Hold His Hand

Chapter 179: 179


Xie Chengze went outside the city after going to morning court, probably to seek peace with Lu Yanzhou, but when he came back, he cried again!

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The news quickly spread among the former court officials.

They, the ministers from the former dynasty, were always trembling when they went to morning court every day. They always felt like there was a big knife hanging over their heads, which would chop their head off at any time.

Thus, this is the only thing they looked forward to, or the thing they looked forward to the most, was Xie Chengze out of luck.

They think it will happen sooner or later!

Now, this matter is already close at hand!

“Heaven bless! The emperor finally can’t stand him anymore!”

“Let’s see how many more days he can be free!”

“If I can see something happen to him…I will die in peace!”

These people were in tears. The next day when they go to morning court, they didn’t find the idea repelling anymore.

However, although Xie Chengze’s eyes were red and swollen, he still sat on the dragon throne.


Remaining ministers from the former dynasty: “…”

This man’s free days are number now, let’s bear with him for a few days!

Xie Chengze looked at the courtiers below with a smile, feeling very happy.

Lu Yanzhou conquered the world because of him!

To Lu Yanzhou, he is more important than this country!

This was something he never dared to think about before.

After dealing with various political affairs, Xie Chengze said to the former court officials: “The articles you wrote to praise me are really good. After it was printed and sold everywhere, many people really liked them. I intend to publish another book like that……After you all go back, each of you will write an article and hand it over to me in five days!”

Those former ministers were confused — Xie Chengze is still in the mood to do this at the moment?


Xie Chengze asked the eunuch to give each of them a piece of paper: “This article must be written in vernacular. As for my life experience, I have detailed records here. You can use it when you write the article.”

Xie Chengze had talked with Lu Yanzhou and knew that Lu Yanzhou wanted to promote vernacular literature.

He will definitely help, so let’s start promoting it from these people!

Besides, if he publishes such a book again, it will not only allow more people to see ‘vernacular literature’, but also confirm his identity.

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Although many people in the capital knew that the regent Wang Ze, who was born in the Wang family, was actually Xie Chengze, the palace eunuch who ran amok and killed people like scything flax, people outside did not know this.

He wanted to cover it up completely.

He hoped that he could have a perfect identity and stand cleanly next to Lu Yanzhou.

According to ‘Wang Ze’ life story written by Xie Chengze, he is the eldest son of Wang Tingyun’s second brother. Because a great master said that if he grew up in the Wang family, the Wang family would be doomed, but if he was sent to be raised elsewhere, then he would be able to ride on the clouds and mist accompanying a dragon.

Therefore, he lived outside the Wang family since he was a child, and then he met Lu Yanzhou when he was young.

The two met to change the world. After untold hardships, they finally overthrew the corrupt DaYan Dynasty and established the Zhou Dynasty…


The story has many ups and downs. Xie Chengze asked these people to create on this basis, so that they could write a biography for him, and then they can also write about his achievements, or even praise Lu Yanzhou.

Former court official: “…” So Xie Chengze doesn’t want them to praise him, but wants to bind him to Lu Yanzhou and publicize how many things he has done for Lu Yanzhou so that Lu Yanzhou can’t attack him, right?

Xie Chengze’s scheming is really deep!

If the fact that he helped Lu Yanzhou ascend the throne becomes public, even if Lu Yanzhou kills him in the future, he will definitely be labeled as the hero murderer.

However, they’re afraid things won’t go as he wants!

Even if they wrote such an article, Lu Yanzhou would definitely not allow anyone to publish it!

Even if they are printed and sold in large quantities…Is there a shortage of emperors that kill heros? Why not add one more?

These ministers from the former dynasty sneered in their hearts and felt that the vernacular writing was insulting to elegance, but they still wrote obediently.

They even tried their best to exaggerate in the article how important ‘Wang Ze’ was to Lu Yanzhou and how deep their relationship was.

Even Lu Yanzhou’s ability to conquer the world was written as if he relied entirely on ‘Wang Ze’ support.

They believed that Lu Yanzhou would be furious after reading such an article!

