Hold His Hand

Chapter 196: 196


Lu Yanzhou cares about his own safety.

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Since offending Xiao Rong, he has been in contact with the Xiao’s enemies, making it impossible for the Xiao family to touch him.

He has insisted on live streaming and selling paintings, which has made himself more famous and more stable, for more than a year.

Xiao Rong also made some small moves after he was released from prison. He knew about this and also knew that Xie Chengran had been with Xiao Rong recently.

It’s just…Xiao Rong has been struggling for so long, and he finally uses such a childish thing to deal with him?

Lu Yanzhou felt that Xiao Rong was acting like a child, but Xiao Rong didn’t think so.

First of all, this kind of affair is the most difficult to clarify. Xie Chengran bit Lu Yanzhou to death, saying that they have something to do with each other. Even if Lu Yanzhou didn’t admit it, others would still suspect it.

Second…Xiao Rong asked Xie Chengran to do this in order to elicit another incident.

Xiao Rong felt that since Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze had been together for so long, it was impossible for him to have such a pure relationship with Xie Chengze.

Even if Xie Chengze has a nanny robot protecting him…it’s not like the robot can do everything!

Anyway, if he were like Lu Yanzhou and got Xie Chengze, it would be impossible for him not to be intimate with Xie Chengze.

If it weren’t for the sweetness, how could Lu Yanzhou have been so patient with Xie Chengze for more than a year?


He had inquired about it. Lu Yanzhou had been living in the same room with Xie Chengze when they went out to play before.

They stay in the same room, how can they do nothing?

And if this matter is found out…Xie Chengze’s guardian will definitely be changed.

After Xie Chengran cried and complained online and posted a few photos he took of certain marks on his body. Some people actually believed him: “I didn’t expect Lu Yanzhou to be such a person!”

“Isn’t this too much?”

“You really only know the appearance but not the heart!”

“Will Lu Yanzhou do anything to Xie Chengze?”


Of course, most people don’t believe it.

“You said Lu Yanzhou came to find you. Where is the evidence? Just a few photos?”

“Since you can break the news on StarNet, you shouldn’t have been imprisoned and be unable to give out any evidence, right?”

“It’s a hype, right? Lu Yanzhou has been live streaming for 12 hours a day, does he still have time to play roughly with you?”

Lu Yanzhou felt helpless when he saw the situation online.

He knew that Xie Chengran, or perhaps Xiao Rong, probably had some tricks up his sleeve. He was too lazy to show off any tactic, so he directly replied on his starnet: “Although it is said that whoever advocates has to provide evidence, it is very annoying to be misunderstood…Xie Chengran, let me ask you, how can I imprison you when I accompany my AZe every day?”

Under this post, Lu Yanzhou attached a screenshot of the chat in which Xie Chengran sent him a message and was blocked by him after, as well as some very long video exported from the nanny robot.

The video was shot from 10pm to 6am every night. The content is particularly boring. It shows Lu Yanzhou lying on a folding bed singing a lullaby and coaxing Xie Chengze to sleep, and then they went to sleep.

As soon as Lu Yanzhou posted these videos, he noticed that in his live stream room, people began to guide others to think about what he might do to Xie Chengze.


“Lu Yanzhou just wants to make money from Xie Chengze by live streaming, right?”

“Isn’t Lu Yanzhou breaking the law and committing a crime by hyping up his love with an autistic patient?”

“Some people actually say that they have a beautiful love…Where no one can see, who knows what Lu Yanzhou actually did to Xie Chengze!”

This is obviously a navy hired by someone, but unfortunately his speed is one step faster than the navy.

Lu Yanzhou’s fans who were paying attention to this incident were speechless: “Navy, you are a step too late.”

“Please go and watch the video posted by Lu Yanzhou first.”

“Click on it and fast forward. Just watching a little bit, I truly sympathize with Lu Yanzhou.”

“My Zhouzhou accompanies my AZe every night, and disaster comes from the sky, so tragic!”

Lu Yanzhou has been really honest for more than a year, and has been sleeping on the folding bed obediently, which makes people love and admire him.

Only a few people are still struggling: “No matter what…it’s still wrong for Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze to sleep in the same room, right?”

