Hold His Hand

Chapter 193: 193


After dinner, Lu Yanzhou turned off the live broadcast and took Xie Chengze to familiarize himself with the bedroom he had prepared for Xie Chengze.

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That was originally the bedroom he lived in when he came here, but now it was packed out for Xie Chengze to live in.

Xie Chengze has been very cooperative. He followed Lu Yanzhou to the room obediently, followed the nanny robot to wash up, then lay down on the bed obediently.

“AZe, can you stay here tonight?” Lu Yanzhou asked Xie Chengze, and of course he didn’t get an answer. The nanny robot quietly stayed by Xie Chengze’s side.

Today, the nanny robot assigned to Xie Chengze by the government has been following Xie Chengze from beginning to end, protecting him.

Sometimes Lu Yanzhou’s behavior would be stopped if he went too far. There’s also a rule in its program that no one else would be allowed to sleep with Xie Chengze.

This is also to protect patients like Xie Chengze.

Lu Yanzhou couldn’t stay here but he also wasn’t in a hurry to leave. He touched Xie Chengze’s hair and said, “Go to sleep.”

Lu Yanzhou planned to wait until Xie Chengze fell asleep before leaving, but Xie Chengze didn’t sleep. He lay on the bed with his eyes open. After thinking for a while, he sat on the edge of the bed and hummed a lullaby in a low voice.

Xie Chengze listened and finally closed his eyes.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t stop and hummed for a long while. It wasn’t until Xie Chengze completely quieted down that he stood up and quietly opened the door.

When he came outside the door, he closed the door and opened the folding bed next to him.


He planned to sleep at the door, so that if anything happened in Xie Chengze’s room, he would know it immediately.

However, before Lu Yanzhou could open the folding bed, there was a sudden sound of banging on the door. There was only one sound, but it was followed by Xie Chengze’s ‘Wu’ sound.

Lu Yanzhou quickly opened the door and saw the nanny robot hugging Xie Chengze, who was struggling hard.

However, when he saw him, Xie Chengze stopped struggling and lowered his head to look at the ground.

Lu Yanzhou felt like his heart had been hammered.

Xie Chengze’s action is very good today even if he hasn’t adapted to the new environment at all.

He thought it was because Xie Chengze’s condition was not serious, but maybe that wasn’t the case.

He might be like this because he is here with him.


Although Xie Chengze didn’t look at him, he always listened to his words.

“AZe, you don’t want to be alone?” Lu Yanzhou asked the nanny robot to let Xie Chengze go, and then dragged the folding bed in from the door. “Don’t worry, I won’t leave you alone. I’m just going outside to get my bed.”

Xie Chengze blinked, then went back to bed and lay down obediently.

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Lu Yanzhou unfolded the folding bed and placed it in the bedroom. Seeing that the nanny robot did not stop him, he lay down peacefully.

He can’t leave Xie Chengze anymore.

He may be more important to Xie Chengze than he thought.

Many things in this world can be handled online.

A month later, Lu Yanzhou had completed his resignation. In addition, all the paintings he had auctioned were sold.

There’s no ink painting masters in this era, which means that top-notch traditional ink painting works are scarce. In addition, Lu Yanzhou made such a fuss before, which brought his reputation to its peak…

All his works were sold at high prices.


When Lu Yanzhou got the money, he donated all the money from the auction and the original owner’s savings to help those in need.

The welfare of this world is very good. However, there are still people who need help, but there are a lot less.

Previously on Starnet, there were still a few die-hard fans of Xie Chengran who insisted that Lu Yanzhou was not much better, so he just wanted to use this incident to gain fame and make money.

As a result, Lu Yanzhou got it and donated it all, which caught them off guard.

“Those people who have been whitewashing Xie Chengran are making me laugh to death! They said that Xie Chengran was still young and was forced by his parents…Even if he occupied Xie Chengze’s paintings because he was forced by his parents, he is treating Xie Chengze bad also because he being force too?”

“Xie Chengran always told people before that his younger brother was seriously ill and tends to hit people…But this month, I have been watching the live broadcast every day and I have never seen Xie Chengze hit anyone!”

“Yeah. AZe doesn’t hit anyone at all, he is very obedient too!”

“Just doing whatever he was told. Xie Chengze is so cute!”

“Upstairs, AZe didn’t do whatever he was asked to do. Lu Yanzhou asked him to take a nap and he pretended to sleep. When Lu Yanzhou also fell asleep, he got up and went painting again, which is really cute!”

“Yes, hahahaha! The funniest thing is that Lu Yanzhou was actually pretending to be asleep as well. When he found out that Xie Chengze was pretending to be asleep, he was dumbfounded.”

When Xie Chengze first arrived at Yu’s villa, In fact, he was a bit reserved. Lu Yanzhou also noticed that if he left Xie Chengze, Xie Chengze would be very anxious.

But after living there for a few days and living a regular life, Xie Chengze became lively.

He even learned to secretly pretend to be asleep!

Not only that, Lu Yanzhou also discovered that Xie Chengze’s learning ability is quite good. For example, when he teaches him to eat with chopsticks, he learns it after he taught him a few times.

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Thinking about it, he can draw such beautiful paintings, how could his learning ability be poor?

It’s just that the world in his eyes is different from the world in other people’s eyes.

Lu Yanzhou started the live broadcast again and taught the viewers how to draw.

