Hold His Hand

Chapter 183: 183


Lu Yanzhou took a moment to break free from the original owner’s memories.

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The original owner really loved painting, so he put almost all his energy and concentration into painting.

Before the age of thirty, the original owner’s career was going very smoothly, and he was in high spirits. However, at the age of thirty, after he painted ‘Stars’…

The original owner could still draw at the beginning, but every time he painted a work, someone will always say that it was not as good as ‘Stars’, he himself also thinks so too.

He also had very high demands on himself, so gradually he couldn’t paint anymore.

The more he couldn’t paint, the greater the psychological pressure, thus his mentality became tense.

Headache, insomnia, inability to eat…The original owner had turned himself into a skinny person.

Speaking of which, when the original owner was exposed online, some people said that the original owner had taken illegal drugs because of this.

At that time, all kinds of dirty water were poured on the original owner one after another. The original owner was already on the verge of collapse and wanted to die several times. Therefore, he naturally couldn’t bear it anymore and jumped off the building.

That Xie Chengran was really too much.

After Lu Yanzhou recalled it, he determined that Xie Chengran had something to do with the original owner being exposed online.

There is even a 99% chance that it was Xie Chengran or the people around Xie Chengran who guided them.


Xie Chengran is disgusting, but that’s not all.

The original owner didn’t know why Xie Chengran’s basic painting skills were so low, so he just asked him some questions. However, with the original owner’s memory, he knew the whole story after a little guessing.

Those paintings that can touch people’s hearts were definitely not painted by Xie Chengran, they should be painted by Xie Chengze!

The person in those public videos of ‘Xie Chengran painting’ is probably not Xie Chengran, but his twin brother Xie Chengze!

Xie Chengran in this world looks exactly like his AZe, and he also stole his AZe’s achievements!

In this interstellar world, there are many styles of mobile phones, and the name of mobile phones has also changed. They are called contact terminals.

The original owner’s contact terminal was in the style of a watch worn on his hand. He opened it, pulled out the screen, then began to read the messages on starnet.

As soon as he logged in, Lu Yanzhou saw a lot of messages under the original owner’s starnet account. They all wanted to see the original owner’s new paintings, or wanted to buy paintings from the original owner. Of course, there are also many people who like ‘Stars’, so they came here to express their love.


Lu Yanzhou ignored these and opened Xie Chengran’s starnet account.

Xie Chengran’s online name is ‘Ranran Loves Painting’, where he basically shares his life.

In addition, there is an account called ‘Xie Chengran Official Account’, which is a starnet account managed by Xie Chengran’s parents. There are videos of Xie Chengran painting, videos of Xie Chengran participating in various competitions, and various other news related to Xie Chengran.

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Xie Chengran’s various work will also be sold here.

Lu Yanzhou’s expression softened when he saw the person painting in the video.

That is definitely Xie Chengze.

Those paintings that can touch people’s hearts were indeed painted by Xie Chengze!

The original owner liked ‘Xie Chengran’s paintings’ very much, so he naturally paid attention to Xie Chengran, and also knew that Xie Chengran had a younger brother with autism.

But who would have thought that those paintings were actually painted not by Xie Chengran, but by Xie Chengze?

Lu Yanzhou watched the video of Xie Chengze painting for a while, and then began to search for Xie Chengze’s information.


There is a lot of information about Xie Chengze on the Internet.

Lu Yanzhou clicked in and quickly saw several videos.

He opened one of them and after looking at it for a while, blood rushed to his brain.

The video was sent by a friend of Xie Chengran, saying that he went to Xie Chengran’s house and saw Xie Chengran’s younger brother…In the video, Xie Chengze was like a grumpy little beast, making a ‘wuwu’ sound and hitting his head fiercely on the wall while Xie Chengran stood beside him to persuade him and pull him…

There seems to be nothing wrong with the entire video, and Xie Chengran in the video was very bright – Xie Chengran held Xie Chengze in his arms and was beaten many times by Xie Chengze in order to prevent Xie Chengze from hitting the wall.

But this world is the future world!

Who doesn’t have a robot now?

The Xie family has made a lot of money from selling paintings, so why can’t they buy a robot that specializes in taking care of patients?

