Hold His Hand

Chapter 204: 204


Manager Zhang returned to the department and looked for Lu Yanzhou: “Xiao Lu! Mr. Xie cares about you very much. He specifically asked me to take care of you today.”

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“I know.” Lu Yanzhou smiled. If his Aze doesn’t care about him, who will he care about?

“By the way, are you going on a date today?” Manager Zhang asked.

“Yes.” Lu Yanzhou answered. He planned to take Xie Chengze to a nearby amusement park today.

These days, he and Xie Chengze talk a lot and he learned a lot about Xie Chengze. When Xie Chengze was young, he probably didn’t go out to play much. When he grew up, he also have no time to play.

“Then you should get off work early and have fun with your boyfriend.” Manager Zhang said.

People in their department felt that Lu Yanzhou’s boyfriend was a bit clingy as he kept texting him every day and asked for romantic dates.

However, he also cooks for Lu Yanzhou every day, so he obviously loves Lu Yanzhou very much…thus, it’s good to have such a boyfriend!

“Thank you, Manager Zhang.” Lu Yanzhou smiled and began to prepare for the evening date.

Xie Chengze had never been to an amusement park, so he was a little surprised when Lu Yanzhou took him to the amusement park.

They didn’t go for any exciting ride, but they took a ride on the ferris wheel. When the ferris wheel took off, Lu Yanzhou kissed Xie Chengze: “AZe, I love you.”

Xie Chengze’s heartbeat accelerated again.


He had always felt that Lu Yanzhou may not really like him, but now…he felt like he was deeply loved.

In fact, there are many people who love him, precisely because he has no shortage of people who love him, so he is more willing to find someone to love.

And if the person he loves loves him back…that would be the best thing.

Saturday, Xie family old home.

The Xie family’s old house is said to be an old house, but in fact it is not that old. It was a villa bought by father Xie and Xie Ruanxin’s mother when they got married. A few years ago, the entire villa was decorated very modernly according to Xie Ruanxin’s preferences.

At this moment, Xie Ruanxin was chatting with her mother.

Xie’s mother said: “Ruan Xin, how are you and Tan Shaojun?”

Xie Ruanxin said: “Just the same. Tan Shaojun didn’t break up with that man, but he will definitely marry me. His parents and him both gave me guarantees.”


“That’s good. With him on your side, you will definitely get Xie company.” Mother Xie was very happy to hear this.

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Xie Ruanxin also agreed.

Mother Xie suddenly became worried again and asked: “By the way Ruanxin, Xie Chengze’s side…is he really in love?”

Xie Ruanxin: “Definitely! I even saw the roses in his car. He must want to give them away! Everyone in the company is also talking about this matter.”

Xie Chengze has changed a lot in recent days.

He dyes his hair every day and no longer wears dull clothes. He looks much younger. That’s okay, but he used to work overtime, but now he gets off work on time every day, maybe even earlier.

All the secretaries thought he was in love, and some even see Xie Chengze as a love-struck fool.

Mother Xie became worried: “What should we do? If he falls in love and gets married…”

Before mother Xie could finish her words, the housekeeper informed them that Xie Chengze was here.

The two stopped talking immediately and looked towards the door.


As soon as Xie Chengze entered, he saw mother Xie and Xie Ruanxin sitting on the sofa, looking at him.

Xie Chengze didn’t get along much with the mother and daughter, so he wasn’t close to them or disliked them. He sat down on the sofa and asked, “Auntie, what did you ask me to come back for?” It was grandma’s death anniversary or something, most likely…she must have wanted something from him.

Mother Xie said: “There’s nothing. I just want to tell you about Ruanxin. Ruanxin is also a shareholder of Xie company. Can you take her with you and let her learn how to manage the company?”

“If Ruanxin wants to learn, she can learn a lot from the secretary, and I can also recommend some books to her.” Said Xie Chengze.

“Ruanxin was ostracized everywhere in the company, no one taught her at all.” Mother Xie was very dissatisfied.

Xie Chengze was speechless for a moment.

When father Xie was suddenly diagnosed with cancer, thinking of Xie Chengze, his adult son, he asked Xie Chengze, who was still in college, to join Xie company as an intern.

Xie Chengze was only twenty-one at the time. He was in poor health and looked sick, but he still concealed his identity…After he entered Xie company, no one paid attention to him at all. He didn’t even have his own work station and could only do odd jobs.

He moved a small table to the logistics department as a workstation. In order to finish some important work, he stood at the table of the team leader who managed him for most of the day…

At that time, he was one year younger than the present Xie Ruanxin.

Xie Ruanxin’s words…She is a shareholder of the company and has not concealed her identity. After she came to the company, no one dared to offend her. If she really wanted to learn, who would not teach her?

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Xie Chengze said: “Is there no one to teach her, or does she not want to learn?”

“Ruanxin must want to learn, it’s obvious that you don’t want to teach.” Mother Xie was unhappy and her tone was a bit harsh.

“Auntie, I have no obligation to teach her.” Xie Chengze frowned.

When mother Xie heard what Xie Chengze said, she couldn’t help but said, “What’s wrong with you teaching her? Sooner or later, Xie company will be handed over to her.”


“Who told you that Xie company will be handed over to her?” Xie Chengze was even more speechless.

“If Xie company wasn’t handed over to Ruanxin, who would you give it to?” Mother Xie’s voice was a little louder, “AZe, you are not in good health, and the doctors said that you…Even if you get married and have a child now, it will still be too late to raise the child until they became an adult, right? Ruanxin is your sister, so it’s best to let her manage the company.”

