Hold His Hand

Chapter 205: 205


Lu Yanzhou knew why Xie Chengze asked him this, he must have wanted to give him money.

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If Xie Chengze’s physical condition is very bad, then he will take the money no matter what, and then help Xie Chengze accumulate enough merit as soon as possible.

But now Xie Chengze’s physical condition is relatively stable.

The second thing is…Tan is eyeing Xie, so there’s many places where Xie Chengze can use the money.

Even if he wants Xie Chengze to spend money in exchange for merit, he should wait until Xie Company’s crisis is over.

The most important thing is…he has been making money crazily during this period, and has actually paid off his debts.

“I did have debts before, but that’s nothing to me. I fell in love with you at first sight, so I moved out of the house and used this as an excuse to get close to you.” Lu Yanzhou said with a smile.

Xie Chengze’s face was a little hot: “I am so old, but you still fell in love with me at first sight…”

Lu Yanzhou said: “I like you like this.”

Xie Chengze kissed Lu Yanzhou and suddenly realized that Lu Yanzhou, as an orphan, may lack love so he is like this.

Many people who lack fatherly love will find partners who are several years older than themselves. Is this the case for Lu Yanzhou too?

It was getting late. Xie Chengze wanted to find a place to have dinner with Lu Yanzhou, but Lu Yanzhou refused: “AZe, I still have some unfinished work today. Let’s go home for dinner. I’ll cook for you.”


“Okay.” Xie Chengze agreed, but he was a little curious, “What work have you not finished?” Lu Yanzhou leaves early every day, but he still needs to work overtime from home?

“It’s nothing, just something trivial.” Said Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou obviously didn’t want to say more, so Xie Chengze didn’t ask any more questions.

The food Lu Yanzhou cooked…he was quite looking forward to it.

During this period, Lu Yanzhou cooked breakfast and lunch for him in different ways every day. The food he made not only tasted good, but was also rich in nutrition. He wondered how Lu Yanzhou developed such good cooking skills at such a young age.

In the evening, while Lu Yanzhou was cooking, he said some bad things about Tan Shaojun to Xie Chengze, telling Xie Chengze to beware of Tan Shaojun.

Jiang Mi…Lu Yanzhou had seen the original owner’s memory and probably knew what kind of person he was.

He was well protected by his original owner. Although he was an orphan, he lived a carefree life since he was a child and developed a good temperament. In addition, he was cute, so he was naturally lovable.


But peeling off this shell, Jiang Mi actually has many problems, such as vanity.

The original owner’s job was in sales, so he knew all the rich people. All his peers loved to compare with each other, so he gave Jiang Mi a high living allowance at the beginning.

But at that time, he was not prepared to buy expensive clothes and shoes for Jiang Mi. Even the original owner wanted to save money to buy a house.

It was Jiang Mi who intentionally or unintentionally mentioned what others eat and use, and also showed disappointment at the right time…The original owner liked him and didn’t want to see him feel uncomfortable, so he bought him this and that.

And Jiang Mi accepts all this naturally. It can only be said that he is not only vain, but also selfish by nature.

But no matter how selfish Jiang Mi is, he has never done anything illegal. In contrast, Tan Shaojun is a bit ignorant of the law.

Lu Yanzhou investigated the Tan family during this period and found that although Tan Shaojun was the president, overall, the Tan Company was still managed by his father. However, whether it was Tan Shaojun or father Tan, their methods were a bit ruthless.

“I will guard against him.” Xie Chengze promised seriously.

Lu Yanzhou put the food he had just fried on the plate: “I’m afraid the Tan family doesn’t have any good intentions toward the Xie.”

Xie Chengze said: “That’s right.”


“AZe, do you have any way to bring down the Tan family?” Lu Yanzhou asked suddenly.

Xie Chengze thought for a while and then said: “There may be a way.”

“AZe, I know some inside information about the Tan family, maybe I can help you!” Lu Yanzhou said.

According to the original owner’s memory, Tan Shaojun and Xie Ruanxin will still be together, so Jiang Mi is very dissatisfied. Then the reason Tan Shaojun gave Jiang Mi was that Xie Ruanxin had obtained the Tan family weakness, and he could only reluctantly be with Xie Ruanxin.

