Hold His Hand

Chapter 189: 189


Lu Yanzhou and the others had just left the Yu family, relevant photos appeared on StarNet, saying that he had been arrested by the police.

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“Lu Yanzhou has been arrested!”

“I’m so happy!”

“He should be arrested for abusing his power and bullying newcomers like this!”

It’s really overwhelming!

At this time, Meng Yulin, Lu Yanzhou’s student, was still speaking online, saying that Lu Yanzhou had not painted for a long time and was very impatient when teaching them how to paint. Not only did he not teach well, he also had a bad temper.

Even Lu Yanzhou’s students stood up and said that Lu Yanzhou was bad. Therefore, could Lu Yanzhou still be a good person?

Lu Yanzhou’s reputation got even worse.

Lu Yanzhou chuckled lightly when he saw this.

Meng Yulin probably took the money.

As for the other students of the original owner, they did not frame the original owner like Meng Yulin did, nor did they speak for the original owner…This is human nature.


The original owner taught them quite seriously, but because of his personality, he was not very close to them. It was normal for them to choose not to wade into this muddy water at this time.

Lu Yanzhou’s guess was correct. Meng Yulin accuse Lu Yanzhou online because Xiao Rong gave him the money.

After all, Yu Qinshan was behind Lu Yanzhou. Although Meng Yulin secretly took some videos and photos for Xie Chengran, he had no intention of saying anything under his real name.

Even if Lu Yanzhou is dead, he doesn’t want to offend Yu Qinshan.

However, Xiao Rong gave too much, so Meng Yulin finally stood up.

He felt that he could use this incident to hype himself up, and if Yu Qinshan targeted him afterwards, he could pretend to be pitiful on the Internet.

Meng Yulin thought very well, but at this moment, everyone suddenly discovered that Lu Yanzhou had started a live broadcast.

At this time, Lu Yanzhou still has time to live stream?


Does he want to explain?

Countless people poured into the live stream room.

Lu Yanzhou was too lazy to pay attention to the people in the live broadcast room. He was looking ahead intently, with no trace of panic on his face and no intention of explaining.

The person who rushed in to scold Lu Yanzhou was stunned for a moment.

He’s already been arrested by the police, why is he still so calm?

Lu Yanzhou asked the police at this time: “Are we there yet?”

“Already arrived.” The police parked the car in front of a villa.

Lu Yanzhou got out of the car with the police and walked forward.

In the villa, father Xie, mother Xie, and Xie Chengran all noticed that Lu Yanzhou was live streaming.

They didn’t sleep all night.


Others don’t know, but they know very well that what Lu Yanzhou accused Xie Chengran is true.

Xie Chengran really couldn’t draw such paintings.

Therefore, they won’t feel at ease unless this matter is resolved.

“Did you call the police?” Xiao Rong looked at father Xie and mother Xie. He did not call the police. In the past, when someone offended him, he had always used other methods to deal with and punish the other person.

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Father Xie and mother Xie quickly said, “We didn’t call the police.”

“Maybe someone else called the police.” Xie Chengran looked at Xiao Rong.

Xiao Rong also felt that this should be the case. Lu Yanzhou went too far and actually targeted Xie Chengran in public. Some people couldn’t stand it, so it was normal to call the police.

“They seem to have come to our house!” Xie Chengran added.

Then, as soon as he finished speaking, there was a knock on Xie’s door.

Xiao Rong took a step forward and opened the door.

Lu Yanzhou stood at the door and did not rush in. Instead, he looked at father and mother Xie: “I started a live stream, can I keep it on?”

It is illegal to go to other people’s homes to start a live broadcast without their consent.

Father Xie and mother Xie vaguely felt that something was wrong, but Xiao Rong said: “Let it on if you want!”

Lu Yanzhou ignored Xiao Rong and still looked at father Xie and mother Xie.

Father Xie and mother Xie glanced at Xiao Rong, then said to Lu Yanzhou: “Go ahead!”


When Xiao Rong was dating Xie Chengran before, he did not tell Xie Chengran his identity clearly.

But last night, in order to make Xie Chengran feel at ease, he had informed the Xie family of his identity.

Father Xie and mother Xie devoted themselves to cultivating Xie Chengran, hoping that Xie Chengran could lead them to live a master’s life. After knowing Xiao Rong’s identity, they were naturally overjoyed, so now they dare not offend Xiao Rong at will.

As for Lu Yanzhou wanting to start the live stream, now that Lu Yanzhou can no longer stand up, just start it.

Thinking like this, father and mother Xie looked at Lu Yanzhou with more contempt in their eyes.

Only then did Lu Yanzhou smile.