Then it’s time for Xie Chengze to be unlucky!

Speaking of which…isn’t Xie Chengze crying too much recently? Even his voice has changed…Haha, the relationship between the emperor and him will definitely not get better!

Xie Chengze was reading the articles they submitted on the dragon bed and enjoyed reading them.

These people are truly worthy of being born into influential families who have read poetry and books since childhood. Their articles are so well written that it makes people unable to stop reading.


“They wrote really well.” Lu Yanzhou said. There are some articles here that write extensively about his relationship with Xie Chengze, thus, he likes it very much!

“I’m afraid they want us to turn against each other, so they write as if you can conquer this world only because of me.” Xie Chengze snorted coldly, jotting down a few names, intending to give these people some tight shoes to wear1Make trouble for them.

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Lu Yanzhou said: “I relied on you to begin with. Without you, how could I survive in this world? Without you, I wouldn’t be in this world!”

Xie Chengze’s eyes were sore.

He had heard Lu Yanzhou say such words before, but it was not until this moment that he realized the weight of these words.

“Don’t cry, my heart will be hurt for you.” Lu Yanzhou said. He could clearly feel that Xie Chengze was very happy after his recovery. Even his tear glands was more developed that he cried all the time.

He knew that Xie Chengze acted like this because he had let go of the shackles in his heart, but others didn’t know that. Therefore, in the past few days, some people came to ask him if he and Xie Chengze had quarreled…

They really didn’t quarrel!

On the contrary, Xie Chengze has been quite attached to him recently.

Xie Chengze smiled: “I won’t cry. I will ask Wang Tingyun to revise and consolidate these articles, then print them into volumes and send them to various places.”

“Okay!” Lu Yanzhou agreed.

Lu Yanzhou gave Xie Chengze a lot of power, so these articles were quickly printed and sold everywhere.

Because the price is the cheapest among all kinds of books, it sells very well.

Remaining ministers from the former dynasty: “…” This is not right! Why did Xie Chengze do this with great fanfare and Lu Yanzhou didn’t react at all?

Is it because Xie Chengze has too many good things in his hands that Lu Yanzhou is willing to endure it?

How long will they wait until they see Xie Chengze in trouble?

The remaining ministers from the former dynasty were devastated, and they could only continue to work miserably, enduring with determination, waiting for Xie Chengze’s unlucky day to come.

At the same time, the Wang family.

Young lady Wang’s husband got an official position in charge of education in Jiangnan, but he did not leave immediately.

The emperor has not yet finished compiling the new teaching materials. He needs to wait a few more days. He also has some things to deal with.

Therefore, he started reading ‘The Biography of Wang Ze’ which was first sold in the capital.

After reading it, young lady Wang’s husband was greatly moved: “I didn’t expect that his majesty and his highness had decided to do something for the world so many years ago!”

Wang Tingyun, who invited his son-in-law for a meal, said: “…”

Young lady Wang’s husband admired ‘Wang Ze’ very much. He did not see Wang Tingyun’s entanglement, so he asked Wang Tingyun if he could take him to visit ‘Wang Ze’.

At Wang Tingyun’s birthday banquet before, although he saw ‘Wang Ze’, because of the large number of people, he only went up to greet, then he was unable to speak after that. This was his regret!

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Young lady Wang’s husband kept talking a lot, for example, ‘Wang Ze’ is very admirable. He was willing to entrust him with important responsibilities as a surrendered official, such as letting him be in charge of education in Jiangnan.

However, Wang Tingyun didn’t agree and refused to take him to see Wang Ze.

Xie Chengze has been living in the palace. He can’t see Xie Chengze except when he goes to morning court, so how can he bring his son-in-law to see him?

Young lady Wang’s husband was very regretful and couldn’t help but ask: “Father-in-law, does the relationship between his highness and the Wang family bad? Is it because his highness has a hidden secret that’s why he was sent out of the Wang family?”

