Hold His Hand

Chapter 190: 190


Xiao Rong has always hated Xie Chengze, and he also treated Xie Chengze badly.

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He felt that Xie Chengran’s younger brother was a stain on Xie Chengran, he even wished that Xie Chengze was dead.

He had met Xie Chengze several times before he came to Xie’s house. Sometimes he would see Xie Chengze ‘whimpering’ and making trouble. There was one time he saw Xie Chengze running towards Xie Chengran, then he slapped Xie Chengze.

At that time, Xie Chengze covered his face and cried silently. He was a little happy when he saw it.

But now, what did he see?

Xie Chengze is painting.

He first fell in love with Xie Chengran because he saw a video of Xie Chengran painting.

Even now, he likes Xie Chengran because of his paintings.

When he usually gets along with Xie Chengran, the feeling that Xie Chengran gives him is no different from the people he has been in contact with since childhood, so he doesn’t have much interest in Xie Chengze. However, as long as he watches the video of Xie Chengran’s painting, his heart will be full of love again.

However, it was not Xie Chengran who painted but Xie Chengze.

At this moment, Xiao Rong felt as if he had been slapped in the face.

How could it be Xie Chengze that he fell in love with?!


Lu Yanzhou’s live broadcast continues.

He was too lazy to talk to those watching the live broadcast, so he only looked at Xie Chengze intently.

His camera was always pointed at Xie Chengze, which made the paintings painted by Xie Chengze clearly displayed in front of everyone.

Yu Qinshan and many of his friends followed Lu Yanzhou to Xie’s house, but because they could not enter other people’s residences without the owner’s invitation, they stood at the door and watched the live broadcast.

When they first saw Xie Chengze, they thought he had no aura, but when Xie Chengze started painting…

Their hearts trembled.

“He painted so well…”

“This is a piece of rough jade.”


“This kid was born to paint!”

Just as they were marveling, one of them suddenly said: “It seems that…he doesn’t have a teacher yet?”

Everyone looked at each other, then Yu Qinshan suddenly walked towards the police: “My grandson has been in there for a long time, I’m going to check on him.” If possible, such a student must be snatched!

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He cheated!

The others hurriedly followed. One of them said: “I am from Capital University. Xie Chengran stole someone else’s work to get admitted. I am here to investigate.”

“I am from the Painting Association. I am here to investigate Xie Chengran’s misappropriation of other people’s works!”

“Me too! I’m also from the Painting Association!”

This group of people entered the door with legitimate reasons, and went straight to the third floor without even looking at Xie Chengran, who was already dazed.


When they arrived on the third floor, they happened to see Xiao Rong muttering to himself, saying something like ‘This is impossible’, ‘It can’t be Xie Chengze’ and so on.

“How is this impossible?”

“That’s right! We’ve seen it a long time ago! Xie Chengran can’t draw such a painting!”

“What does this have to do with you? It’s because Xiao Lu is great. He can tell at a glance that Xie Chengran and Xie Chengze are not the same person!”

“Stop talking, don’t disturb other people’s painting!”

“This child’s concentration is good, he wasn’t distracted at all and he doesn’t seem to be afraid of being disturbed.”

A group of old people gathered around Xie Chengze, staring at Xie Chengze’s painting.

As expected, Xie Chengze was not affected at all and concentrated on painting.

On the contrary, those watching the live broadcast were a little unable to recover at the moment.

The live broadcast camera can fly. Lu Yanzhou controlled it, adjusting the height and distance, so it captured everything.

“These people are all masters, right?”

“They are all! They are also the ones who spoke for Lu Yanzhou before.”

“I actually thought they were ganging up to bully Xie Chengran before, but now…”

“These masters are quite innocent.”


After Xie Chengran appeared in the live broadcast and started painting, most of the black material related to Lu Yanzhou was clarified in a short period of time.

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“Although Lu Yanzhou has not been in good condition in the past few years, it was true when he said that Xie Chengran’s paintings were not painted by Xie Chengran!”

“I didn’t expect that Xie Chengran was really such a person!”

“Xie Chengran deserve zero points!”

Of course, there are some people who scolded Lu Yanzhou before, but now they are unwilling to admit their mistakes, so they still scold Lu Yanzhou: “Xie Cheng is not a good person but Lu Yanzhou is the same!”

“He can’t paint, there’s no way around it!”

“His mental state is obviously very bad!”

“His students say he doesn’t know how to draw!”

“Xie Chengran can find someone to paint for him, so of course he can too!”

These people were still jumping out crazily when they heard a master say to Lu Yanzhou: “Xiao Lu, you are a genius, but this little guy is no worse than you!”

“The painting he painted is lacking in technique, but emotionally, it is comparable to your painting ‘Stars’.”

“The shortcomings in technique can be made up for. This child has never learned anything from others before. I can teach him!”

“I can’t give any advice to Xiao Lu, but I could give him some guidance.”

… …

These masters kept talking. When they looked at Xie Chengze, their eyes were green, like a wolf seeing a sheep.