Lu Yanzhou’s live stream room was actually very chaotic. Everyone was scolding him and everything.

But now seeing Lu Yanzhou’s smile, many people were stunned.

This man who is chasing fame has such a beautiful smile!

Why didn’t they realize that this man was so good-looking before?

As soon as they had this thought, they heard Lu Yanzhou say: “Xie Chengran, you hired others to sneak into my residence to secretly film me, led others to violently attack me online, violated my reputation, interfered with the fairness of the competition…I have already filed a lawsuit.”

“What did I hear?”

“Didn’t Lu Yanzhou get caught by the police and come to Xie Chengran’s place?”

“He actually sued Xie Chengran? No way?”

“Is there something wrong with his brain?”

“Taking drugs must have damaged his brain, right?”

People watching the live broadcast felt very speechless. Xiao Rong was also shocked: “Lu Yanzhou, are you sick?”

“I’m fine,” Lu Yanzhou looked at the policemen, “Guys, are the household robots in this house no longer usable?”

These days, household robots are quite great, and their strength is also not weak. If the police handle the case, they will apply to freeze the household robots owned by the head of the household.

“Yes.” The policeman nodded.

Lu Yanzhou breathed a sigh of relief and then said: “I also want to accuse Xie Chengran of imprisoning others and appropriating other people’s works!”

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Afraid that Xie Chengze would be harmed if he took action rashly, Lu Yanzhou made a big circle and made himself the victim first just so he can come here openly.

If it weren’t for the fact that Xie family had troubled him and he was blackmailed by the entire Internet, he probably wouldn’t have been able to get in even if he brought the police.

The Xie family hasn’t let Xie Chengze go out for so many years. They have guarded Xie Chengze very closely.

“Mr. Lu, you have no evidence and cannot file the case.” The leading police officer said, “But if the matter is true, our police will definitely file a case.”

Lu Yanzhou told them about Xie Chengze before, but this matter…Lu Yanzhou has nothing to do with the Xie family.

“Lu Yanzhou, what are you talking about!” Xiao Rong frowned and looked at Lu Yanzhou, then at the police, “It’s clearly Lu Yanzhou’s fault this time? What happened to you? Were you bribed by him?”

Even those watching the live stream were confused: “Is Lu Yanzhou really crazy?”

“What is he talking about?”

“Xie Chengran imprisoned someone? How is that possible!”

“Is Lu Yanzhou so powerful? Even the police listen to him?”

None of them realized something was wrong. Father Xie, mother Xie, and Xie Chengran were a little panicked at this moment. They glanced upstairs subconsciously and said, “Lu Yanzhou, don’t talk nonsense!”

After Lu Yanzhou came to this world, he really wanted to see Xie Chengze. He was even more anxious after seeing those videos of Xie Chengze going crazy.

He could no longer hold back at this moment: “I’m going to find the person!”

After Lu Yanzhou finished speaking, he rushed upstairs: “AZe! AZe, where are you?”

“What on earth is Lu Yanzhou doing?”

“Who is he calling? AZe?”

“Did Xie Chengran really imprison someone?”

“AZe? I remember that Xie Chengran had a younger brother…”

“The autistic brother?”

“Xie Chengran also has a younger brother?”

As soon as Lu Yanzhou called ‘AZe’, father and mother Xie became even more panicked: “What do you want to do? This is our family!”

Xiao Rong was also angry and wanted to stop Lu Yanzhou: “surname Lu, what do you want to do?!”

However, Lu Yanzhou moved quickly and passed him upstairs. Following closely, there were police officers who stopped Xiao Rong, father and mother Xie.

Several policemen came, one stopped the Xie family, and another followed Lu Yanzhou upstairs and said to Lu Yanzhou, “According to the detector, the person should be on the third floor…”

“Is it Xie Chengze that Lu Yanzhou is looking for?”

“Didn’t you say that Lu Yanzhou is crazy? He doesn’t look like he is crazy.”

“Even if he is crazy, the police will not go crazy with him!”

“What is going on?”

People watching the live broadcast originally came to scold Lu Yanzhou, but now…many of them feel that something is wrong.

Of course, there are still some people who think Lu Yanzhou is just pretending to be mysterious.

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At this time, Lu Yanzhou had already arrived at a closed door on the third floor — according to the detector, someone was inside, but he could not open the door.

However, the police had their own thoughts. The policeman who came up with him said, “I’ll open the door.”

They had the authority to open Xie’s door.

The police opened the door quickly. Lu Yanzhou opened the door and saw Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze, who had an expressionless face and a bruise on his face, huddled up and stared blankly at him.

People watching the live broadcast were still talking: “Lu Yanzhou really came to see Xie Chengze.”

“It’s Xie Chengze!”