In the video, Xie Chengze scratched his face and injured his head. Why didn’t they let the robot stop him earlier?

They could also set a program for the robot, then the robot will take the initiative to stop it without their request!

And…When Xie Chengze was painting before, he was very quiet. He shouldn’t be so crazy for no reason. What did Xie Chengran do to him to make him become like this?

Looking at the comments, people felt sorry for Xie Chengran and felt that Xie Chengran was very different from his younger brother…Lu Yanzhou’s disgust for Xie Chengran had reached its peak.

He took Xie Chengze’s paintings as his and Xie Chengran actually didn’t take good care of Xie Chengze. He even used Xie Chengze to promote himself and established himself as a good brother who loved his sick brother.

Lu Yanzhou turned off his starnet and couldn’t wait to see Xie Chengze.

But he didn’t know where Xie Chengze lived, and even if he knew…security in this era was very good, it was impossible for him to sneak into Xie’s house.

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As for calling the police or something, he had no definite evidence, so the police would definitely won’t do anything. Besides, if he was not careful, he might alert the enemy and alarm the Xie family.

While Lu Yanzhou was thinking of a solution, his contact terminal rang.

The organizing committee of the National College Student Painting Competition called him and asked him not to forget today’s competition.

The National College Student Painting Competition lasts for one month.

Each contestant first registers online and submits a holographic photo of a painting to the preliminary round. The preliminary round is open to the public. 80% of the results come from the judges’ scores and 20% from netizens’ votes.

One hundred contestants will be selected in this round, and then the second round will begin.

The second round will not be held online, but in person.

The one hundred contestants need to bring the painting submitted in the preliminary round and another painting to the scene, and then the judges will score the two paintings on the spot. The ten people with the highest scores will advance to the finals.

In the finals, these ten people will take out another painting for the judges to score. The ranking will be determined based on the scores of the three paintings provided in the competition.

What Lu Yanzhou will participate in tonight is the second round.

Time was a little tight, so Lu Yanzhou quickly changed his clothes and walked out.

As soon as he walked outside, Lu Yanzhou met one of the original owner’s students.

The student who took photos of the original owner’s studio and posted them online, and also spoke ill of the original owner online, and accused the original owner of many unfounded charges.

This student of the original owner is called Meng Yulin, he is a young and handsome man.

The original owner was a professor in the Painting Department of Capital University, so he naturally had to take care of his students.

And all this time, although the original owner was in a bad mental state, he never failed to do what he should do. He was also very kind to the students and was very attentive when giving guidance.

Even if the original owner couldn’t draw anything, his basic skills were still there so he was more than capable of guiding students.

As for this Meng Yulin, because he is the most talented among the original owner’s students, the original owner appreciate him even more and tries his best when teaching. Meng Yulin’s family is not in a good condition, so the original owner not only helps him apply for various subsidies, but also introduces channels for selling his paintings to him.

As a result, Meng Yulin betrayed the original owner! In his description, the original owner became a person who had no ability at all and still taught students indiscriminately, delaying their future.

This is one of the things that the original owner doesn’t understand.

“Professor Lu,” Meng Yulin saw Lu Yanzhou and called out with a smile, “Are you going out?”

“Yes.” Lu Yanzhou nodded and left quickly.

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He didn’t want to talk to Meng Yulin.

The original owner was immersed in painting and didn’t care about many things, so he didn’t interact with people very much, let alone look at people.

However, seeing Meng Yulin now, he clearly saw the ambition, unwillingness, and jealousy in Meng Yulin’s eyes.

This person may have been jealous of the original owner for a long time, that’s why he betray the original owner.

This kind of person is not worth his trouble.

Lu Yanzhou walked very quickly, and the way he behaved in such an irresponsible manner was the same as the original owner’s normal behavior.

The original owner has never been good at words.

Dissatisfaction flashed in Meng Yulin’s eyes. He watched Lu Yanzhou leave, then walked towards Lu Yanzhou’s studio.

When Lu Yanzhou left the studio, he had already booked a car using the contact terminal. When he came to the parking lot outside, there was an unmanned car with its overhead lights on.

