Hold His Hand

Chapter 192: 192


Lu Yanzhou took Xie Chengze to his grandfather’s house.

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The original owner had a residence, but the environment was not very good. Lu Yanzhou felt that compared to the original owner’s messy residence, Xie Chengze would prefer his grandfather’s villa filled with painting supplies.

Of course, he make such a choice because of his grandpa’s kind invitation.

Lu Yanzhou did not take Xie Chengze to the bedroom prepared for Xie Chengze, but let Xie Chengze rest on the sofa in the huge studio on the second floor.

Waking up and finding himself in the studio should make Xie Chengze feel better.

Lu Yanzhou placed Xie Chengze’s things near the sofa, spread out a folding bed next to him and lay down.

From yesterday until today, a total of two days and one night, he had not rested, so he was really tired.

Not to mention that the original owner has been ruining his body in the past few years. In fact, his physical condition is not much better than Xie Chengze.

Because he had rescued Xie Chengze, Lu Yanzhou slept very soundly this night.

He didn’t open his eyes until the sunlight streamed in through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and then he saw Xie Chengze lying on the sofa, looking at him intently.

“Good morning, AZe.” Lu Yanzhou smiled at Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze looked away silently, looking irritated at the surrounding environment, then grabbed his hair with one hand and pulled it out.


Seeing that he was a little uneasy, Lu Yanzhou reached out and held his other hand: “AZe, I’ll take you to the toilet.”

Xie Chengze glanced at Lu Yanzhou and put down his hand holding his hair.

Lu Yanzhou led him to the toilet next to them.

The nanny robot followed closely and drove Lu Yanzhou out after Xie Chengze entered the toilet.


Listening to the sound of the nanny robot assisting Xie Chengze in the toilet, Lu Yanzhou’s eyes felt sore.

He covered his face and smiled.

He always thought that Xie Chengze’s condition was serious, but in fact it was not.


Taking a deep breath, Lu Yanzhou asked the Yu family’s nanny robot to prepare breakfast.

Breakfast had been prepared long ago. When Xie Chengze came out of the toilet, a small dining table had been set up next to the sofa with several kinds of food on it.

“AZe, come and eat something first.” Lu Yanzhou greeted Xie Chengze. Seeing Xie Chengze sit down and take a piece of toast and start eating, he went to the toilet.

When he came out, he saw that Xie Chengze was already eating his second piece of toast, nibbling it round and round.

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He gnawed very seriously, his bites were very even. The toast turned into a big circle in his hand first, then turned into a small circle, and then he ate it in one bite.

After chewing the piece, he took another piece and ate it, but didn’t eat anything else.

“AZe, eat something too.” Lu Yanzhou put a fried egg on the empty plate in front of Xie Chengze.

He was a little worried that Xie Chengze wouldn’t eat the egg, but no such thing happened — When Xie Chengze finished eating the toast, he took the egg, turning it in circles as he nibbled on it.

Lu Yanzhou tentatively gave him a piece of fruit, and he ate it too.

It can be said that he will eat whatever was given to him. The only problem may be that he always eats with his hands.


However, the nanny robot has already helped wash his hands, so it is okay to take it with his hands.

While Lu Yanzhou was eating, he was also feeding Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze had a bad stomach, so he didn’t dare to feed Xie Chengze too much. When he saw that it should be enough, he took a handkerchief to wipe Xie Chengze’s hands.

Xie Chengze did not resist. After wiping his hands, he silently came to the easel, he continued painting the painting he didn’t finish yesterday.

Xie Chengze didn’t care at all that he was suddenly in a strange place.

Lu Yanzhou breathed a sigh of relief. He took out his communication terminal, then began to fill out his resignation application.

People in this world lack nothing materially. Although he are rich, it’s close to impossible to obtain merit through donations.

But he still found a way to gain merit.

Because there are too many material things, people here have very high spiritual needs, so many people tend to be in a bad mood for a long time.

If he can bring happiness to others, he can also gain merit.

As for how to bring happiness to people…just paint.

When people appreciate high-level works of art, they can feel the emotions the painter wants to express.

Lu Yanzhou plans to live-stream their painting time, teach people how to paint, and bring happiness to as many people as possible.

He has to take care of Xie Chengze, and with the live broadcast, he will definitely have no time to be a professor. Thus, it would be better to resign as soon as possible.

After filling out the resignation application, Lu Yanzhou looked at the message sent by the organizing committee of the college painting competition.


The competition organizing committee had previously deprived him of his qualification as a judge and asked him to pay liquidated damages, but now they have invited him to continue being a judge.

Lu Yanzhou refused without hesitation.

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In fact, the competition organizing committee cannot be blamed for what happened this time. To be honest, it was Xie Chengran who is too good at pretending.

However, when Lu Yanzhou thought about how in the original trajectory, the original owner was attacked without doing anything and could not even defend himself, the competition organizing committee also added insult to injury…

He could not forgive the other party.

With this in mind, Lu Yanzhou blocked Meng Yulin, who had sent him many apologies.

