Hold His Hand

Chapter 191: 191


Almost as soon as Lu Yanzhou finished clarifying, Xie Chengze stopped painting.

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Seeing him stop painting, Yu Qinshan came over and asked with a smile: “Your name is Xie Chengze, right? I am Yu Qinshan…”

Xie Chengze blocked the painting as if he was frightened.

Seeing him like this, Yu Qinshan didn’t dare to get closer and could only look at him cautiously.

“AZe.” Lu Yanzhou stood in front of his grandfather and called with a smile.

Xie Chengze glanced at Lu Yanzhou blankly, turned back, and began to move the painting he had just painted that was still fixed on the easel.

He moved the easel to the corner, placed it against the wall, and then lay down on the ground beside the painting.

“What’s wrong with him?” People watching the live broadcast, as well as Yu Qinshan and others, all asked at the same time.

Lu Yanzhou said: “He should want to sleep.”

Xie Chengze did intend to sleep. He lay flat on the ground, put his hands on his stomach, then his breathing became steady.

Lu Yanzhou looked at him, his eyes softened unconsciously.

People watching the live broadcast couldn’t help but say: “Xie Chengze looks so good!”


“Don’t those videos Xie Chengran posted of him in the past always show him being very crazy and causing trouble? It’s really completely different from now!”

“Xie Chengran also said that he would go crazy when he saw strangers. Now that a bunch of strangers are surrounding him, isn’t he fine?”

“He might have been stimulated by Xie Chengran first.”

“If he was always obedient, maybe someone would have suspected that he was the one who painted the painting! Xie Chengran might be afraid that people will be suspicious of him, so he deliberately stimulated him, right?”

“He can only sleep on the ground?”

Xie Chengze fell asleep, but the live broadcast continued.

There are many completed or half-painted paintings in this studio, so Yu Qinshan and the others studied them one by one.


“He paints based on his feelings, which is also good. Some of his paintings are simply imaginative.”

“The paintings that Xie Chengran took out were not the best ones he painted.”

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“There are some paintings here that I guess Xie Chengran didn’t dare to take out.”

“Grandpa, Grandpa Zhang, Grandma Li…” Lu Yanzhou called the people who came with him: “Thank you for today. Do you want to go back and rest?”

These people came to him early in the morning, it was already afternoon now.

“No, no, we want to stay here for a while.” These people said one after another.

There were a large number of works left by Xie Chengze piled in this room, they still wanted to see them.

That’s alright…Lu Yanzhou said, “Then I’ll have someone bring some food over. What do you want to eat?”

These old people said that anything would be fine.


Lu Yanzhou found a restaurant and asked them to prepare some special dishes and deliver them to him.

He ordered a total of twenty dishes and some snacks. Everyone will always find something they could eat and like.

After ordering, Lu Yanzhou contacted the real estate company and wanted to buy the villa next door.

It is best for Xie Chengze to stay in a familiar place in his current situation, but he didn’t want Xie Chengze to continue to stay in this villa, so it was best to change the place.

Although the Xie family has got money by selling Xie Chengze’s paintings, they are not particularly rich. Although they live in a single-family villa, it is located in a community and is surrounded by identical villas.

Lu Yanzhou plans to buy the villa beside this and renovate it so that Xie Chengze can live there.

In this world, he is not short of money. The original owner had earned an unknown amount of money from selling his paintings. He also spent almost nothing except buying paint.

Although he has money, it will still take time to buy a house. Before he could buy the villa, the restaurant delivered their meals.

Lu Yanzhou asked his grandfather and the others to go downstairs to eat, but he was worried about Xie Chengze. Therefore, after going downstairs to get some food, he hurried upstairs.

Facts have proved that his approach was very correct — as soon as Lu Yanzhou went upstairs, he saw that Xie Chengze was awake. Maybe Xie Chengze wasn’t actually asleep just now.

At this moment, Xie Chengze was looking directly at the food in his hand.

Lu Yanzhou smiled and brought the food to Xie Chengze: “AZe, do you want to eat? But you can’t eat a lot…”

Xie Chengze didn’t eat. He glanced at Lu Yanzhou, stood up, then took out a new piece of painting paper.

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He started painting again.

Lu Yanzhou turned on the autonomous mode of the live broadcast, took an easel and came to Xie Chengze, preparing to paint with Xie Chengze.


Then he discovered that…Xie Chengze was painting him again.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t know what to say, he just felt his heart racing.

He took some paint and started painting Xie Chengze.

What he painted was the scene in which Xie Chengze painted him.

He is in Xie Chengze’s paintings, and Xie Chengze is in his paintings.

Lu Yanzhou has a foundation in painting, and now he also has the original owner’s memory…Although what he painted is oil painting, it’s not bad at all.

In the live stream room, the two of them were drawing quietly, so at this time, Starnet was very busy.

Lu Yanzhou’s previous clarification ruined Meng Yulin’s future. He was suspected of violating Lu Yanzhou’s privacy and was arrested.

In addition, the organizing committee of the National College Student Painting Competition issued another announcement, not only acknowledging Lu Yanzhou’s score, but also stating that Xie Chengran had used other people’s works to participate in the competition, and all of them gave him zero.