Lu Yanzhou: “…You don’t need to, I’ll teach him!”

“Xiao Lu, you are too young, let me do it!” Everyone said one after another.

Lu Yanzhou showed no sign of weakness: “He may not listen to you, but he will listen to me!”

“Why?” Everyone was puzzled.

Lu Yanzhou was very confident: “Didn’t you see his painting?”

Everyone: “…”

Fuck! Xie Chengze was concentrating on painting Lu Yanzhou, without blinking while painting at all!

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While they were talking, the police came up and told Lu Yanzhou that they had taken the Xie family away.

“Thank you.” Lu Yanzhou thanked him.

“You’re welcome. The problem now is Xie Chengze…” The policeman looked at Xie Chengze hesitantly.

Xie Chengze has been painting with great concentration.

With him looking like this, no one wants to disturb him.

Normally Xie Chengze needed to follow him to the police station for some questioning, but after the police learned about his situation, they realized that he would not be able to provide any effective information.

If they insisted on taking him to the police station, it might worsen his condition.

Lu Yanzhou said: “I remember, in a situation like his, can I apply for a special nanny robot to take care of him? In addition, I want to stay here with him.”

Lu Yanzhou initially wanted to take Xie Chengze away, but after thinking about it, he decided give up.

First of all, Xie Chengze’s current situation may not necessarily allow him to adapt to a strange environment.

Secondly, he couldn’t become Xie Chengze’s guardian – he liked Xie Chengze.

“It will take about three hours to apply for the nanny robot. During these three hours, I hope you can keep the live broadcast on so that we can ensure his safety,” the policeman said.

“Okay.” Lu Yanzhou agreed.

Xie Chengze has no ability to act independently. In this interstellar world, if such people have no one to take care of them, the country will equip them with special nanny robots. While the robots are responsible for taking care of them, they will also supervise the people around them to prevent them from harming them.

In addition, the state will assign them a guardian who will check on them from time to time.

Lu Yanzhou can actually apply to become a guardian, but the guardian cannot fall in love with the ward.

In fact, even if he is not a guardian, he cannot fall in love with Xie Chengze now. When the nanny robot comes, he cannot do anything that will be judged as a threat.

But when Xie Chengze recovers, they can be together, right?

If he were to be his guardian, they would be in trouble!

The police took away the Xie family, and even Xiao Rong was taken away. After all, many things were related to Xiao Rong.

However, Yu Qinshan and the others stayed and were still watching Xie Chengze paint.

Lu Yanzhou felt relieved when he saw this. He finally looked at the live streaming camera and planned to explain.

Lu Yanzhou pointed the live broadcast camera at himself: “Since last night, there have been remarks against me on the Internet. Today I am doing this live stream to explain it.”

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“First of all, the cause of everything…” Lu Yanzhou told them what he had said to Yu Qinshan before.

This is the best explanation, and there are traces to follow – in the preliminary round, he gave Xie Chengran full marks.

“Lu Yanzhou likes Xie Chengze?”

“So that’s the case, it makes sense!”

“Isn’t Xie Chengran going too far? He actually found someone to secretly film Lu Yanzhou!”

“Lu Yanzhou is not in a good mental state. Is he frightened from being followed?”

However, some people still question Lu Yanzhou and ask him if ‘Stars’ was painted by him. After all, even his students came out to report him with their real names before.

“If ‘Stars’ was really painted by my grandfather, wouldn’t others be able to tell?” Lu Yanzhou said, “But I really haven’t done much oil painting in the past few years because I have switched to painting other things. I will post the details on starnet. ”

Lu Yanzhou was focused on Xie Chengze and was too lazy to spend too much time clarifying this matter.

He directly put all his previous landscape, flower and bird paintings on a special website for auction, and at the same time upload his painting videos on his private account.

Of course, there was also a portrait of Xie Chengze named ‘Beloved’ by him. This was not for sale, just for people to see.

Lu Yanzhou originally did not want to make this painting public.

He didn’t want too many people to see Xie Chengze.

However, if Xie Chengze painted him, he would also want to do something in return.

After Lu Yanzhou did all this, he stopped paying attention to things online.

By this time, his reputation had completely turned around.

Many people he had known before finally spoke openly for him: “Those who said ‘Stars’ was not painted by Lu Yanzhou are really amusing! Lu Yanzhou is like Xie Chengran, who always finds excuses that he must be alone to be able to paint and has mediocre performance in school! When Lu Yanzhou was in college, he ranked first in every class practice, and even the teacher was willing to bow to him!”

“I am a student at Capital University. Professor Lu always gave us a public lecture and the things he drew casually at that time were all works that people looked up to. Meng Yulin clearly frames him!”

“I feel sorry for Professor Lu, how much pressure he was under!”

“Yes, when he found out that the person he liked was imprisoned, he was also being stalked…”

“Professor Lu is so pitiful!”

“He was hacked so badly before, there is definitely something fishy…”

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