And that so-called weakness…The Tan family has a lot of tax evasion. When father Tan made a fortune, it also involved embezzlement of state-owned assets.

Jiang Mi trusted the original owner enough to tell the original owner this.

The original owner seemed to understand but there was no evidence even if he heard it. However, Lu Yanzhou knew very well that this was a fatal matter, so he told Xie Chengze about it now.

Xie Chengze was shocked. He didn’t expect that Tan would be involved in such a thing.

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Lu Yanzhou continued: “AZe, your sister may have the evidence.”

“I will investigate.” Xie Chengze said.

After getting along with Lu Yanzhou these days, Xie Chengze was sure of one thing, that is, Lu Yanzhou hated Tan Shaojun very much, and even wished that the Tan family went bankrupt.

Tan Shaojun really went too far. Just because of a trivial matter, he made Lu Yanzhou lose his job.

If Lu Yanzhou wants Tan Shaojun to be unlucky, maybe he can help.

Xie Chengze looked at the food on the table and was already thinking about buying the Tan.

The Tan Company and the Xie Company are actually complementary. If the Tan swallows the Xie, it will be of great benefit to the Tan. If the Xie swallows the Tan, it will also be of great benefit to the Xie.


His life will come to an end soon, but Lu Yanzhou is still young.

It would be a disadvantage for Lu Yanzhou to accompany him.

It’s okay if Lu Yanzhou wants money, but Lu Yanzhou doesn’t want money.

He could only do other things to make Lu Yanzhou happy as compensation for Lu Yanzhou.

After the two had dinner, they exchanged a kiss, then Lu Yanzhou went to work.

Xie Chengze smiled and went back to his room to get busy.

In addition to Xie Company, he also has other industries to manage.

While Xie Chengze was busy, someone from Yaoshi contacted him and said that they had recently contacted a big boss with top technology.

Xie Chengze registered a special investment company, set up several layers of shells, and then controlled Yaoshi. In addition, Yaoshi was not listed…Very few people knew about his relationship with Yaoshi, and the contact between the two parties was limited.

Since they contact him, there must be something big going on.

The matter this time is indeed not small. Yaoshi recently contacted a person who provided very high-end technology. If what he said is true, Yaoshi can even produce the most cutting-edge chips.

The key is that when the person gave them the technology, the chip came with it!

Yaoshi suspected that this person was a researcher at some high-end research institute abroad, and now he had stolen the research results and sold them for money. Otherwise…it is impossible for someone with such technology to remain unknown.

Of course, if he can come up with such technology, then he must have participated in the research himself, and even has a thorough understanding of it…Maybe he was controlled and forced to do research, so he chose such a path?

“What requests does he have?” Xie Chengze asked.

“He wants money.”

“As long as it is verified that the technology is real and we can use it, just give him the money!” Xie Chengze said.

He is dying, and money is just a number to him.

He doesn’t mind spending money to do things that benefit the country and the people.

While Xie Chengze was making decisions here, on the other side, Lu Yanzhou had already started discussing cooperation with Yaoshi.

He wants to sell technology, but as for how to sell it…anyway, he just wants money.

As for how to give the money…he planned to ask the other party to donate it directly, so as to save him from difficulty in handling it and arouse suspicion.

In the blink of an eye, a month has passed.

It has been two months since Lu Yanzhou came to this world. His relationship with Xie Chengze is getting better and better, and his life is also on the right track.

Today, he was in a very good mood. He gave Yaoshi the technology, which had been verified by Yaoshi, and then they donated 50 million yuan to buy the technology in accordance with his request.

With all that merit, he was more energetic than usual when working in Xie Company, his hands were almost dancing on the keyboard very quickly.

Just…Why didn’t Xie Chengze talk with him today?

Lu Yanzhou glanced at his phone from time to time, feeling a little disappointed.

Xie Chengze, who was not texting Lu Yanzhou, was at a loss.

