Hold His Hand

Chapter 182: 182


In the year 3200 of the Star Calendar, the Xie husband and wife brought back their two children from the nursery.

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These are a pair of twins. The older one is named Xie Chengran, and the younger one is named Xie Chengze.

These two children were very cute, but as they raised them, they gradually realized something was wrong.

Xie Chengze is particularly slow to respond to the outside world.

He was diagnosed with autism.

Star calendar year 3204, an ordinary residence somewhere in Capital Star.

Four-year-old Xie Chengran kept sobbing: “Why do I have to go to school but my younger brother doesn’t have to go to school? I don’t want to go to school!”

The Xie parents in their thirties wandered around their eldest son and kept trying to coax him: “Ranran, be good, stop crying. Your brother is unwell, so he can’t go to school.”

“Ranran, if you go to school, how about mother buying you delicious food?”


Not far away from them, Xie Chengze, who looks exactly like Xie Chengran, is sitting quietly in the corner.


No one paid attention to him, and he didn’t need anyone to pay attention to him either.

He used his fingers to draw various lines on the ground.

Star calendar year 3208, it was still the same ordinary house.

Xie Chengran, who was noisy and refused to go to school at that time, was already eight years old: “I don’t want to learn painting, it’s not interesting at all!”

He threw his expensive painting tools on the floor and ran back to the room crying.

The older Xie husband and wife saw this and hurriedly followed him, coaxing him not to be angry. If he didn’t like painting, he could learn something else.

Xie Chengze, who was unnoticed in the corner, also grew up. At the age of eight, he picked up the brush on the ground and drew the first line on the white paper.

Star calendar year 3218, a villa in the capital city.


Xie Chengran, who was crying endlessly at that time, was already eighteen years old, with red lips and white teeth, and extraordinary handsomeness.

His appearance seemed to be a gift from the Creator. Once people saw him, they couldn’t take their eyes away.

He was still expressing his dissatisfaction: “Mom, Dad, you are too partial! Why should Xie Chengze live in a room with a large terrace on the third floor?”

“Well, he has to paint…”

Xie Chengran was very aggrieved: “Ever since you found out that he can paint, you only treated him well and don’t care about me at all. You also want me to learn from him all day long, why is that?”

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“Well, the room is too small to fit so many painting tools.” Father Xie sighed. They have used the same room on the second floor for Xie Chengran’s studio. Xie Chengran’s bedroom is only a little smaller than Xie Chengze’s room.

“Anyway, you only think about him.” Xie Chengran was on the verge of tears. He didn’t want a studio with a large balcony, he only wanted a bedroom with a large balcony.

Mother Xie and Father Xie began to coax him again.

In the corner, Xie Chengze, who looked exactly like Xie Chengran and wore the same clothes as Xie Chengran, stuffed the unchanging food prepared for him by the robot into his mouth. After he finished eating, he walked upstairs.

The south-facing room on the third floor with a large terrace is filled with all kinds of painting equipment, except for a small bed in the corner.


He came to an easel, began to mix paint, then began to paint slowly.

When he was eating downstairs, his eyes were dull and lifeless, but at this moment, his eyes were filled with starlight.

He painted for a while, then mother Xie and father Xie suddenly entered the room.

They frowned and looked at his paintings, then began to pack away some of the painting supplies in the room, locked it up, then took away Xie Chengze’s half-painted painting.

They also took out an image of the sea: “You have to paint the sea, you know?”

Seeing the half-finished painting gone, Xie Chengze anxiously spun in circles, like a little animal that had been robbed of its food.

Father Xie and mother Xie looked at him with disgust. They prepared a new easel and paper for him, then also prepared paints and brushes for him…

Xie Chengze stood blankly for a moment, then sitting in front of the easel, he began to paint the previous painting.

However, the paper was taken away again. Mother Xie pointed to the image of the sea projected on the wall opposite the easel and said dissatisfied: “Paint the sea, the sea! You have to paint it well. If it wasn’t good, you won’t get any food.”

Xie Chengze looked at the vast ocean in the image expressionlessly for a while, then he took a brush and began to paint slowly.

At the beginning, he was a little sluggish painting, but later he got better and better at painting, and gradually got into it, then began to concentrate on painting the sea.

There were stars in his eyes again, but not as bright as before.

Father Xie and mother Xie were then satisfied. After thinking about it, they took out a camera, chose an angle and started shooting.

A few days later, the painting was completed. Father Xie and mother Xie took the painting away with satisfaction, then finally returned the unfinished painting to Xie Chengze.


Xie Chengze silently spread out the paper and continued to paint.

The painting he just completed was taken to school by his brother Xie Chengran to participate in the competition.

Eighteen-year-old Xie Chengran is a talented young painter. In the past two years, his paintings have won many awards and sold at high prices. It is also because of his paintings that the Xie family has become richer and richer. They go from living in an ordinary residential area to a villa.

However, those paintings were not actually painted by him, but by his younger brother Xie Chengze.

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“Xie Chengran, your painting is so good!”

“You will definitely got first place in this school competition!”

“Xie Chengran…”

Xie Chengran felt strangely unhappy when he heard other people’s compliments: “It’s not that good.”

“You are so humble!”

“Xie Chengran, you are awesome!”

“You are my idol!”

Star calendar 3220.

This year, Xie Chengran got accepted into the Painting Department of Capital University and became one of the most famous painters among the younger generation.

This year he also signed up to participate in the National College Student Painting Competition.

In this era where anyone who wants to can go to college and there is no pressure to study, this competition is almost a competition of strength among young painters.