Lu Yanzhou got into the car, then the car drove to the competition place.

By this time, Xie Chengran had already arrived at the competition venue, and with him were his parents and his boyfriend.

Xie Chengran’s boyfriend is two years older than Xie Chengran, and his name is Xiao Rong.

Xiao Rong came from a very good family. Because he liked Xie Chengran’s paintings, he started pursuing Xie Chengran two years ago. After two full years of pursuit, he finally stood out from Xie Chengran’s suitors and became Xie Chengran’s boyfriend.

Xie Chengran looked nervous. Seeing him like this, Xiao Rong said: “Ranran, don’t be nervous. With your skills, you will definitely win first place.”

Xie Chengran is indeed the most popular candidate to win first place. In fact, everyone thinks he will definitely be number one.

He became famous a few years ago, and a well-known painter even said in public that his current strength has exceeded Lu Yanzhou’s level when he was twenty years old.

Lu Yanzhou is known as the most talented painter in the past century. Xie Chengran’s level is even higher than Lu Yanzhou. How could he not even get first place in such a competition?

Xie Chengran’s face was filled with confusion: “But…but…”

“What’s wrong?” Xiao Rong asked him.

Xie Chengran gritted his teeth and said: “Professor Lu, he seems to dislike me very much.”

Xiao Rong frowned: “What’s going on?”

Xie Chengran said: “Professor Lu came to see me a few days ago. I was painting at the time. The way he looked at me made me very uncomfortable. He also said that I was not good at painting…”

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“How are you not good at painting! You paint much better than him! I think he is just jealous of you!” Xiao Rong narrowed his eyes, displeasure flashing in his gazes.

Of course, this displeasure was not directed at Xie Chengran, but at Lu Yanzhou.

“Professor Lu is a judge. If he gives me a low score…”

Xiao Rong said: “In this competition, there is no room for him to dominate the sky with one hand! Don’t worry, I won’t allow him to do this!”

Xie Chengran looked at Xiao Rong expectantly. He knows that Xiao Rong is very powerful, but now it seems…Xiao Rong can also intervene in this competition.

Xiao Rong can indeed intervene in this competition, but he actually doesn’t think Lu Yanzhou will do anything. After all, it will be broadcast live later: “Ranran, you can relax. It will broadcast live later, and your skills are there for all to see. Lu Yanzhou will never give you a low score for the sake of his own reputation.”

“Mm.” Xie Chengran responded and lowered his head.

Xie Chengran also felt that Lu Yanzhou would not give him a low score. What he was afraid of was actually that Lu Yanzhou would say something he shouldn’t have said later.

When Xie Chengran was complaining to his boyfriend, Lu Yanzhou had just arrived.

When he transmigrated, the original owner was actually drawing and vomiting due to the psychological pressure, then he finally fainted.

In the original trajectory that he didn’t come. The original owner who fainted was awakened by the sound of his terminal, but his condition was still very bad. When he rushed over after cleaning up, he was already late.

The whole competition was broadcast live. Because of this incident, the original owner was criticized and disliked from the beginning.

However, he arrived on time, and because of this, as soon as Lu Yanzhou entered, someone from the organizing committee of the competition came over to greet him: “Professor Lu, please take care of Xie Chengran during this competition.”

Lu Yanzhou looked at this person. He smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I will take good care of him.” Wait, he will definitely ‘take care’ of Xie Chengran!

The people in the organizing committee heard this and felt relieved.

During the preliminary competition, Lu Yanzhou liked Xie Chengran’s paintings very much.

Not only did he give full marks to Xie Chengran’s paintings, he also kept praising him and wanted Xie Chengran to study at his place for graduate school…He believed that Lu Yanzhou would definitely show his appreciation for Xie Chengran later.

Young master Xiao even asked him to say something, he really thought too much!

The people from the organizing committee quickly went elsewhere. Lu Yanzhou tidied up his clothes and began to think about what to do next.

Although the original owner raised doubts, because there was no evidence and he liked Xie Chengran’s paintings, he still gave Xie Chengran high marks in the end.

However, Xie Chengran was not satisfied and insisted on forcing the original owner to death.

Then, he will give Xie Chengran a zero!

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