Hold His Hand

Chapter 178: 178


Xie Chengze was in quite a good mood.

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After he was convinced that Lu Yanzhou liked him, everything was pleasing to his eyes. Even those ministers from the former dynasty who were probably secretly scolding him became more handsome when he looked at them.

However, also because of this, he didn’t want to tolerate those people who ruined his good mood — Lu Yanzhou’s men, who always looked at him like eyes that were not eyes and nose that were not nose, get out of here!

If they are not satisfied…haha, if they have the ability, go cry to Lu Yanzhou! If Lu Yanzhou listens to them, he will take their last name!

With swollen eyes, Xie Chengze happily handled memorials, and also arranged for his cousin’s husband to go to Jiangnan, where Lu Yanzhou made his fortune, to be responsible for education.

He has investigated his cousin’s husband. He has a weak character, but he is not bad and has good talents and learning ability. He is more suitable to do this.

Although he was sure that his cousin had nothing to do with Lu Yanzhou, Xie Chengze still didn’t want to see them.

Xie Chengze, who was in a happy mood, worked very efficiently and handled all the things he had to deal with in the morning.

As for the afternoon…He planned to go outside the city to see Lu Yanzhou in the afternoon.

After Xie Chengze finished handling the memorials, he went to the imperial kitchen to bring Lu Yanzhou something delicious.

The milk tea Lu Yanzhou made for him yesterday was good.

Xie Chengze was very happy, but others didn’t think so.


As soon as morning court was over, the remaining ministers from the former dynasty exchanged glances with each other, gathered together in groups, then went to an empty place with few people to talk cautiously.

“I heard that he had a quarrel with the emperor!”

“I heard that he even cried!”

“Looking at his appearance today, it must be true!”

“I guess they must have had a serious quarrel, that man has never cried before.”

“The emperor must be dissatisfied with him and wants to deal with him!”

“He actually sent the emperor’s people away, he probably doesn’t want to live anymore!”

“Are they going to fall out?”


“The emperor will definitely kill him!”

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“The good thing we have been waiting for is finally coming!”

After these people finished talking, they were in a good mood so they looked up to the sky and smiled.

Well, they couldn’t wait to see it. They didn’t even dare to laugh at the moment, they could only suppress their laughter, so the corners of their mouths twitched.

On the other side, Xie Chengze’s men were worried: “Is his highness okay?”

“Did he have a conflict with his majesty?”

“Although the capital is under his highness control, outside the city is his majesty’s one hundred thousand troops…”

When Lu Yanzhou first entered the capital, Xie Chengze’s subordinates were living with their tails between their legs. But later when Lu Yanzhou did not come to morning court and Xie Chengze was appointed regent and took sole power, they became a little restless.


Xie Chengze’s state today really shocked them. They all put their tails between their legs and decided to be careful in the future.

As for Lu Yanzhou’s men…most of Lu Yanzhou’s men have a good impression of Xie Chengze.

Those troublemakers were arranged by Xie Chengze to become officials in remote places. Others thought it was normal — there’s no beating, killing, and this isn’t even considered a demotion, so it’s pretty good, right?

But those people were not happy.

There were few civil servants under Lu Yanzhou. They had been entrusted with important responsibilities before, but when the new dynasty was established…they actually imagined that they could become prime ministers.

However, Lu Yanzhou didn’t give them this chance at all!

Their official positions are not low, but they are not high either, and they have to take orders from a eunuch!

They were dissatisfied and felt that Lu Yanzhou should hate Xie Chengze too, so they went against Xie Chengze.

Then…they were arranged by a decree to go to a place far away from the capital?

Of course they were dissatisfied. Thus, as soon as they left the palace they went straight outside the city to find Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou has already sent people to look for crops such as sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corn that are easy to grow and have high yields — these are not available in DaYan!

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In addition, he also used scientific methods to plant existing crops such as rice and wheat near the capital, preparing to select improved varieties, try to increase the yield of these crops, and promote planting methods.

When he had free time, he also led people to compile elementary school textbooks. He even planned to promote simplified Chinese characters when the world was stable and the local powerful forces were broken up.

Traditional Chinese characters are too complicated. If farmer’s children who have never received education before are asked to learn such complicated characters, most children wouldn’t be able to learn them.

In fact, even if it is changed to simplified characters, the willingness of those children to learn will definitely not be as good as those children born from wealthy families, but at least everyone can learn to read.


Lu Yanzhou was studying a biogas digester when his men came to see him.

When the officials came here and saw Lu Yanzhou with his trouser legs rolled up, they felt bad.

They knew that their emperor ignored government affairs and ran to the outskirts of the capital every day.

They always thought that the emperor was training soldiers outside the city, but…he was farming? He is even toying with these filthy things?

“What’s wrong with you guys?” Lu Yanzhou asked.

The expressions of these people changed again and again, then they began to cry, saying that Xie Chengze didn’t take Lu Yanzhou seriously and didn’t take them seriously.