“It’s just a room. In our school dormitory, you also have to sleep in a room with others!”

“That’s right! And Lu Yanzhou said that Xie Chengze was insecure, so he just accompanied him.”

“Lu Yanzhou did nothing from beginning to end. Some people shouldn’t think of him with such dirty thoughts!”


After Lu Yanzhou finished posting the video, he called the police and then continued to accompany Xie Chengze.

Xiao Rong and Xie Chengran: “…”

They were sure that Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze had done something, so they made such a fuss.

As a result, as soon as they took action, Lu Yanzhou cleared himself completely?

“This is impossible!” Xiao Rong looked at the video Lu Yanzhou posted in disbelief.

For more than a year, Lu Yanzhou has kept a distance from Xie Chengze?

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He didn’t even go to see someone else?!

“What’s impossible? You think everyone is like you!” Xie Chengran sneered.

“Shut up!” Said Xiao Rong.

“I won’t. Xiao Rong, you still think of yourself as a love saint! Haha, if you had been kinder and looked after Xie Chengze more when you saw him being bullied by my parents, you wouldn’t have ended up like this!” Said Xie Chengran.

His parents really weren’t kind to Xie Chengze. When Xiao Rong came to their house at that time, he often saw Xie Chengze being locked up by them.

If Xiao Rong had helped Xie Chengze and had contact with Xie Chengze, he might have discovered that those paintings were painted by Xie Chengze!

But from beginning to end, Xiao Rong remained indifferent.

Xiao Rong was furious and attacked Xie Chengran again.

Then the police suddenly came.

Xie Chengran shouted without thinking: “Help! He is going to kill me!”

Lu Yanzhou later found out that Xiao Rong went in again because Xie Chengran said that he had been kidnapped and beaten by him.

Although Xiao Rong made mistakes before, the Xiao family felt that he was deceived by Xie Chengran, so they did not give up on him.

But after he came out, he still didn’t stop and continued to make trouble. Naturally, the Xiao family couldn’t stand it, so they gave up on him completely.

These have nothing to do with Lu Yanzhou. At this moment, he is happy about one thing – he has finally accumulated enough merit.

When he had accumulated enough merit, Xie Chengze was painting, and it was him again.

That was him who had just washed his face. There were still water droplets on his face, the corner of his lips were raised in a smile.

While painting, Xie Chengze suddenly stopped.

He stared at the painting in front of him, feeling that the fog that had been surrounding him dissipated, and many thoughts came to his mind at once.

When he was a child, his parents were disgusted and indifferent to him, and Xie Chengran also bullied him.

After growing up and being oppressed by his parents, Xie Chengran only watched with cold eyes.

However, those were actually far away, so he didn’t feel deeply about them. What he remembered most clearly was Lu Yanzhou’s company for more than a year.

That day, he was locked in a room, cold and hungry, not knowing what he could do.

Then the door opened.

He was very scared at the time, afraid that he would be beaten, but he saw a person.

He had seen this person in the teaching videos that Xie Chengran occasionally showed him.

Just watching the video, he didn’t have many thoughts, but seeing the real person…this person was like a beam of light that shone into his heart.

He suddenly wanted to draw this person, so he went to draw it.

After that, his life completely changed.

Living in a different place actually made him very uncomfortable, but with this person beside him, he felt at ease.

He only had this person in his heart, so when he was painting, he didn’t want to paint anything else except this person.

This person didn’t force him to draw anything, so he just concentrated on painting this person, painting and painting…

He really really liked this person.

Xie Chengze looked at the painting in front of him and continued to paint.

He knew this person’s name was Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou is too good, right? How could there be such a good person in this world?

Xie Chengze’s eyes shone brighter and brighter.

“I want to kiss AZe everyday.”

“I am different. I want to be AZe and be taken care of by Lu Yanzhou.”

“The way Lu Yanzhou looks at Xie Chengze is so heart-warming!”

People watching the live stream looked at what was in front of them. Seeing the scene, they couldn’t help but smile like an aunt.

At this time, someone suddenly said: “You even think of kissing Xie Chengze? Lu Yanzhou can’t even kiss him.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt a little sad.

Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze look very sweet, but these two people couldn’t even have their first kiss, right?

Just as they were thinking this, they suddenly saw Xie Chengze stop painting and kiss the painting in front of him.

People watching the live broadcast: “Wait a minute, what did I see?”

“Xie Chengze kissed the painting he painted?”

“I was saying just now that he kept his first kiss, but in the blink of an eye, his first kiss was gone?”

Lu Yanzhou was also a little dumbfounded.

After he cured Xie Chengze, he had been waiting for Xie Chengze’s reaction and wanted to know what Xie Chengze would do after he recovered.

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Then…Xie Chengze kissed a painting?

Lu Yanzhou: “…” Does his AZe love painting more than him?

After Xie Chengze kissed the painting, he felt a little dissatisfied.

Various emotions surged through him.

Lu Yanzhou liked him, so he rescued him and always took care of him and treated him so well.

And he also likes Lu Yanzhou very very much.

Xie Chengze, who had just kissed the painting, suddenly turned his head and looked at Lu Yanzhou.

There was paint on his lips and his eyes were particularly bright. Then he suddenly hugged Lu Yanzhou and kissed Lu Yanzhou before Lu Yanzhou could react.

Everyone watching the live broadcast was shocked: “Ahhhh!”

“In my lifetime!”

“I never thought I could see them kissing!”

“It’s really not easy!”

Everyone was excited but the nanny robot quickly pulled Xie Chengze away with a red light flashed on its body: “Warning! Warning! No intimacy!”

Xie Chengze: “???” His lips have just touched Lu Yanzhou, he didn’t feel anything yet!

Lu Yanzhou also had paint on his lips. Looking at Xie Chengze’s innocent and dazed look, he couldn’t help but laugh.

Xie Chengze: “…” He always felt that Lu Yanzhou was laughing at him!

But…Lu Yanzhou is so good-looking!

This time, it was Xie Chengze who took the initiative, so the robot just gave a warning and quickly put Xie Chengze down.

As a result, as soon as Xie Chengze was put down, he rushed towards Lu Yanzhou and kissed Lu Yanzhou again.

Lu Yanzhou looks so beautiful when he smiles, he wants to kiss him!

The red light was turned on again, the robot issued a ‘warning’, and once again pulled Xie Chengze off Lu Yanzhou.

People watching the live broadcast: “What happened to AZe?”

“Did he suddenly awaken the soul of a kisser?”

“This scene is really…sad and funny at the same time.”

Xie Chengze didn’t know what the people watching the live stream were thinking. Little did he know that all his actions were on live.

He simply thinks…the robot is too bad!

Xie Chengze looked at the robot blocking him angrily and struggled.

“AZe, please don’t do this, we can’t be too close…” Lu Yanzhou quickly explained since Xie Chengze had always been ignorant before, so he’s afraid he didn’t understand many things.

Lu Yanzhou was talking to him…Xie Chengze stopped struggling and blinked his eyes at Lu Yanzhou.

Seeing that Xie Chengze was motionless, the robot put Xie Chengze down again.

“AZe, how are you feeling? Are you feeling uncomfortable?” Lu Yanzhou asked.

Xie Chengze felt itchy in his heart. He couldn’t help it. He hugged Lu Yanzhou who was leaning in front of him and kissed him again.

Wasn’t it just a warning from the robot? Even after being warned, he still wanted to kiss!

Just like how he loved painting, now he loves kissing.

Kissing him again, Xie Chengze felt happy, and then…the robot didn’t allow Lu Yanzhou to get close to him and the police also came to the door.

Three warnings were issued in one day, so the police needed to come to check on the situation.

People watching the live broadcast: “LMAO!”

“Is this considered a blessing or a disaster for Lu Yanzhou?”

“Why is AZe so enthusiastic all of a sudden?”

“The enthusiastic AZe is even cuter!”

The policeman looked at Lu Yanzhou seriously: “Mr. Lu, you should know about Mr. Xie’s situation. You can’t have any intimate behavior with him. You can’t do things like kissing again…”

“You’re bad!” Xie Chengze suddenly shouted.

Police: “…”

Xie Chengze continued: “I want to kiss! Others can kiss, I want to kiss too!”