“Xie Chengze is sick, will he go crazy?”

“What does Lu Yanzhou want to do?”

“Damn it! What did Lu Yanzhou say before? That means…Xie Chengran’s paintings wouldn’t really be painted by Xie Chengze, right?”

“Who is this person? He looks exactly like Xie Chengran!”

“AZe.” Lu Yanzhou bent down and called out.

Xie Chengze suddenly rushed towards him, and then threw himself into his arms: “Wu…”

Xie Chengze made an unconscious ‘Wu’ sound and hugged Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou quickly comforted him: “It’s okay, it’s okay…”

It had been a day and a night since he had transmigrated here, he finally saw Xie Chengze!

Lu Yanzhou hugged Xie Chengze, full of joy, but Xie Chengze suddenly pushed him away and ran away.

Lu Yanzhou: “…AZe!”

Lu Yanzhou quickly caught up and saw Xie Chengze opening a door next to him and walked in.

This is a studio, a studio that everyone watching the live broadcast was familiar with.

Xie Chengran’s painting videos were all shot here!

The studio was neatly tidied. After Xie Chengze came in, he skillfully opened a cabinet and took out the nutritional paste inside to eat.

This kind of nutritional paste is a very cheap and convenient food. It is packed in bags and can provide various nutrients needed by the human body, but it does not taste very good.

Xie Chengze opened one bag and finished it in three or two gulp, then opened another bag and continued eating.

Ordinary people would be full after eating one bag, but he ate two bags in a row.

How long has it been since he’s eaten?

Lu Yanzhou felt extremely sour and looked at Xie Chengze quietly.

He didn’t know if his eyes were too focused, but Xie Chengze, who had always lowered his head, suddenly picked up a bag of nutrition paste and handed it to Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou felt sour and almost shed tears.

Seeing that Lu Yanzhou didn’t take the nutrition paste, Xie Chengze took it back, put it back in the cabinet, then closed the cabinet door.

After putting it away, he gently knocked on the cabinet a few times with his head.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t know why Xie Chengze did this, but he had learned about autism and knew that they would have some stereotyped behaviors.

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Lu Yanzhou called out again: “AZe…”

Xie Chengze did not look at Lu Yanzhou again. He walked aside, took out a piece of drawing paper, put it on the easel, and began to draw on it.

Xie Chengze’s aura changed when he started painting.

He looked a little stupid before, but now his eyes are very bright.

He didn’t care about the people around him, he just painted, and he also painted very fast. He piled large pieces of paint on the canvas without thinking about it.

However, it was not messy, he quickly drew the outline of a character.

That’s…Lu Yanzhou.

He is painting Lu Yanzhou.

People watching the live broadcast were shocked: “This is…Xie Chengran?”

“What Xie Chengran, this is Xie Chengze.”

“Xie Chengze is the painter!”

“What Lu Yanzhou said is true, those paintings are really not painted by Xie Chengran!”

The person in front of them is exactly the same as the person in the painting videos that Xie Chengran posted before.

Anyone who likes Xie Chengran’s paintings will never mistake this person.

At this time, he was creating a work at an unprecedented speed. Although the painting was not finished yet, after looking at it, everyone was already feeling happy unconsciously.

They suddenly felt very happy.

“Lu Yanzhou, you’d better apologize to Ranran! Then withdraw the lawsuit!” Xiao Rong rushed up and broke the silence of the room.

The Xie family was crying and making trouble downstairs, but they were controlled by the police, who did not even let them go upstairs.

Xiao Rong negotiated with the police to no avail, then finally had to reveal his identity and forcefully go upstairs.

Then he saw Xie Chengran painting, no, it was Xie Chengze painting.

When Xiao Rong appeared, everyone watching the live broadcast was very dissatisfied. The way Xie Chengze painted was really pleasing to the eye.

They didn’t want to see anyone ruin such a beautiful scene.

Fortunately, Xie Chengze didn’t care about the people around him. He was still painting. Lu Yanzhou in his painting looked very handsome, and his whole body seemed to be shrouded in light.

As the painting gradually took shape, in addition to feeling happy, everyone also felt…love?

The deep feeling of love is vivid on the paper.

The people watching the live broadcast didn’t want to say anything at this time. They were very moved and even…wanted to cry a little bit.

There were injuries on Xie Chengze’s face and on his exposed wrists.

He was locked in an empty room, and the first thing he did when he came out was to find food.

However, after eating, he concentrated on painting and painted such a painting!

He really, really likes to paint.

But before, they only knew Xie Chengran and didn’t know him at all.

“This is impossible…” Xiao Rong murmured, looking at everything in front of him in disbelief.

How could Xie Chengze be the painter?

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