At this time, Xie Chengze’s painting speed would also slow down, and he would look at him from time to time. Seeing that Xie Chengze is also listening to Lu Yanzhou class, he became more and more excited as he talked.

“As expected of Lu Yanzhou, the one who painted ‘Star’! He has such a deep understanding of oil painting!”

“I kind of know why he can tell at a glance that something is wrong with Xie Chengran. Look at him, then look at Xie Chengran…Xie Chengran basic skills is really not good!”

“That Meng Yulin was sentenced, I’m really happy! Lu Yanzhou is so good at teaching but he said that Lu Yanzhou can’t teach!”

While everyone was talking, they saw Xie Chengze taking out another blank paper, seemingly about to paint a new painting: “AZe is going to paint again!”

“What will he paint this time?”

“What else can he paint? It must be Lu Yanzhou again!”

“He has already drawn several paintings of Lu Yanzhou, does he still plan to draw him again?”

“According to the police investigation, he has been forced to draw things he didn’t want to draw before. Now I guess he plans to paint what he wants to paint all at once!”

Xie Chengze has painted several paintings of Lu Yanzhou during this period.

Sometimes what he started to paint, it was not Lu Yanzhou, but the nearby scenery, or simply the studio where he was.

Then at the end, as he continued to paint…he added Lu Yanzhou to the painting.

But this time, Xie Chengze was indeed painting Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou was lying leisurely, seemingly sleeping.

Lu Yanzhou: “…”

Lu Yanzhou was a little worried. He was afraid that if others saw the painting Xie Chengze painted now, they would think that he was intending to do something to Xie Chengze by sleeping in the same bedroom as Xie Chengze — This painting Xie Chengze painted now is when he was sleeping in the room.

Then, everyone was laughing: “It’s Lu Yanzhou sleeping on the folding bed!”

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“Lu Yanzhou forced AZe to take a nap all day long. I thought AZe would have a problem with Lu Yanzhou, but I didn’t expect that he would even painted Lu Yanzhou taking a nap.”

“AZe drew a picture of Lu Yanzhou taking a nap, it’s so beautiful.”

Seeing the comments, Lu Yanzhou felt relieved.

He takes a nap with Xie Chengze in the studio every day, and they also use a folding bed. This is good.

Lu Yanzhou stopped paying attention to the live stream. His teaching for today was over, so he took out a pencil and started sketching.

When he first drew Xie Chengze, he did it with a pencil. At this time, he became very familiar with it.

People watching the live broadcast were shocked: “Lu Yanzhou is too awesome, isn’t he?”

“It doesn’t matter if he is good at oil paintings, but he is also good at ink paintings too, and now he can also sketch so well!”

“He is a genius! Looking at it these days, don’t you understand yet?”

“His paintings of Xie Chengze are really beautiful. Every time I see his paintings, I fall in love with Xie Chengze.”

“Then you look at Xie Chengze’s paintings and fall in love with him, right?”

Lu Yanzhou has been live streaming during this time. He painted a lot of paintings and was regarded as a painting genius.

No one watching the live broadcast had any doubts about his ability.

But in their hearts, they can’t help but sigh secretly — what a pity!

What a pity, Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze have no future.

This month, Lu Yanzhou took very good care of Xie Chengze, even if Xie Chengze didn’t respond much.

Previously, everyone thought that he would have only one ‘Beloved’ — after understanding Xie Chengze’s situation, there is a high probability that he will no longer like Xie Chengze so much.

However, this is not the case. Lu Yanzhou has recently painted many paintings of Xie Chengze. In fact, every painting shows true love.

Lu Yanzhou…Just by looking at his paintings, one can tell that he loves Xie Chengze very very much.

What about Xie Chengze? Xie Chengze obviously likes him too.

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Xie Chengze cannot express himself because of his illness, but he has been painting Lu Yanzhou.

The paintings he painted are actually similar to ‘Beloved’. Without deep love, it cannot be painted.

However, with his condition now, he couldn’t be with Lu Yanzhou.

The sweeter the two of them seem, the more tragic it is.

Now Lu Yanzhou still loves Xie Chengze, but if Xie Chengze will always be like this. After one year, two years, three years, even ten or twenty years…Can Lu Yanzhou still persist?

What will happen to Xie Chengze then?

Some people watching the live broadcast actually felt very uncomfortable privately.

On the one hand, they feel that these two people are really in love now, but on the other hand, they don’t want to witness the disappearance of this love.

Most people felt that Lu Yanzhou could not hold on for long.

Because Xie Chengze had no way to communicate with him.

But they were all wrong. A year later, Lu Yanzhou still took good care of Xie Chengze, and Xie Chengze still drew Lu Yanzhou every day.

Every day during the day, Lu Yanzhou would live stream, and then they would see the warm daily life of Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou.

In a bad mood, feel uncomfortable, feel empty…Just enter this live stream room to watch and their mood will immediately feel better.

Who knows how many people who can’t find the meaning of life realize the beauty of life just by looking at it.

Of course, Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze have always been like this, which is also worrying.

Yu Qinshan was very confused.

He always thought that his grandson’s good impression of Xie Chengze was vague. Once he really got along with Xie Chengze, this good impression would fade until it disappeared.

But a year has passed, and the light in his grandson’s eyes when he looks at Xie Chengze is still there.

Even if Xie Chengze couldn’t respond, his grandson still loved Xie Chengze deeply.

Yu Qinshan didn’t know what to do. What would happen to these two people in the future?

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