Hold His Hand

Chapter 195: 195


Xie Chengze painted again. What he painted was Lu Yanzhou holding a rose, putting it under his nose and smelling it gently.

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Lu Yanzhou smiled when he saw this: “AZe, why do you keep drawing me?”

Xie Chengze ignored him and continued painting.

“Does AZe think I’m quite handsome?” Lu Yanzhou laughed, “Am I the most handsome person in the world?”

Xie Chengze still concentrated on painting. The painting Xie Chengze has deep and lingering gazes.

Lu Yanzhou sat next to him and looked at him: “AZe, if you don’t speak, I’ll take it as your acquiescence!”

Of course Xie Chengze didn’t speak, but people watching the live stream kept talking: “I didn’t expect you to be such a Lu Yanzhou!”

“So narcissistic!”

“But not annoying at all!”

Someone also asked Lu Yanzhou whether the paintings painted by Xie Chengze were for sale.

Of course they are not for sale. Xie Chengze painted him. How could Lu Yanzhou sell these paintings?


“AZe, this is my name, Lu Yanzhou.” Lu Yanzhou wrote the three characters ‘Lu Yanzhou’ on the white paper while talking to Xie Chengze.

After finishing writing, he wrote the words ‘Xie Chengze’ next to it: “This is your name, Xie Chengze. It sounds very nice.”

Over the past year, Lu Yanzhou taught Xie Chengze to write his name more than once, but Xie Chengze didn’t pay much attention to it before.

However, this time, Xie Chengze looked at the white paper in front of Lu Yanzhou, then began to write on his own ‘painting’.

It was indeed calligraphy. He did not write like ordinary people, but wrote little by little with a brush. Finally, he wrote the three characters that were similar to the one Lu Yanzhou wrote.

That’s Lu Yanzhou’s name.

“AZe is awesome!” Lu Yanzhou praised Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze continued painting without looking back.


Lu Yanzhou: “…” he feels that compared to him, Xie Chengze likes painting more, and he also likes painting him the most.

Lu Yanzhou spread out a huge piece of rice paper on the table next to him, preparing to draw ink paintings.

This year, both he and Xie Chengze painted many works, which can be said to be very productive.

Unlike Xie Chengze who has him in every painting that he was reluctant to sell, he usually paints some works specially for others to sell.

Most of these works are landscape paintings in traditional ink paintings.

He is good at painting these.

Lu Yanzhou was preparing to paint when Yu Qinshan came with several of his friends.

“Grandpa Zhang, Grandma Li…” Lu Yanzhou greeted them.

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Since he and Xie Chengze moved here, these friends of Yu Qinshan would often visit them and try to teach Xie Chengze how to draw.

However, they stopped teaching after a few times.


This is not because Xie Chengze doesn’t learn. On the contrary, although Xie Chengze doesn’t respond, when someone paints around him, he would look and learn.

The main thing is…Xie Chengze is self-taught in painting, so he naturally learns what they teach him very quickly.

They have nothing to teach now!

Later, they came here just to enjoy Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou’ paintings. Sometimes when they got interested, they would also paint another one.

“Xiao Lu, you’re going to paint? It’s such a big paper. The scene you want to paint this time is not small?” Everyone came to Lu Yanzhou.

“It’s not small.” Lu Yanzhou said what he planned to paint.

“Xiao Lu, you have been painting landscapes. Do you want to go out and see these beautiful mountains and rivers?” A friend of Yu Qinshan suddenly asked.

Lu Yanzhou looked at the other party.

The man said: “The Painting Association is organizing a collection and wants to invite you to go. Do you want to go?”

Lu Yanzhou’s heart moved, so he said: “I really want to go out for a walk, but I won’t participate in group activities.”

In the previous year, Lu Yanzhou had been accompanying Xie Chengze.

He had to help Xie Chengze adapt to the environment, help Xie Chengze recuperate his body, and teach Xie Chengze to paint…He was very busy, so a year passed almost in the blink of an eye.

He has been thinking about going out for a walk recently, and now is just right.

However, he did not participate in the Painting Association group activities. Not all colleagues had a favorable impression of him and Xie Chengze. There were many people in the painting world who did not like him.

