Hold His Hand

Chapter 180: 180


Xie Chengze likes his beard very much, after all, it is something he has never had before.

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After showing off his stubble in front of the officials that day, Xie Chengze said to Lu Yanzhou: “I want to grow a beard.”

Lu Yanzhou agreed: “Okay.”

Xie Chengze leaned over and pricked Lu Yanzhou’s face with his stubble: “After I grew a beard, I won’t be as good-looking as I am now. Do you mind?”

Of course Lu Yanzhou didn’t mind: “Even if you have a beard, aren’t you still you?” There were times when Xie Chengze was also not good-looking in the past, not to mention that they grow old together in every world.

He could still kiss him when he is seventy or eighty, so growing a beard is nothing.

As long as Xie Chengze is happy.

Xie Chengze knew that Lu Yanzhou was not trying to trick him, he was telling the truth.

In this case…Xie Chengze immediately decided to grow his beard.

Although they saw Xie Chengze’s beard, many people thought it was fake, especially Xie Chengze’s men.

They are all eunuchs, Sheng Yuan and the others are older than Xie Chengze…Although they have never seen Xie Chengze’s body, when Xie Chengze was not in power, he was taken for examination every year in the palace!

How could Xie Chengze not be a real eunuch?


Sheng Yuan couldn’t even figure out what was going on with his godfather now. He used to be very low-key and would give Lu Yanzhou some face, but now, whenever Lu Yanzhou’s people make mistakes, he will punish them without saying a word!

In front of Lu Yanzhou, he is also becoming more and more…well…cheeky.

What in the world does godfather want to do?

Why did he have to get a fake beard?

That fake beard…is extremely realistic.

Sheng Yuan stared at Xie Chengze’s beard, watching as his beard grew longer day by day for several days.

Sheng Yuan felt a little restless.

Xie Chengze finally couldn’t stand Sheng Yuan’s gaze anymore: “This beard is real. If you don’t believe it, you can pull it.”


Although Xie Chengze said this, he felt that Sheng Yuan would not really pull his beard.

However, he thought wrong. Sheng Yuan stepped forward and grabbed the beard on Xie Chengze’s chin.

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Xie Chengze: “…” Is he really that curious?

Sheng Yuan is very curious!

He plucked the beard several times without pulling it off, then he finally confirmed that the beard was real.

“Godfather, you…” Sheng Yuan looked at Xie Chengze in shock.

Xie Chengze coughed lightly: “I…have grown.”

Have grown? What grew? Well, what else could grow out!

Sheng Yuan had read in history books that some people could grow back again after becoming eunuchs. This was also the reason why eunuchs like them had to undergo inspections every year.

But before today, he had never seen one that actually grew!


Sheng Yuan left in despair.

Xie Chengze waited for him to leave, found a bronze mirror, then started admiring his short beard.

When the beard grows, what is the best way to trim it?

How to maintain his beard?

Xie Chengze’s beard is growing day by day and his voice has also sounded more like ordinary man.

Those ministers from the former dynasty who had sworn to tell others that Wang Ze was actually Xie Chengze, the eunuch front the former dynasty, were brutally slapped in the face.

“How can the Regent be like an eunuch?”

“The Regent is so talented and wise and knows so many things. How could he be that ignorant Xie Chengze from the former dynasty?”

“What the Emperor and the Regent did was all for the sake of the people of the world. They are very admirable!”

Young people in the capital, and even around the world, greatly admire Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze.

Because they are young, they are more receptive to new ideas.

Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze have come up with a lot of new things, and they have indeed done a lot for the people…Many of them had already lost their families before Lu Yanzhou attacked them. They had no grudge against the two, so they naturally only have good feelings toward Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze.

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Even the children of the former dynasty’s ministers have become admirers of Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze needed talents, so he gathered the young descendants from the former dynasty’s ministers’ families and sent them to the village on the outskirts of the capital to learn from Lu Yanzhou.


He found that Lu Yanzhou was very good at teaching people.

Lu Yanzhou indeed taught these children from influential families very well.

After these young masters and ladies saw that the lives of the people in the capital were getting better and better, saw the smooth roads paved with cement, saw the beautiful brick houses, and saw the emperor working in the fields, their thoughts slowly changed.

Especially the girls.

They suddenly discovered that they could also take another path!

In short, these girls studied the vernacular literature that Lu Yanzhou planned to promote more carefully than the men. They even rushed to build academies in various places.

By sending their daughter away, they actually hoped that Lu Yanzhou would take a fancy to their daughter. Ministers from the former dynasty: “…” This is not what they want!

But no matter what they think, the world is changing so fast that they are overwhelmed.

Their children still don’t believe what they say: “Father, I know you can’t bear the destruction of DaYan, but you can’t talk nonsense either…His majesty is very knowledgeable and talented, and his highness is very smart. How could they be tie together with Xie Chengze and Xie Chengze’s male pet!”