Since you have done something wrong, you must bear the consequences.

Lu Yanzhou quickly dealt with various matters, then more than an hour had passed.

He came to Xie Chengze’s side and held Xie Chengze’s painting hand: “AZe, let’s take a rest.”

Xie Chengze was visibly agitated and grabbed the painting with his other hand.

Lu Yanzhou said: “AZe, let’s take a break and start painting later, okay?”

Xie Chengze still didn’t move, so Lu Yanzhou coaxed him again: “Take a walk with me, okay?”

After saying that, Lu Yanzhou held Xie Chengze’s hand. After putting away the paintbrush, he led Xie Chengze downstairs.

Xie Chengze did not resist, nor did he go crazy. He was pulled by Lu Yanzhou and came downstairs in a daze.

Lu Yanzhou handed him a glass of juice, took him outside, then walked around Yu Qinshan’s villa with him.

There were no other residents around Yu Qinshan’s villa, but the scenery was very nice. Lu Yanzhou pulled Xie Chengze around four times before taking Xie Chengze back.

Xie Chengze was in a daze the whole time, but when he returned to the half-painted picture, his eyes lit up.

He sat back at his easel and continued painting.

Lu Yanzhou thought for a moment, then started the live stream.

After turning on the autonomous mode of the live stream camera, he continued to paint the painting he had not finished yesterday.

“Ahhhhh! Lu Yanzhou is live streaming again!”

“How is Xie Chengze?”

“Is he okay?”

“They are painting, what a beautiful scene!”

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During the live stream, Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze were both painting quietly. This scene is indescribably beautiful and makes people feel calm.

Many people who came to the live stream room did not want to leave.

This time, Xie Chengze painted for an hour before Lu Yanzhou stepped forward to stop him: “AZe, it’s time to eat.”

“Will Xie Chengze go crazy since he won’t let him paint?”

“I’ve seen the video of him hitting the wall. It’s scary.”

“Lu Yanzhou, be careful!”

As they were talking, they saw Xie Chengze being held up by Lu Yanzhou. Although he was a little unhappy, he was not angry.

Lu Yanzhou brought him to the dining table, then he took the sandwich with his hands and ate it in circles.

“Xie Chengze’s action is really different from the video taken by Xie Chengran!”

“Xie Chengze looks so cute when he eats the sandwich!”

“I don’t know why, but I feel very happy just watching them eat.”

After lunch, Lu Yanzhou took Xie Chengze to wash his hands.

In fact, even if he doesn’t do anything, the nanny robot will help Xie Chengze. For example, if Xie Chengze doesn’t eat when the time comes, the nanny robot will remind him repeatedly and even feed him.

However, a robot is a robot after all, so he prefers to do it himself.

After helping Xie Chengze wash his hands, Lu Yanzhou took him outside and walked slowly around the villa.

“This villa is so beautiful outside!”

“The scenery is so good!”

“The scenery is beautiful and the people are handsome!”

As they walked, Lu Yanzhou picked a flower and gave it to Xie Chengze: “AZe, for you.”

Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou blankly. Lu Yanzhou put the flowers into Xie Chengze’s hand.

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Xie Chengze stared at the flower. As he looked, he began to pull the flower petals and tore them into pieces.

However, Lu Yanzhou thought the way he pulled the petals was beautiful.

“It’s such a pity that such a beautiful flower was torn apart by him.”

“He also seems to have the desire to destroy, right?”

“Why did he tear the flower?”

Lu Yanzhou didn’t know why Xie Chengze tore the flower, but in the afternoon, he knew the reason.

Xie Chengze is painting him again. When it was almost finished, Xie Chengze then added a flower to it.

A beautiful flower in full bloom.

He tore the flower, but recorded the flower forever.

That flower is really really beautiful.

In the afternoon, Lu Yanzhou only let Xie Chengze paint for two hours, and then took Xie Chengze to play with paint.

He took out a lot of paints and a lot of brushes, sat on the ground, dipped the paintbrushes into the paints, and applied them on the white paper, while explaining some basic painting methods.

He felt Xie Chengze could understand.

People watching the live broadcast, who like arts, should also be able to understand it too.

Xie Chengze could indeed understand. He was separated from the world by a layer of fog, but he was still stunned when he saw Lu Yanzhou painting.

Picking up a paintbrush, he followed Lu Yanzhou’s example and tried playing with various paints.

In the detention center, Xiao Rong is watching the live stream.

The money given to Meng Yulin was taken from his account. He was the one who bought the black navy to attack Lu Yanzhou. He was the one who talked with the competition organizing committee.

He can’t clean up this time and his family also can’t protect him because of reputation.

He is destined to go to jail, but at most he will get some privileges, such as being able to still use the communication terminal to access Starnet.

Can’t speak but can browse.

Watching Xie Chengze draw obediently, eat obediently, and follow Lu Yanzhou in circles, his heart seemed to be tightly entangled with thorny vines.

Xie Chengze should obviously be his! It was he who met Xie Chengze first!

But now, he has nothing.

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