He didn’t mind if those people said something unpleasant in front of him, but he didn’t want Xie Chengze to hear it.


“Not participating in group activities? Are you planning to take AZe out alone? Where are you going?” Yu Qinshan asked.

Lu Yanzhou thought for a moment and said, “Just walking around anywhere.”

“That’s good! I’ll go with you, and we’ll take care of each other!” Yu Qinshan hasn’t gone out for a long time. Compared with the meeting with the Painting Association, Of course he would rather go out with his grandson. Thinking about this, Yu Qinshan asked his friends: “Do you want to come too?”

Several of Yu Qinshan’s friends immediately said: “Yes!”

Lu Yanzhou: “…” How many people does he plan to bring?!

Yu Qinshan looked at Lu Yanzhou: “What? You don’t welcome us? Are you afraid that we will disturb your two-person world?”

Lu Yanzhou was helpless: “No. Grandpa, you also know that it is impossible for me to have a two-person world.” There will always be a robot between him and Xie Chengze.

“Then take good care of us!” Said Yu Qinshan.

Lu Yanzhou: “…”

Lu Yanzhou took Xie Chengze and several elderly people to form a senior group and went out to collect local cultural material.

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Even though these old people are old artists, their actions are actually similar to other elderly people.

They get up early every morning, walk around energetically, and take pictures…Well, what’s different from ordinary elderly is that when they see the beautiful scenery, they sometimes write poems and paint.

Lu Yanzhou took Xie Chengze with them, arranged food and accommodation, then live-streamed his various experiences in the ‘senior group’.

“This made me laugh to death. I didn’t expect these masters to be similar to my parents!”

“The old man is very kind. Every time he takes a picture, he always makes Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze stand in the C position.”

“AZe’s expression is frozen. I feel like he can’t stand it anymore.”

“AZe: Anyone who doesn’t let me paint is a bad person!”

“AZe is so cute. Lu Yanzhou was pulling him around with a toddler leash the whole time!”

“I’d love to have such a AZe!”

Lu Yanzhou took great care of the elderly people along the way, but the one who he took care of the most was Xie Chengze.

He bought the best toddler leash online to bind him to Xie Chengze. He also brought many robots to protect Xie Chengze’s safety and respond to various emergencies.

However, Xie Chengze has always been well-behaved, so there was no unexpected situation.

Lu Yanzhou also found that although he could not draw during this period, Xie Chengze was in a good mood.

When they arrived at the beach, Xie Chengze even dug a hole on the beach with an expressionless face. He dug it bigger and deeper, the dug sand piled high beside the hole.

Digging and digging…

Xie Chengze, standing in the pit with his legs soaked in sea water, looked blankly at the high ‘sand walls’ around him and called out: “Zhouzhou.”

“I’m here!” Lu Yanzhou jumped in .

Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou in disbelief, then at the sand wall. He silently put down the shovel and began to climb up.

As a result, as soon as he climbed up, he used a shovel to dig beside the sand pile beside the pit and it collapse.

Lu Yanzhou burst out laughing.


“AZe, come to my arms! Lu Yanzhou is so bad, he bullies you!”

“AZe’s confused look is so cute.”

“Hahahaha! AZe: I want you to save me, what are you doing? Why did you jump in too?”

“Lovely AZe, be strong and save yourself!”

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Xiao Rong looked at Xie Chengze who finally climbed out after trying hard to climb up and was covered with sand. The corners of his mouth curled up.

But when he saw Lu Yanzhou crawling out behind Xie Chengze, his expression turned ugly again.

The person Xiao Rong dislikes most is definitely Lu Yanzhou.

No, this is no longer disliked, but hate.

He is the young master of the Xiao family. He has had everything he wanted since he was a child, but he happened to stumble upon Lu Yanzhou.

If Lu Yanzhou hadn’t insisted, he wouldn’t have been imprisoned for a year.

Although he actually didn’t have a bad year that year, it was very humiliating.

What dissatisfied him the most was that he had to watch Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze get intimate.

Xie Chengze is his obsession. He must get Xie Chengze, and he has been preparing for it these days.