“Indeed, his highness has always been kind-hearted, thrifty, and completely different from the ruthless and extravagant Xie Chengze.”

The former dynasty’s officials: “…” They were wrong, they were really wrong!

They should not have spoken ill of Xie Chengze all day long and molded Xie Chengze into a person who wants everything but has nothing just to slander him!

These former dynasty’s ministers could only hold back their anger. Their only hope was that Xie Chengze would be unlucky one day.

They believe that when the world is stable, Xie Chengze will definitely be liquidated.

However, they waited year after year, and Xie Chengze kept sitting peacefully on the dragon throne while Lu Yanzhou stayed in the village all day long.

What is going on with these two people?

In the blink of an eye, so many years have passed. Xie Chengze is old and he also has a beard. Why did Lu Yanzhou hang himself on his tree?!

Moreover, Lu Yanzhou gave all his rights to Xie Chengze. If this continues, the world will really belong to Xie Chengze!

Lu Yanzhou is already quite old and still has no children, is he not worried at all?

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Those ministers from the former dynasty were very worried about Lu Yanzhou, fearing that Lu Yanzhou would suffer a loss, but Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze were still as good as before.

From time to time, Xie Chengze would ask them to write articles describing the deep relationship between the two, then print them out and send them to various places for sale…

Nowadays, the favorite book of storytellers everywhere is ‘Wang Ze’s biography’.

Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze kept a relatively low profile when the world was not stable.

But ten years later, the two began to act unscrupulously.

For example, today, Xie Chengze put on the phoenix robe that was changed into men’s style and planned to go to worship heaven together with Lu Yanzhou.

In front of him, there was a glass mirror made by Lu Yanzhou himself and given to him, which reflected his appearance in fine detail.

Xie Chengze looked at himself in the mirror silently.

He is already in his forties and has fine lines at the corners of his eyes, but he still looks much younger than his peers.

With a beard, he looks like an elegant, handsome, and graceful middle-aged man.

He was used to this look, but looking at the handsome Lu Yanzhou next to him, he suddenly had some objections to his appearance: “I want to shave.”

“What’s wrong? Don’t you like this beard very much?” Lu Yanzhou was puzzled. Xie Chengze usually takes great care of his beard and spends time maintaining it every day. It made him jealous for a while too!

As for Xie Chengze’s beard…he thought it looked pretty good after he got used to it. People these days all have beards, and Xie Chengze is definitely the most handsome one among them.

Xie Chengze said: “I just…suddenly found them a bit troublesome.”

Lu Yanzhou didn’t grow a beard anymore. He is now nearly forty but still looks very young. Many people who study with Lu Yanzhou also like Lu Yanzhou.

He believed that Lu Yanzhou only liked him but he was still a little dissatisfied with his beard.

The most important thing is that after ten years, he no longer cares about many things.

Lu Yanzhou completely cured him.

“Just shave it off if it’s troublesome.” Lu Yanzhou laughed.

Xie Chengze shaved off his beard very simply.

In DaZhou Dynasty, the empress had always been invisible.

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During important occasions, the emperor and the regent would occasionally appear together.

Of course, everyone who knows knows that the so-called empress is actually the regent.

In fact, this matter has been spread secretly, but many people think that it is just a rumor like the regent is Xie Chengze…

Until today when these two people appeared together.

Several young officials were confused: “Is that man wearing a phoenix robe?”

“That man looks familiar?”

“Why did I think that looks like the regent without a beard?”

The ministers from the former dynasty who still insist on going to morning court every day said: “That’s the regent! The empress of DaZhou Dynasty has always been the regent!”

After they finished speaking, they were looking forward to seeing disgust on these people’s faces, but…

“So it’s true!”

“What a match made in heaven!”

“I used to think that the emperor only set up a false empress…it turns out that he made the regent the empress!”

“When I first read ‘Wang Ze’s biography’, I felt that they had a deep relationship, and now…This is pretty good.”

Former court official: “…” Have they failed to keep up with the times?

After all these years, Lu Yanzhou is still so good to Xie Chengze. Is it really possible for them to wait until the day when Xie Chengze’s end happens?

Where did Xie Chengze come from? He managed to control such a talented and resourceful person like Lu Yanzhou to death!

After a long time, everyone realized that many things were not created by Xie Chengze at all, but by Lu Yanzhou.

After all, Lu Yanzhou had been staying in the village to study various things while Xie Chengze actually didn’t understand these things.

Therefore, is Xie Chengze a vixen? He actually fascinated Lu Yanzhou this much!

After the vixen Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou participated in the Heaven Sacrifice, they became intimate.

After the intimacy, Xie Chengze thought of something and suddenly laughed: “People nowadays don’t believe that I am Xie Chengze. It’s quite interesting.”

Lu Yanzhou said: “So…let’s write a ‘Xie Chengze’s biography’ together to shock future generations?”

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