Hold His Hand

Chapter 197: 197


Although Xie Chengze has recovered, his life experience is still different from others.

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This made him particularly enthusiastic after he could get as close to Lu Yanzhou as he wanted without the robot blocking him.

In the first few days, he didn’t even want to leave the bedroom. He just wanted to hug Lu Yanzhou and keep talking about his straightforward love. Even if he went out a few days later…

During breakfast, since Xie Chengze liked Lu Yanzhou, he fed the bun in front of him to Lu Yanzhou. After Lu Yanzhou took a bite, he happily ate the rest of the bun.

“What are you doing?” Lu Yanzhou pinched Xie Chengze’s cheek funnily.

“Steamed buns like this are delicious!” Xie Chengze smiled sweetly.

“Okay,” Lu Yanzhou also took a bun and handed it to Xie Chengze’s mouth. He waited for Xie Chengze to take a bite and then ate the rest of the bun. “It’s more delicious to eat buns like this.”

Yu Qinshan: “…” he felt full after just a few bites!

When it was time to paint, Xie Chengze stayed by Lu Yanzhou’s side and no longer wanted to paint.

He didn’t know how to get close to Lu Yanzhou before, so he kept painting Lu Yanzhou. Now…

Now he still wants to paint, but he doesn’t want to leave Lu Yanzhou.

“You don’t want to paint today?” Lu Yanzhou asked.


“I want to.” Xie Chengze said seriously. He still can’t tell lies.

“Want to paint, but don’t want to leave me?” Lu Yanzhou asked.

Xie Chengze nodded seriously.

“I’ll hold you, so let’s paint together. You draw me and I draw you.” Lu Yanzhou kissed him.

“Mm!” Xie Chengze nodded with satisfaction.

After learning that Xie Chengze had completely recovered, Yu Qinshan’s friends came specially to congratulate him: “…” They couldn’t even look at them!

They really should be grateful to the nanny robot’s existence before. It has stopped these two sticky young people from hurting their aging souls.

In the evening…not mentioning anything else, Xie Chengze just wanted to hang on Lu Yanzhou.


In this era, applying for marriage is very simple. All the two of them need to do is apply on the terminal together. However, it will take a month after the application is approved before the marriage is officially considered.

During this period, either party can renege.

Of course, Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze would not go back on their word, so they officially became husband and wife just one month later.

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It was also that day that Lu Yanzhou finally started live streaming again.

Xie Chengze is not used to using contact terminals. He is not interested in various things on the Internet, but he already knows what a live streaming is and knows that many people will come to see him.

He naturally became reserved, ate breakfast with perfect etiquette, and concentrated on painting. He occasionally chatted with Lu Yanzhou about painting, so there was no trace that he had ever been an autistic patient.

“I heard that Xie Chengze has recovered?”

“It’s a miracle!”

“This is definitely because heaven feels sorry for them.”



“Happy wedding!

Netizens congratulated Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou at first, but then…

“Hey, where is my little cutie?”

“Xie Chengze is so serious now!”

“Please say something very tiger and wolf-like!”

Xie Chengze didn’t know what the netizens said. He held the easel and painted for a while. Then, he finally couldn’t help but come to Lu Yanzhou, covered up, and hooked Lu Yanzhou’s pinky with his pinky.

After hooking it, he didn’t feel satisfied, so he held one of Lu Yanzhou’s hands.

It wasn’t known if it’s because no one hugged and kissed him before, but now he especially likes to have skin contact with people.

Well, these people only specifically refer to Lu Yanzhou, he doesn’t want other people to touch him.

Lu Yanzhou smiled and looked at Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze coughed lightly: “What are you looking at me for? We’re married, we can’t hold hands?”

Lu Yanzhou laughed and held his hand tightly: “Of course we can hold.”

“It’s perfect, it’s perfect!”

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“Woooo. Mom is so happy, the little beauty AZe is no longer just talking about it!”

“My AZe also took the initiative, that’s great!”

“Bless your marriage for a hundred years!”

There are many people paying attention to Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze. Now that they see Xie Chengze recover, they are all extremely happy and send their blessings.

Of course, some people were furious after seeing such results.

Xie Chengran claimed to have been coerced by Xiao Rong and was spared from jail, but since he knew nothing, his life was naturally not good.

Now that Xie Chengze has recovered and is being lovingly with Lu Yanzhou, it’s no wonder he doesn’t feel uncomfortable after seeing it!

Father and mother Xie, who were still in prison, knew about this and were filled with regret. If they had treated Xie Chengze properly, would Xie Chengze have recovered?

If that were the case, they would have a great painter son!

Even if they were not so kind to Xie Chengze when they were children and did not cure Xie Chengze…As long as they treat Xie Chengze well after discovering Xie Chengze’s talent, as Xie Chengze’s parents, they will definitely still enjoy spicy food.

Xiao Rong is also one of those who regrets it.

Xie Chengze can actually recover! The recovered Xie Chengze is also so attractive!

If he had not turned a blind eye to Xie Chengze’s experience, even if he just bought a robot for Xie Chengran to use, he might have learned the truth.

Why didn’t he do anything?