Xie Chengze is not very good at talking, but he remembers that he has seen others kiss!

Why can others kiss but he can’t?

The policeman looked at Xie Chengze in shock. Xie Chengze suddenly opened his mouth towards the policeman and made a threatening gesture of biting.

Well, it’s the way animals like lions and tigers open their mouths to threaten.

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But when Xie Chengze did it…it had no deterrent effect, but he was quite cute.

Lu Yanzhou covered his face and laughed again.

He shouldn’t laugh, but he can’t help it.

At this time, the police finally realized something: “Mr. Xie seems to be getting better…I will find a doctor to evaluate his condition.”

“Okay.” Lu Yanzhou’s laugh still did not stop.

The doctor performed a detailed examination on Xie Chengze and said that Xie Chengze had not fully recovered, but he was getting better.

“AZe, you’re getting better, are you happy?” Lu Yanzhou asked Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze’s face was expressionless: “I can’t kiss you, I’m not happy.”

Lu Yanzhou couldn’t stop smiling: “When you get better, you can kiss me. You can kiss me as much as you want.”

Xie Chengze’s eyes lit up and he nodded repeatedly: “Lie down and I will kiss you slowly!”

The doctor and Yu Qinshan’s movement froze.

What kind of tiger and wolf words is this? Is this something they can listen to?

Lu Yanzhou agreed: “Okay.”

Xie Chengze asked at this time: “Do you want to kiss me?”

“Yes, of course I want to kiss you too.”

“I’ll lie down, and you…kiss me slowly too!” Xie Chengze said with a serious look on his face.

Lu Yanzhou: What kind of cuties is this!

Xie Chengze is recovering!

Everyone watching the live broadcast is aware of this.

That day, Xie Chengze kissed Lu Yanzhou three times and summoned the police. After that, Lu Yanzhou stopped live streaming. But the next day, during breakfast, Lu Yanzhou started live streaming again.

Then they sighed when they saw Xie Chengze taking a bite of the steamed buns.

“AZe, what’s wrong?” Lu Yanzhou asked.

Xie Chengze slowed down and looked at Lu Yanzhou pitifully: “I want to kiss you.”

People watching the live broadcast were going crazy: “Kiss him! Ahhhhh!”

“Who can refuse such a sweetie?”

“If you’re a man, then do it! Even if the police come to your door, you still have to kiss!”

Lu Yanzhou said, “Then you should study hard. You can kiss me once you’ve learned enough.”

Xie Chengze nodded with tears in his eyes. When he got upstairs, he kissed the painting he painted of him before.

Lu Yanzhou: “…” This is outrageous!

He really didn’t expect that one day, he would have to watch Xie Chengze kiss something else!

What’s even more outrageous is that after the kiss, Xie Chengze took out a piece of paper and drew two people kissing with a pencil.

Xie Chengze really wanted to kiss Lu Yanzhou.

In the past, all his emotions were suppressed, even if there were countless emotions rolling in his heart, he could not express them.

But now, the shell that enveloped him was broken.

He has so much love, it all comes flooding back to him.

He wanted to shout, to run.

He even wanted to kiss Lu Yanzhou and hug Lu Yanzhou.

He didn’t want to be separated from Lu Yanzhou for a moment.

If Xie Chengze had received a normal education, he would not have done this even if he thought this way, but with his previous living condition, he had not received any education at all.

Over the past year or so, Lu Yanzhou had said a lot to him, but he couldn’t tell him these things.

Xie Chengze now expresses all his love without hiding anything.

For example, when eating, if he sees Lu Yanzhou taking a bite of something, he will come over to eat it too.

When drinking water, Lu Yanzhou took a sip, then he followed suit.

From time to time, he would say some shocking words: “Lu Yanzhou, I want to see your body.”

Lu Yanzhou was a little overwhelmed.

People watching the live broadcast are getting more excited every day.

“Ah! Is this something I can watch for free?”

“I have always felt sad for Lu Yanzhou before, but now I feel sad for myself.”

“I am single, why do I want to watch this?”

“Lu Yanzhou! Satisfy him ahhhhhh!”

