do with Xie Chengze, but there are also people who are dissatisfied: “He is just a eunuch, but he is really arrogant!”

“Don’t talk nonsense! What eunuch? That is the young master of the Wang family, the current king!” Someone was dissatisfied.

The person, who was dissatisfied with Xie Chengze, said, “He’s just trying to put money on his face!”

“If you don’t know how to say anything, you’d better not say it. Be careful or his majesty may punish you!” Someone scolded him.

The person who disliked Xie Chengze finally stopped talking.

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Lu Yanzhou now attaches great importance to Xie Chengze. If he hears someone say bad things about Xie Chengze, he will get angry.

But he felt that this would definitely not last long.

The emperor may seem kind, but he actually has great ideas. If Xie Chengze had been working as a eunuch in the harem peacefully, the emperor might have allowed him to enjoy his old age. But now…when all the things in Xie Chengze’s hands are taken out, he will probably die suddenly.

The founding emperor who was able to fight his way out of the siege in troubled times isn’t simple.

When this person thought this way, he felt as if everyone was drunk and he alone was sober, so he looked at his colleagues with contempt.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t know that others thought of him so much. He was in a good mood now.

He has finally accumulated enough merit!

He can cure Xie Chengze!

Just…he hopes it won’t scare Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze has a strong psychological endurance, so he should…maybe…maybe…not be scared?

Lu Yanzhou couldn’t stay outside the city anymore, so he ran to the capital at noon.

As a result, he met Wang Tingyun before he entered the palace.

Xie Chengze recognized Wang Tingyun as a relative, but he was not kind to the Wang family. Not only did he give Wang Tingyun a low official position, but Xie Chengze also used ‘avoiding suspicion’ as an excuse to not give many official positions to other members of the Wang family.

Ignoring that, because of recognizing Xie Chengze, the Wang family is now being ostracized by the other influential families in the capital.

Therefore, when Wang Tingyun gave Lu Yanzhou an invitation saying that he was celebrating his birthday today and wanted to invite Xie Chengze over, Lu Yanzhou accepted the invitation.

Although Xie Chengze is now a member of the Wang family in name only, he still has to go to Wang Tingyun’s birthday banquet.

Lu Yanzhou took the invitation, then went to see Xie Chengze excitedly.

At the same time, Xie Chengze also received news that his cousin had followed her husband to the capital.

He must arrange a local official position as soon as possible and drive his cousin’s husband out of the capital!

Just as he was thinking this, Xie Chengze saw Lu Yanzhou coming in from the outside with a happy face.

“Lu Lang, why are you so happy?” Xie Chengze asked.

“A good thing happened,” Lu Yanzhou laughed, thought for a moment then gave Xie Chengze the invitation from the Wang family, “AZe, Wang Tingyun invites you to attend his birthday banquet, I will go with you.”

Since the ‘empress’ Xie Chengze will be returning to his parents’ home, he will definitely go to support Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze’s expression froze.

Lu Yanzhou was so happy that he was going to attend Wang Tingyun’s birthday banquet…Could it be that he knew that his cousin had returned to the capital?

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