Hold His Hand

Chapter 177: 177


Ever since Xie Chengze learned that his cousin was coming to the capital, he felt a fire in his heart with deep panic.

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Lu Yanzhou was so kind to him.

Outsiders felt that Lu Yanzhou kept him because of the things in his hands. When he handed over everything in his hands, Lu Yanzhou would definitely kick him away.

But he knew very well that those things were all researched by Lu Yanzhou and had nothing to do with him at all.

There was nothing in his hands that was worthy of Lu Yanzhou being so kind to him.

After Lu Yanzhou was snatched home by him, he has been helping him, and he has never disliked him or been unfaithful.

He naturally likes such a person more and more, and the more he likes him, the more afraid he becomes that one day this person will no longer belong to him.

After all, this person was not his from the beginning.

However, just when his panic reached its peak, his body…

At this moment, Xie Chengze had no time to think about his cousin. All his thoughts were on his body: “I…my body……”

Seeing Xie Chengze stunned, Lu Yanzhou kissed him: “AZe, you will be a normal man from now on.”

Lu Yanzhou knew that Xie Chengze was in a bad mood during this period.


This should be because of his physical condition.

Eunuchs were looked down upon by people in this era. Only those who were too poor to eat would enter the palace and become eunuchs.

Even if Xie Chengze holds great power, he will be looked down upon since he is not a normal man.

Xie Chengze obviously hates the status of eunuch. He even changed his name because of it…If Xie Chengze’s body is healed, he will definitely be in a better mood.

Xie Chengze was stunned and let Lu Yanzhou kiss him.

As he kissed him, he felt something was wrong with his body.

He suddenly broke away from Lu Yanzhou’s arms and began to take off his pants. Halfway through, he looked at Lu Yanzhou again: “What’s going on!”

Lu Yanzhou said: “It’s aas you see…AZe, your condition is good now, are you happy?”


Of course Xie Chengze was happy, then he cried.

He thought countless times why heaven did this to him and made him born neither a boy nor a girl.

He also suffered greatly from this.

However, he never imagined that he would one day recover.

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Such a miraculous situation happened to him, which surprised and delighted him.

But that’s not the most important thing.

After Xie Chengze recovered, the first thing that came to his mind was who was Lu Yanzhou?

How could Lu Yanzhou have such ability? It actually allowed him to regenerate his severed part!

Is he still a mortal?

Xie Chengze did not wipe his tears. He stared at Lu Yanzhou and asked, “Who are you?”


Lu Yanzhou smiled: “I am Lu Yanzhou!”

“I’m like this now…”

Lu Yanzhou said, “You are better, you have recovered.”

Xie Chengze stared at Lu Yanzhou for a moment and realized that Lu Yanzhou didn’t want to say more, or couldn’t say more.

In the past, Lu Yanzhou would answer whatever he asked, as long as he could answer it!

Since Lu Yanzhou couldn’t tell, he wouldn’t ask too.

But…Lu Yanzhou is definitely not a mortal!

There is no way that Lu Yanzhou, who has such abilities, can be an ordinary person!

He should have realized that, after all, Lu Yanzhou knew so many things that others didn’t!

If Lu Yanzhou was not a mortal, since he is still willing to be with him and even treat him so well, how could there be any lies?

Various thoughts flashed through Xie Chengze’s mind, then he suddenly asked Lu Yanzhou: “Have you ever liked anyone else besides me?”

Lu Yanzhou didn’t hesitate: “Of course not.”

Xie Chengze hugged Lu Yanzhou: “I want to be with you for the rest of my life.”

“We will definitely be together for the rest of our lives.” Lu Yanzhou was certain.

Xie Chengze continue asked, “Did you come here specifically to see me?”


“Of course.”

When Xie Chengze heard Lu Yanzhou’s answer, his heart suddenly relaxed.

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He suddenly remembered that before he kidnapped Lu Yanzhou, he had met Lu Yanzhou in the county town.

At that time, he only felt that this yamen officer was good-looking and had the ability to deceive people, but he had no other feelings.

But then when he saw Lu Yanzhou again…his feeling completely changed.

He once told Wang Tingyun that the Lu Yanzhou now is not the Lu Yanzhou before.

He was just talking nonsense at the time, but now that he thinks about it…this is the truth!

Xie Chengze hugged Lu Yanzhou tightly, his tears couldn’t stop anymore.

Lu Yanzhou has such ability, why would he lie to him? So he is absolutely sincere to him.

He wanted Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou could feel the changes in Xie Chengze’s body. He picked up Xie Chengze and walked to the dragon bed not far away.

Xie Chengze has been crying. He didn’t feel uncomfortable, it’s purely because he is happy.

He also asked Lu Yanzhou a lot of questions over and over again: “Are you actually literate? You lied to me and said you couldn’t read.”

Lu Yanzhou didn’t answer directly and just said ‘hmm’. There were some things that he really couldn’t said.

“What were you thinking when I took you back?”

“I didn’t think much about it, I was just very happy…Well, you had already taken me home at that time but you still didn’t want to talk to me.”

Xie Chengze’s tears started flowing again.