Wang Tingyun was speechless and remained silent for a long time before saying: “There are some rumors in the capital…”

“Are you talking about the rumor that his highness is actually Xie Chengze? What nonsense!” Wang Tingyun’s son-in-law was very angry. “This must be someone deliberately slandering his highness! My father hated Xie Chengze deeply, but he wrote many articles praising his highness at home. How could his highness be Xie Chengze? The emperor wouldn’t be so stupid either!”

Wang Tingyun felt that his son-in-law was the one who was really stupid.

His son-in-law’s father was one of the remaining ministers from the former dynasty, and was exploited by Xie Chengze every day. As a result, his son admired Xie Chengze…

Wang Tingyun had already begun to feel bad for his in-laws!

However, it is indeed better to hide this truth from children. Otherwise since the young man is still young and vigorous, offending Xie Chengze will easily ruin his future!

His son-in-law’s father probably wanted to wait until something happened to Xie Chengze before he would tell his family about Xie Chengze’s identity.

He just doesn’t know if anything will ever happen to Xie Chengze.

Alas, in fact, he couldn’t blame his son-in-law. Some young people from the Wang family had competed with Lu Yanzhou, whose pseudonym was Yan Hang, and lost miserably. They also didn’t believe that his majesty was once Xie Chengze’s male pet.

After all, that happened many years ago, and not many people had seen Lu Yanzhou at that time.

Similar things actually happen in many places.

During this period, Lu Yanzhou’s army recovered many places, and many officials came to the capital. Naturally, these officials also heard such rumors.

Is Wang Ze actually Xie Chengze? How can this be!

Xie Chengze was just a eunuch. He was said to be a prolific murderer with no knowledge or skills, but Wang Ze…he was a man with a wealth of knowledge!

Some people really go to great lengths to slander his majesty and his highness.

It’s okay even if they said that his highness was Xie Chengze but they actually said that his majesty was a yamen servant who lived on the streets and was Xie Chengze’s male pet before!

They may not like the current emperor, but they have to admit that the current emperor is very capable and talented. Besides, Wang Ze has done so many unprecedented things.

How could such two people be related to Xie Chengze, who was such an evildoer!

Moreover, many people have said that Xie Chengze looks ferocious, but Wang Ze is different. He is recognized as a handsome man!

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In the past, many people spared no effort to spread rumors to slander Xie Chengze. They were happy then, but they must have never expected that it was these rumors that caused the truth to be covered up.

Most of the former court officials did not tell their descendants about Xie Chengze’s identity, for fear that Xie Chengze would trouble them.

However, there are also some people who swore to tell others about Xie Chengze’s identity: “That Wang Ze is a eunuch! It’s absolutely true. When you go to court and see his appearance, you will know that what I said is true!”

It was also a coincidence that because there was a constant shortage of officials, Xie Chengze appointed many officials at once and asked them to go to morning court together.

Some of the former minsters looked at the new officials with a sneer before they entered the hall.

They believed that when these people entered the hall and saw Xie Chengze’s appearance, they would know that what they said was true!

That Wang Ze is actually the eunuch Xie Chengze!

However, they failed to do so.

When everyone entered the main hall, they saw a young man sitting on the dragon throne.

It was summer now and the weather was hot, so this man wore light clothes and exposed his neck.

His voice was deep and magnetic, and his Adam’s apple bob when he spoke.

The most important thing is that he has a beard on his chin!

Although it wasn’t much, the short stubble also showed that he was definitely a man!

This person is none other than the Regent. Those who say he is Xie Chengze are really trying to smear him!

Many former ministers, as well as Wang Tingyun and others: “…” What in the world is going on?!

How could Xie Chengze, an eunuch, have a beard?!

After Xie Chengze returned to normal, there were some changes in other parts of his body too.

For example, he slowly grew a beard.

It was thin and soft at first, but now two months have passed and he has shaved it a few times but he was no different from an ordinary man!

He deliberately didn’t go to court or shave his beard for two days. Today he came here specifically to show off his beard!

Seeing that everyone below was extremely shocked, Xie Chengze felt extremely happy.

He really likes to see them look disbelief like this!

As for these people wanting to see him being unlucky…he will never be unlucky in this life!

1Make trouble for them

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