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Lu Yanzhou was helpless: “I think I should turn off the live stream.”

No! Never turn off the live stream! Everyone disagrees!

Lu Yanzhou finally turned off the live stream, and then taught Xie Chengze various things.

His AZe is so cute, he won’t let others see it!

Xie Chengze learns things really quickly.

He is a miracle. He grows up quickly but he always says things that are completely contrary to his appearance, and drools over Lu Yanzhou every day.

The doctor would come to test him every week to assess his mental age. After confirming that Xie Chengze’s mental age was in his teens, he asked Lu Yanzhou to show some adult enlightenment movies for Xie Chengze.

This is a film that explains relevant knowledge to teenagers of this era. Basically everyone has watched it.

But now…show it to Xie Chengze?

Lu Yanzhou always felt that if Xie Chengze saw this…he might say something more terrifying.

As expected.

Xie Chengze was very serious when he was watching it. When he finished watching it, his eyes turned green when he looked at Lu Yanzhou.

He didn’t know before that they could do this too!

How could he only want a kiss before? They could totally be closer!

He wants to be Lu Yanzhou’s closest person!

But…for this to happen, he needs to become an ‘adult’ first.

Xie Chengze now knew why the robot prevented him from being too intimate with Lu Yanzhou. He studied harder and harder, and finally, his mental age was assessed as an adult.

Today, the police came to take away the nanny robot.

“Take it away quickly!” Xie Chengze couldn’t wait to get rid of his nanny robot.

“…” The police who came, “Wait a minute, we have some more routine inquiries.”

“What?” Xie Chengze asked.

The policeman asked: “Mr. Xie, did your feelings for Mr. Lu arise independently? Is there any situation where he manipulates you?”

Xie Chengze asked: “In my previous situation, could anyone manipulate me?”

That’s right…Xie Chengze ignored people before…

“I fell in love with him at first sight, but I was incapacitated at the time, a bit stupid, and didn’t understand anything. If I had been normal at that time, I would have captured Lu Yanzhou long ago.” Xie Chengze looked serious.

Policeman: “…” We can’t continue this conversation…

After finally sending the policeman away, Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou and felt that he was really suppressed.

He couldn’t speak for so many years, but he was able to speak recently. However, there is a robot blocking him, preventing him from getting close to Lu Yanzhou.

Now, he is finally free!

Xie Chengze hugged Lu Yanzhou and couldn’t help but said: “Lu Yanzhou, I really love you so much!”

Lu Yanzhou kissed him: “Me too, I also really love you.”

Yu Qinshan left silently.

He had been worried about his grandson before, but now it seems that he no longer needs to worry about his grandson.

On the contrary, it was him who should feel sorry.

The lonely old man is tired of seeing these two people every day and he also feels bitter!

The next day, when Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze didn’t go out for breakfast, Yu Qinshan felt even more bitter.

Thus, when Lu Yanzhou came out to get breakfast, Yu Qinshan hummed twice and said, “Now that AZe is well…remember to apply for marriage with him.”

“Grandpa, we already applied for marriage last night, and it was approved just now.” Lu Yanzhou left with a plate in hand, “Grandpa, I’m going to deliver food to AZe.”

Once the food was delivered, Lu Yanzhou didn’t came out again.

Yu Qinshan could only wander around, then go find his friends to play.

In the room, Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze were having breakfast.

Some time ago, Xie Chengze was like a balloon inflated by surging emotions. Because he couldn’t get in touch with Lu Yanzhou, he was about to explode.

But after being intimate with Lu Yanzhou, the air in the balloon was released, so he finally calmed down, and then…became a little shy.

However, he still hugged Lu Yanzhou tightly, not wanting to let go.

He didn’t care about his parents or his younger brother. The only and biggest light in his life was Lu Yanzhou.

When Xie Chengze was full, he looked at Lu Yanzhou with a blushing face: “I still want to kiss you…Now there are no robots, so I can kiss you as I want!”

Lu Yanzhou laughed and lay down obediently: “Kiss as you want.”

Xie Chengze felt very happy.

Various ideas popped up in his mind, making him want to paint them one by one.

But he couldn’t bear to get up…let’s paint it later!

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