All along, as long as the top three painters in the National College Student Painting Competition have no accident, they will become great painters whose paintings are worth thousands.

And Xie Chengran is the favorite to win this competition.

Lu Yanzhou opened his eyes and found himself lying on the floor of a huge studio.

There are paints and easels everywhere around him with many half-finished paintings on the easels.

This time he…transmigrated to a painter?

That’s pretty good, he has the foundation.

When Lu Yanzhou first transmigrated, he was not good at painting. Although he learned some painting techniques, he could only draw likenesses, but could not express the artistic conception.

However, he had too much time.

In his long life, he learned all kinds of painting skills and saw all kinds of scenery. When he integrated these, his painting level improved.

Now, even the things he draws casually are already different.

Sitting up from the ground, Lu Yanzhou realized that he was covered in paint. The entire studio was a mess, and the paintings around him were even more messy, making people feel uncomfortable just looking at them.

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How should he put it…Looking at those paintings, one can tell that the mentality of the person who painted them isn’t calm, so the paintings are naturally messy.

However, the person who draws should have good skills.

Lu Yanzhou began to receive the original owner’s memory.

After getting the original owner’s memory, the first thing Lu Yanzhou understood was this world background.

This is an interstellar age.

As technology develops better and better, various machines and robots free humans from complicated manual labor.

When every human being is born, they have no worries about food and clothing, so they are fully satisfied materially.

Everyone stops working and lives without any worries.

Then, humanity suddenly begins to feel empty.

It became difficult for people to feel happy, until everyone discovered that top art makes people feel relaxed and happy.

People who have nothing to do start to learn music, painting, and acting…and the best in these fields will be sought after by others and receive supreme glory.

The original owner of Lu Yanzhou’s body was a well-known painter.

It’s rare that the person he transmigated into this time was not a scumbag.

The original owner came from a family with a literary reputation. His father was a well-known pianist and his mother was a well-known dancer.

However, the original owner was not interested in music and dancing, but instead learned painting from his grandfather.

When he was just over a year old, he started drawing everywhere with a paintbrush. He started to lay the foundation with his grandfather at the age of three. The original owner, who had studied hard for many years, won first place in the National College Student Painting Competition in his first year of college, when he was twenty years old.

Nowadays, the average life expectancy of people has reached more than 120 years, and the time for people to receive education has also become longer. Basically, they go to college at the age of 20 and study for five years.

And during those five years, the original owner ranked first every year!

After graduating from university, the original owner continued his studies and eventually became a professor at Capital University. At the age of thirty, he painted his pinnacle work ‘Stars’.

The stars are vast and bright.

This painting was recognized as a masterpiece. It made countless people feel happy. People stood in front of it fascinated and were reluctant to leave.

It was also this painting that made the original owner, who was one of the top painters, receive numerous recognition.

But it was also this painting that exhausted the original owner’s mental energy.

Well, it cannot be said that this painting exhausted the original owner’s mentality, but…after painting this painting, the original owner could no longer paint a better work.

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If he cannot draw good works, the original owner will be very anxious then his mental state will become very bad. If his mental state is poor, the things he draws will be even worse.

Now it has reached the point where the original owner would vomit looking at what he had drawn.

He couldn’t even pick up a paintbrush and couldn’t complete a painting. He was afraid of painting and always felt that even if he did paint, what he would paint would be rubbish.

However, the original owner is still very famous. When the National College Student Painting Competition started again this year, the original owner was invited to be one of the judges.

Although the original owner couldn’t draw, he still had an eye for it. Like other judges, he paid attention to the painter named Xie Chengran at first glance.

Xie Chengran’s paintings were so good that everyone said he was another original owner, and even thought he could surpass the original owner.

The original owner also felt that the paintings painted by the twenty-year-old Xie Chengran were better than those painted by him when he was 20.

That painting even sparked his love for painting again.

The original owner wanted to accept Xie Chengran as his student. He felt that Xie Chengran could stimulate his inspiration and make him pick up the paintbrush again.

It would also be good for Xie Chengran to have him as his teacher. He is a professor at Capital University, and Xie Chengze can study for a postgraduate degree with him.

Xie Chengran happened to be a student at Capital University, so the original owner went to find Xie Chengran. When he went, Xie Chengran was drawing in class.

Seeing Xie Chengran painting, the original owner felt something was wrong — Xie Chengran’s basic skills were a bit too poor!

His painting style is similar to the works he submitted for the competition, but his basic skills are quite different…The original owner felt that the paintings Xie Chengran submitted for the competition weren’t painted by himself.

The original owner felt so, thus when he was a judge and evaluated each work, he questioned Xie Chengran.

As a result, everyone felt that the original owner was jealous of Xie Chengran, so he targeted Xie Chengran.

Xie Chengran’s road to fame is obvious to all, and one can find a lot of videos of him painting on the Internet!

How could those paintings not be painted by him?

At this time, it was also revealed that the original owner could no longer paint. His students also took pictures of the poor paintings in the original owner’s studio and posted them online, saying that the original owner’s painting skills were very bad…

Some people even swear that the original owner’s painting ‘Stars’ is the work of the original owner’s grandfather.

Of course, many people online began to insult the original owner and begin cyberbullying the original owner.

The original owner was already under great mental pressure, then he finally couldn’t bear it anymore.

Before the National College Student Painting Competition ended, he jumped from a tall building and ended his life.

And the time now…

The National College Student Painting Competition has just begun, but the original owner has already suspected Xie Chengran, and even questioned Xie Chengran in school, but has not yet questioned Xie Chengran in the competition.

Because of this, the original owner hasn’t been attacked on the internet yet.

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