At this moment, he didn’t care about his cousin and Lu Yanzhou’s affairs anymore.

After realizing that the Lu Yanzhou now was not the Lu Yanzhou before, he no longer had any doubts toward Lu Yanzhou.

If Lu Yanzhou really liked his cousin, he would approach Wang Tingyun, show off his talents, and give Wang Tingyun what he knew…Wang Tingyun would definitely marry his cousin to Lu Yanzhou!

But Lu Yanzhou didn’t do that. Lu Yanzhou held everything in front of him.

Lu Yanzhou only likes him, he should have thought of it a long time ago!

Xie Chengze couldn’t stop crying all night long and also pestered Lu Yanzhou all night long.

Lu Yanzhou couldn’t get up the next day. He thought about it and decided to give himself a day off.

He, the emperor, cannot work all year round!

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Thus, when Xie Chengze finally woke up, he found himself still lying in Lu Yanzhou’s arms.

Lu Yanzhou hugged him and kissed him hard: “AZe, what do you want to eat today?”

Xie Chengze had always been unsure before, but now is different.

Xie Chengze said, “I want to eat what you cooked for me.”

After hearing what Xie Chengze said, Lu Yanzhou said, “I’ll go to the imperial kitchen right away.”

He would definitely satisfy this request!

Speaking of which, he had collected a lot of spices over the years and had a large iron pot built. He could definitely make a sumptuous breakfast for Xie Chengze.

Lu Yanzhou had already helped Xie Chengze clean up last night.

Now that Lu Yanzhou was gone, Xie Chengze got up and dressed, then asked the eunuch at the door to call Sheng Yuan.

“Sheng Yuan, I don’t want to go to morning court today, ask someone to tell the others.” Xie Chengze said to Sheng Yuan in a voice that was too hoarse after crying for a long time.

Xie Chengze’s eyes at this moment were red and swollen, he looked really pitiful.

Seeing Xie Chengze like this, Sheng Yuan was a little worried: “Your highness, what’s wrong with you? Your highness…”

Did his highness cry all night last night?

What is the reason for this? The emperor and his highness had a dispute? To make his highness cry like this…how big is the problem?!

Xie Chengze could guess what Sheng Yuan was thinking, so he said, “His majesty is too powerful, he tossed this kind all night last night.”

Sheng Yuan: “…” Is he allowed to hear this kind of thing?

Wait, his highness has never said this before. The emperor is always restrained and will never make his highness cry.

Therefore, his highness is comforting him, right? There’s a problem between his majesty and his highness?

Sheng Yuan was a little anxious, so Xie Chengze added: “I didn’t lie to you! His majesty has gone to cook for me now.”

Sheng Yuan was still a little doubtful, but Lu Yanzhou suddenly came back with breakfast at this moment: “AZe, I’m afraid you’ll have to wait too long, so I made something simple first. I’ll make you a big meal at noon.”

“Okay.” Xie Chengze smiled.

Lu Yanzhou added, “I brought you two eggs. You cried so much last night that your eyes were swollen.”

“Please help me apply it,” Xie Chengze said.

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Lu Yanzhou didn’t feel anything was wrong at all, so he peeled off the egg and helped Xie Chengze put it on his eyes.

Sheng Yuan suddenly felt that he shouldn’t be standing here.

He silently left.

However, Xie Chengze sweetly ate the meal Lu Yanzhou cooked for him.

Lu Yanzhou still had something to take care of, so he went to work after the meal, but Xie Chengze didn’t plan to go out.

He summoned his former steward, Old Zhang, and asked him where all the things Lu Yanzhou had brought with him when he brought him back.

Old Zhang said: “It has been kept in the room where his majesty once lived.”

When Lu Yanzhou was brought back to his residence by Xie Chengze, he brought a lot of things with him.

Lu Yanzhou put those things in a box in the room where he first lived. Later, when Lu Yanzhou moved to live in the same room with Xie Chengze, he didn’t take them with him.

Xie Chengze smiled -they were indeed not the same person!

Look, Lu Yanzhou doesn’t care about his previous wealth at all! He remembered that there should be something inside that his cousin gave Lu Yanzhou!

When Old Zhang saw Xie Chengze smiling so happily with swollen eyes, he was a little worried: “Your highness, are you okay?”

“I’m fine, I’m just very happy.”

Old Zhang: “…” Is this very happy? He looked…Why did he look like he had been crying for a long time?

It was suspected that Xie Chengze had a quarrel with the emperor and burst into tears, so the news eventually spread.

When Xie Chengze went to morning court the next day, his swollen eyes hadn’t completely healed yet, thus the minister in the court confirmed the matter!

Xie Chengze cried!

Xie Chengze didn’t go to court yesterday!

Did Lu Yanzhou dislike him?

When Lu Yanzhou abandons him, will he be in trouble?!

Everyone who was looking forward to Xie Chengze’s misfortune was very happy.

Then Xie Chengze directly issued a few orders to send all those people under Lu Yanzhou who disliked him to remote places!

He was afraid that Lu Yanzhou would blame him before, so he tolerated them.

But now…Now that Lu Yanzhou is in his hands, how could he still be afraid of them?

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