It was Xie Chengze who made the final decision for Yaoshi to buy the technology but he actually took a huge risk by doing this.

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If he is not careful, he may even be investigated for breaking the law.

As a result, the entire transaction process went very smoothly. Ignoring that, the person selling the technology did not accept the money, but asked them to donate the money instead.

At this moment, Xie Chengze only felt that he should not have made malicious speculations about that person before.

Then maybe he really is a person who doesn’t care about fame and wealth, so he doesn’t want money.

Xie Chengze was very happy when Yaoshi encountered such a thing, but the people investigating Xie Ruanxin and her mother gave him some not-so-good news.

Both Xie Ruanxin and mother Xie were in poor financial condition, especially mother Xie, who actually owed a lot of money outside.

After his father contracted cancer, he continued to fight the disease and lived for another ten years before passing away. During these ten years, mother Xie had been taking care of him.

Therefore, his father left a lot of money to mother Xie before his death, and so she received large dividends every year from the shares he left to Xie Ruanxin.

Regardless of whether it was mother Xie or Xie Ruanxin, if they were just squandering, there wouldn’t be any big problems. Unfortunately, mother Xie was coaxed and deceived into investing everywhere.

Ten years ago, she had gone to open factories and build real estate in economically underdeveloped areas. She spent an unknown amount of money in vain. In the following ten years, she did all kinds of things that wasted money.

It was also because they had no money that they decided to target him.

They unite with the Tan to get Xie Company and the money in his hands.

Xie Chengze thinks this is quite ridiculous.

Xie Company was indeed handed over to him by his father, but the Xie Company back then was not as big as it is now!

Because of him, Xie’s dividends were getting more and more every year. Other shareholders were very satisfied with him and wished that he would live a long life. As a result, his sister hoped that he would die soon.

His sister also cooperates with the Tan…She is not a good person.

If he is not careful, his sister may be eaten up by the Tan.

But Tan Company won’t last long either.

Xie Chengze has already begun to lay out and collect information on Tan’s crimes.

Xie Chengze began to investigate Tan Company, and Tan Shaojun…he had been paying attention to Xie Chengze since long ago.

If Xie Chengze was in good health, Tan Shaojun and his father would never target Xie Company. However, Tan Shaojun accidentally met Xie Ruanxin and learned about Xie Chengze’s health from Xie Ruanxin.

Xie Chengze actually won’t live long!

The prosperity of Xie company has a lot to do with Xie Chengze. If Xie Chengze dies, Xie company will eventually fall into Xie Ruanxin’s hands…They can easily get Xie Company!

Therefore, even though Tan Shaojun hated Xie Ruanxin, he still coaxed Xie Ruanxin.

As for who he really likes, it’s Jiang Mi.

Tan Shaojun has also been in a good mood recently. Lu Yanzhou, who always competed for Jiang Mi’s attention, was finally driven away by him. He also made progress on Xie’s side too.

But today…

Tan Shaojun looked at the photo in his hand and couldn’t recover.

Xie Ruanxin is a very brainless person. She likes to ask him for advice when things happen. A month ago, she told him about Xie Chengze’s love affair.

He thought it was impossible at the time and felt that Xie Ruanxin must have made a mistake.

Xie Chengze was in poor health, and he might have dyed his hair to hide it. As for the roses in the car…maybe he simply liked roses.

Xie Chengze is already thirty-eight years old. In the previous thirty-eight years, he had never been in love. Now that his health is so bad, how could he fall in love suddenly.

But Xie Ruanxin said so…Tan Shaojun still found someone to investigate.

It was difficult to investigate Xie Chengze. The people he sent to investigate found nothing at first. They only gave him the exact information today.

Xie Chengze is really in love, and his love partner is a man. He also knows this person, Lu Yanzhou.

He knew that Lu Yanzhou liked Jiang Mi very much, so much that he was willing to give everything for Jiang Mi.

He resents Lu Yanzhou, but sometimes, he feels a strange sense of satisfaction when he thinks that Jiang Mi loves him more than Lu Yanzhou, and even loves him without asking for anything.