Lu Yanzhou: “Don’t talk nonsense. How is AZe not taking me seriously?”

Xie Chengze attaches great importance to him. He kept crawling into his arms at night, and this morning he even acted coquettishly and asked for a kiss. How is he not taken seriously?

Those officials: “…”

Lu Yanzhou frowned and said, “Tell me, what happened?”

These people actually spoke ill of Xie Chengze. Lu Yanzhou now has a bad impression of them.

These officials could only honestly tell the whole story.

When Lu Yanzhou heard them talking about their official positions, he knew that Xie Chengze was indeed targeting them, but: “Isn’t this good? You can go out to practice.”

“Your majesty!” Lu Yanzhou sneered: “The regent has always been clear of rewards and punishments. He arranged such an official position for you which must definitely mean you did something…Do you want to talk about it?”

Lu Yanzhou didn’t have any arrogance when getting along with his subordinates.

However, his men all knew that he was not someone to be trifled with.

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Seeing Lu Yanzhou’s cold face, these officials immediately knelt down.

Xie Chengze suddenly came over at this moment: “What’s going on?”

When Lu Yanzhou saw Xie Chengze, his expression immediately turned dark: “It’s nothing…What are you doing here, AZe? It smells bad here!”

“You can come, so why can’t I come?” Xie Chengze glared at Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou laughed: “Of course you can come, but I can’t bear to have you come here!”

Lu Yanzhou asked someone to take Xie Chengze to a clean place to rest, and then said, “I’ll change my clothes first, then I’ll come find you after I’ve changed.”

Xie Chengze agreed with a smile and left with the person Lu Yanzhou arranged.

After Xie Chengze left, Lu Yanzhou looked at his subordinates: “You all should be obedient! If you offend me, I won’t necessarily pursue you. If you offend him…I will definitely pursue you with him!”

The official who came to complain: “…”

After Lu Yanzhou changed his clothes, he went to find Xie Chengze.

There are many crops planted on this village, and the people responsible for farming are Sun Chongshao’s soldiers who surrendered to Lu Yanzhou before.

These people were farmers before they joined the army. They were all passionate about farming, so they regarded the words of the emperor, Lu Yanzhou, as imperial edicts…well, they were indeed imperial edicts.

In short, they are very attentive when tending the crops, so the crops naturally grow well.

“Isn’t there too many people farming in this village?” Xie Chengze asked Lu Yanzhou when he saw a bunch of people surrounding some fields.

Lu Yanzhou said: “There are a lot of people now, but after a year, they will leave.”

Lu Yanzhou is actually teaching these people to farm. When they learn how to do it, he will give them some seeds and send them back to their hometown

They have met the emperor and learned farming from the emperor. After returning to their hometown, they will definitely attract the attention of countless people, then people will definitely be willing to follow them to learn the emperor’s farming methods.

In ancient times when news transmission was more troublesome, he could only change people’s lives a little bit.

After hearing what Lu Yanzhou said, Xie Chengze said: “Your majesty is really considerate of the people.”

Xie Chengze felt that Lu Yanzhou must be a bodhisattva who came from heaven to save the suffering people!

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“I didn’t do anything.” Said Lu Yanzhou.

“Did you plan to conquer the world and become emperor so that the people can live a good life?” Xie Chengze asked.

He used to think that Lu Yanzhou was very ambitious, but which ambitious person would spend all day farming in a village after becoming emperor?

Lu Yanzhou has absolutely no ambition!

Instead, he has the world in his heart.

Lu Yanzhou said: “No, I am afraid that you will be killed.”

Xie Chengze was stunned.

Lu Yanzhou smile: “What will you do if I am not the emperor?”

If Xie Chengze was not the most powerful eunuch in DaYan, he could actually open an academy to promote planting techniques and teach ambitious people like Sun Chongshao.

However, Xie Chengze’s identity at that time was too sensitive…

Throughout the ages, some powerful officials have had good endings, but most of the eunuchs in power never had good endings.

What’s more, Xie Chengze is also thinking about revenge.

Xie Chengze hugged Lu Yanzhou, tears falling again.

Lu Yanzhou couldn’t help but feel helpless: “AZe, please stop crying. If you cry like this, everyone will think that I bullied you!”

Xie Chengze is in charge of everything in the palace, so all the maids and eunuchs in the palace are Xie Chengze’s people.

Lu Yanzhou felt that everyone was looking at him wrongly these days.

Xie Chengze said: “I just want to cry, what will you do to me?”

Lu Yanzhou was helpless. He held Xie Chengze’s face and gently kissed away the tears from the corners of Xie Chengze’s eyes.

The two of them stayed under the pavilion. The officials who came to complain left dejectedly and happened to see this scene from a distance.

His majesty held Xie Chengze in his arms so dearly.

Why on earth did they think his majesty was flattering Xie Chengze before?

T/N: 1 more chap and 2 more extra than this world finally end! (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑

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