“I won’t get married and have children, but the company won’t be handed to her either.”

“Then who will you be giving it to?” Mother Xie asked.

“The company doesn’t belong to me alone. It’s not a question of who I want to give it to.” Xie Chengze said that there will definitely be a shareholders’ meeting by then.

“What about your shares?” Mother Xie asked.

“I have made a will and will donate it,” Xie Chengze said.

Xie Ruanxin was stunned: “You want to donate the shares? Why don’t you give it to me?!”

Xie Chengze looked at Xie Ruanxin coldly: “Why should I give it to you?”

Xie Ruanxin wanted to make trouble again, but when she met Xie Chengze’s gaze, she was so anxious that she didn’t dare to say anything.

The Xie Chengze at this moment strangely scares her.

At this time, Xie Chengze finally understood why Xie Ruanxin was jumping up and down recently.

His stepmother was aware of his poor health. The doctor had said at the time that he might only live to be forty or fifty years old.

Isn’t he almost forty now?

They are eager to get the shares and money in his hands.

Xie Chengze stood up suddenly and said, “I still have something to do, so I’ll leave first.”

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Mother Xie finally came to her senses: “Xie Chengze, you are almost dead, so why do you still hold onto the shares and money? Your sister is your only relative…”

Xie Ruanxin also said: “My surname is Xie, why do you give the shares to others but not me?!”

Xie Chengze didn’t look back and planned to have someone investigate mother Xie after he left here.

Over the years, he had also heard some news that mother Xie had lost a lot of money by investing everywhere.

He didn’t take it seriously at first, but now…the money lost may be more than he thought.

When leaving the old house, Xie Chengze was in a bad mood.

No matter what Xie Ruanxin do, he always regarded her as his sister before.

But now, Xie Ruanxin wishes that he would die soon.

He doesn’t have many friends, but his relatives are like this… Fortunately, he still has Lu Yanzhou.

When Xie Chengze got outside, he called Lu Yanzhou and asked him to come out. He wanted to take Lu Yanzhou to buy clothes.

After establishing a relationship with Lu Yanzhou, he wanted to give Lu Yanzhou money, but there was never a good time.

Especially in the past few days, every time he went out on a date, Lu Yanzhou would invite him, and Lu Yanzhou would arrange the time and venue.

The date was overall very romantic…Lu Yanzhou was seriously in love with him. If he gave Lu Yanzhou money at that time, it would definitely ruin the beautiful atmosphere at that moment, so he didn’t give it.

Thinking of everything that happened in the past few days, Xie Chengze was in a particularly good mood.

Lu Yanzhou approached him at first, perhaps because of his money, but judging from their interactions these days, Lu Yanzhou also had a good impression of him.

When he was with him, Lu Yanzhou would often kiss him and hug him…If Lu Yanzhou didn’t like him, how could he do this?

As long as Lu Yanzhou likes him…he doesn’t care what the reason is.

He himself also became interested in Lu Yanzhou.

Xie Chengze went back to pick up Lu Yanzhou and took Lu Yanzhou to a large shopping mall.

There are very few people in the mall. After all, this mall sells high-end luxury goods, and ordinary people will not come in at all.

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After Xie Chengze brought Lu Yanzhou inside, he went directly to the most expensive store.

Lu Yanzhou grabbed him and said, “AZe, I’m not used to wearing big brands, let’s just buy something ordinary.” Buying clothes that are too expensive is a waste of money.

Instead of spending money on expensive clothes, it is better to exchange it for merit.

Xie Chengze hesitated for a moment and took Lu Yanzhou to a relatively ordinary store.

However, what seemed to be a relatively ordinary store to Xie Chengze looked very good to Lu Yanzhou. The original owner of his body had bought clothes here before to show off.

He also bought a lot of clothes for Jiang Mi here, far more than he could buy for himself.

After entering the store, Xie Chengze immediately asked someone to bring some sets of clothes for Lu Yanzhou to try on.

Lu Yanzhou took a set of clothes into the fitting room and quickly changed into them.

Xie Chengze, who was sitting at the door, saw it and his eyes immediately lit up.

Lu Yanzhou is handsome and has a good figure. When the clothes are hanging, they look ordinary, but when they are worn on Lu Yanzhou, they become extraordinarily different.

Xie Chengze became interested and asked Lu Yanzhou to try on several sets. After trying one set, he had another set wrapped up.

When Xie Chengze chose five sets of clothes for himself, Lu Yanzhou finally stopped him: “AZe, don’t buy it, it’s enough.”

Xie Chengze said: “You don’t have enough clothes…” Lu Yanzhou has been wearing a few sets of clothes these days.

“It’s really a lot. It’s a waste to buy too much.” Said Lu Yanzhou.

Xie Chengze wanted to spend money on Lu Yanzhou, but he couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed because he couldn’t spend much.

Lu Yanzhou didn’t think much about it and took out his membership card to ask the clerk for a discount.

Xie Chengze: “…” His little lover is quite diligent and thrifty.

On the way back, Xie Chengze asked thoughtfully: “Yanzhou, you told me before that you were in debt…”

Lu Yanzhou said: “I lied to you, just to rely on you.”

Xie Chengze suddenly looked at Lu Yanzhou, then he was kissed by Lu Yanzhou again.

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