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Lu Yanzhou has disappeared recently. He has been curious about where Lu Yanzhou went, so he went to find Xie Chengze?

Tan Shaojun looked at the photo in his hand again.

In the photo, Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze were holding hands, indescribably intimate, but Tan Shaojun didn’t think that Lu Yanzhou would really get together with Xie Chengze in such a short period of time.

There must be a reason for Lu Yanzhou to do this. As for the reason…Does Lu Yanzhou want to get money from Xie Chengze to pay off his debt?

Lu Yanzhou might even want to rely on Xie Chengze to deal with him! Or stimulate Jiang Mi!

Tan Shaojun is 31 this year. People often praise him for being young and promising, but compared with Xie Chengze, he is nothing.

It is precisely because of this that he has always hated Xie Chengze.

Xie Chengze has never been in love for so many years. Now that he is so close to Lu Yanzhou, he must like Lu Yanzhou very much.

The old house probably is on fire1People who fall in love when they are old and cannot be put out.

At this time, if Xie Chengze knew that Lu Yanzhou didn’t like him at all…how uncomfortable would he feel?

Can his body bear it?

Tan Shaojun gave Jiang Mi the photos of Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze that night.

Jiang Mi was stunned when he saw the photo.

Who is this man with Lu Yanzhou? How could Lu Yanzhou be with someone else?

At this moment, Jiang Mi felt like he had lost something.

“Jiang Mi, I knew you had been looking for Lu Yanzhou, so I helped you look for him. However, when I found him, he was already with Xie Chengze, the president of Xie Company. He should have done this to pay off his debts, but this is not good for him or Mr. Xie,” Tan Shaojun said, “Go and persuade him to stop doing such things. I can help him pay back the debt he owes.”

Jiang Mi nodded in a daze.

Tan Shaojun added: “Wait. If you go to him directly, it may be too embarrassing for him, you should not go to him but go see Xie Chengze instead. Xie Chengze is a respectable person, if he knows that Lu Yanzhou likes someone, he will definitely break up with him.”

With just a few words, Tan Shaojun coaxed Jiang Mi into a showdown with Xie Chengze.

A few days later.

Xie Chengze had to sign a contract with someone that day, so he didn’t have lunch at the company at noon. Instead, he went to a nearby private club.

The food here was very exquisite, but as he ate it, he felt it wasn’t as delicious as Lu Yanzhou’s.

In just two months, Lu Yanzhou has become a part of his life.

Halfway through the meal, Xie Chengze went to the toilet to use his insulin, but as soon as he walked out of the toilet, he was stopped.

The person who stopped him was a cute boy who was much shorter than him, less than 1.7 meters tall, thin and with a baby face.

Xie Chengze’s first impression when he saw this child was that the young man’s skin was really good and his eyelashes were really long.

If he looks like this…forget it, Lu Yanzhou likes mature men.

However, Xie Chengze had to admit that he envied the young man in front of him.

The years are right and there is still plenty of time to waste.

But…what was this person doing by stopping him here?

Xie Chengze asked: “Kid, are you okay?”

“My…my name is Jiang Mi. Do you know me?” Jiang Mi asked.

Xie Chengze frowned slightly. If this person didn’t say his name, he really didn’t know that this person is Jiang Mi.

His sister had said before that Tan Shaojun liked men. At that time, he felt that since Tan Shaojun liked men, he would kick him and choose a better one. Unfortunately, his sister was still fighting for Tan Shaojun.

His persuasion was in vain. He thought that as time went by, his sister would naturally wake up, but later he found out that there were other collaborations between his sister and Tan Shaojun.

And Jiang Mi is the man Tan Shaojun likes, and he is also Lu Yanzhou’s former friend — Lu Yanzhou has said that he no longer regards Jiang Mi as a friend.

“Did Lu Yanzhou tell you about me? What did he say about me?” Jiang Mi asked.

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“What do you want from me?” Xie Chengze asked. He didn’t have a good impression of Jiang Mi. After all, this person did nothing when Tan Shaojun dealt with Lu Yanzhou.

Jiang Mi glanced at Xie Chengze cautiously: “That, can you break up with Lu Yanzhou?”