However, he wanted to cause trouble for Lu Yanzhou, but there was nowhere to start.

He wanted to take Xie Chengze away secretly, but there was no chance.

He found someone to encourage people around Lu Yanzhou to participate in the Painting Association’s collection, and then waited for an opportunity to take Xie Chengze away, but Lu Yanzhou did not take the bait.

From the beginning to the end, Lu Yanzhou kept the live stream on, which made it even more difficult for him to start.

The more Xiao Rong thought about it, the angrier he became, and he became more and more determined to win Xie Chengze.

He likes Xie Chengze so much!

What moved him at first was the look in Xie Chengze’s eyes when painting, but now, Xie Chengze would look at Lu Yanzhou with that gaze.

He wanted Xie Chengze to only look at him.

Unfortunately, there was only a fake beside him.

Xiao Rong found Xie Chengran and once again forced Xie Chengran to learn how to paint like Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengran couldn’t learn, so he slapped Xie Chengran directly: “If you don’t learn, get out of here.”

“You hit me?” Xie Chengran was angry and wanted to hit Xiao Rong, but Xiao Rong grabbed his wrist and pushed him to the ground: “Xie Chengran, I don’t have the patience…I haven’t dealt with you yet for lying to me!”

“You only know to blame me for lying to you! Lu Yanzhou can tell at a glance that I am different from Xie Chengze, why can’t you tell?”

Xiao Rong’s face was livid, he slapped Xie Chengran again. Xie Chengran was not willing to back down, so the two struggled together.

But even so, Xie Chengran didn’t leave. He didn’t want to and didn’t dare to face the storm outside.

After Lu Yanzhou returned from traveling with Xie Chengze, Xie Chengze…stopped drawing him!

Xie Chengze began to paint some other paintings, which were not realistic and some were also strange, but just looking at them made people feel happy.

His life was not beautiful, but his paintings were always very beautiful.

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Lu Yanzhou felt a little jealous: “AZe, why don’t you draw me anymore?”

Xie Chengze glanced at him, turned back and continued to paint. When he finished the painting, he wrote a name next to it – Lu Yanzhou.

“AZe, you should write your name on it.” Lu Yanzhou wrote the three characters ‘Xie Chengze’ for Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze is not interested and doesn’t write it.

Lu Yanzhou: “…” It looks as if he painted this painting – the signature is ‘Lu Yanzhou’.

“AZe is getting more and more agile!”

“AZe is doing this because Lu Yanzhou complained that he didn’t draw him?”

“Maybe AZe just wants to add Lu Yanzhou to it.”

“Will AZe recover?”

“I used to worry that Lu Yanzhou would leave Aze one day, but now I think they will be together for a lifetime!”

“I believe in love again!”

In fact, Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze have actually never had any intimate actions.

But just standing there, it felt like there was so much love between them.

Lu Yanzhou is really nice to Xie Chengze, so what about Xie Chengze? He seems to have no response, but which of his paintings is not a response?

Now Yu Qinshan’s studio is filled with ‘Lu Yanzhou’ pictures!

Sometimes when Xie Chengze is not painting, he will stand in front of a certain painting and stare at it for a long time.

He spent more and more time looking at Lu Yanzhou.

Xie Chengze is indeed slowly getting better.

However, the response he gave was still very small. Lu Yanzhou often had to use a lot of patience to get a little response from him.

But what Lu Yanzhou lacks most is patience.

What’s more…the merits are almost enough.

He wonders what Xie Chengze will be like in this world after he recovers.

Will he be confused at the beginning?

Lu Yanzhou was imagining Xie Chengze’s good life after his recovery, and Xie Chengran suddenly broke the news online with his real name, saying that since he was released from prison, Lu Yanzhou had secretly kept him in a villa, and from time to time, he would come to see him at night and regarded him as Xie Chengze’s substitute.

Lu Yanzhou: “…” What the hell is this!

He and Xie Chengze share a room every night and he has slept on a folding bed for more than a year!

The robot responsible for protecting Xie Chengze also videotaping him every night since he was not allowed to do anything out of the ordinary.

Xie Chengran, this…framing him before wasn’t enough, he now wants to find more problems?

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