Now that the Xiao family has given up on him, it will be even harder for him to get in touch with Xie Chengze than to reach heaven.

Xie Chengze, who has recovered, probably still hates him…

Starnet was busy for a long time, but the popularity has also slowly subsided.

After getting married, Lu Yanzhou rarely did live streams anymore. When he did live, it was just a live of him and Xie Chengze painting.

He used to live to accumulate merit, but now he is not so eager for merit, so he naturally doesn’t need to live stream all the time.

This way Xie Chengze can feel more at ease, and he can also get close to Xie Chengze.

The world is safe, and the lives of Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze are stable and beautiful.

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Time flies in the blink of an eye, and several years have passed.

Lu Yanzhou feels that something is wrong with Xie Chengze recently.

These days, Xie Chengze paints all day long and doesn’t stick to him anymore. He talks very little!

No, this is no longer a matter of not sticking to him, Xie Chengze doesn’t even pay much attention to him!

Lu Yanzhou met the art dealer he had cooperated with for many years, and gave the painting he had painted some time ago to him, asking him to help sell it. After finishing his work, he went upstairs and saw Xie Chengze painting again.

After Xie Chengze recovered, the emotion he injected into his paintings was stronger than before, and his painting skills also improved.

However, when he was painting, he was no longer as focused as before.

At least, when Lu Yanzhou came, he would definitely raise his head, smile at Lu Yanzhou, and then continue painting.

But now, Xie Chengze didn’t even glance at Lu Yanzhou from the corner of his eye.

“AZe, I’m back.” Said Lu Yanzhou.

Xie Chengze said nothing and continued to concentrate on painting.

Lu Yanzhou: “…” Although Xie Chengze painted him, Xie Chengze didn’t care about him and focused entirely on the painting, what does this mean?

“AZe.” Lu Yanzhou walked up to Xie Chengze and kissed Xie Chengze’s face.

Xie Chengze’s body moved imperceptibly, but he still concentrated on painting.

Something is definitely wrong for Xie Chengze to act like this! Lu Yanzhou, who had been ignored for several days, couldn’t bear it anymore and pretended to be pitiful: “AZe, do you dislike me? Why are you ignoring me?”

Xie Chengze finally turned around: “No!”

“Then what’s going on with you these days?” Lu Yanzhou pinched his cheeks, distorted his face, and kissed him again: “You’re dissatisfied with me?”

“No!” Xie Chengze added: “It’s obviously you who are dissatisfied with me!”

“How am I dissatisfied with you? You can’t accuse me unjustly!” Lu Yanzhou felt a bit aggrieved.

Xie Chengze hummed: “You liked the previous me. You liked the way I concentrated on painting at that time. I am different now. You definitely don’t like me!”

When Xie Chengze first recovered, he didn’t think about anything but getting close to Lu Yanzhou, and he didn’t even use a contact terminal at that time.

But as time goes by…he now spends a lot of time reading news on StarNet every day.

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What he likes to read most is of course the information about him and Lu Yanzhou on the starnet, such as the previous live stream recording when Lu Yanzhou took care of him.

Lu Yanzhou really loves him! He was so stupid back then, but Lu Yanzhou was still so kind to him!

At first, Xie Chengze was filled with happiness.

But then he saw some comments, saying that Lu Yanzhou might have always liked the Xie Chengze who was isolated from the world and only knew how to paint, rather than the lively Xie Chengze now…

Xie Chengze’s heart is getting more and more sour, so now his words taste like lemon: “Lu Yanzhou, do you like the old me more?”

Lu Yanzhou: “…” So is this also possible? Being jealous of himself?

Lu Yanzhou wanted to laugh, but Xie Chengze was so angry…Lu Yanzhou held back his laughter and asked Xie Chengze, “AZe, if one day I had an accident and was in a vegetative state, would you still love me?”

“Of course!” Xie Chengze did not hesitate.

“If I hurt my brain and my personality changes drastically, will you still love me?” Lu Yanzhou continued to ask.

“I love you forever!” Xie Chengze is serious. No matter what Lu Yanzhou becomes, he will always love Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou laughed: “Isn’t that enough? No matter what you look like, I will always love you. I loved you when you were sick before, and now that you have recovered, I love you too.”

“Then what do you like most about me??” Xie Chengze asked.

Lu Yanzhou did not hesitate: “I like everything about you. Of course, if you kiss me, I will like you even more.”

Xie Chengze hugged Lu Yanzhou and kissed him.

He also feels uncomfortable not being able to get as close to Lu Yanzhou as he wants these days!

As for being jealous…forget it, he still won’t eat it. When he is jealous, he himself feels uncomfortable.

And it seems silly to be jealous of himself?

Xie Chengze hugged Lu Yanzhou and acted coquettishly: “I don’t want to paint anymore. I spend too much time painting these days that my hands are sore.”

“Then what do you want to do?” Lu Yanzhou asked with a smile.

Xie Chengze said: “Go back to the room and kiss you! Don’t you like me kissing you?”

Lu Yanzhou picked him up and left.

This kind of good thing cannot be let go!

T/N: Next is wealthy old man…. (*≧▽≦)

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