Xie Chengze suspected that he had heard wrong, but Jiang Mi continued: “Lu Yanzhou doesn’t like you, he has no choice but to be with you. It must be very uncomfortable for him to be with you. He should not have lied to you…You should break up with him.”

Xie Chengze was a little speechless, but he was not young anymore, so he wouldn’t care about a child: “How do you know he is uncomfortable?”

Lu Yanzhou is obviously happy every day.

“Brother Yanzhou likes me, but I can’t accept him…” Halfway through Jiang Mi’s words, he saw Xie Chengze looking at her calmly, as if looking at an ignorant child.

Xie Chengze obviously didn’t believe him and probably thought he was talking nonsense!

Jiang Mi couldn’t stand the look in Xie Chengze’s eyes. He took out his mobile phone and showed Xie Chengze the chat history between him and Lu Yanzhou: “I didn’t lie to you! Everything I said is true!”

Xie Chengze didn’t believe Jiang Mi’s words. This Jiang Mi is Tan Shaojun’s boyfriend, but he said that Lu Yanzhou likes him…What kind of mess is this!

Jiang Mi wanted to show him the chat history but he didn’t want to see it.

However, even if he didn’t want to see it, he still saw it. After looking at it, he frowned.

What does this Jiang Mi want to do by forging chat records with Lu Yanzhou?

Is Tan Shaojun planning to do something?

Xie Chengze thought so, so he took Jiang Mi’s phone and looked at the chat records.

Lu Yanzhou in it is simply a licking dog, but…this is not Lu Yanzhou’s account at all.

“I also have a photo of us here.” Jiang Mi added, opening the photo album to show Xie Chengze the photo of Lu Yanzhou and him.

There are many photos of them together, some of which were taken by Jiang Mi just to piss off Tan Shaojun, so they look very close.

Xie Chengze froze.

When Xie Chengze returned to the box, his face didn’t look good.

That Jiang Mi said a lot of random things, without any key points, but he still extracted the general meaning.

Jiang Mi persuaded him to break up with Lu Yanzhou and asked him not to tell Lu Yanzhou what happened today.

This person also felt that Lu Yanzhou was with him purely for money.

Lu Yanzhou did not take his money, but the relationship between Lu Yanzhou and Jiang Mi seemed to be different from what Lu Yanzhou said.

In fact, it’s okay if Lu Yanzhou had liked Jiang Mi before. Jiang Mi was already with Tan Shaojun. It was normal for Lu Yanzhou to forget Jiang Mi when he was with him.

But those chat records, and some of the things Jiang Mi said intentionally or unintentionally…

Xie Chengze felt uneasy for no reason.

He had never investigated Lu Yanzhou before, but at this moment, Xie Chengze suddenly wanted to know about Lu Yanzhou’s past.

Xie Chengze finally couldn’t hold back and asked someon to go to the place where Lu Yanzhou worked before to ask about Lu Yanzhou’s situation.

If Jiang Mi lied to him, he would apologize to Lu Yanzhou then.

If what Jiang Mi said was true…Xie Chengze still felt that Jiang Mi was lying.

He took out his phone, took a look at it, and saw that Lu Yanzhou had sent him several messages.

Lu Yanzhou has always cared about him and was very considerate, how could he not like him.

But…how can a young man in his twenties be so considerate if he has never been in love?

He is also good at cooking, knows how to arrange dates, and is also very good at kissing.

Xie Chengze closed his eyes and then opened them again.

That Jiang Mi must be lying to him.

Xie Chengze didn’t want to believe what Jiang Mi said, but after he asked someone to go to Lu Yanzhou’s former colleagues to ask about Lu Yanzhou’s situation, he knew a lot about Jiang Mi.

Lu Yanzhou’s former colleagues said that Lu Yanzhou lived frugally and did not spend much money, and all the money he saved was spent on Jiang Mi.

Lu Yanzhou’s former colleagues also said that Lu Yanzhou usually talks about Jiang Mi and always talks about making money so that Jiang Mi can live a good life.

1People who fall in love when they are old

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