Hold His Hand

Chapter 188: 188


Lu Yanzhou couldn’t help but sigh for the original owner.

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If the original owner’s mental state wasn’t that bad, he wouldn’t actually die.

The original owner’s family loved him very much, and they could provide far more help to the original owner than Lu Yanzhou thought.

In this era when artists are highly respected. Old artists’ prestige are far beyond ordinary people’s imagination.

For example, Yu Qinshan and Yu Qinshan’s friends, these master painters, have the opportunity to interact and get along with all kinds of big shots.

Without Yu Qinshan deliberately asking, someone already told Yu Qinshan who was the person behind Xie Chengran — Xiao Rong had already started to protect Xie Chengran before they fell in love. Everyone knew for a long time that the young master of the Xiao family was in love with Xie Chengran.

What they don’t understand now is why did Lu Yanzhou get in trouble with Xie Chengran?

Besides, Xie Chengran’s painting should be painted by him, right?

Some of them even wondered if Lu Yanzhou was really jealous of a junior. They felt that Lu Yanzhou was going too far by giving him zero points. Some people called Yu Qinshan and asked Yu Qinshan to take care of Lu Yanzhou.

However, those who had a good relationship with Yu Qinshan, as well as relatives and friends of the Lu family, when they came to Yu Qinshan and saw Lu Yanzhou splashing ink on the painting, they knew that Lu Yanzhou was definitely not jealous of Xie Chengran.

Not to mention that Lu Yanzhou could paint ‘Stars’ before, his painting skills in oil painting far surpassed Xie Chengran’s.

Let’s talk about the present… Lu Yanzhou changed the direction of painting and ended up painting master-level works…Does such a person have any need to be jealous of Xie Chengran?


These masters are all on Lu Yanzhou’s side.

Now, everything is ready, all they need is the east wind.

Lu Yanzhou wanted to take Xie Chengze out of Xie’s house as soon as possible. However, he needed a reason to enter Xie’s house. He called the police yesterday, saying that he was being followed and secretly photographed, he was worried that his safety would be threatened.

At that time, he made an appointment with the police to meet today.

Today, after reading the news on the Internet, he has another reason to call the police — someone is leading cyberbullying against him!

In this world with well-developed laws, cyberbullying is also a crime!

The police already sent someone to the door to understand the situation at this moment.

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Lu Yanzhou had just finished painting a painting he named ‘A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains’ when he told the police about the situation he encountered.


“The specific situation is this. I saw the work submitted by Xie Chengran in the preliminary round of the National College Student Painting Competition. I admired it very much and wanted to accept him as my student.” Lu Yanzhou told what happened to the original owner, “For this reason, I went to see Xie Chengran, but I found that his basic painting skills were very poor. Based on my experience, he would never be able to draw the works he used for the competition. I asked him some questions at that time, but he couldn’t answer me but he was in a panic.”

“Then what?” the policeman asked.

Lu Yanzhou said: “After that, I discovered that someone was following me. I am a sensitive person. I was very scared at the time and even had some stress reactions.”

“Do you have any evidence?” the police asked.

“I have no evidence, but you can go to my studio and search it. I’m certain that outsiders have been to my studio…” Lu Yanzhou remembered that today the video of the original owner ‘going crazy’ in the studio was released. Even with him here, this shouldn’t change.

In fact, he made things into such a big deal just to avenge the original owner.

The original owner only asked Xie Chengran a few questions at that time, but did not give Xie Chengran a low score like him.

After Xie Chengran saw the original owner’s condition in the studio that Meng Yulin filmed. He should have known that the original owner was in a very bad mental state. Since it’s like this, why did he still stimulate the original owner?

Xiao Rong, who is beside Xie Chengran, also added fuel to the flames and even persuaded some artists to come forward to accuse the original owner.

Although the original owner wanted to die before, he just thought about it. Every time he thought about his family, the original owner didn’t want to die anymore and he kept trying to adjust.


However, when something like this happened, the original owner felt that he had embarrassed his family…How could he not commit suicide?

He wants to avenge the original owner!

“There is evidence!” Lu Yanzhou’s mother suddenly said.

Yu Qinshan and the others went to admire Lu Yanzhou’s paintings, but mother Lu had been watching the starnet.

She played the video on Starnet. It was the video of Lu Yanzhou in the studio that Meng Yulin installed a camera to secretly record.

After clicking on the video, the woman’s eyes were red: “My child, those people are bullying you!”

The police also looked at Lu Yanzhou worriedly. Many artists are more sensitive. Lu Yanzhou was vomiting and fainting. Did he discover something to cause such a big reaction?

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Lu Yanzhou immediately said: “Yes! This is evidence! That studio is my private space, I have never allowed others to enter! Also, at that time, I felt someone was looking at me, I thought it was just an illusion. It turned out to be true. They actually installed a camera in my studio!”

That’s it. Someone is following and threatening his privacy and safety. This can be filed!