However, these are not the most critical.

The dispute between Lu Yanzhou and Xiao Rong was watched by many people. When Xiao Rong was at a disadvantage, Xiao Rong’s identity was immediately revealed by an enemy of the Xiao family.

Even some of the things Xiao Rong did were not hidden.

“It turns out that Xie Chengran’s boyfriend has such a good background!”

“He hired the navy and bribed Lu Yanzhou’s students…Haha!”

“Lu Yanzhou said before that Xie Chengran had a backing, it turns out it’s true!”

In addition to these, the ink paintings that Lu Yanzhou put up for public auction also caused a sensation.

There are many people who paint ink paintings, but there has never been an ink painting that reaches the master level and can be compared with ‘Stars’.

When people appreciate ink paintings, it’s difficult for them to have any emotional resonance.

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It’s precisely because of this that ink painting gradually declined.

As a result…Lu Yanzhou suddenly appeared out of nowhere!

“I’ve been in a bad mood, but these landscape paintings…just by looking at them, I feel that my previous struggles are not worth mentioning.”

“After looking at them, my mood has become much more relaxed. I should relax.”

“Thousands of miles away…I have been in a bad mood for the past two years and don’t want to go out. Now I want to go out and have a look.”

Even the president of the Painting Association spoke online: “Lu Yanzhou has been learning oil painting since he was a child. He has profound accomplishments in oil painting, and ‘Stars’ is a top-notch work. I originally thought he would delve deeper into this path, but I didn’t expect that he would give me another surprise. His accomplishments in ink painting are superior to everyone else…”

The president wrote more than a thousand words eloquently, and also praised Lu Yanzhou’s ‘Beloved’ painting.

Lu Yanzhou became the most famous painter almost instantly, so his live stream room was naturally filled with people.

“’Beloved’ is really beautiful. After looking at ‘Beloved’ and watching the live stream, Xie Chengze is not bad at all.”

“I want to see Lu Yanzhou paint ink paintings, why did he paint oil paintings again?”

“His oil painting level is also very high! Who said before that he can no longer paint oil paintings?”

“Those who learn to paint are all on their knees now! This painting is so good!”

“Am I the only one who came to see the handsome guy? Two handsome guys painting together is so pleasing to the eye!”

It got dark while they were painting. The police soon brought specialized doctors, nanny robots, and medical robots, then finally arrived at Xie’s house.

Lu Yanzhou stopped painting and looked at them: “Why did you bring a doctor?” He even brought more than one doctor…Is there something wrong with Xie Chengze’s health?

“Mr. Lu, we found electric shock devices in the Xie villa. After interrogation, we found that it was used on Xie Chengze. He now needs a detailed examination.” The policeman said.

Lu Yanzhou’s expression changed.

People watching the live stream were also stunned.

They could see the marks on Xie Chengze’s face and hands, but they only thought it was because Xie Chengze was stimulated and went crazy, hurting himself. It wasn’t?

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He was abused?

No, this is not just ordinary abuse, this is electric shock!

Xie Chengze is also Xie’s child. He also has such a high talent for painting, but the Xie family actually treats him like this?

Lu Yanzhou clenched his fists. The medical robot that received the order had arrived behind Xie Chengze. A very thin needle penetrated Xie Chengze’s skin, then Xie Chengze suddenly fell to the ground.

The robot caught him and began to examine him in detail.

“Underweight, malnutrition, stomach problems, insufficient muscle mass, lumbar muscle strain…”

Xie Chengze, who is only 20 years old, does not have any major problems, but he has a bunch of minor problems and many skin injuries.

He is a complete wretch.

When Yu Qinshan and others saw this result, they were silent.

Lu Yanzhou also made a decision in an instant. He wanted to take Xie Chengze away from here.

Even though taking Xie Chengze to an unfamiliar environment might make Xie Chengze uncomfortable, he still wanted to take Xie Chengze away.

It’s not how he wanted to take Xie Chengze away from the villa as he had planned before, but he wanted to take Xie Chengze somewhere else completely.

Yu Qinshan glanced at his grandson and said directly to the police: “I want to apply to become Xie Chengze’s guardian.”

Yu Qinshan has a very good resume and can definitely become Xie Chengze’s guardian. Now that the situation is special, the processing speed is even faster.

Lu Yanzhou turned off the live stream and planned to take Xie Chengze to Yu Qinshan’s residence.

However, when he was about to pick up Xie Chengze, who was still sleeping, the nanny robot stopped him.

Well, until Xie Chengze recovers, no one can be too intimate with him.

Lu Yanzhou glanced at his grandfather and began to move things in the studio.

Everything here belongs to Xie Chengze and is familiar to Xie Chengze, so he naturally has to bring it with him.

Looking at the thin Xie Chengze, who was asleep due to the effects of the medicine, Lu Yanzhou suddenly realized that it was urgent to accumulate merit.

He must cure Xie Chengze as soon as possible and let Xie Chengze return to normal!

Xie Chengze should be sober and happily accept everyone’s blessings, instead of living in a hazy state, not even knowing how to fight back when being bullied.

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