At this time, the various comments against Lu Yanzhou on the Internet were becoming more and more exaggerated…

After the situation in the original studio was exposed, more and more people attacked Lu Yanzhou, some even began to insult Lu Yanzhou.

Under Lu Yanzhou’s StarNet account, there was even more chaos, with all kinds of demons and monsters!

Lu Yanzhou immediately showed it to the police: “Everyone, they followed me, took photos of my private life and used this to guide others to cyberbully me!”

“They kept saying that ‘Stars’ was not painted by me, but was ghost-painted by my grandfather. It’s a violation of my reputation!”

As soon as Lu Yanzhou finished saying this, new news came out on StarNet.


The organizing committee of the National College Student Painting Competition has responded quickly, saying that Lu Yanzhou’s previous scores did not meet the regulations and would be discarded. All contestants’ scores would be recalculated after deducting Lu Yanzhou’s scores.

Lu Yanzhou: “…”

Lu Yanzhou did not expect that the organizing committee of the painting competition would make such an anxious announcement.

He talked a lot at the competition venue. Normally, the organizing committee would have asked Xie Chengran to draw something in public to prove his innocence, so that his score could be invalidated.

Only one night had passed with some dark information about him on the Internet, and this is what the organizing committee decided?

Lu Yanzhou looked at the police in front of him: “I would also like to accuse them of wantonly manipulating the results of the competition and undermining the fairness of the competition.”

While Lu Yanzhou was talking to the police, many painters called by Yu Qinshan had already finished admiring Lu Yanzhou’s paintings.

“This painting is so majestic, really majestic!”

“When I saw this painting, I felt suddenly enlightened. Everything I had struggled with has disappeared!”

“What a painting! What a good mood!”

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“This grandson of Lao Yu is really amazing! I was wondering why there has been no news about him in recent years. It turns out that he was doing something big!”

After they talked, they found that people on the starnet were scolding Lu Yanzhou.

Those people went too far, so everyone said: “Why do these people keep talking nonsense!”

“Does Xiao Lu have to be jealous of that Xie Chengran?”

“Not to mention that Xie Chengran used someone else’s paintings to compete, even if he is the real painter, and he is still far inferior to Xiao Lu. Does Xiao Lu need to suppress him like this?”

“Looking at Xiao Lu’s paintings, you know that Xiao Lu is not that kind of person!”

As these people said, they began to go into starnet to help speak up for Lu Yanzhou online.

However, at this time, StarNet had already overwhelmingly believed that Lu Yanzhou had a problem. Seeing these people speaking for Lu Yanzhou, they began to attack them: “You are still speaking for Lu Yanzhou at this time? I really misjudged you!”

“Lu Yanzhou is really very talented. His background has allowed so many masters to support him!”

“Lu Yanzhou is not stupid. He will not give zero points to people without proof or evidence…He obviously has a mental problem. It is not surprising at all for him to do such a thing!”

“Lu Yanzhou is not stupid at all, so he is definitely taking drugs!”

At the same time, some painters who had a grudge against Lu Yanzhou, or painters who Xiao Rong had hired, began to accuse Lu Yanzhou on the Internet.

Some people are arrogant and say that he now has no work of his own and still suppresses others, which is too much.

Some people directly sided with Xie Chengran, expressing their support for Xie Chengran and blaming Lu Yanzhou.

This situation is much more serious than the original owner’s time.

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After all, what Lu Yanzhou did was much more excessive than what the original owner did.

Lu Yanzhou looked at the police: “This has caused me a lot of harm. I hope the police can protect me and stop them from continuing to slander me and hurt me!”

Lu Yanzhou has evidence, and the evidence is also posted online. Thus, the process of filing the lawsuit is very fast.

He filed so many lawsuits but the police still needed to go to Xie Chengran’s home and take him away to interrogate.

This is what Lu Yanzhou was waiting for.

Xiao Rong has a background, but he cannot interfere with the police’s handling of a case. The most important thing is that if he can follow the police into Xie Chengran’s home, find Xie Chengze, and get Xie Chengze out of the Xie family control…

He can reveal the truth when the time comes and give Xie Chengze justice!

Lu Yanzhou asked: “As the victim, can I go to Xie’s house with you?”

As the party called the police, Lu Yanzhou can go together, so the police agreed.

Lu Yanzhou followed and got into the police car.

After getting in the car, he asked again: “Can I live broadcast later?”

The policemen looked at each other, and finally said: “You can’t live broadcast in our police station, but you can live broadcast before going to the police station. Of course, you can’t invade other people’s privacy.”

In some situations, private live broadcasts are not allowed, but outside, Lu Yanzhou is not a criminal, so his live broadcast does not break the law.

“Thank you.” Lu Yanzhou said.

“You’re welcome.” Several police officers thought Lu Yanzhou had a good temper.

The police car drove away from Yu Qinshan’s residence and headed for Xie’s house. Behind the police car, Yu Qinshan led people and drove up to follow — they wanted to follow to rescue the person!

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